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2、深入系統(tǒng)的研究。這就使詞匯教學(xué)中的文化導(dǎo)入往往流于形式,缺乏系統(tǒng)性,從而大大影響了國內(nèi)外語教學(xué)的整體教學(xué)質(zhì)量。本文通過調(diào)查問卷,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)初中生普遍對詞匯的文化內(nèi)涵掌握不夠,認識不清。初中英語教師對詞匯教學(xué)的文化滲透不夠重視,詞匯的文化內(nèi)涵知識不夠全面。鑒于此,本文在闡述了文化對詞匯教學(xué)滲透的重要性以及調(diào)查詞匯教學(xué)和文化現(xiàn)狀的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了如何有效結(jié)合文化進行詞匯教學(xué)的方式、方法,以提高詞匯教學(xué)的效果,外語教學(xué)的整體質(zhì)量以及外語學(xué)習(xí)者跨文化交際能力。關(guān)鍵詞:詞匯教學(xué);文化滲透;跨文化交際abstractit is undeniable that vocabulary instruction pl

3、ays a decisive role in foreign languageteachingits efficiency directly affects the ultimate goal of foreign language teachingvocabulary,as a carrier of culture,closely related誦m each othertherefore,we can say thatvocabulary teaching is culture teachinghowever,vocabulary teaching has been undervalued

4、 for along time during the history offoreign language teaching and researching,which causes it suspend at asuperficial level ofpronunciation,spelling and literal meaningthe cultural integration of vocabulary teaching iseven more ignoredwith the development of cultural exchange communication and the

5、research ofvocabulary teaching,more and more experts and teachers have realized the significance ofcultural integration of vocabulary teachinghowever,specific vocabulary teaching methodsand its systematical research are severely lacked,which greatly affects the formation of asystematical and practic

6、al principles and methods of cultural integration into vocabularyteaching and overall quality of foreign language teaching in english class of chinaby means of questionnaire,it is found out that the majority of secondary school studentshave ameager knowledge of cultural related vocabularywhats more,

7、cultural integration ofvocabulary teaching draws little attention from teachers,most of who bear insufficientknowledge about cultural related vocabularybased on the current situation,this thesis aimsto propose specific principles and methods for cultural integration of vocabulary teaching,inorder to

8、 improve the foreign language learnersability of cross-culture communication as wellas the whole quality of foreign language teaching in english class of chinese secondarysch001key words:vocabulary teaching;cultural integration;crossculture communication chapter one introduction11 the background and

9、 the significance of the studylanguage learning is culture learninglanguage learners do not only learn a languagebut also the social norrlls in which the language is spokenthis includes verbal as well asnonverbal means of communicationtherefore,apprehending and understanding are stronglyinfluenced b

10、y the learners cultural backgroundlanguage learners from different culturesbring with them different levels of qualifications,on an individual basis as well as on acultural basiswhen studying english,as well as practicing it,language learners of differentcultures interconnect different beliefs,wishe

11、s and objectives with the learning process of theforeign languageif two language learners from different cultural backgrounds communicatewith each other in the same target language,misunderstandings or even a total breakdown incommunication can arise,despite that both may have acquired a near perfec

12、t structuralcommand of the target languagesuch misunderstandings derive partly from their acquired vocabulary in the targetlanguagea vital component of foreign language acquisition is acquired vocabulary,becauseit is possible to communicate to some extent without proper sentence structure if relevan

13、twords are connected in the correct ordervocabulary teaching is an important part of anyforeign language teaching classneglected in language books and seen rather as secondary tothe teaching of grammar,vocabulary is often studied less intensely and somewhatunsystematicallyalso hindering orcomplicati

14、ng the active verbal communication process is a lack ofvocabulary related to the learners cultural backgroundmost words emphasized whenteaching vocabulary are related to the target languagestudents,however,often find itdifficult to connect such new vocabulary to their own cultural mindset,and vice v

15、ersastudents typically face difficulties when using a learned language and this may lead to passiveor silent usage of the languagethis in turn can lead to an asymmetrical st7le of conversationbetween speakers when students 晰nl greater differences in cultural backgroundscommunicate、析th each other the

16、 problem is likely to be exacerbatedcommunicationproblems between english speaking people and asians,for example,occur more often thanchapter one introductioncommunication problems between e哪eans and americanstherefore,it is important to useand apply culturally relevant vocabularyfrom above,we can s

17、ee that although culturally relevant vocabulary is of significance inforeign language teaching,it has been studied less intensely and unsystematically than otheraspects,like grammar,spelling,and so onthe long time ignorance of cultural integration intovocabulary teaching has hindered the development

18、 of studentscommunicative competenceand cross-cultural communication skilltherefore,it is of great urgency to arouse theimportance of this issuealthough with the development of globalization,some experts and scholars have claimedthe inseparable relationship between vocabulary and culture,there is st

