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1、印度XX生物質發(fā)電工程技術方案2015年6月目錄1 總論(Ge neral)1.1 概述(Overview)1.2 建設規(guī)模(Scale of Con struct ion) 1.3 主要技術指標(Main Technical Index) 1.4 主要設備(Main Equipment) 1.5 項目實施進度(Implementation Scheduling of the Project)1.6 投資估算(Investment Estimate) 2燃料供應及煙風系統(tǒng)(Total static investment) 2.1 設計標準(Design Standard) 2.2 燃料供應系統(tǒng)

2、(Fuel Supply System) 2.3 煙風系統(tǒng)(Flue Gas and Air System) 3 鍋爐及輔機系統(tǒng)(Boiler and the Auxiliary System) 3.1 設計采用的規(guī)程、規(guī)范及標準(The Regulations. Specification and StandardsAdopted in the Desig n) 3.2 鍋爐的布置與結構(Arrangement and Structure of the Boiler)3.3 汽水流程(Steam/ Water Process) 3.4 鍋爐排污、疏放水、汽水取樣(Boiler Blowdow

3、n. Water Drainage and Steam/ WaterSampling)3.5 鍋爐給水及減溫水系統(tǒng)(Boiler Water Supply and Attemperating Water System)3.6 鍋爐技術參數(shù)(Technical Parameters of Boiler) 3.7 鍋爐特點(Boiler Features) 4 汽輪發(fā)電機組系統(tǒng)(Turbine Generator Set System) 4.1 設計中所采用的規(guī)程、規(guī)范(Regulations and Specifications Adopted in Design)4.2 熱力管道(Therma

4、l pipe) 4.3 發(fā)電站熱力設施(Thermal Equipment of Power Station) 5 尾氣處理系統(tǒng)(Exhaust Gas Treatment) 5.1 設計標準(Standards of Design) 5.2 脫硫系統(tǒng)(Desulfurization System) 5.3 脫硝工藝(Denitrification System) 5.4 煙氣除塵系統(tǒng)(Ash Conveying and Dedusting System) 6 化學水系統(tǒng)(Chemical Water System) 6.1 設計規(guī)范(Design Code)6.2 水處理方式(Selecti

5、on of water treatment ways)6.3 水量的確定(Water consumption)7 循環(huán)冷卻水系統(tǒng)(Circulating Cooling Water System) 7.1 設計規(guī)范(Design Code)7.2 系統(tǒng)冷卻用水量(Water Con sumption for System Cooli ng) 7.3 設備冷卻水系統(tǒng)方案(Plan for the Equipment Cooling Water System)7.4 系統(tǒng)損失水量與補充水量(Water Loss Amou nt a nd Suppleme nted Water Amou nt of

6、the System)8 電氣系統(tǒng)(Electric System) 8.1 編制范圍(Compilation Scope )8.2 電氣技術方案(Electric Technical Plan )9 儀表自動化(Automation Instrument) 9.1 概述(Overview ) 9.2 檢測儀表的選型(Design Code)9.3 自動化控制系統(tǒng)(Automatic Control System) 9.4 儀表電源(Instrument Power Supply) 10 建筑及結構(Construction and structure) 10.1 建筑(Con structi

7、o n) 10.2 結構設計(Structural Design) 11 總圖(Ge neral Draw in gs) 11.1 設計規(guī)范(Design Code) 11.2 總平面布置(General Layout) 11.3 道路設計(Road Design) 11.4 豎向設計和雨水排除(Vertical Design and Rainwater Drainage )11.5 物料運輸(Material Transportation) 11.6 管線及溝道布置(Pipeline and Ditch Arrangement) 11.7 綠化(Greening) 12 公輔系統(tǒng)(Auxil

8、iary system) 12.1 給排水(Public auxiliary system) 12.2暖通空調(HVAC)13 勞動定員(Manpower Quota)1 總論(Ge neral)1.1 概述(Overview)項目名稱:印度生物質直燃發(fā)電項目。Project Name: Power Gen erati on Project of In dia.1.1.2 設計依據(Design basis)依據中華人民共和國電力工程國家標準、行業(yè)標準、規(guī)范等。theNati onalsta ndards,in dustrialsta ndards and regulati ons ofPeo

