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1、仁愛版英語七年級下冊重點短語及句子Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1how do you usually go to school ?1. at the school gate在學校大門口2. Happy New Year!新年快樂3. The same to you!也同樣祝你- - 4. looks very nice!看起來漂亮5. come to school來上學6. come by bike= ride(s) a bike 騎自行車7. go by subway=take(s) the subway= in a subway乘地鐵8. go by bus=t

2、ake (s) a bus/ in a bus / on a bus 乘公共汽車9. by plane/ by air /in a plane / on a plane 乘飛機10. by car /in a car / take a car 坐小汽車11. by train / in a train / on a train / take a train乘火車12. by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the ship 坐船13. go on foot=walk to步行14. walk to school走路上學15. watch TV看電視16

3、. do oneshomework做家庭作業(yè)17. see a movie看電影18. Good evening晚上好19. want to do sth想要做某事20. what time什么時間21. get up起床22. on weekdays周末23. at about six oclock在大約六點鐘24. come on快點25. Its time for class該上課了26. Its time to have class該上課了27. know about了解- - 的情況28. school life 學校生活29. American students美國學生30. ta

4、ke a yellow school bus 乘一輛黃色的校車31. have/has lunch吃午餐32. at school在學校,在上學33. eat out外出吃飯,上館子34. on school days在校期間35. have a short rest休息一會兒36. after lunch午餐后37. after supper/after dinner晚飯后38. after class下課后39. after school放學后40. listen to music聽音樂41. read books看書42. go to the park去公園43. go to the z

5、oo去動物園44. go to the library去45. go to school去上學46. go to work去上班47. school is over放學了48. class is over下課了49. in onesfree/spare time 在某人的業(yè)余時間里50. play basketball打籃球51. play soccer踢足球52. go swimming去游泳53. go shopping去買東西54. go fishing去釣魚55. go skating去滑旱冰56. go skiing去滑冰57. go climbing mountains去爬山58.

6、 go hiking去遠足59. how often多久一次60. ball games球賽61. have ball games舉行球賽62. four times a year每年四次63. meet friends見朋友64. once a week每周一次65. twice a week每周兩次66. three times a week每周三次67. Work must come first! 工作(學習)必須放在第一68. twenty past six六點過二十分69. at twenty past six 在六點二十分70. have / has breakfast吃早餐71.

7、 have / has lunch吃午餐72. have / has supper吃晚餐73. have / has dinner吃晚餐74. half past seven七點半75. a quarter past five五點過十五分76. get home到家 77. go / goes to bed上床睡覺78. a quarter to ten十點過十五分79. drive a car開小汽車80. the Great Wall長城Topic 2He is playing soccer on the playground1. Computer room電腦室2. dining hal

8、l食堂3. teachers office教師辦公室4. classroom building教學樓5. swimming pool游泳池6. in the library在圖書館7. in the dormitory在宿舍里8. in the dining hall 在食堂里9. on the playground在操場上10. at the moment= now此刻,現(xiàn)在11. clean the dormitory 打掃宿舍12. clean the bedroom打掃臥室13. clean the classroom打掃教室14. clean the blackboard擦黑板15.

9、 make cards制作卡片16. Would you like to - - ?你想做- - 嗎?17. Good idea!好主意18. See you soon一會兒見19. play computergames玩電腦游戲20. May I borrow- -我可以借- - 嗎?21. a few幾個,一些22. Renai Project English workbooks仁愛英語練習冊23. of course= sure = certainly 當然24. on time 準時25. in time及時26. many students許多學生27. do well in= be

10、 good at sth / doing sth 在- -做得好28. do better in在- - 做得更好29. on the shelf在書架上30. return = give back歸還31. Its a pleasure不用謝32. Thank you all the same還是要謝謝你33. lost and found 失物招領處34. lookingfor尋找35. some money一些錢36. a picture of my family 一張全家福照片37. thank you all the same還是要謝謝你38. school student card

11、學生卡39. a pair of pants一條褲子40. a pair of shoes一雙鞋41. two pairsof shoes兩雙鞋42. singing in the room在房間里唱歌43. dancing in the gym在體育館跳舞44. swimming in the gym在體育館游泳45. show sb around帶領某人參觀46. in the center of= in the middle of 在- - 的中間,在- - 的中央47. on the left在左邊48. on the right在右邊49. next to 在- - 隔壁,在- -