19、ill no specific guidanceof how to conduct cultural integration into vocabulary teachingthis thesis attempts topropose some instructive suggestions on how to integrate culture into vocabulary teaching inenglish class of chinese secondary sch00112 the structure of the thesisthe thesis is composed of s

20、ix chapterschapter one,a brief introduction,elaborates the general background of culture andvocabulary teaching,and points out the reason why the author investigate in this field,and thesignificance ofthe researchchapter two is a historical review which traces back the history of english languagetea

21、ching and vocabulary teaching in the west and china,aiming at introducing thebackground knowledge and current situation as well as providing atheoretical foundation forthe following chapterschapter three is a theoretical consideration of language,which elaborates thecharacteristics of language,impor

22、tance of language as well as the relationships of language,culture and thoughtchapter four is also a theoretical discussion about english vocabulary,culture and itsinfluences on foreign language learningboth of these two chapters give a support for thefollowing chapters in which propose some suggest

23、ions and methods of vocabulary and cultureteaching2西北大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文chapter five is an investigation of the current situation of vocabulary learningteachingin chinese secondary school,which provides practical and realistic data for the followingchapter sixwith a purpose of improving foreign language teachi

24、ng and nurturing studentsability ofcrosscultural communicmion,methods and ways of integrating culture into vocabularyteaching are proposed in chapter six to guide the vocabulary teaching in chinese secondaryschool,based 011 the theoretical consideration and research results from the above chapters3c

25、haptertwoahistoricaloverviewoflanguageandvocabularyteaching bothinthewest andchinachapter two a historical overview of language and vocabularyteaching both in the west and china21 a historical overview of language and vocabulary teaching in thewestpeople have attempted to learn second languages from

26、 at least the time of the romans,and perhaps beforein this period ofmore than two thousand years,there have been numerousdifferent approaches to language learning,each with a different perspective on vocabularyattimes,vocabulary has been given pride of place in teaching methodolo西es,and at other tim

27、esneglectedin order to help you better understand the current state of vocabulary studies asdiscussed in subsequent chapters,this chapter will first briefly review some of the historicalinfluences that have shaped the field as we know it today211 the second century bcrecords of second language learn

28、ing extend back at least to the second century bc,where roman children studies greekin early schools,students learned to read by firstmastering the alphabet,then progressing through syllables,words,and connected discoursesome of the texts gave students lexical help by providing vocabulary that was w

29、itheralphabetized orgrouped under various top areas(bowen,madsen&hilferty,1 985:59)wecall only assume that lexis was considered important at this point in time,as the art of rhetoricwas highly prized,and would have been impossible without ahighly developed vocabulary212 in themedieval periodlater,in

30、 the medieval period,the study of grammar became predominant,as studentsstudies latinlanguage instruction during the renaissance continued to have a grammaticalfocus,although some reforming educators rebelled against the overemphasis on syntaxin1 6 1 1 william of bath wrote a text that concentrated

31、011 vocabulary acquisition throughcontextualized presentation,presenting 1,200 proverbs that exemplified comnlon latinvocabulary and demonstrating homonyms in the context of sentencesjohn amos comeniuscreated a textbook drawing on this idea of contextualized vocabularyhe suggested aninductive approa

32、ch to language learning,with alimited vocabulary of eight thousand common4西北大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文latin words,which were grouped according to topics and illustrated with labeled picturesthe notion of a limited vocabulary was important and would be developed further in the earlytwentieth century as part of the“voc

33、abulary control movement”scholars such als williamand comenius attempted to raise the status of vocabulary,while promoting translation as ameans of directly using the target language,getting away from rote memorization,andavoiding such a strong grammar focus213 the eighteenth and nineteenth centuryu

34、nfortunately,the emphasis of language instruction remained firmly on deductive,roleoriented treatments of latin grammarthis preoccupation filtered over to english as wellthe eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought the age of reason where people believedthat there were natural laws for all things

35、 and that these laws could be derived from logiclanguage was no differentlatin was held up as the language least corrupted by human use,so many grammars were written、,im the intent of purifying english based on latin modelsitwas a time of prescription when authors of grammar books took it upon thems

36、elves to decidecorrect usage and to condemn what seemed to them to be improperusually they had noqualifications to do so,other than being important men in the worldrobert lowths a shortintroduction to english grammar(1 762)was one of the most influential of the prescriptivegrammars,outlawing feature

37、s in common use,such嬲double negatives(i dont want to studyno more grammar roles!)these grammars received general acceptance,which helpedprolong the domination of grammar over vocabularyattempts were also made to standardize vocabulary,which resulted in dictionaries beingproducedthe first was robert

38、cawderys atable alphabetical(1 604)many others followeduntil samuel johnson brought out his dictionaries of the english language in 1 775,whichsoon became the standard referencew池the exception of printing in general,his dictionarydid more to fix standard spelling and lexical usage than any other sin

