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1、英文自我介紹范文帶中文翻譯學生英語自我介紹 ,是人們進入社交大門的一把鑰匙,因為英語的普遍使用,學生也開始嘗試著用英語做自我介紹。本文是第一為大家的英文自我介紹范文 帶中文翻譯,僅供參考。 I, fu yi she, is an ordinary 15-year-old middle school student. Me, every time when the exam, home to consolidate review is ne _ssary; Whenever frustration es, calm and strong and keep me pany; When sadnes

2、s, tears slide the corner of my eye, I will _ myself: strong, e on. Yes, I am a middle school student. I, that prides itself on my own. Remember, the fast close to the final exam, I to review for it. A home, the first is the examination paper. Test is a _ job, but I spent my valuable for this for 30

3、 minutes. After dinner, it is the most important review. In preparation for review before: the most important is to examine whether _ster switch to turn off TV (lest I are temptation, dont focus on the review). Second, is to avoid unne _ssary interruption. Start reviewing. The first review of the la

4、nguage. Look at a pile of and a pile of papers on the desk, is really a headache, but think about tomorrows exam still catch up. The first class, second class, third class, the fourth class. At this point, time is like a sharp arrow. Through sou from my mind. Whew, finally finished review. Look at t

5、he clock, its already half past nine. Stretch a yawn, he went to bed. The next day, I with confiden _, starting to work. Brush brush pen crazy dancing on the answer sheet. At this point, Im so excited. Reviewing is useful indeed. Finally announ _d to perfor _n _, ex _llent results appear on the tran

6、script. Smile and joy. At this point, the tra _ can be found on me. Ha ha ha. Yes, struggle is indispensable for a suessful, now Im like a winner, after review and struggle, get good grades. I, because of his pride. 我,傅伊蕾,是一名普通的15歲中學生。 我,每當考試時,回家鞏固復習是必備功課;每當挫折來臨時,冷靜與堅強與我相伴;每當悲傷時,眼淚從眼角滑落,我會告訴自己:堅強,加油

7、。 是的,我 _一個中學生。我,因我自己而倍感自豪。 記憶猶新,那次快接近期末考,我為此而抓緊復習。一回家,首先就是 _。 _雖是一件簡單的工作,但我卻為此而花費了我寶貴的30分鐘。晚飯過后,就是最重要的復習。 在準備復習之前:最主要的就是檢查電視總開關(guān)是否關(guān)掉(以免我經(jīng)不住電視誘惑,不專心復習)。其次,就是避免不必要的打擾。 開始復習。首先先復習語文??纯凑n桌上的一疊又一疊的 _,真是頭痛,可想想明天的考試還是抓緊吧。 第一課,第二課,第三課,第四課此時,時間猶如一把利箭。“嗖”的一聲從我腦海穿過。呼,終于復習完了。抬頭看看時鐘,已經(jīng)是9點半了。伸了伸懶腰,便上床睡覺。 第二天,我懷著信心,

8、開始答題?!八⑺⑺ⅰ惫P尖在答卷紙上瘋狂的舞動。此時,我真的好興奮。復習果然有用。 終于到揭曉成績時,優(yōu)秀的成績在成績單上顯現(xiàn)。笑容,喜悅。此時,在我身上都可以找到蹤跡。哈哈哈 是的,奮斗對于一個成功者來說是不可缺少的,現(xiàn)在的我就像成功者,經(jīng)過復習和奮斗,取得優(yōu)秀的成績。 我,因自己而感到自豪。 Me, is plain, is the sort of thrown in the guests cant find out the sort of. A pair of phoenix eye, thick lips, only has a characteristic is my eyebrows

9、 pick up, see whether the people say I have eyebrows. I am a tall _n, with a thick head of hair, originally I have an enviable long and black hair, but then because of more homework, not good care was the barber two scissors to cut off, I that call a love dearly. Me, optimistic, though I am a single

10、 parent families children, but you absolutely cant see me is the shadow of sorrow. Mother said that I am a appearan _, inner fragile. Even so, I would also like to put my good side show you. And Im tolerant, you bully me, before the two men _ke stiff, now you want to and I reconciled, ok, no problem

11、, everything can start all over again. But that doesnt mean I dont. From my fa _ that you will only see the _ile forever, unless you are lucky! Keep ani _ls and plants, my hobbies. 3rd grade raising a bunch of ants, all were finally released, I intact no casualties. I in this respect is very talente

