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1、2009年10月全國自考物流英語真題一、語法、詞匯。用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~語填空。從ABCD四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)正確答案,并在答題紙上將所選答案的字母涂黑。(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (20points)1. The aim of management is to minimize the amount of material in stock.A inventionB inventiveC inventivenessD inventory答案:D2.

2、Dont forget to refer to the book ERP in the of planning resources inyour enterprise.A wayB routeC processD proceed答案:C3. The expenses will be for your account if you place an order of 100,000tons of roll steel at a time.My workshop uses only ten tons a month.A stockingB storageC storeD stored答案:B4.

3、The big city has a multicultural population with a growing base.A industryB industrialC agricultureD agricultural答案:B5. One of the key points in distribution of product is whether it is where thecustomer wishes to consume it.A availableB availabilityC consumableD useful答案:A6. Weve studied all our ca

4、talogs.A competitorsB competitorsC competitorD competitors答案:D7. The firm from a local one to a national one.A has been expandedB has expandedC was expandedD expand答案:B8. Carefully managing inventory levels good economic sense.A makeB are madeC makesD are making答案:C9. Industrial packaging has a sign

5、ificant on the cost and productivity oflogistics.A affectB impactC importanceD function答案:B10. A growing number of customers require that product tracked as it movesthrough the supply chain.A beingB to beC have beenD be答案:D11. A warehouse manager will have to minimize time on responding to demandand

6、 errors in dispatches.A spendingB to spendC spentD spend答案:C12. Your explanation on EOQ is ,and few of us can follow you.A vagueB clearC prospectiveD unattractive答案:A13. If you refuse to develop yourself,others will you.A performB outC winD outperform答案:D14. The shipping company will issue the Bill

7、of Lading according thestatements on this document.A fromB toC forD via答案:B15. If you pass the test,you will go to college.A unimportantB interestedC disinterestedD crucial答案:D16. Generally speaking,cigarettes can be found in a shop.A bakerysB butchersC tobacconistsD stationerys答案:C17. In this world

8、, is very important to the modern people.A informationB nationC facilityD upstream答案:A18. Do you hear that has become a hot career?It sounds too good to be true.A logicalB logisticsC logicD logistic答案:B19. I cant promise, Ill do my best.A butB ifC howeverD anyway答案:A20. One of the of supply manageme

9、nt is to reduce overall costs.A objectB objectivesC objectiveD objection答案:B二、閱讀理解 認(rèn)真閱讀短文,每篇短文后有5個(gè)問題,根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容從ABCD四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)正確答案,并在答題紙上將所選答案的字母涂黑。(本大題共15小題,每小題2分,共30分)Read the following passages and answer the questions. (10points)1. Passage 1WASHINGTONEarlier today,the United States Postal Service a

10、nd FedEx Express saidthey have renewed their Global Express Guaranteed (GXG)alliance. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.USPS officials said that GXG is comprised of its date-certain international deliveryservice to more than 190 countries and territories,adding that GXG shipping labelsand pa

11、ckaging feature both USPS and FedEx logos.USPS and FedEx began offering this joint service in July 2004.Prior to that,USPS hada similar arrangement with DHL.With GXG,customers drop off packages at their localpost offices at which point FedEx picks up those packages,sorts them,and handles thecountry-

12、to-country linehaul and final delivery.USPS and FedEx said that GXG is available at thousands of participating postalretail locations and through Click-N-Ship online at . “This partnership makes sense,because FedEx does a good job on internationalshipments and charges a reasonable price,” sa

13、id Doug Caldwell,executive vicepresident of ParcelPool,a parcel consultancy.A nice feature of GXG cited by Caldwell is that “the price you pay is the price youpay,” as there are not as many add-on chargesor accessorialwhich can often beextensive with international shipments.And oftentimes,he said sh

14、ippinginternationally with the USPS can be more costbeneficial than a private carrier dueto negotiated discounts.He added if shippers have a clear understanding of theirdelivery costs between point A and point B,particularly if they are subject to anextended area surcharge,shipping with the USPS can

15、 be less expensive.(1). Which of the following statements about USPS is NOT correct?(A). USPS is the abbreviation for the United States Postal Service.(B). USPS had the GXG alliance with FedEx Express for the first time.(C). Shipping internationally with the USPS can save money,in accordance withto

16、an executive vice president of a parcel consultancy.(D). USPS has international delivery service to over 190 countries andterritories.答案:B(2). USPS and FedEx began joint service in.(A). 2002(B). 2004(C). 2006(D). 2008答案:B(3). Why does USPS have partnership with FedEx?(A). FedEx has Click-N-Ship onli

17、ne.(B). FexEx has good reputation on international shipments.(C). FexEx charges a reasonable price.(D). Both B and C答案:D(4). In Paragraph 4,the phrase of prior to means.(A). due to(B). before(C). as a result of(D). in addition to答案:B(5). This article must be adapted from .(A). a science fiction(B).