9、ple s Republic of China on electric power engineering shall prevail.業(yè)主提供的相關數(shù)據及資料。Releva nt data and materials provided by the owner業(yè)主所在地相關法律法規(guī)。Releva nt laws and regulati ons in the place where the owner resides1.1.3 工程范圍(Scope of project)本工程主要對電廠生產所必須的燃料供應、發(fā)電工藝、電氣出線、電站公輔設施等進行分析,最終推薦技術可行、經濟合理的混合燃料直燃

10、發(fā)電站方案。This project is main ly to an alyze the fuel supply, power gen erati onprocess, electric outlet line and power station public auxiliary facilities n eeded by the power pla nt, and fin ally recomme nd a tech ni cally feasible, econo mic and reas on able pla n for comb ined fuel power gen erati

11、on stati on.設計內容具體包括:燃料供應及煙氣系統(tǒng)、鍋爐及輔機系統(tǒng)、汽輪機發(fā)電機組 系統(tǒng)、化學水處理系統(tǒng)、循環(huán)冷卻水系統(tǒng)、供配電、自動化控制系統(tǒng)以及相關配套 的土建、通訊、給排水、照明、環(huán)保、勞動安全與衛(wèi)生、消防、供暖等輔助系統(tǒng)。The detailed desig n contents in clude: fuel supply and flue gas system, boiler and auxiliary system, steam turb ine gen erator unit system, chemical water treatme nt system, circu

12、lati ng cooli ng water system, power supply and distributi on, automatic con trol system and releva nt support ing auxiliary systems such as civilengin eeri ng, com muni cati on, water supply and drain age,lighting,environment protection,labor safety and sanitation,fire fighting,heati ng, etc.本工程的環(huán)境

13、影響評價、工程地質勘察、地形測繪及接入系統(tǒng)、地基處理、站 區(qū)1米外所有設施等不包含在本方案范圍內。Theen vir onmen talimpactassessme nt,engin eeri nggeologicalinvestigation,topographic mapping, access system, foundation treatment andall devices bey ond 1m of the power stati on of this project are not in cluded in this pla n.業(yè)主補充業(yè)主補充。1.1.5 設計原則(Desi

14、gn principles)本工程按照小型火力發(fā)電廠設計規(guī)范(GB50049-2011確定的設計原則及建 設單位提出的建設標準開展設計,充分考慮安全可靠,方便施工和操作運行措施。The project is designed in accordanee with the design principles con firmed in Code for Desig n of Small-size Power Pla nt (GB50049-2011) and the con struct ion sta ndards raised by the con structi on un it, tak

15、 ing into proper consideration of the safety and reliability of the project for the convenience of con structi on and operati on measures.堅持以“穩(wěn)定可靠,技術先進,降低能耗,節(jié)約投資”為原則,根據業(yè)主建設 條件合理配置熱力系統(tǒng)和裝機方案。具體指導思想如下:It n eeds toconform to the prin ciples of“ being stable and reliable,promot ingadva needtech no logy,l

16、oweri ngen ergy con sumpti onand sav inginv estme nt” , andreas on ablyallocatethe thermod yn amicsystem andin stallati on pla n accordi ng to the con struct ion con diti ons of the owner.Con crete guidi ng con cept is as follows:充分利用燃料燃燒產生的熱量,盡可能多發(fā)電。Take full use of the heat from fuel bur ning to g

17、en erate power.在穩(wěn)定可靠的前提下,提倡技術先進,堅持技術創(chuàng)新,盡可能采用先進的技術及裝備,以降低發(fā)電成本和基建投入Un der the promise of stability and reliability, advocat ing adva needtech no logy,in sist ingon tech ni calinno vati on,and adopt ing adva needtech no logy and equipme nt as muchas possible, to reduce the power gen erati on cost and i

