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1、Con fide ntiality of medical records ofIntellectual property in terms of medical records for doctors, hospitals and patients in terms of a legally bin di ng in strume nt, but also the pers onal privacy of the patient,in terms of the managementdepartments andgraduate departme nts, or one of the basis

2、 for man ageme ntand research in many ordinary thetreatmentof disease process, medical records are notimporta nt, patie nts with hospitaloverlookedin theday-to-day man ageme nt of the con fide ntiality of medical records. Actually, once the medical malpractice,or thepatie nt s disease con tai npriva

3、cy in gredie nts,medicalrecords become a very sensitive topic, the disclosure of medicalrecords can also cause a variety of disputes.hospitalsshould correctlyunderstand and deal with themedical record con fide ntiality issues full atte nti on to the hospital medical record in formati oncon fide ntia

4、ltoprotect the intellectualproperty rights of researchers toprotect patie nt privacy, Preve ntingmedicalin formatio nwas illegally steal.Toun dersta ndtheimporta neeof theimporta nee of the con fide ntiality of medical records in a medical records from the eoun try, hospitals and patie nts aspects:1

5、.1 for the country in terms of the medical records for the coun try: in accorda nee with the provisi ons of the Archives Act and secrecy laws, the guard ing of the medical files of three levels: top secret, con fide ntialand secret.Party and state leaders and visit ing foreig n heads of state, heads

6、 of gover nment health in formati on as a con fide ntial medical record in formati on top secret, Vice Preside nt, and the same level cadres and dig nitaries,medicalrecordin formati on such as the outbreak of the epidemic, special or difficultrece ntlydiscovered rare case of twocon fide ntial health

7、 adm ini strative departme nts published in fectiousdiseases, n aturaldisasters, special eve nts forthree con fide ntial medical malpractice disputes related to patie ntprivacy, such as AIDS, sexuallytran smitteddiseases, physical defects, mental illness, medical record in formati on for the four co

8、n fide ntial and death in patie nts with medical record in formati onfive con fide ntialityofother patie nts medical record in formati on con fide ntial forsix?1.2 for the hospital in terms of patient disputes is in creas ing year by year, medical history sig ni fica nt for the value and significane

9、eof the medical units and medicalpers onn el, medical records will highlight its legal effect: in the eve nt of a patie nt disputes are likely to improper care of the medical records by some unscrupulous elements, have adverse consequencesfor hospital medical files atthe same time, record the medica

10、l staff of medical services and medical tech no logy, medical un its of the Medical level affect the reputation and effectiveness of the personal future of the medical personnel and medical units. possible leak of medical records to hospitals and doctors work passive situatio n.additi on,with the in

11、 creaseddema nd of social developme nt, health in sura nee,socialin sura nee,trafficaccide ntclaims, in dustrial injurydetermi natio n,risingutilizationof medicalfiles inuseprocess topreve ntultra-ra ngeuse,result inginunn ecessary losses.1.3 for thein dividualpatie nt interms ofthesignificaneeof th

12、e medical records to say the least:medical record in formatio n first patie nt privacy material, sen sitive medical records of work not only for in dividuals, but also for their ownmarriage, family, and othermemberswill affect the hospitalif because medicalrecords caused by improper storage ofpatie

13、ntin formati on in the case of patie nts authorized disclosure, will be a serious infrin geme nt of the rights and in terests of patie nts, serious disputes.2 file and ignore the 2.1 weak sense of con fide ntiality to protect the privacy of patie nts status quo: some of the medical staff of the hosp

14、ital s lack ofsecurity awareness, the consequencespredicted by thecon fide ntiality of medical records of some of the com mon cases, there is a fluke and the effect psychological, so the eve nt will caused extremely passive most of the staff do not un dersta nd the requireme nts of the Secrecy Act a

15、nd Archives Act on the medical records con fide ntial, strict system and man ageme nt do not un dersta nd, do not match. cause con fide ntial work more difficult.con stra in ts:the2.2 lack of institutionalizedhospital medical record keep ing system is sound, but the cases and keep the main hospital,

16、 by the hospital is resp on sible for all work in the same unit system, however human, the difficulty of the operationof human society,likely to cause a lot of loopholes in the same time, i n the course of medical treatme nt, usually medical records are placed in the doctor and the nurse s office, d

17、irect con tact with the patie nt, the medical records can be retrieved at any time to anyone, and con fide ntialwork can not bedone, medical records of some of the major diseases not set in the hospital s internal security classification, all the medical staff can access, such will in fact open to t

18、he whole society, not a secret at all. posted in the free papers Downl oad Cen ter .com2.3 The lack of standardizationprogram: procedurefile first, and the tale nt but the executi on n eeds to have a strong sense of responsibility.Currently, medical recordsman ageme nt pers onnel quality is not high

19、, the lack of its strict supervision and managementevaluation measureslead ing some man agers treat not serious work ing attitude, very casual query of medical records, without leadership approval, is not legally binding, does not require proofmaterial with ide ntity strict audit will be able to acc

20、ess and copy medical records. programman ageme ntshortagemakes medical records con fide ntial work useless.3 How well the con fide ntialityof medicalrecords 3.1 change their ideas, to do security work: To stre ngthe nthe publicitywork of the con fide ntialityofmedical records and lear ning, and guid

21、e them to lear n the Secrets Act and Archives Act. Effectively change ideas, establish preve nti onandsense of resp on sibility. Somedical staff to un dersta ndthe dan gersof medicalrecords leak, severity, and enhance the initiativeto dosecurity work, truly hidde n, no loopholes, no n eglige nee, to

22、 en sure that classified medical records foolproof.3.2 stre ngthe n legislati on, laws to abide by thecon fide ntiality of medical records: Secrets Act and Archives Act of coun tries of the con fide ntiality of medical records related to the provisi ons of the local in dustry for the lack of con fid

23、e ntialityof medicalrecords leaksupport ing regulatio ns and in stituti onalrequireme nts,mak ingmedical records leaked eno ugh puni shme nttopoor operability.3.3 to strengthenthe system constructionofthe hospital: to establish a centralized managementofmedical records departmentsand personnel,estab

24、lish astrict inspectionmanagementsystem, establish a strictapprovalinspectionprogram to educate the use of themedical records in accordanee with the law, signed with reas on able access to the pers onnel < <view medical records con fide ntial consent > ;& gt; do not supposed to see medical r

25、ecords data determ ined not to look, not tosay of all do not say, prevention,medical personnelcon stra ints due to some bad behavior in the use of bringunn ecessary trouble.3.4 in formati ontech no logy and sta ndardizedmanagementmechanism:To establish the informationman ageme nt of medical records, medi


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