18、a leaflet(C). a piece of news(D). a notice答案:C2. Passage 2Is the freight market still declining,stabilizing or possibly even recovering?Theanswer seems to vary with every analyst and report that is published.Some analystssee the US economy still suffering with almost ten percent unemployment and the

19、Chinese economy still rather volatile(反復(fù)無常的),which of courseimpacts imports into the US.On the other hand,the larger US transportation companies are doing their best totalk their way into a recovery by announcing that freight volumes are somewhatstable and they expect that trend to continue through

20、the third and fourth quartersof 2009.However,is this a result of smaller companies being squeezed out,effectively reducing capacity which in turn increases the bottom line for thelarger carriers?The US freight market is tied to consumer confidence and until spending increasesthe freight companies wi

21、ll have to look to cost cutting to increase profits orreduce losses.A recent report from the US Commerce Department shows that retailsales in May increased by 0.5% over April,but this single indicator does not mean anend to the recession.With the variety of reports showing that there is no overallup

22、ward trend,the freight companies are still going to have to wait a bit longer forthat real good news.(1). In the view of the author,it seems that US economy .(A). is closely related to Chinese economy(B). has nothing to do with Chinese economy(C). is independent from all other economic bodies(D). is

23、 now recovering答案:A(2). The unemployment rate in the US nowadays is .(A). less than 10% (B). exactly 10% (C). more than 10%(D). far more than 10%答案:A(3). Larger transportation companies announced that .(A). their freight volumes are declining (B). their freight volumes are stabilizing (C). their fre

24、ight volumes are recovering(D). the freight volumes of smaller companies are being squeezed out答案:B(4). What is the real good news?(A). There is no overall upward trend in freight market. (B). The freight companies are still going to have to wait. (C). The retail sales increased by 0.5%.(D). The rec

25、ession ends.答案:D(5). Which of the following is the best title for this passage?(A). Is the Freight Market Up Or Down?(B). Freight Market.(C). The Freight Market Is Decided by Larger Companies.(D). US Commerce Department Report.答案:A3. Passage 3Inventory is the total amount of goods and/or materials c

26、ontained in a store orfactory at any given time.Store owners need to know the precise number of items ontheir shelves and storage areas in order to place orders or control losses.Factorymanagers need to know how many units of their products are available for customerorders.Restaurants need to order

27、more food based on their current supplies and menuneeds.All of these businesses rely on an inventory count to provide answers.The word “inventory” can refer to both the total amount of goods and the act ofcounting them.Many companies take an inventory of their supplies on a regular basisin order to

28、avoid running out of popular items.Others take an inventory to ensurethe number of items ordered matches the actual number of items countedphysically.Shortages or overages after an inventory can indicate a problem withtheft(called“shrinkage” in retail circles)or inaccurate accounting practices.Resta

29、urants and other retail businesses which take frequent inventories may use a“par” system based on the results.The inventory itself may reveal10 apples,12oranges and 8 bananas on the produce shelf,for example.The preferred number of eachitem is listed on a “par sheet”,a master list of all the items i

30、n therestaurant.If the par sheet calls for 20 apples,15 oranges and 10 bananas,then themanager knows to place an order for 10 apples,3 oranges and 2 bananas to reach thepar number.This same principle holds true for any other retail business with anumber of different product lines.Companies also take

31、 an inventory every quarter in order to generate numbers forfinancial reports and tax records.Ideally,most companies want to have just enoughinventories to meet current orders.Having too many products languishing in awarehouse can make a company look less appealing to investors and potentialcustomer

32、s.Quite often a company will offer significant discounts if the inventorynumbers are high and sales are low.This is commonly seen in new car dealerships asthe manufacturers release the next years models before the current vehicles on thelot have been sold.Furniture companies may also offer “inventor