18、n frastructure inv estme nt.采用經實踐證明是成熟、可靠的裝備,對于同類型、同規(guī)模項目中暴露的問題, 要避免重復出現(xiàn)。Adopting the equipment proved to be mature and reliable through practice, and avoiding repeating the problems exposed in projects of the same type and same scale.電站采用計算機控制系統(tǒng),以達到高效、節(jié)能、穩(wěn)定生產、優(yōu)化控制的目的,并盡量地減少崗位操作人員,以降低生產成本。The power s

19、tati on adopts computer con trol system to achieve the goalsof efficiency, energy-saving. stable production and optimal control, as well as reducing the number of operators to the greatest extent to reduce product ion cost.貫徹執(zhí)行國家和地方對環(huán)保、勞動、安全、消防、計量等方面的有關規(guī)定和標準。Impleme ntingn ati onaland localregulati

20、onsand sta ndardsonen vir onmen tal protect ion, labor, safety, fire fighti ng and meteri ng, to be“ simulta neous in three aspects”.1.2 建設規(guī)模(Scale of Construction)業(yè)主提供的數(shù)據資料:Based on data provided by the owner:根據業(yè)主提供的資料,燃料熱值如下表所示According to the data provide by the owner, the heat value of the biofu

21、elis as follows.FuelIn dia ncoalRiceHuskPetcokeWoodchipsSaw dustCarbon39.936.6786.742.843.65Hydroge n2.484.573.185.136.02Nitroge n0.671. offuel(Kcal38003275800038004112/kg)1.2.2 裝機規(guī)模(Insta

22、lled capacity)根據業(yè)主要求,發(fā)電廠配一臺10.5MPa-535C-115 t/h 高溫高壓流化床鍋爐, 同時配套16MWR抽凝汽壓式汽輪機發(fā)電機組。.Accordi ng to the own er s requireme nt, the power pla nt will be in stalled a 10.5MPa-535 C -115 t/h high-temperature high-pressurecirculatingfluidized bed boiler, and a set of 16MW double-extract ion condensing turbo

23、 gen erator set.1.3 主要技術指標(Main Technical Index)表1.3-1主要技術指標Table 1.3-1 Mai n Tech nical Index序號名稱Name單位Un it指標Index備注Remark1鍋爐出口蒸汽溫度Steam temperature at boileroutletC5352鍋爐出口蒸汽壓力Steampressure at the outletof the boilerMPa10.53鍋爐蒸發(fā)里Boiler capacityt/h1154汽輪機裝機容量In stalledcapacity of steamturbi neMW16

24、5設計發(fā)電功率kW16000序號名稱Name單位Un it指標Index備注RemarkDesig n gen erated power6年運轉小時Annual operati ng hoursh80007年發(fā)電量Annual power gen erati on104kWh12,8008電站自用電率Power utilizati on rate ofthe power stati on%18.59年外供電量Annual power supply104kWh10,43210年耗水量3 mv 960,000序號名稱Name單位Un it指標Index備注RemarkAnnual water co

25、n sumpti on11SO排放量Emission Qty of SO 2mg/Nrriv 10012NOx排放量Emission Qty of NO xmg/Nrriv 15013飛灰排放量Emissio n Qty of Fly Ashmg/Nrmv 501.4 主要設備(Main Equipment)鍋爐采用高溫高壓循環(huán)流化床鍋爐、單鍋筒、自然循環(huán)、露天布置。鍋爐為n型結構、主副跨分立布置形式。The power stati on adopts high-temperature high-pressure circulat ingfluidized bed boiler withsin

26、 gle drum,n atural circulati on and outdoorarrangement. The boiler is of n -shaped structure and main-and-sub cross andseparate arra ngeme nt.序號名稱單位數(shù)值備注1蒸發(fā)里Evaporati oncapacityt/h1152額定蒸汽壓力Nomi nal steampressureMPa10.53額定蒸汽溫度Nomi nal steamtemperatureC5354排煙溫度Exhaust gastemperatureC1505給水溫度C210序號名稱單位

27、數(shù)值備注Feed-water temperature6煙氣側阻力Flue gas sideresista neePa27007排污率Polluta ntdischarge rate%1汽輪發(fā)電機組選用凝汽式汽輪機。The steam turb ine gen erator un it adopts condensing turb ine凝汽式汽輪機參數(shù)表序號項目Items單位Unit數(shù)量Qua ntity備注Remark1汽輪機組進汽量t/h115序號項目Items單位Unit數(shù)量Qua ntity備注RemarkInlet steamqua ntity of the steam turb i

