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1、期末測(cè)試卷(一)1 4/Fmusic and art booksPart 1 ListeningI.聽音,標(biāo)序號(hào),寫阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字即可。n .聽音,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹁?,將序?hào)填入題前括號(hào)中。)1.It s his.B. I like the blue one.)2.B.I like the storybooks.)3.Because its quiet.I will have long hair.)4.We will go to Sanya.B.We will stay there for five days.)5.He lives in the hills .聽音,選擇合適的選項(xiàng)完成JillHe l

2、ives in Sha nghai.家的假日計(jì)劃,在橫線上填序號(hào)即可。I m going to row a boat on Sun dayWho: Jill s familyWhere to go:1Go there by:2Stay in: _3How long:4A. QingdaoB. Nanjing C. planeD . train E. a park F. a hotelG. 5 days H . 7 days1. 2. 3. 4. 5.W.聽音,將人物序號(hào)填入書店相應(yīng)樓層前的方框中。3/Fdictionaries2/F養(yǎng) t orybooksVFpicture booksi G/

3、Fnewspaper and magazinesV 聽音,把短文補(bǔ)充完整My name is Bobby. I am 1 at Maths, but I am weak 2 English. I do notget up_3_. So I have no time for breakfast In the 4, I will study 5 a nd I will read more English books I will not be late for school any 61. .6. Part 2 Writing1. c2. b3. s4. wn .萊特兄弟發(fā)明了飛行器

4、。請(qǐng)按順序在紙飛機(jī)上寫出句子序號(hào)。5. lA. They watch how the birds fly.B. They fly like birds .C. They draw a picture of their flying machine.D. They want to invent a flying machine.E. They build the flying mach ine.川.單項(xiàng)選擇。()1 . There is an emperor H beautiful clothes.A . likeB . likes C . liki ng()2 . -will we stay

5、in Sha nghai?-we ll stay there for five daysA . How many B . How much C . How long()3 . I 11 live in Beijing andlla teacherA . beB . amC . is()4 . Whose socks are those?Are th ?A . youB . yourC . yours()5 . The Spring Festival is all important Chinese festival People also callit Chinese.A . Christma

6、s B . Ope n DayC . New YearW .閱讀理解,按要求完成任務(wù)。School open DayThe Ope n Day is on 30th April . It is two o clock n the after noon. Ms Yu welcomes the pare nts at the school gateFirst.Ms YU takes the parents to the classroom She tells them about theless onsNext.they go to the art room . The childre n sho

7、w their pare nts some beautiful pictures.Then they go to the hall The children sing for their parentsAfter that, they go to the library . They look at the homework and projects on the boardFin ally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meet ing roomA 根據(jù)鈳文用阿植伯?dāng)?shù)字標(biāo)出開放日活動(dòng)地點(diǎn)的順序( )Art room( )C

8、lassroom ()Meet ing roomwww-2-1-cnjy-com(兒 ibrary( )HallB.根據(jù)短文。把開放日備忘錄補(bǔ)充完整. Jdassroom Yu tells theparents about the il丄畝V 閱讀理解,按要求完成任務(wù)Art roomchildren 2J.“ pareiits some beautifultheirLibraryThe parents look at the4 and projects on theAt the weekendMary:I m going to visit the Butterfly Park with my

9、grandparents.l like butterfliesMs Guo: Children, what are you going to do this weekend?Jack:I m going play football on Sun day. It s my favourite sport.Tony:I m going to see Onfi with my pare nts on Saturday after noonRose:I m going to fly a kite in the park on Sun dayLin da:I don t have any plans f

10、or the weekendRose:Do you want to come with me, Lin da?there.Lin da: Sure. Thank you very much, Rose.A .判斷下列句子正誤,正確的寫T錯(cuò)誤的寫“ F。()1. Mary is going to visit the Butterfly Park()2. Jack sfavourite sport is football.()3. Tony will see a film with his grandparents on Saturday afternoon()4. Mary and Linda

11、are going to see the butterflies on Sunday()5. Rose and Linda are going to fly a kite on Sun day【B.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,把人物和活動(dòng)連起來RoseTonyJackMaryLindam . Peter感冒了,你想給他什么建議?請(qǐng)至少寫出5條挑戰(zhàn)題()1.Who wrote The EmperorNew Clothes?A. Wilbur WrightB. AndersonC. Cao Xueqin()2. China Daily is a.A. storybookB. dictionaryC. newsp

12、apern .你能用英語字母標(biāo)出方位嗎?E=eastW=westS=southN=n orthI.常識(shí)考查,請(qǐng)把正確答案的序號(hào)填在題前括號(hào)中參考答案聽力原文I 聽音,標(biāo)序號(hào),寫阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字即可。1. I m going to May football with myriend this weekend. 2十-出2. I have a headache I should have a rest3. I like my new dress. It s beautiful.4. In the future, I will be a policeman.5. The giant lives in a

13、big house He is very tall.u.聽音,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹁洌瑢⑿蛱?hào)填入題前括號(hào)中。1. Which ball do you like,the blue one or the yellow one?2. What are you going to do this weekend?3. Why do you like this room?4 . How long will you stay in Sanya?5 . Where does the mon ster Nia n live?m .聽音,選擇合適的選項(xiàng)完成Jill 一家的假日計(jì)劃,在橫線上填序號(hào)即可。Jill s fam

14、ily are going to visit Nanjing this summer . They are going by train.They are going to stay in a hotel . They pla n to stay there for five days . They will have a nice holidayIV .聽音。將人物序號(hào)填人書店相應(yīng)樓層前的方框中。The Lis are at the bookshop . Mr . Li is on the ground floor . He is going to buy a magazine Kitty

15、is on the third floor . She is going to buy an English dictionary.Ben is on the sec ond floor: Hes going to buy a storybookV.聽音,把短文補(bǔ)充完整。My name is Bobby . I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English . I do not get up early . So I have no time for breakfast In the future,I will study hard and I will

16、 readmore English books. I will not be late for school any more.聽力部分l. (由左至右)2 513 4n.1. B 2.A 3. A 4. B5. Am.l. B 2.D 3. F4. GIV. A-G / FC-2/ FB-3 / FV. 1. good 2. in 3. early4. future 5. hard 6. more書寫部分l. 1. cap 2. boat 3. seafood 4. world 5. laughn.(由左至右)D A C E Bm.l. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. CV. A. 215 43B. 1. lessons 2. show3. sing 4. homework5. boardV. A . 1 . T 2 . T 3 . F 4 . F 5 . TB . Rose-放風(fēng)箏To ny-看電影Jack-踢足球 M


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