12、旁邊,緊挨看,靠近50. at the back of 在- -后部,在- - 后面51. near the playground 在操場的附近52. in the gym 在體育館里,在健身房里53. in the swimming pool 在游泳池里54. talk about their families談論他們的家庭55. Attention, please !請注意!56. between - - and - - 在- - 和- - 之間57. stamp collection show集郵展58. school hall學校大廳59. every Saturday 每個星期六60

13、. he is running他在跑步61. in picture1在第一張照片里62. in picture 2在第二張照片里63. look(looks) happy看起來高興64. love swimming喜歡游泳65. talk to a Japanese girl和一個日本女孩交談66. play the guitar彈吉它67. in the classroom在教室里68. in the office在辦公室里69. in the dormitory在宿舍里70. on the playground在操場Topic 3our school is very interesting

14、1. What day 用來提問“星期幾”2. have a music class 上一節(jié)音樂課3. at ten oclock十點鐘4. a quarterto eleven十點四十五分5. have a biology lesson 上一節(jié)生物課6. have a geography 上一節(jié)地理課7. have a P.E. lesson上一節(jié)體育課8. have an art lesson 上一節(jié)美術課9. outdoor activities戶外活動10. how many lessons 多少節(jié)課11. every week每周12. singing and dancing唱歌跳舞

15、13. drawing pictures畫畫14. Working on math problems做數(shù)學題15. speaking English 說英語16. learning about the past了解過去17. an English book 一本英語書18. What do you think of it = How do you like it ? 你覺得它怎么樣?19. Difficult and boring難學而且乏味20. Which subject哪一門課21. Easy and interesting容易又有趣22. Favoritesubject最喜歡的科目23

16、. My school life我的學校生活24. At school 在學校里,在上學25. Be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 對某人友好26. In the morning在上午,在早晨27. In the afternoon在下午28. I aften speak English with my classmates我經(jīng)常和我的同學說英語29. After school 放學后30. Play basketball with my classmates和同學們打籃球31. On the playground在操場上32. Every Tuesday 每周

17、二33. Every Thursday每周四34. school newpaper校報35. School Time 校園時代36. And so on 等等37. Science Today 當代科學38. Thank sb for doing sth感謝某人做了某事39. best wishes致以美好的祝愿40. read stories看故事書41. have a biology class上生物課42. have breakfast吃早飯43. run on the playground 在操場上跑步44. have a physics class上物理課45. watch anim

18、als觀賞動物46. play soccer at school 在學校踢足球47. read a book at home 在家看書48. have dinner in the school dinning hall在學校食堂吃晚飯49. have dinner at home在家吃晚飯Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1Is there a sofa in your study?1. On the second floor在二樓2. Why not =Why dont you為什么不- - ?3. Go upstairs上樓4. Go downstairs下樓5. Ha

19、ve a look 看一看6. A moment later過了一會兒7. Come in ,please請進8. So many books這么多的書9. On the shelf在書架上10. You have a nice study你的書房真漂亮!11. Dining room餐廳12. Living room客廳13. On the first floor 在一樓14. Cousins表姐妹,表兄弟15. In the front of the house 在房子前面16. In the kitchen在廚房17. In the study在書房18. In the dinning

20、room在餐廳19. In the bedroom在臥室20. In the garden在花園21. Behind the door在門后面22. Play with his pet dog和他的寵物狗玩耍23. Play games玩游戲24. Clean the car 清洗小汽車25. Read books看書26. Have dinner吃飯27. Talk about談論28. Near my desk在我桌子旁29. On your desk在你桌子上30. So on 等等31. My family photo我的全家福照片32. On the wall在墻上33. Put t

21、hem away 請把它們收起來放好34. Put it away, please 把它/它們收起來放好35. Look after = take care of照看,照顧36. In front the house房子前面37. In the bottle瓶子里38. Near the window窗戶邊39. In the glass杯子里40. Model planes飛機模型41. Under the bed床下42. How many pairs多少雙43. In the tree樹上44. On the tree樹上45. On the shelf書架上46. On the riv

22、er河里47. A small garden一個小花園48. Many beautiful flowers 許多美麗的花49. In the garden花園里50. A big tree一棵大樹51. Under the tree在樹下52. Very beautiful非常漂亮53. A large living room一個在客廳54. A dining room一個餐廳55. A kitchen 一個廚房56. A bathroom一個衛(wèi)生間57. I like watching TV in the living room我喜歡在客廳里看電視58. I love playing on

23、the computer in the study我喜歡在書房里玩電腦59. In the drawer在抽屜里60. On the chair 在椅子上61. Under the chair在椅子下62. In picture A 圖A里63. In picture B圖B里64. On the walls在墻上65. In在- - 里面66. On在- - 上面67. Behind 在- - 下面68. Near在- - 附近69. Next to在- -旁邊70. In the front of在- - 前面71. Dont put it / them here別把它/它們放在這兒72.