28、ne unit2汽輪機組進汽壓力Inlet steampressure of steamturb ine setMPa10.53汽輪機組進汽溫度Inlet steam temperature of steam turb ine setC5354額定轉速Rated rotati ng speed of steamrpm3000項目單位數(shù)量備注序號ItemsUnitQua ntityRemarkturbi ne排氣壓力5Exhaust steamMPa0.01pressure143 發(fā)電機(Ge nerator)項目單位數(shù)量備注序號ItemsUnitValueRemark額定功率1Rated po

29、werMW18額定電壓2Rated voltageKv10.5序號項目Items單位Unit數(shù)量Value備注Remark3頻率Freque ncyHz504轉速Rotati ng speedr/mi n30005勵磁方式Excit ing mode/交流無刷勵磁AC Brushlessexcitati on6冷卻方式Cooli ng mode/水冷Water cooli ng7絕緣等級In sulati on grade/F項目單位數(shù)量備注序號ItemsUnitValueRemark8功率因數(shù)Power factor0.8 滯后(lag)1.5 項目實施進度(Implementation S

30、cheduling of the Project)按照本項目的實際規(guī)模,項目實施進度計劃如下:合同簽訂4個月內完成初步設計、技術審查以及主機訂貨;合同簽訂 10個月內完成施工圖設計、土建施工;合 同簽訂20個月內完成全部安裝工程、準備設備單體調試及首次并網發(fā)電。As per the actual scale of this project, the project con struct ion schedule is as follows: the preliminary design and technical review and host orderi ng shall be compl

31、eted with in 4 mon ths after the sig ning of the c on tract; the con struct ion draw ing desig n and civil con structi on shall be completed within 10 mon ths after the sig ningof the con tract;and the overallin stallati on engin eeri ng and preparati on for in dividual debugg ing of the equipment a

32、nd firstgrid-connectedpower generation shall be completed within 20 mon ths after the sig ning of the con tract.1.6 投資估算(Investment Estimate)本估算建設項目總投資為39,800,000美元。建設項目總投資為靜態(tài)投資。The total investment of the construction project is estimated to be USD39,800,000. The total inv estme nt of the con struc

33、ti on project is staticinv estme nt.表1.6-1總投資構成表Table 1.6-1 Total Cost Composition序號項目名稱Project n ame投資額(美元)Inv estme ntamou nt (USD)占靜態(tài)投資(%Staticinv estme nt (%)1建筑工程費Con structio n projectcost608940015.32安裝工程費In stallati onprojectcost26.2序號項目名稱Project n ame投資額(美元)Inv estme ntamou nt (USD)占靜態(tài)投資(%St

34、aticinv estme nt (%)3設備購置費Equipme nt procureme nt cost51.64工程建設其他費用Project constructionand other costs17400004.385基本預備費Basic reserve costs10062002.52靜態(tài)投資合計Total staticinv estme nt39,800,0002燃料供應及煙風系統(tǒng)(Total static investment)2.1 設計標準(Design Standard)(1) 火力發(fā)電廠設計技術規(guī)范(DL5000-2000);(2) 火力發(fā)電廠煙風煤粉管道設計技術規(guī)定D

35、L/T5121-2002.2 燃料供應系統(tǒng)(Fuel Supply System)本工程為利用稻殼、煤、焦油、木屑等直接燃燒發(fā)電,根據業(yè)主提供的信息, 現(xiàn)場建有兩個料倉,煤和稻殼分別貯存在料倉里。This project is to gen erate power by use of the rice husk, the In dia n coal, the pet coke, the straw dust etc. According to the information from the owner, there are two bunkers at the site, one is fo

36、r the coal and the other one is for the rice husk.根據業(yè)主提供的燃料配比方案,各方案每小時所需的燃料量如下表所示:According to the fuel firing schemes from the owner, the fuel quantity per hour for each fuel firing scheme as the table shows:表2.2-1 燃料需求量Table2.2-1 The fuel qua ntityFuel firingFuel quantity (t/h)100% rice husk24.411