39、gle thing in the history ofenglishjohnsons genius lay in his utilization of contemporary pronunciation and usage toguide his spellings and definitionsonly in ambiguous cases did he resort to arbitrarydecisions based on logic,analogy,or personal tastethe result was a dictionary that wouldremain uncha

40、llenged in influence until noah webster published atl american version in thefollowing century5chapter twoa historical overview of language and vocabulary teaching both in the west and china214 the grammar translation methodthe main language teaching methodology from the beginning of the nineteenth

41、centurywas grammar translationa lesson would typically have one or two new grammar rules,aslist of vocabulary items,and some practice examples to translate from l1(first language)intol2(second language)or vice versathe approach was originally reformist in nature,anattempt to make language learning e

42、asier through the use of example sentences instead ofwhole texts(howatt,1 984:36)however,the method grew into a very controlled system,誦ma heavy emphasis on accuracy and explicit grammar rules,many of which were quite obscurethe content focused on reading and writing literary materials,which highlig

43、hted the obsoletevocabulary of the classicsin fact,the main criterion for vocabulary selection was often itsability to illustrate a grammar rule(zimmerman,1 997:86)students were largely expected tolearn the necessary vocabulary themselves through bilingual word lists,which made thebilingual dictiona

44、ry all important reference t001as the method became increasingly pedantic,a new pedagogical direction was neededone of the main problems、麗th crralllnlartranslation was that it focused on the ability toanalyze languageand not the ability to use itin addition,the emphasis on reading andwriting did lit

45、tle to promote allability to communicate orally in the target language215 the direct methodby the end of the nineteenth century,new usebased ideas had coalesced into whatbecame known as the direct methodit emphasized exposure to oral language、析吐l listeningas the primary skillmeaning was related dire

46、ctly to the target language without the step oftranslation,and explicit grammar teaching was down-playedit imitated how a nativelanguage is naturally learned,研m listening缸st,then speaking,and only later reading andwritingthe focus was squarely on use of the second language,誦t11 some of the strongerp

47、roponents banishing any employment of the l 1 in the classroomit was thought thatvocabulary would be acquired naturally through the interaction during lessonsconcretevocabulary was explained witl pictures or through physical demonstration,、析m initialvocabulary being kept simple and familiar,for exam

48、ple,objects in the classroom or clothingthus,vocabulary was connected、杭m reality as much aspossibleonly abstract words werepresented in the traditional way of being grouped according to topic or association of ideas6西北大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文(zimmerman,1 997:1 28)like all other approaches the direct method has its

49、problemsit required teachers to beproficient in the target language,which was not always the caseit mimicked l 1 learning,butdid not take into account the differences between l1 and l2 acquisitionone key difference isthat l 1 learners have abundant exposure to the language,whereas learners of a seco

50、ndlanguage typically have little,usually only a few hours per week for a year or twoin theunited states,the 1 929 coleman report took this limited instruction time into account,andconcluded that it was not sufficient to develop overall language proficiencyit decided torecommend a more limited goal:t

51、eaching secondary students how to read in a foreignlanguagethis was considered the most useful skill that could be taken from schooling,particularly as relatively few people traveled internationally in the early twentieth centuryatthe saille time,in brita氓michael west was stressing the need to facil

52、itate reading skills byimproving vocabulary learningthe result was an approach called the reading method,and itheld sway,along、析th grammar-translation and the direct methoduntil world war ii216 the audiolingualismduring the war,the weaknesses of all of the above approaches became obvious,as theameri

53、can military found it short of people who wee conversationally fluent in foreignlanguagesit needed a means to quickly train its soldiers in oralaural skillsamericanstructural linguists stepped into the gap the developed a program that borrowed from thedirect method,especially its emphasis on listeni

54、ng and speakingit drew its rationale frombehaviorism,which essentially said that language learning was a result of habit formationthus the method included activities that were believed to reinforce“good”language habits,such as close attention to pronunciation,intensive oral drilling,a focus on sente

55、nce patterns,and memorizationin short,students were expected to learn through drills rather than throughan analysis of the target languagethe students who went throu曲this“army methodweremostly mature and highly motivated,and their success wasdramaticthis success meant that the method naturally conti

56、nued oil after the war,and it came tobe known asaudiolingualismbecause the emphasis in audiolingualism was on teachingstructural pattems,the vocabulary needed to be relatively easy,and so was selected accordingto its simplicity and familiarity(zimmerman,1 997:66)new vocabulary was rationed,and7chapt

57、er two ahistofical overview oflanguage and vocabular3teaching both in the west and chinaonly added when necessary to keep the drills viable“it was assumed that good languagehabits,and exposure to the language itself,would eventually lead to an increased vocabulary(coady,1 993:4),so no clear method of extending vocabulary later on was spelled out217 the cognitive approachthe cognitive approach,which emerged as a reaction as a reaction against the defects ofthe audiolingual approach and its behavioristic features at the end


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