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1、Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod OneTeaching aims:1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Train the students listening ability. 3. Train the students ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information. 4. Train the students ability to cooperate with others. Important points: Train the stu

2、dents speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion. Difficult points: Train the students listening ability. Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warmingup 1. Lead in by talking about the earthquake which happened in the Indian Ocean at the end of last year. Ask Ss to describe it in their words. 2.

3、Ask Ss to say about something more about earthquakes, such as the Tangshan Earthquake that happened in our country.3. Look at the two pictures on Page 25. Step 2. Listening 1. Listen to the tape to know why there are earthquakes in the world. 2. Listen to the tape and check the answers.( It is about

4、 the cause of earthquakes and how we can reduce losses from them.) 3. A few minutes later, check the answers. Step 3. Homework 1. Preview the reading passage on Page 26 and do exercise I in the part “Learning about language”. 2. Ask Ss to look for more ways of reducing losses from earthquakes. The s

5、tudents can go to the library or use the Internet to search for information. After searching for the information, each group should make a poster, informing people how to reduce the losses of an earthquake. Record after teaching. Period TwoTeaching aims: 1. Learn some detailed information about an e

6、arthquake. 2. Improve the students reading ability. 3. Train the students ability to grasp key information while listening. 4. Train the students speaking ability. Important points: 1. The new words and expressions. 2. Learn some detailed information about an earthquake. 3. Train the students abilit

7、y to cooperate with others. 4. Train the students speaking ability. Difficult points: 1. Words: shake, burst, rise, destroy, shock, fresh, injure 2. Phrases: right away, at an end 3. Sentence patterns: (1) It seemed/ seems that (2) The number of sb./sth. Reached/reaches (3)All hope was not lost. 4.

8、Improve the students reading ability. 5. Train the students ability to grasp key information while listening Teaching procedures: Step 1. Prereading 1. Ask Ss to pretend they are warned of a coming earthquake. They have time to take only one thing. Tell their partners what they will take and the rea

9、son. 2. If an earthquake is around the corner, there must be some abnormal phenomena. Carefully look at the four pictures on Page 25 and try to describe what have been seen. Step 2. Listening An earthquake is very terrible. In this unit, we will learn something about the strongest earthquake in Chin

10、as history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976. First listen to the tape with your textbooks closed and check whether the following statements are true or false. If it is false, try to correct it. 1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night. (F) 2. Peop

11、le in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T) 3. More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake. (F) 4. Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock. (T) 5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan. (F) Step 3. Reading 1. Finish Part 12

12、 in Comprehending on Page 27. 2. Finish Part 3 in Comprehending on Page 27. 3. Read the passage again to get important information about Tangshan Earthquake and fill in the blanks. Step 4. Homework 1. Read the text several times. 2. Do exercise 3 on Page 28. 3. Do exercise 2 on Page 28 in the exerci

13、se book and hang it in tomorrow. 4. Learn some words and phrases in this unit and make some sentences with them. ( Ss Book, Page 8284) Period ThreeTeaching aims:1. Train the students ability to read different numbers in English. 2. Learn the usage of some difficult words and expressions. 3. Train th

14、e students ability to remove the difficulties while reading. Important points: 1. Train the students ability to read different numbers in English. 2. Train the students ability to cooperate with others. Difficult points: 1. The explanation of some difficult words and expressions. 2. Train the studen

15、ts ability to remove the difficulties while reading. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision 1. Ask Ss some questions based on the Reading passage. (1) What did people in Tangshan see in the sky before the earthquake? (2) What did people notice in the wells? (3) Did people pay any attention to these a

16、bnormal phenomena? (4) When did the earthquake begin? (5) Were there any aftershocks? (6) Did the survivors deny the city and go to live in other places? 2. Check the homework (Ex2 on P28). Ask them to recite it after class. Step 2. Learning about Numbers Turn to Page 28 and look at Part 3. Match ea

17、ch word to the number that has the same meaning. Allow the students several minutes to finish the task. Check the answers. Step 3. Important points Ask the students to turn to Page 82. Ask some students to make some sentences with the words or phrases. Deal with some difficulties. You can add more p

18、hrases. Step 4. Homework In order to master the usage of these words and expressions, please do some related exercises. 1. Finish off the two parts in Using Words and Expressions on Page 63. 2. Translate the sentences on Page 63 into English. Write the English sentences in one of your exercise book