24、 Write a letter寫一封信73. Describe different rooms in your home描述你家不同的房間74. The things around your home房子周圍的事物75. Im very glad to我很高興76. Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的來信77. Tell sb about sth告訴某人關于某事78. Tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做某事79. Tell sb sth告訴某人某事Topic 2 Whats your home like?1. Whats your ho

25、me like?你家是什么樣的?2. An apartment building一座公寓3. A town house城鎮(zhèn)住宅4. Live with sb 和某從居住在一起5. Your grandparents你的爺爺和奶奶6. A big farmhouse農舍7. In the country在農村8. Look for尋找9. Lets help him我們去幫助他吧10. In our group在我們小組11. For rent出租12. Wanted求租13. Small apartment for students小型學生公寓14. ¥850 a month每月850元15.

26、 Call Ms. Guan聯(lián)系關女士16. House with three bedrooms一套三居室的房子17. House with furniture for a family of three適合三口之家,家具齊全的房子18. Looking for a quiet double room 求租一間安靜的雙人間under ¥300 per month月租低于300元19. Apartment for a family of two 適合兩口之家的公寓20. House with four bedrooms四居室21. Quiet double room安靜的雙人間22. Excus

27、e me打擾了,打擾一下,勞駕,請原諒23. Your new neighbor你的新鄰居24. Im looking for a store 我在找一家商店25. On the street corner在街道拐角處26. Post office郵局27. Bookstore書店28. Museum博物館29. Parking lot停車場30. Supermarket超市31. Hospital醫(yī)院32. Bank 銀行33. Train station火車站34. Park cars停車35. Keep money存錢36. Take trains乘火車37. See a doctor看

28、醫(yī)生38. Buy food 買食物39. Mail letters郵寄信40. Buy books買書41. Keep and show things 保存和陳列物品42. Bookstored書店43. Restaurant restrnt 飯店44. I hear you playing the piano我聽到你在彈鋼琴45. The music is beautiful音樂很優(yōu)美46. Im afaid its too loud恐怕聲音有點兒大47. Im really sorry about that 十分抱歉48. Mr. Smart斯馬特49. At the end of El

29、m Road在榆樹路的盡頭50. On the right在右邊51. A tall tree一棵大52. Mr. Jackson杰克遜先生53. Mr. Lee李先生54. Mr. Jones瓊斯先生55. Mr. Watson華桑先生56. I live in Yushancun玉山村57. A quiet community一個安靜的社區(qū)58.Many old people and famillies with young children許多老人和有小孩的家庭59. Lot of = lots of許多60. Tall buildings高樓61. Small gardens小花園62

30、. In an apartment building在一幢公寓里63. Close to離- - 近,緊挨著的64. Near Xinhua Bookstore在新華書店附近65. Far from離- - 遠66. Not far from離- - 不遠67. A community service center一個社區(qū)服務中心68. Call it for help打電話向它求助69. How is the community?社區(qū)是什么樣的?70. Living near your home住在你家附近71. Do you like living there?你喜歡住那里嗎?72. Gr

31、een Community Service Center綠色社區(qū)服務中心73. This is linda speaking.我是琳達74. Apartment 606,building SS幢606號房間75. Whats the matter?有什么事嗎?76. Kitchen fan 廚房排氣扇77. There is something wrong with = Something is wrong with 某人/某物出問題78. Get someone to check it派人去檢查一下79. Right now立刻,馬上80. From- to- 從- - 到- - 81. T

32、he traffic is heavy交通擁擠82. The cost of living is high 生活費用高83. Houses with big yards帶大院子的房子84. A house with a garden有花園的房子Topic 3 How can I get to the bookstore?1. Go up this street to the end沿著這條街一直走到盡頭2. On your left 在你左邊3. How can I get to- ?我怎樣才能去- - ?4. Go along Xinhuan Street沿著新華路走5. Turn left

33、 at the first street 在第一條街口向左轉6. Go across the bridge穿過橋7. Its about one hundre meters along on the right順著右邊走大約100米(就到)8. Which is the way to- ?哪一條是到- - 路?9. The post office郵局10. Im new here我對這兒不熟11. On 在- - 上面12. On the corner of 在- - 拐角處13. Across from在- - 正對面14. Between- and - 在- - 和- -之間15. Nea

