



1、Unit 1 My name is Gina.單元目標(biāo)與要求1學(xué)會(huì)問候他人2學(xué)會(huì)如何做自我介紹, 認(rèn)識(shí)新朋友,并正確稱呼他們的英文名字3從對(duì)話中學(xué)會(huì)獲取更多他人的基本信息4初步學(xué)會(huì)使用部分形容詞性物主代詞5學(xué)會(huì)從對(duì)話中獲取對(duì)方的基本信息(詢問他人姓名)。.6掌握基本英文姓名的讀法。7. 熟練掌握數(shù)字0-9的英文表述。8.能制作本人的ID card.9.幫助學(xué)生比較中英文姓名的不同之處,通過了解中英文名字的區(qū)別,培養(yǎng)和提高學(xué)生對(duì)中外文化差異的敏感性和鑒別能力,加深對(duì)本國(guó)文化的理解和認(rèn)識(shí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的世界觀意識(shí),以及初步的跨文化交際能力。單元課時(shí)安排The 1st period:Section A

2、1a1c The 2nd period:Section A 2a2c The 3rd period:Section A 3a3c The 4thperiod:Section B 1a2cThe 5th period:Section B 3a3c The fifth periodTeaching Contents and Analysis(教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析)Teaching materials(教學(xué)內(nèi)容):Section B 3a3c Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo)) 1復(fù)習(xí)英文中姓與名的表達(dá)方式,熟練掌握英文中姓在后,名在前。2復(fù)習(xí)英文中數(shù)字的表達(dá)方式,會(huì)熟練制作ID card。Lang

3、uage points ( 語(yǔ)言點(diǎn))1要求掌握以下句式:(1) Whats her telephone number ? Whats her family name ? Whats her first name ?(2)My name is Tina. Nice to meet you. Im Mary . Nice to meet you too.2要求掌握以下詞匯:Unit 1 所有詞匯,注意了解它們的詞性。Analysis of key items and difficulties of teachingL教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)分析):、Important Points(重點(diǎn)): 復(fù)習(xí)本單元的重

4、點(diǎn)單詞,句型。、Difficult Points (難點(diǎn)): 中國(guó)人將姓放在前,名在后,英文中名在前,姓在后。名字的書寫。Teaching stepsTeaching ProceduresSuggestions&Explanation1. Warming-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常問候)T:Good morning, everyone.S:Good morning, Claire.T: How is the weather today? S: It is (nice / great / fine /

5、 good / beautiful / not bad / pretty good / fantastic/ bad / terrible / awful / hot / cool / cold/ windy / rainy )(2)Revision(復(fù)習(xí))T: Whats your English name ?S: My English name is Mike.T: Whats your family name ?S: My family name is Smith. T; Whats your destmates first name ?S; His first name is Gree

6、n . T: Whats his telephone number ?S: His telephone number is 66887799. 2. Work on 3a(完成P5 1a)T: Now look at the pictures on P5. Please Find the last names and write them below.(使用教材第5頁(yè)上圖片的掛圖,給學(xué)生一分鐘時(shí)間獨(dú)立或和同桌討論來(lái)完成此項(xiàng)任務(wù)。在此基礎(chǔ)上組織下面操練)Eg: T: (教師誘發(fā)S1說出“Whats Gina Greens first name ?lhIm the boy in the purpl

7、e pants.”,然后問) Where did you go?S1:Her name is Gina. T: (誘發(fā)S2) What is her family name ?S2: Her family name is Green.Drill: S1: Whats Nick Hands family name /first name ?S2: Whats Jim Smiths family name /first name ?S3: Whats Linda Browns family name /first name ? 3Work on 1b(完成P53b)T: Now Look at t

8、he ID cards and answer the questions. Eg: T: Now lets check the answers. Her telephone number is 535-2375,her family name is Brown, her first name is Jenny.S: His telephone number is 868-7889, his family name is Smith, his first name is Jenny. 4Work on 3c(完成P53c)T: Please Fill in your own ID card. 5

9、Work on 4c ( 完成P54c )T: Now write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. 6Follow up(進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)展)T: Now its your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions a

10、bout his friend . Eg:A: Whats your friends first name and last name ?B: His first name is Mike and last name is Jordan. A: Whats your friends telephone number ?B: His telephone number is 84693218.A: Whats his address ?B; No.58 Pingan Street.7. Work on Page 6 in our workbook. T: Now lets check the wo

11、rds you know and have a competition to see which group do the best. 8 Work on Page 6 in our workbook.T: Now write five or more words in your Vocab-Builder. 9. Oral work . T: get ready for five minutes. Please introduce one of your friends orally before class.10Homework Oral work: (1) Listen to Unit

12、1, read and recite it. (2) Read the the sentences in Grammar Focus. (3) Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.Written work: (1) Finish workbook P.4.(2) Bring some of your family photos to school and get ready to introduce to the classmates.這問題是為了操練日常用語(yǔ)。建議讓多個(gè)Ss作答。鼓勵(lì)他們相互問候。該問題除了繼續(xù)操練前面幾課的句型外,還要通過這種提問幫助學(xué)生熟悉全班同學(xué)的名字,及英文姓與名的表達(dá)方式。本課主要是在復(fù)習(xí)的基礎(chǔ)上,再增添新的單詞量。(如:destmate)要求其他同學(xué)在聽的同時(shí),仿照課文3c做ID card 該練習(xí)主要是為了操練英文中姓與名的表達(dá)方式,使同學(xué)們熟悉英文中名在前、姓在后。 可以讓學(xué)生自己展示各種各樣的ID c


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