2020-2021年七年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件Unit6 第三課時 Section A(Grammar Focus~3c)_第1頁
2020-2021年七年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件Unit6 第三課時 Section A(Grammar Focus~3c)_第2頁
2020-2021年七年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件Unit6 第三課時 Section A(Grammar Focus~3c)_第3頁
2020-2021年七年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件Unit6 第三課時 Section A(Grammar Focus~3c)_第4頁
2020-2021年七年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件Unit6 第三課時 Section A(Grammar Focus~3c)_第5頁
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1、第三課時Section A(Grammar Focus3c,功能 1表示說話時正在進(jìn)行或發(fā)生的動作。 2表示現(xiàn)階段正在進(jìn)行但說話時不一定在進(jìn)行的動作。 特征詞 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時多與表示時間的副詞now連用;以look,listen等詞開頭的句子,也常用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。 句式 1肯定句:主語be動詞(am/is/are)v.ing其他如: Mary is washing her clothes.瑪麗正在洗衣服。 2否定句:主語be動詞(am/is/are)notv.ing其他如,She isnt watching TV now.她現(xiàn)在沒看電視。 3一般疑問句:Be動詞(Am/Is/Are)主語v.ing其

2、他?如: Are they playing games?他們在玩游戲嗎? 4特殊疑問句:疑問詞be動詞(am/is/are)主語v.ing其他?如: What is your father doing?你爸爸在干什么,一、用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 1Look!Maria (ride)a bike there. 2Listen!Ms.Li (tell)a story to the students. 3The girls (sing)in the classroom now. 4Where is your mom? She (make)dinner in the kitchen. 5Mr.Br

3、own (write)a book these days,is riding,is telling,are singing,is making,is writing,二、單項(xiàng)選擇。 6Look!Some children in the pool.Lets go and join them. Aswim Bare swimming Cwill swim Dswims 7Now my friend and I photos. Aam taking Bare taking Ctake Dare take 8Listen!Sally the violin in the garden.It sounds

4、 nice. Aplays Bplayed Cis playing Dhas played,B,B,C,9Linda often housework in the evening,but now she TV. Adoes;watches Bis doing;watches Cdoes;is watching Dis doing;is watching 10Its eight oclock.My father a newspaper and my mother is TV. Areading;watching Breading;watches Cis reading;watches Dis r

5、eading;watching,C,D,三、按要求完成下列各題。每空一詞,縮寫算一詞。 11Alice is practicing the guitar.(改為一般疑問句) Alice the guitar? 12I am playing basketball.(改為一般疑問句) basketball? 13Rick is dancing with his friends.(對畫線部分提問) Rick with his friends? 14Are they playing chess in the room?(作否定回答) 15Gina often does the dishes at ho

6、me.(用now改寫句子) Gina the dishes at home now,Is,practicing,Are you playing,What is,doing,No,they arent,is doing,四、連詞成句。(注意大小寫,標(biāo)點(diǎn)已給出) 16am,with,drinking,tea,my,mother,I,now(.) I am drinking tea with my mother now. 17just,my,I,homework,doing,am(.) I am just doing my homework. 18want,the,do,you,with,movies,to,go,to,me(?) Do you want to go to the movies with me? 19he,computer,is,playing,now,game


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