34、r the bridge在橋的附近16. Yuanmingyuan圓明園17. Tsinghua University清華大學18. Peking University北京大學19. Haidian Bridge海淀橋20. Beisihuan Road北四環(huán)路21. Renai EducationInstitute仁愛教育研究所22. Bayi School八一學校23. Haidian Road海淀路24. Haidian theater海淀影劇院25. Dinghao Building鼎好大廈26. Turn left and walk on向左拐并一直往前走27. You cant m

35、iss it你不會錯過的28. Beitai Road 北臺路29. Be - away from 離- - 遠30. Need to do sth需要做某事31. Take bus No.718乘坐718路車32. Change to the No.108 bus at Anzhen Bridge在安貞橋換乘108路車33. The way to Shuanxiu Garden去雙秀花園的路34. At Liuli Bridge六里橋35. How far“多遠”,問距離。36. Sidewalk人行道37. Public phone 公用電38. Traffic lights交通燈39.

36、Crosswalk人行橫道40. Turn left 左轉41. No right turn禁止右轉42. No left turn禁止左轉43. Turn right右轉44. Go straight直走45. No parking禁止停車46. No U-turn禁止調頭47. Crosswalk人行橫道48. Parking停車49. Danger危險50. No swimming禁止游泳51. No smoking禁止吸煙52. Make the road safe使道路安全53. Every year每年54. Get hurt受傷55. Lose their lives喪生,失去生

37、命56. In traffic accidents在交通事故中57. Obey the trafficrules 遵守交通規(guī)則58. In most parts of China在中國大部分地區(qū)59. Keep on the right of the road遵守右行原則60. Before we cross the road在我們過馬路之前61. Stop and look both ways停下來左右看看62. Look left 向左看63. Look right向右看64. Must never play on the street絕對不能在街上玩耍65. Its good to do

38、 sth做某事是助人為樂的,好心的66. Cross the road = go across the road過馬路67. A ticket for speeding超速行駛罰單68. A ticket for drinking and driving酒后駕車罰單69. A ticket for parking in the wrong place亂停車罰單70. A ticket for making a wrong turn拐錯彎罰單71. Dont drive too fast 車不要開太快72. Wait for等候73. Turn right向右轉74. Dont park her

39、e 不要在此停車75. Be careful小心76. Dont play on the street不要在街上玩77. Keep quiet in class在課堂上要保持安靜78. Do your homework after school放學后做家庭作業(yè)79. Dont be late for school 上學不準遲到80. Dont eat in the classroom在教室里不準吃東西81. A public phone公用電話亭82. On the corner ofZhixchun Road and Qiuzhi Street在知春求知拐角83. Go down this

40、road 沿看這條路往前走84. Come to a small park 來到一個小公園85. Many apartment buildings 許多公寓樓86. I live in Apartment 309, Building 8 我住在8號樓,309房間87. Excuse me, is there a(an)- near here?打擾了,請問這附近有- - 嗎?88. Yes.go up/down this street to the end and 是的,沿著這條街一直走到盡頭,然后- - 89. Excuse me, how can I get to- ? 打擾了,請問我怎樣才

41、能到- -?90. Go along- and turn left at the first street.沿著- - 在第一條街口向左轉。91. Excuse me,which is the way to-?打擾了,請問去- - 走哪條路?92. Sorry, I dont know. Im new here.對不起,我不知道。我初來乍到。93. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to- 打擾了,你能告訴我怎樣- -?94. Go along this roada until you get to- 沿著這條路走,直到你到達- -?95. Excuse

42、 me, where is -? 打擾了,請問- - 在哪里?96. You need to take bus No.718. 你需要乘坐718路車。97. How far is it from here? 離這里有多遠?98. Its about - away from here. 離這里大約- - 遠。Review of units 561. At the foot of在山腳下2. Along both sides of the river在河的兩旁3. Some of them他們中的一些4. Are playing volleyball 在打排球5. Like the red one

43、 best最喜歡紅色的那個6. Three times a week每周三次7. Here you are給你8. Goes there on foot步行去那里9. Go to the library去圖書館10. May I use your eraser?我可以用一下你的橡皮擦嗎?11. Do some shopping購物12. A photo of Kangkang s family 一張康康的全家照片13. On the sofa在沙發(fā)上14. What a happy family!多么幸福的一家人??!15. Get to the library from the gym 從體育館去圖書館16. Get to the hospital from the bank從銀行去醫(yī)院17. The way from the zoo to the park 從動物園去公園的路18. The way from the school to the supermarket 從學校到超市的路19. An old man一個老人20. A young man 一個年輕人21. Have a short break = have a short rest 休息一小會兒


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