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1、第二學期福州延安中學與屏東中學聯考七年級英語期末試卷(滿分100分; 考試時間120分鐘)出卷:延安 池翠蘭 審核:屏東 黃貞霞第一部分 聽力(20分鐘)1.聽句子,選擇正確圖片,每個句子讀一遍,(5分)BC()5.An聽對話及問題,選擇正確答案,對話及問題讀兩遍(5分)()6.A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall()7.A.Sha nghaiB.Kummi ng C.Hai nan()8.A.In the carB.At the traffic lights C.On the playgrou nd()9.A.There are two B. There is one C.Zer

2、o() 10.1 ts a farmhourse B.I ts apartme nt buildi ng C.I ts a tow nhouse川聽對話,選擇正確答案,對話讀兩遍(5分)聽第一段對話,完成第11-12小題。()11. When is Nan cys birthday ?A. Next Su ndayB.Tomorrow C.Today()12.Whats Marias prese nt for Na ncy?A. pen cilB.A penC.A story book聽第二短對話,完成第13-15小題。hurt()13.What was the matter with Bil

3、l yesterday? A.His right ha nd gotB. He fell off the tree C.He fell off his bike()14.Where did Bill hurt hlmself ?A. On his bike B.On the tree C.On the road()15.How is Billnow?A. He is fineB.He is not fineC.It is ns me ntio ned(沒提到)IV .聽新聞填空,讀兩遍。(5分)16 GamePlace:School 17Day: 18Time : 19 p.m-6:30p.m

4、Team :Class 2 and Class 4Its 20 Please come and watch it第二部分英語知識運用(50 分)I單項選擇:(15分)()21.Heusuallyplayspia noon Saturdayand playsbasketballon SundayA./,theB.the,/C.the,the()22.Therearefloors in this buildingand Mr.Wa ngs office ison floor.A.twelve,twelfthB.twelve,the twelfthC, twelve , twelve()23.of

5、them takes many photo in the summer holidays every year.A.AllB.SomeC.Each()24.Tom was bornLondonMay lst,2001.A.i n;inB.i n;onC.o n;on()25.I ofte n watch himwith his dog.A.playi ng B.plays C.play()26.-The sun is shiningand it s very hot.-Let s go and have a dink.A.heavily B.stro ng C.brightly()27.the

6、 singerChina last Sun day.A.got B.arrived in C.arrived at()28.We d betteralone in the river.A.not swim B , not to swim C.don t swim()29.When National Day comes , we have a holiday.A.seve n-day B.seve n-days C.seve ndays()30. do you go to the zoowith yourparents?Three times a mon th.A. How lo ng B.Ho

7、w ofte nC.Howfar()31.Whats the date today?A.It s June 27. B.It s windy.C.It s Tuesday.()32. There iswith my bike .I must ask Uncle Wang for help.Oh,sorry to hear that.A.wro ng someth ing B.someth ing wrong C.a nythi ng wrong()33. Tom oftento work on foot , but this morning heto work.A.goes,rides B.g

8、oes.rode C.go,rode()34. going to Gulangyu for my holiday this Saturday.A.Really? B.Best wishes to you C.Enjoyyour trip!()35. Excuse me , ?yes.Go along this street and turn right.A. How can I get to the bookstore?B. Which is the way to the bookstore?C. Is there a bookstore n ear here?n .完形填空。(10分)1n

9、the world today , people need to relax(放松).We cant work all the time 36_we want to be hear .A very popular( 流行的)way of 37js to play sports. There 38 some team(團隊)sport basketball and soccer.The in dividual(個人)sports like swim ming and runningare also very popular.people 39 sports but they dont want

10、to play sports. They like40_ sports games on TV. So people like some recreations(娛樂)like watching TV, 41 anddancing.All these recreation can make feel relaxed. People know 43 to work and relax.They stop working when they are 44 they feel relaxed, they can have more.energy( 精力)to do their 45. ()36.A.

