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1、Lesson 37 The Olympic Games,First listen to the radio and answer the question. When was the last time this country hosted the Olympic Games,生詞和短語,Olympic adj. 奧林匹克的hold v. 召開government n. 政府 Immense adj. 巨大的 stadium n. 露天體育場 standard n. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn) capital n. 首都 fantastic adj. 巨大的 design v.設(shè)計,Olympic adj. 奧林

2、匹克的the Olympic games 奧林匹克運動會(簡稱 the Games,一般大型運動會用 games,hold (held, held) v. 召開1 vt. 拿著,抓住,抱住Please hold the bady while I take off my coat.Why are you holding my bag?2 容納,裝得下,包含This cup cant hold much water. 這杯子裝不了多少水。 The stadium can hold 20,000 people.3 舉行,進行(會議、會談等);慶祝(節(jié)日);紀(jì)念 have a meeting = ho

3、ld a meeting 召開會議 We are going to hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the subject. 明天我們準(zhǔn)備開一次會來討論這個議題,hold 習(xí)慣用被動: held The Olympic games will be held in China in 2008. (two thousand eight)A festival is held at Edinburgh every year. 節(jié)日慶典每年在愛丁堡舉行一次. The next conference will be held in Geneva. 下次會議將在日內(nèi)瓦舉

4、行,Immense adj. 巨大的 ,極大的, 無邊的, 一望無際的 巨大的露天體育場 ( ) The universe is immense. immense oceanbig adj.(一般的)大的 big man 大人物large adj. 數(shù)量的大, 尺寸的大 a large number of .不說 a big number of large man 大塊頭,standard n. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn) high standard 高標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Olympic-standard 奧林匹克標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(運動會中的最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn))(復(fù)合形容詞:形容詞+名詞) 奧林匹克標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的游泳池(,stadium n. 露天體育場 P

5、layground 操場sports field 運動場gym 健身房,capital n. 首都capital adj. 大寫的, 重要的,design v. 設(shè)計1 vt. 設(shè)計Susan has just drawn a design for a new dress. Here is the design of the new house. designer n. 設(shè)計師well-designed 設(shè)計不錯的(復(fù)合形容詞:副詞+過去分詞,1、The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time.in four y

6、ears time 四年之后 (in 常與將來時連用表示“.時間之后”,2、As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool. as/because 原因,as 是連詞,引出原因狀語從句,as 用于表示原因時通常位于句首 As you cant type the letter yourself, youll have to ask

7、Susan to do it for you. Jims trying to save more money because he wants to buy a car. a large number of people = a great many people 大批的人an immense stadium 一個大型體育場a new Olympic-standard swimming pool 一個新的奧運會標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的游泳池,Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. 今年年底前工人們將把新路鋪好。by t

8、he end of this year 到今年年底前 將來完成時。這個時態(tài)表示到將來某一時刻已經(jīng)完成的動作 by是完成時的標(biāo)志, 表示“到.為止,在.之前,并不晚于某時的任何時間”,不能與表示一段時間的名詞名詞連用,只能與表示時間點的名詞或詞組連用,用于肯定句與用于否定句有一定區(qū)別。 Ill have left by Monday. 到星期一我將已離開。(星期一之前的任何時間)I wont have left by Monday. 我星期一之前不會離開。 (星期一還在,Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up

9、. as 是連詞,相當(dāng)于 while,當(dāng)“當(dāng),正值”講,引出時間狀語從句,它引導(dǎo)的從句雖然表示將來的動作 但要用一般現(xiàn)在時,不能用 “.will go up,We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country. look forward to+n./pron./doing sth. (很高興的)盼望,期待,將來完成時,將來完成時用于表示到將來某一時刻已經(jīng)完成的動作。將來完成時由 will have

10、+過去分詞構(gòu)成。它常與 by 和 not.till/until+表示時間的名詞連用。I hope theyll have finished it in time for the journey.I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. I will have finished it until/till tomorrow,一般將來時除了可以用來預(yù)言將來發(fā)生的事以外,還可以表示“意愿”,如允諾、建議、請求、提議等。 The radio hasnt been mended yet. Never mind! Ill mend it f

11、or you. (允諾)Will you open the door for me please! (請求)Shall we go for a swim tomorrow? (建議) 將來進行時除了表示最近或不久的將來正在進行的動作外,還可以表示計劃或安排好的事: A great many people will be visiting the country,現(xiàn)在完成式 : 到現(xiàn)在某一點時間為止過去完成式 : 到過去某一點時間為止將來完成式 : 到將來某一點時間為止, 某個動作已經(jīng)發(fā)生,Look 的短語,Look forward to (expect with pleasure) (高興地)

12、盼望,期待著(to 為介詞后面只能跟名詞、代詞和 動名詞,不能接動詞原形) I am looking forward to the summer holidays. 我正盼望暑假的到來. I look forward to seeing to you during the weekend. Look out (be careful) 當(dāng)心 (注意),留神 Look out! A bus is coming. 當(dāng)心點, 公共汽車來了. You should always look out when you walk across a road,Look out of 朝外看 Dont look out of the window. Look up 1 (get information from a reference book) 查閱 (從參考書中獲取資料)


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