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1、Period 2Theme: Me my family and friendsTopic: Good friendsTeaching Project:Words: aunt, uncleSentence: Who is he/ she? Hes/ Shes What can he/ she do? He/She can What do you like eating/ drinking? I like eating/ drinkingText: (再構(gòu)文本)1. My names Kitty. Im eight years old. Im an English girl. But I live

2、 in Shanghai now. I live with my father, mother and brother. I have a small family. My father is tall and strong. He can cook well. My mother is a teacher. She can speak Chinese. She loves her students very much. I have a brother, Danny. Hes eleven. Hes naughty. He can run fast. I love my father and

3、 mother. Of course I love my brother, too. Were happy together.2. Its a lovely day today. Its Alices birthday. There is a birthday party at Alices house. Her friends will come to the party. K: Happy birthday, Alice! A: Thank you. Come in, please.K: Heres your present. Open it and see. A: So nice! I

4、like it. Thanks. Sit down, please. Lets enjoy my photos.K: OK. K: Who is he? A: Hes my father.K: What can he do? A: He can play football.K: Who is she? A: Shes my mother.K: What can she do? A: She can cook well.M: Who is he? A: Hes my brother.M: What can he do? A: He can play football.3. F&M: Alice,

5、 the party is beginning. A: OK. This is my father. And this is my mother. F: Hello. Are you Mary? K: No. Im Kitty. Nice to meet you, aunt and uncle. F: Nice to meet you too. A: Kitty is my good friend. K: Yes. We are good friends.4. At the partyF: Help yourself, Kitty. K: OK.F: What do you like eati

6、ng? K: I like eating fish. M: What do you like drinking? K: I like drinking juice. They are happy in the party. 5. Look at this picture. Its a photo of Alices birthday party. Look, this is Alice. Shes eight. She can sing well. She likes singing. This is her father, Uncle Wang. He is a tall man. He c

7、an play football. But he cant cook. Aunt Wang can cook well. I like eating fish. Its yummy. The thin boy is Alices brother, Tom. He can play football too. They often play football on Sunday.Teaching Aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))A. Knowledge Aims (語言知識)1. 在第一教時的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)一步運(yùn)用grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother

8、, sister, me,并能運(yùn)用uncle, aunt來稱呼他人。2. 能夠用What can he/she do? He/She can 以及What do you like eating/drinking? 來詢問他人。B. Skill Aims: (語言技能)1 能熟練用grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, me,uncle, aunt來稱呼家人。1. 能在情景的創(chuàng)設(shè)以及文本的帶動下會熟練詢問他人C. Practice Alms: (語言應(yīng)用)1. 在語境中運(yùn)用句型What can he/she do? W

9、hat do you like eating/ drinking? 來詢問他人。2. 通過生日派對的情景了解朋友,家人及其喜好,增進(jìn)朋友家人間的感情。D. Affect, attitudes: (情感態(tài)度)在birthday party的語境中,通過欣賞和體驗來感悟家人間的親情,通過詢問家人來增加對親人的情感。E. Learning Strategy: (學(xué)習(xí)策略)在birthday party的語境中,通過形式多樣的教學(xué)方法,讓學(xué)生掌握并運(yùn)用新單詞與句型。F. Teaching Processes: (教學(xué)過程)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-t

10、ask procedureFree talkAsk and answer通過問答對上節(jié)課的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行鞏固,為新授做準(zhǔn)備。Warming upSay a rhyme Families對上一課時的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行回顧,為新授鋪墊。II. While-task procedure 1. About Kittys family1-1. Show the questions1-2. Listen to the passage 1-3. Answer the questions.在對第一課時的文本整體回顧的基礎(chǔ)上,進(jìn)一步加深理解。2.Alices birthday party2-1. Read the dialog

11、ue2-2 Role-play2-3. Read it together利用生日聚會的場景過度并引入本課新授內(nèi)容。3.Who is he? What can he do?3-1 According to the dialogue between Kitty and Alice, learn the sentence pattern.3-2 Read this part.3-3 Role-play通過照片人物詢問,學(xué)習(xí)句型 Who is he? What can he do? 4. Whos she? What can she do?4-1Fill in the blanks4-2 Role-p

12、lay4-3 Make a short dialogue用填詞的形式操練新授內(nèi)容,在詢問弟弟的過程中放手讓學(xué)生自己說。5. aunt uncle Nice to meet you.5-1 Show the dialogue between Alices parents and Kitty5-2 learn the new words, aunt uncle5-3 learn the daily expressions Nice to meet you. 在對對話的整體感知下帶動單詞的學(xué)習(xí)。6. What do you like eating? What do you like drinking

13、?6-1 Show the birthday party6-2 Learn the sentences from the dialogue6-3 Pair work通過體驗感知句型含義,在創(chuàng)設(shè)情景中學(xué)習(xí)句型,并在pair work中鞏固操練。III. Post-task activityRead the passage1.Read it by oneself2. Read it in groups .3. Get the general idea4. Answer the questions5. Choose the correct answers通過閱讀,對本教時知識進(jìn)行了進(jìn)一步鞏固。IV.

14、 Assignment1.Read and copy the mew words. (uncle, aunt)2. Read and copy the text3.Ask some questions to your friends about their families.本課時主要是在第一課時的基礎(chǔ)上學(xué)習(xí)家庭成員中的aunt, uncle,讓學(xué)生能夠更全面用英語稱呼生活中最親近的人,并能用Who is he/she? What can he/she do? What do you like eating/ drinking? 進(jìn)行簡單的詢問交流,通過學(xué)習(xí),能向朋友介紹并詢問家人的特征及特長,在創(chuàng)設(shè)的情景中體驗家庭的溫暖,增進(jìn)對家人的了解。 教學(xué)過程:首先,利用上節(jié)課的Families做為warming up來鞏固舊知。利用第一課時最后出現(xiàn)的文本讓學(xué)生了解中心人物,通過先出示問題,聽,讀,回答問題來處理文本。利用教材已出現(xiàn)過的Alices birthday party為情境,引入新授內(nèi)容。通過兩人的對話引入并操練了句型,其中文本的處理采用層層遞進(jìn)的方式推進(jìn),讓學(xué)生通過文本的推進(jìn)能夠詢問他人的


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