11、but B.orc.if()37.A.doing B.making c.relaxing()38.A.isB.arec.be()39.A.enjoy B.miss c.think()40.A.seeing B.watching c.looking()41.A.sleeping B.shopping c.singing()42.them B.him c.us()43.A.what B.howc.where()44.A.happy B.tiredc.angry()45.A.sport B.housework c.work川閱讀理解。(25分)(一)閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。A篇Drivers Wan

12、 tedHouse for SaleDrive for Xin hua Restaura nt. 1,200,000 , built in 2005.with 3Evening work on weekdays.bedrooms, a bathroom , a livingroom andAll meals at work are free.a kitche n.Ring 8771255It is in the south of the city.Call Bob at8395078Yon ghui SupermaketRoses Special ConcertA new Yonghui Su

13、permaket in our city willTime: 2: 004: 30p.m,Nov.25thope n on Nov.8th.Place:Fuzhou TheaterEverybody todays Fuzhou Daily can get aTicket Price:small prese nt that day.Welcome160 yuan for each adult (大人)and80 yuanTel:8798432for each stude ntAdd: No.122 Wuyi RoadTel:8221223()46. If you work a driver in

14、 the restaura nt, you will work.A. i n the after noonB.in the eveningC. every dayD. on weeke nds()47.A nn wants to buy a house in the south of the city. She can callA.8771255B.8395078C.8798432D.8221223()48. People with that days Fuzhou Daily can get a small prese ntfrom.A.Fuzhou theater B. Xinhua Re

15、staurantC. Fuzhou Daily D.Yonghui Supermarket( )49. Lin Ning is a school boy. He would like to go to Rose s concert withhis parents.They will payfor the tickets.A. 80B.160C.240D.400( )50. Which one is right according to the messages.A The wanted driver neednt pay for(為. 付錢) his meals at work .B. The

16、 house for sale costs more than 1200,000 yuanC. You can go to the new Yonghui Supermarket on Nov.5thD. We can enjoy Roses concert in Fuzhou theater in the eveningB篇Traffic tights are very important for us. I think you know this. But do youknow how they were born ?Garrett A. Morgan was the father of

17、traffic light. His family was poor.He left school at the age of 14.He was clever. He always looked for better ways to do things , And he liked to make new things.At that time, every American wanted to have a cat.The streets were full of cars. The trafficwas really bad. “ Why not put three lightsat e

18、ach corner?They should be ted , green, and yellow,” Morgan said ,“ Let themtell cars to go or stop.So he made a timer (定時器) to change the lights. Now we have traffic lights today.( )51 .Today can help buses or cars to go regularly in cities.A. Americans B.Traffic tights C.Chinese D.policemen() 52.Ga

19、rrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He camefrom.A.Canada B.England C.America D.Japan( ) 53. Why could Garrett A. Morgan invent(發(fā)明 ) traffic light ? BecauseA. he always looked for better ways to do thingsB. his family was very poorC. he wan ted to have a carD. He was clever()54.What did

20、 Garrett A.Morgan do whe n he was14 years old?A.He studied at school. B.He put three lights in the street.C.He was away from school. D.He bought a car.()55.The best title(標題)for the passage(短文)is.A.story about Morga n B.Traffic lightsC.low were traffic lights born D.Traffic lights are importa nt.C篇D

21、o you a lot of friends ? Are you friendly ? If you say you dont know 。No problem! Lets have a test(測試)Imagine( 設想)today is your birthday.Your friend gave you a bunch(束)ofbeautiful flowers(插花).You will put them.a. i n the bathroomb.n ear the doorc.n ear the window d.on the dinner tableYour an swer is

22、.a. You arent friend to your friends eno ugh;You always tell lies(說謊)b. Sometimes you are kind and you can help your frien ds.You must know“ A friendin n eed is a frie nd in deed.c. You can always help your frien ds.You have many friends and you can have a goodtime together.d. Every one loves you.Yo