37、00% In dian coal21.050% In dia n coal+50% rice husk22.680% rice husk+20% straw dust23.280% In dia n coal+20% pet coke14.2鍋爐配備一個料倉,料倉有效容積 625m3正常情況下可存儲鍋爐額定工況下34小時的燃料消耗量。料倉內設有 2個料坑與上料皮帶相連。鍋爐設置2臺皮帶給料機,每臺給料機出力25t/h。每臺給料機給料量都可以滿足鍋爐滿負荷運行需求,正常情況下每臺給料機各帶 50%負荷。Each boiler shall have a stock bin with the eff

38、ective volume of 625m3,and un der no rmal con diti on, it can store the fuel con sumpti on un der rated working condition of the boiler in 3-4 h. The stock bin has two pits connected with the material feeding belt. The boiler has two belt feeders with the respective capacity of 25t/h. The feed ing a

39、mount of each feeders can meet the full-load running demandof the boiler, and each feeder has 50%load under no rmal con diti on.給料機將燃料送至爐前料斗內,斗底輸送裝置將燃料分配到落料管內,在落料 管內燃料由播料風送入爐內燃燒。播料風來自鍋爐一次風,播料風經播料風機增壓,使進料口壓力高于進料口區(qū)域爐膛內壓力,防止爐內熱風反吹。The feeder sends the fuels to the front hopper in front of the boiler,th

40、e conveying device on the bottom of the hopper distributes the fuels tothe blanking pipe, and the fuels in the blanking pipe is conveyed to the boiler by the material spreading air. The spreading air comes from the primary air of the boiler, and after being stre ngthe ned by the material spread ing

41、fan, it makes the feed port pressure higher than the pressure in the hearth of the feed port regi on, which is to preve nt the back flushi ng of hot air in the boiler.2.3 煙風系統(tǒng)(Flue Gas and Air System)燃料和空氣在爐膛內燃燒后,產生的煙氣在爐內經過熱器、省煤器等排出鍋爐, 進入靜電除塵器后由引風機送入煙囪排放。設置兩臺引風機。After the fuels and air burn in the h

42、earth, the gen erated flue gas willbe discharged out of the boiler through super-heater and coal economizer and be discharged after entering the electrostatic precipitator and conveyed by the in duced draft fan. Each boiler is set up with an in duced draft fan.2.3.2 空氣系統(tǒng)(Air system)空氣系統(tǒng)由一、二次風機、高壓風機和

43、空氣預熱器組成。The air system is composed of primary and sec on dary fans, high-pressure fan and air preheater.一次風系統(tǒng)每臺鍋爐設1臺離心式風機。一次風機出口分 3路,1路至啟動燃 燒器作為點火風;另1路通過增壓風機加壓后又分為 2路,其一作為播料風接至落 料管,其二作為給料密封風接至密封風口;其余部分經空氣預熱器加熱后引至爐底 風室作為流化燃料的動力風。Each boiler of the primary fan system has a centrifugal fan. The primary

44、 fan outlet is divided into three ways, that is, one way is to the start-up burner as the ign iti on air; one way is divided into two ways after being pressurized through the booster fan, in which one is used as the feeding air and connected to the blanking pipe and the other is used as the feeding

45、seal air and connected to the seal air iniet; and the rest will be induced to the boiler-bottom air chamber through the air preheater to be used as the dynamic air for fluid fuel.二次風系統(tǒng)每爐設1臺離心式風機,二次風機出口二次風分為2路,1路接至鍋爐的上二次風箱口,另1路接至鍋爐的下二次風箱口。Each boiler of the sec on dary air system has a cen trifugal f

46、an, and the sec on dary air in the outlet of the sec on dary fan is divided in to two ways, one of which is conn ected to the upper sec on dary air bellow in let of the boiler, and the other of which is conn ected to the lower sec on dary air bellow inlet of the boiler.高壓流化風系統(tǒng)選用兩臺1003容量高壓流化風機,一臺運行,一

