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1、2016沖刺高考寫作句子練習,1將下列各組簡單句合并成并列句。 Your study becomes much more difficult. You have to work much harder. 合并:_ I failed to pass the midterm examination. I worked hard at English and devoted all my spare time to practicing English. _ Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols. 48% of the b

2、oys favor sports stars. 合并:_,Your study becomes much more difficult, so you have to work much harder.,I worked hard at English and devoted all my spare time to practicing English, but I failed to pass the midterm examination.,Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of th

3、e boys favor sports stars.,簡單句but/and/for/while簡單句,4.努力學習你就會取得好成績。 _ 5.知道更多的詞匯和表達,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)閱讀和交流更容易。 Know more words and expressions _ 6.她打字不熟練,這項工作也不會讓她感興趣。 She is not skilled in typing, _.,Work hard and youll get good grades.,and you will find it easier to read and communicate,nor will the work intere

4、st her,祈使句and/or陳述句 否定句,nor助動詞/情態(tài)動詞/系動詞意為 “ , 也沒/不 ”,1將下列簡單句合并成定語從句。 We will organize all kinds of activities in our English club. We can not only practice but also learn more English in the activities. _ He began playing the computer the moment he got home. This took up much of his time. _,We will

5、organize all kinds of activities in our English club in which we can not only practice but also learn more English.,He began playing the computer the moment he got home, which took up much of his time.,正如諺語所說,“有志者事竟成”。 _, “Where theres a will, theres a way.” 正如調(diào)查所顯示的那樣, 酒后駕駛會導致嚴重事故。 _, drunk driving

6、 may result in serious accidents.,As the saying goes,As is shown in the survey,曾經(jīng)有段時間人們對經(jīng)濟增長如此的狂熱以至于完全忽視了環(huán)境的重要性。 _people grew so crazy about economy that they ignored the importance of environment. 我仍然記得我第一次來到這所學校的那一天。 I still remember the day _. 這個城市氣候溫和,有著豐富的自然資源。 This city,_, is rich in natural s

7、ources. 我們參觀了北京大學的圖書館,那里有許多學生在看書。 We went to Beijing University and visited its library _. 他受懲罰的原因我們都不知道。 The reason_is unknown to us. 這就是他為什么成功的原因。 Thats the reason _,There was a time when,when I first came to this school,which has a mild climate,where quite a lot of students were reading,why he wa

8、s punished,why he succeeded,1將下列簡單句合并成主語從句。 You could persuade him to change his mind. That never occurred to me. _ Tom broke up with his girlfriend. It surprised us. _ 他是怎么成功的仍然是個謎。 _ is still a puzzle. 他在會上說的話使大家很受鼓舞。 What he said at the meeting _. 1將下列簡單句合并成賓語從句。 The teacher gave us a piece of ad

9、vice. We should pay more attention to reading and writing. _,It never occurred to me that you could persuade him to change his mind.,That Tom broke up with his girlfriend surprised us.,How he was successful,encouraged us greatly,The teacher advised us that we should pay more attention to reading and

10、 writing.,如果你教我如何使用電腦我將感激不盡。 I will appreciate it_. (賓從) 他強調(diào)的是我們必須準時到。 What he stressed was _.(表從) 他不能接受他不能去旅游這個事實。 He cant accept the truth _.(同位語從句) 她努力工作,為的是一切能夠及時準備就緒。 _(狀語從句) 那位老婦人在過馬路時,一輛超速駕駛的汽車撞上了她。(be doingwhen) _ 還得待半年我才能回來。(It will be時間段before ) _,if you would teach me how to use the compu

11、ter,that we must arrive on time,that he cant travel,She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time.,That old woman was crossing the street when a speeding car hit her.,It will be half a year before I come back.,只要你不灰心,你會成功的。(as long as) _ 不管什么時候我不高興,總是我的朋友給我鼓勵。 _ 我永遠也忘不了那美麗的景象。(sothat) _,

12、As long as you dont lose heart, you will succeed.,Whenever Im unhappy (No matter when Im unhappy), it is my friend who cheers me up.,The sight was so beautiful that I would never forget it.,句子潤色 1使用同位語 (1)委員會主席史密斯先生出席了昨天的新聞發(fā)布會。 Mr.Smith, _, was present at the press conference yesterday. (2) 他們最后成功地登