33、y reduction sales”in order to clear out their showrooms for newer merchandise.(1). The passage tells us that inventory is important to .(A). store owners (B). factory managers (C). restaurants(D). all of those businesses答案:D(2). Which of the following statements is TRUE?(A). Inventory refers to the

34、total amount of goods only. (B). Inventory refers to the act of counting goods only. (C). Too few inventories may cause problems to the company.(D). Companies generally take an inventory every three months.答案:C(3). Which of the following sentences is the main idea of the third paragraph?(A). Restaur

35、ants and other retail businesses which take frequentinventoriesmay use a par system based on the results.(B). The inventory itself may reveal 10 apples,12 oranges and 8 bananas on theproduce shelf,for example.(C). The preferred number of each item is listed on a par sheet,a masterlist of all the ite

36、ms in the restaurant.(D). If the par sheet calls for 20 apples,15 oranges and 10 bananas,then themanager knows to place an order for 10 apples,3 oranges and 2 bananasto reachthe par number.答案:A(4). If the inventory numbers within a company are too high,the company may .(A). offer discounts(B). keep

37、the inventories that way(C). clean the warehouse(D). use a par system答案:A(5). In the last paragraph,the word of appealing probably means .(A). surprising(B). attractive(C). bad(D). important答案:B三、術(shù)語翻譯 根據(jù)題目要求,將下列術(shù)語分別譯成漢語或英語,譯文寫在答題紙上相應(yīng)的位置。(本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)Translate the following terms into Chinese

38、 or English. (10 points)1. warehousing答案:倉儲(chǔ)2. pricing答案:定價(jià)3. liner market答案:班輪市場(chǎng)4. Container Load Plan答案:裝箱單5. Documents against Payment答案:付款交單【評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】(1)譯對(duì)一題得1分。(2)措辭略有不同,如未改變?cè)~義,不扣分。(3)詞義不對(duì),不得分。6. 購買型產(chǎn)品答案:shopping product(s)7. 利息答案:interest8. 運(yùn)費(fèi)費(fèi)率答案:Transportation Rate(s)9. 信用證答案:Letter of Credit10.

39、海上運(yùn)輸答案:maritime shipping【評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】(1)譯對(duì)一題得1分。(2)有拼寫錯(cuò)誤不得分。(3)如有兩個(gè)備選答案,寫對(duì)任何一個(gè)得1分,寫對(duì)兩個(gè)不加分。四、詞語匹配將A欄中的詞語與B欄中的漢語釋義相匹配,并將B欄中所選答案的字母寫在答題紙上相應(yīng)的位置。(本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分) Match the words and expressions in Column A with the Chinese explanations inColumn B (10 points)1.答案:46.B47.H48.C49.I50.J 51.D52.E53.A54.F55.G五、簡

40、答題用英語簡要回答下列問題。(本大題共2小題,每小題5分,共10分)Answer the following questions in English.(10 Points)1. How many sectors of economic activities are involved in logistics?What arethey?答案:Generally there are eight economic sectors involved in logistics.(1分)They are packaging,warehousing,material handling,inventory,

41、transport,forecasting,strategic planning and customer service.(每個(gè)要點(diǎn)0.5分)2. What does supply management mean for most organizations?答案:Every organization,whether it is a manufacturer,wholesaler or retailer,buysmaterials,services and supplies to support its operation.(1分) For most organizations,supply

42、 management means purchasing.(1分)In many firms,purchasing has been seen as a clerical activity.(1分) However,the emergence of the supply chain management concept has enlightened manymanagers about the strategic role played by purchasing.(2分)【評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)】每小題分值5分,拼寫錯(cuò)誤每三個(gè)扣1分,語法錯(cuò)誤每個(gè)扣0.5分,最高累計(jì)扣分不超過2分。六、句子翻譯根據(jù)題目要

43、求,將下列句子分別譯成漢語,譯文寫在答題紙上相應(yīng)的位置。(本大題共5小題,每小題2分,共10分)Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (10 points)1. It is recognized in industrialized countries that logistics is nowthe lastfrontier for increasing benefits in industrial production.答案:在工業(yè)化國家里,物流是工業(yè)生產(chǎn)中增加利潤的最后一關(guān),這一點(diǎn)已有共識(shí)。2. For the time being we are concerned only with the question of how much we haveto pay for obsolescence cost.答案:這里我們僅關(guān)心我們要有多少無形損耗費(fèi)的問題。3. As time pa


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