47、臺備用。高壓 流化風機出口一路接入兩個返料腿上的流化風接口,另一路接入一次熱風作為調節(jié) 咼壓流化風風量用。The high-pressure fluidized air system adopts two 100%-capacity high-pressurefluidizedfans, one for use and one for standby. Thehigh-pressure fluidized fan outlet has two ways, one of which accesses to the fluidizedair in terface on the two revert

48、 ing legs, and the other of whichaccesses to the primary hot air to be used for adjusti ng the air volume of high-pressure fluidized air.3 鍋爐及輔機系統(tǒng)(Boiler and the Auxiliary System)方案配置1臺自然循環(huán)、單鍋筒、高溫高壓循環(huán)流化床鍋爐。A n atural-circulatio nhigh-temperature high-pressurecirculati ngfluidized bed boiler with sin

49、 gle drum is con figured in the pla n.3.1 設計采用的規(guī)程、規(guī)范及標準(The Regulations. Specification and Standards Adopted in the Desig n)(1) 蒸汽鍋爐安全技術監(jiān)察規(guī)程(勞動部(1996) 276號)Supervisi on Regulatio n on Safety Tech no logy for Boiler (Mi nistry of Labor (1996) No. 276)(2) 電力建設施工及驗收技術規(guī)范(鍋爐機組篇)(DL/T5047-95)The Code of E

50、rect ion and Accepta nee of Electric Power Con structio n(Section of Steam Boiler Set) (DL/T5047-95)(3) 水管鍋爐受壓元件強度計算(GB/T9222-2008)Stre ngth Calculatio n of the Pressure Parts for Water Tube Boilers (GB/T9222-2008)(4) 鍋爐受壓元件焊接技術條件(JB/T1613-93)Specificati on for Weldi ng of Boiler Pressure Parts(JB/T

51、1613-93)(5) 鍋爐水壓試驗技術條件(JB/T1612-1994)Technical Specification for Hydraulic Test of Boiler (JB/T1612-1994)(6) 承壓設備無損檢測(JB/T4730.3-2005 )Non destructive Test ing of Pressure Equipme nts(JB/T4730.3-2005)(7) 鋼制法蘭、墊片、緊固件(HG20592- 20635-97)Steel Fla nges. Washer and Faste ner (HG2059220635-97)(8) 鋼結構設計規(guī)范(

52、GB50017-2002Code for Desig n of Steel Structure(GB50017-2002)3.2 鍋爐的布置與結構(Arrangement and Structure of the Boiler)鍋爐采用立式、自然循環(huán)、n 型結構,露天布置。The boiler adopts vertical,natural circulation,n -shaped structure andis of exposed arran geme nt.鍋爐配有二套床下風道點火燃燒器,每支油槍的出力為 200kg/h,由點火油槍、 高能點火器及火焰檢測裝置組成,點火油槍均為機械霧化

53、,燃料為0號輕柴油,油壓2.5Mpa,油槍所需的點火空氣為一次熱風。The boiler has two sets of under-bed air flue start-up burner, the output of each oil gun is 200 kg/h, the bur ner is composed of start-up oil gun, high-energy igniter and flame detector, the start-up oil gun is of mechanical atomizati on and bur ns the fuel of No.

54、0 light diesel oil with the oil pressure of 2.5Mpa, and the ign iti on air n eeded by the oil gun is primary hot air.鍋爐主要由鍋筒、爐膛水冷壁、高溫過熱器、低溫過熱器、屏式過熱器、省煤 器、空氣預熱器等組成。The boiler is main ly composed of boiler barrel, hearth water wall, high-temperature super-heater, low-temperature super-heater,plate nsu

55、per-heater, econo mizer and air pre-heater.鍋爐前部為爐膛,四周布滿膜式水冷壁,爐膛內布置有屏式過熱器,水平煙道內 裝設了兩級對流過熱器。爐頂、水平煙道轉向室和尾部包墻均采用膜式管包敷。尾 部豎井煙道布置兩級省煤器和空氣預熱器。The hearth is located in the forepart of the boiler, and the boiler issurroundedby film-type water wall, the internal hearth has platensuperheater, and the horizontalsmoke flue is


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