19、and hand it in tomorrow. Period FourTeaching aims:1. Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses. 2. Train the students ability to report what others have said. Important points: 1. Learn the Attributive Clause. 2. Train the students ability to report what others have s

20、aid. Difficult points: Learn to choose the correct Relative Pronouns for the Attributive Clauses. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision Check the homework exercises. Step 2. Grammar Writes the sentence “Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.” On the blackboard before cl

21、ass begins. Ask Ss to think what kind of clause it is? And then introduce The Attributive Clause to students.e.g. The woman who lives next door is a teacher. A sentence with an attributive clause contains two shorter sentences. In the sentence above, the two short sentences are: “The woman is a teac

22、her.” And “The woman lives next door.” The Attributive Clause is the answer to the question: Which woman is a teacher? Would you try to divide the sample sentence on the blackboard into two short sentences? Sum up the rules: “Who” is used for people. “Which” is used for things. “That” is used for th

23、ings or people. “Whose” is used instead of his/her/their/somebodys. “Whom” is quite formal, and in most cases it is all right to use who instead. But when whom has a preposition before it, it cannot be replaced by who. Step 3. Practice 1. Now look at Part 2 in Discovering Useful Structures on Page 2

24、8. try to complete each sentence using that, which, who, or whose. Let the students do this exercise and check the answers. 2. Do more exercises in Ex 3 on Page51 in導(dǎo).Step 4. Homework After class, read the passage on Page 64. Its about advice on how to protect your home from an earthquake. Complete

25、the sentences below, using who, whom, which, that or whose. Period FiveTeaching aims:1. Train the students speaking ability. 2. Train the students ability to search for doing something. 3. Train the students ability to do things step by step. Important points: 1. Train the students speaking ability.

26、 2. Train the students ability to search for doing something. Difficult points: 1. Know how to write a speech. 2. Know how to write a newspaper story. 3. Learn to cooperate to each other. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Revision Check homework exercises and ask some students to read the sentences out.

27、Step 2. Reading and writing Read the letter on Page 29. In the blank at the beginning of the letter, write the last number of the year it is now. Then in the blank near the end of the letter, use a number to say how many years ago the quake happened. (After several minutes, the teacher checks the an

28、swers with the class.) T: Suppose you are the student who was invited to give the speech. What should you include in your speech? (Students give their different answers.) T: Yes, while writing, dont forget to contain the information. Now I will give you 15 minutes to write the speech. You can follow

29、 the points in part 3 on this page. (While the students are writing, the teacher gets around the classroom and helps the students to deal with any difficulties that they have.) (After 15 minutes) T: Are there any volunteers to read his or her speech? ( If there is nobody, the teacher asks one to rea

30、d, and give some assessments.) Step 3. Speaking T: Imagine that after your speech, Zhangsha asks you to give a short talk about the new stamps about Tangshan to honor the city. First, ask and answer the following questions in pairs. (1) What do these stamps show? (2) Do you think these stamps are ve

31、ry important and why? (3) Will you collect these stamps? Why and why not? (After the students ask and answer these questions in pairs.) T: Now try to fill in the lines in the little talk. You can use some of the answers to the questions. T: Next I will ask one of you to read the little talk. Step 4.

32、 Writing T: By now you have learned writing a speech and a little talk. Now you are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happed in your hometown. First, lets learn some skills of writing newspaper stories. Before you write, you should write an outline. This is very us

33、eful. Today, we will learn how to write an outline. Please turn to Page 31. Read the instructions in bold and pay attention to some questions I prepared to you. Q1: Why is an outline important? Q2: What should an outline include? Q3: Why is a headline important? Q4: What are the steps to finish a ne

34、wspaper story? Q5: What is the feature of a newspaper story? Suggested answers: 1. Because an outline will prepare you to write a better story. 2. A good outline should have a headline, a list of main ideas and a list of important details. 3. A headline can tell the readers what the topic is, so it

35、can attract the readers attention since the reader may not have bought the newspaper before they read the headline. 4. First, organize the main ideas. Next, put some details into each paragraph. 5. A newspaper story gives the most important news first and the least important news last. T: Now lets r

36、ead the example of a newspaper story. Try to find the headline, main idea and details of each paragraph. You may work in groups of three. (After several minutes, the teacher asks the students the following questions :) Q1: What is the headline of the newspaper story? Q2: What is the main idea? Q3: W

37、hat is the detailed information? T: Now turn to Page 32 and check your main ideals and detailed information. Step 5. Homework T: So now you know how to write a passage step by step. Prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily. Use the example to help you to organize your outline.