12、d. I also like to raise ani _ls and plants, previously had planted a sunflower, but there is no experien _ is the first time, the sunflower blossom just was burnt by the bending of the waist. Now home in potted ja _ine, Ill give it every day watering, fertilizing regularly, a while trimming the. Now

13、 it is under my care long lush, attractive. I, learning is good, the teacher the assig _ent can be pleted on time. Although so, but I am learning is not hard. I can only finish the teacher assigned homework, the most up to do a few more questions. I like to do homework while reading, I often get I l

14、ike to read articles to encourage me to write the homework, Im thinking: see this article to finish the homework, but sometimes I cant afford to temptation, all of a sudden has finished a book, mother often across the door shout: you run Mars homework? All these two hours, you little homework yet? T

15、his is the god I will e back, put down the book, suddenly found the homework was a word not move! Dear, heard that afternoon homework efficiency is not high, in the evening to write! My in the mind think like this, hand again, grope for in the book, despite mom Shouting outside. This is me, write th

16、is article, I think Im perfect, of course, who dont want to! Ha ha! But no one is perfect, I still have much to be desired, get rid of these bad habits, believe that you will be more like me! 我,相貌平平,是那種扔在人堆里就找不出來的那種。一雙丹鳳眼,厚嘴唇,唯一有個特點就是我的眉毛向上挑,見我的人都說我是不是修過眉毛。我是個高個子,有一頭濃密的頭發(fā),原來我有一頭令人羨慕的又黑又長的頭發(fā),可是后來因為功課

17、多,不好打理就被了理發(fā)師兩剪刀給剪掉了,我那叫一個心疼啊。 我,樂觀向上,雖然我是單親家庭的孩子,但是你從我身上絕對看不到一點悲傷的影子。媽媽說我是外表強悍,內(nèi)心脆弱。即使是這樣,我也愿意把我好的一面展示給大家。而且我很寬容,以前你欺負我,兩個人鬧僵了,現(xiàn)在你想和我和好,行,沒問題,一切都可以重新開始。但這并不代表 _原則。從我臉上你永遠只會看到笑容,除非你好運! 我,愛好養(yǎng)動植物。三年級的時候曾養(yǎng)過一群螞蟻,最后全部都被我完好無損的放生了,無一傷亡。證明我在這一方面還是很有天賦的。我還很喜歡養(yǎng)動植物,以前曾經(jīng)親手種過一株向日葵,可是是第一次種沒有經(jīng)驗,向日葵才剛剛開花就被曬彎了腰?,F(xiàn)在家里在

18、養(yǎng)盆栽茉莉,我每天都會給它澆水,定時施肥,隔一段時間還會修剪修剪?,F(xiàn)在它在我的照顧下長的郁郁蔥蔥,惹人喜愛。 我,學習還不錯,老師布置的作業(yè)都能及時完成。雖然是這樣,但我的學習并不刻苦。我只會完成老師布置的作業(yè),最多最多再多做幾道題。我喜歡邊寫作業(yè)邊看書,我時常拿我喜歡看的文章來激勵我寫作業(yè),我在心里想:完成這項作業(yè)就看這篇文章,但有時我經(jīng)不起誘惑,一下子把一本書都看完了,媽媽常隔著門喊:“你跑火星寫作業(yè)啦?這都倆小時了,你那點作業(yè)還沒完啊?”這是我才會回過神,放下書,猛然發(fā)現(xiàn)作業(yè)竟一字未動!天哪,聽說下午寫作業(yè)效率不高,晚上在寫吧!我心里這樣想著,手不覺又摸索到了書上,全然不顧媽媽在門外大喊

19、大叫 這就是我,寫這篇文章的時候我覺得我很 _,當然,誰不這樣想自己呢!哈哈!不過人無完人,我還有許多地方需要改進,甩掉這些壞毛病,相信你會更喜歡我! Hello everyone, my name is annabell, 14 years old this year, is a lovely little girl. Im not tall, but I have a pair of very very big eyes, below this pair of big eyes and a s _ll nose is not high also not stand, oh, by the

20、way, I also have a cherry s _ll mouth, I also with a high, like a shuttlecock braid. ? Im pretty! I like reading, every time my mother give me money, I always save them up, in secretly run to the bookstore to buy their favorite book to read, I always like a breath and I bought the book to read them,

21、 then read ten times eight times, this I have no problem. Every day, whenever I see some books, will be half a day not to e out, because the book is the sea of knowledge, roam in the o _an, is my greatest happiness. As a result, I had the nickname in it. I also like playing basketball, the somebody else all say tall fit to play basketball, but I think that is short can play basketball as well. Just like me, its not bad, but not candidly adm


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