13、上了東南亞最高峰之一基納巴盧山的山頂。 Finally they successfully reached the top of Mount Kinabalu, _ in the Southeast Asia. (3)Amy Chua是美籍華人,也是耶魯大學的教授。 _,Chairman of the Committee,one of the highest mountains,Amy Chua, a Chinese American, works as a professor in Yale University.,2使用不定式短語 (1)為了養(yǎng)活全家,父親每天工作十小時以上。 _, Dad

14、 worked over ten hours every day. (2)我下周要去紐約參加一個國際會議。 Next week, I am leaving for New York _. (3)我們應(yīng)該多組織些課外活動,強健我們的身體和豐富我們的知識。 _,To support the family,to attend an international conference,In order to build up our bodies and enrich our knowledge, we should hold/organize more afterclass activities.,3

15、.使用分詞短語 (1)我喜歡看那種勇于表達與眾不同的觀點的文章。 I am fond of reading the articles _. (2)他在空余時間里喜歡躺在客廳的巨大沙發(fā)上,要么看書,要么看電視,要么睡覺。 In his spare time he likes lying in the big sofa in the living room, _. (3)許多人喜歡彼特設(shè)計的家具,不但時尚而且便宜。 Many people like the furniture _not only fashionable, but also cheap. (4)由于被同學們?nèi)⌒?,他在學校一點也不開心

16、。 _, he is not happy at all at school.,bravely expressing different opinions,reading books, watching TV or sleeping,designed by Peter,Laughed at by his classmates,(5)小車已成為受人歡迎的交通方式,給人們的生活帶來了方便。(現(xiàn)在分詞短語) _ (6)與信件和公用電話相比, 手機和網(wǎng)絡(luò)更快也更方便。(過去分詞短語) _,Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing co

17、nvenience to peoples life.,Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient.,4使用介詞短語 (1)患難見真情。 A friend _ is a friend indeed. (2)在開學典禮上,校長作了一個簡短但卻鼓舞人心的講話。 _, the headmaster made a short but inspiring speech. (3)中山大學音樂系的學生星期五下午要給我們演出。 The stu

18、dents of music _ will give us a performance_.,in need,At the school opening ceremony,from Zhongshan University,on Friday afternoon,5.with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu) 他離開了房間,燈還亮著。 He left the room _. (1)這么多年過去了,他的許多作品仍然受到全世界人們的喜愛。 _ (2)有很多難題有待解決,這位新上任的總統(tǒng)將步履維艱。 _ 3 他沒有和父母商量就做了決定。,with the light on,With so many years going b

19、y, many of his works are still popular in the world.,With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newlyelected president is having a hard time.,He made up his mind without consulting his parents.,6.使用并列成分 我哥的努力不僅帶給他名聲也帶給了他財富。(both and) My brothers efforts brought him _. 有些爺爺奶奶不是愛而是嬌慣他們的孫子。(rather

20、 than) Some grandparents spoil their grandchildren _. 他不僅讀過那本書,并且記住了里面的內(nèi)容。 He _ once read the book, _ the contents of inside.,both fame and wealth,rather than love them,not only,but also remember,7合并句子 (1)She realizes her mom must be very tired after a days work.The girl helps to remove the bag from

21、 her moms shoulder.(用現(xiàn)在分詞短語) _ (2)The book was entitled Battle Hymm of the Tiger Mother. The book was written by Amy Chua.The book came out in 2011. (用過去分詞短語) _,Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.,The book, entitled Battle Hymn

22、of the Tiger Mother and written by Amy Chua, came out in 2011.,I want to express the hope. I would like to visit China again the next year.(用同位語從句) _ 用詞性變化增強句式的多樣化。 To my disappointment,I failed in the exam again. Disappointed,I failed the exam again. What disappointed me most was that I failed in t

23、he exam again. 用短語代替單詞以增強句式的多樣化 He visited our school last week. He paid a visit to our school last year. Christmas is coming. Christmas is drawing near. Christmas is around the corner.,I want to expresse the hope that I would like to visit China again the next year.,He likes science stories very much. He is fond of science stories very much. He


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