38、 You can first have a discussion with your partner and decide which event you will write about. Try to write down the title, main ideas and detailed information. Then put them into a short passage. Record after teaching: _ Period SixKnowledge: Learn a passage about the San Francisco Earthquake Abili

39、ty: 1. Learn to compare two similar passages. 2. Train the students listening ability. Emotion: 1. Learn to cooperate with others. 2. Learn from the bravery of the people of San Francisco to face the reality. Teaching Important Points: 1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Learn a passage abou

40、t the San Francisco Earthquake Teaching Difficulties: Learn to compare two similar passages. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Revision T: In the second period of this unit, you learnt some detailed information about the Tangshan Eearthquake. Can you use several sentences to summarize the passage? S: Let

41、 me have a try. The terrible earthquake struck the city of Tangshan while people were sleeping. More than 400 000 people were killed or injured in the quake. After the quake, people found nearly everything was destroyed. But people in Tangshan didnt lose heart. They rebuilt the city with the help of

42、 soldiers. T: Quite good. Step 2. Reading and Comparing T: In the first period, we also talked about the earthquakes that happened in San Francisco. Today, we will learn a passage titled “The Story of an Eyewitness”, which is about the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906. It was written by Jake London,

43、 who was a famous American writer. T: First read the passage carefully. While reading, please think about the following questions: (1) How did the author feel about the earthquake? (2) How did the author feel about the people of San Francisco? (Ss read the passage, then the teacher asks someone to g

44、ive their answers and checks the answers) (Answers will vary.) T: Quite good. You can keep your own answers as long as you think they are reasonable and you can find proofs from the passage. Read the first paragraph in this passage .Then go back and read again the first paragraph of the passage on P

45、age 26. Compare the ways both writers give you details about the earthquakes. Try to finish the 4 exercises on Page 66. You may discuss in group of three. (Ss read the two passage and finish the exercises.) (Then the teacher checks the answers.) T: Next I will play the tape of this passage for you t

46、o listen. Please pay special attention to the intonation. (After listening.) T: Now I will give you several minutes to read the third paragraph with feelings. Step 3. Listening T: Just now we learned a passage written by an eyewitness about the terrible San Francisco earthquake in 1906. Now we will

47、listen to a story told by a man who was a survivor of the earthquake. Listen to the tape the first time, and try to tell whether the statements in part 1 are true or false. (Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and finish the task.) (After listening, the teacher checks the answers with

48、the class.) T: Now lets listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions in Part 2. (After listening, the teacher checks the answers) T: While listening to the tape, you should not only pay attention to the contents, but also the pronunciation and intonation. The sentences in Part 3 show us

49、the sequence. I will play the tape again, you should mark liaison and incomplete explosion in these sentences. Then practice reading them aloud. Step 4. Homework T: In this class we read and listened to two stories ,both of which are about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The stories are true and

50、were written for the Museum of the City of San Francisco. The museum has many such personal accounts and photos at http:/www.Sfmuseum.Org/1906/06.html. If you are interested in them, you can surf in the site Ive given to you. Record after teaching: _ Period SevenKnowledge: 1. Learn how to make an ea

51、rthquake plan. 2. Learn what to contain in a personal earthquake bag. Ability: 1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Train the students speaking ability. 3. Learn to find reasons for their choices. 4. Learn to sum up what they have learned in the unit. Emotion: Learn to cooperate with others.

52、Teaching Important Points: 1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Train the students speaking ability. Teaching Difficulties: Learn to find reasons for their choices. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2. Listening T: These days Earthquakes are always ou

53、r central topic. We have learned many things about it. Up till now, earthquakes are difficult to predict. We can hardly avoid an earthquake. But actually we can do things to reduce the losses of an earthquake. Lets look at the form on Page 66 and have a discussion about the earthquake plan with your

54、 partner. ( Ss give their answers) T: What should you do if you are outside? (Ss give their answers) T: What should you do if you are in the living room? (different answers) T: What should you do if you are in the house room? (different answers) T: Next we are going to listen to the tape and write down the three “things” that are mentioned. (After listening, teacher checks the answers with the students.) T: Then lets listen again. This t


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