23、u are a happy boy(girl). Your activitymakes every one happy.56. This is.A.a bori ng ad(廣告) B.a sad storyC.a n advice(建議)D.a mind test(心理測試)57. Alice always tells others a lie,.A.She has many friends B.she has a few frien ds.C.she has few frien ds. D.Every one loves her58. What does “ A friend in n e

24、ed is a friend in deed” mean?C. 一個朋友不需要D.59.lf Jerry puts flowers n ear the win dow近朱者赤,近墨者黑,then.A.every one loves him B.sometime he is ki ndC.he isn t kind to others D.he always helps others happily.60.The best title(題目)is.A.A frie ndB.Do you know yourself?C.Are you frie ndlyD.Be happyD篇What will

25、the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather willbe like from birds.When they see birds fly high out to the sea, they know it is anice day.because birds don t like to fly out if it rains. When the weather is bad, the birds will come back to the beach.A big wi nd may come with

26、a rain .Birds do notlike to fly in a big wind. they may sit in a tree when rain is coming. Other animals can also tellthe weather; It is a cloudy day. The rain iscoming.Chickens (小雞)are not quiet, and they are running here and there.Frogs( 青蛙) are making big noise in the pool,If it is a nice day,the

27、 frogs will come out of.the water.()61.How many kinds of animals can we find in the passage(短文)?A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four()62.We can go and play beach volleyball(排球)whe n birds.A. come backB.fly high in the skyC.play on the beach D.Both B and C()63.What does the underlined(劃線的)wordtellmean in the a

28、rticle (文章)A.說 B. 告訴 C. 判斷D. 談話()64.What does the article mea n(意思)?A. We must plotect(保護)the ani mals.B. Birds do not like to fly in the rain and big wind.C. Some animals aren t quiet when the rain is coming.D. We can know what the weather will be like from the animals.()65.What s the best title(題目

29、)for the passage(短文)about ?A.Wi nd and RainB.Birds,Chickens and FrogsC.the Weather and the Ani malsD.Bride and a Rai nE篇(二)任務型閱讀。閱讀短文,把A-E五個句子填入文中空缺處,使短文意思通順,內容完整。(5分)In China, most of the stude nts like doing their homework in a quiet place,But some 66 Jhis is study habit(習慣).67 Some are good on es

30、, others are no t.68 If you good habits you canlearn things well.You can remember them easily.(容易)69 That is not a good place to study in because it is usually veryno isy.You n eed to study in a quiet place such as your study or bedroom.70_A. Some students like to study in the living room.B. A quiet

31、 place can help you learn better.C. All the students need to have good habits.D. They always do their homework and liste n to music.E. There are many differe nt kinds of study habits.1.( A)根據圖片及英語提示,給福圖寫出一個適當的句子。(5分)12第三部分 寫作(30分)717572. boys , now73. we,pla n,this afternoon74. there be.shelf75.it.y

32、esterday,today(B)根據情景提示,寫出句子(5分)76. 你想知道你朋友李雷的生日禮物是什么形狀,你這么問他:,Li Lei?77. 你想知道康康是什么時候出生的,你這么問他:,Kangkang?78. 你告訴你的朋友當你五歲時,你會表演一點點魔術,你這么說:79你想告訴你的朋友過馬路時要小心,你這么對他說:80.你想了解福州秋天的天氣情況,你這么問:n短文填空(10分)閱讀下面短文,在每個空格內填入一個適當的單詞.所填單詞要求意義準確,拼寫正確。There are many different festivals in China.The Spring Festival is

33、the mostways,and81( /im p?:t( ?)nt/ ) festival.Chinese people may 82(/selibrert/)itin differentbut their wishes are the 83 .People do a lot of thin gs84_the Spring Festival comes. They prepare delicious food,buy new clothes for theirchildrenand clean their homes.Cleaning85_ (mean)saying goodbye to the old fife welco ming the new on e.They are also busy86(decorate)Their homes.Mary people like to put up beautiful87 on t


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