On the Functions of the Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary School Classes情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用_第1頁(yè)
On the Functions of the Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary School Classes情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用_第2頁(yè)
On the Functions of the Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary School Classes情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用_第3頁(yè)
On the Functions of the Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary School Classes情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用_第4頁(yè)
On the Functions of the Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary School Classes情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用_第5頁(yè)
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1、undergraduate graduation thesis 38 school of foreign language談情景教學(xué)法在小學(xué)課堂上的作用on the functions of the situational teaching methodology in primary school classes摘 要隨著英語(yǔ)在小學(xué)階段的開展,教學(xué)改革的推進(jìn),很多科學(xué)而又有效的教學(xué)方法展現(xiàn)在課堂教學(xué)中。情景教學(xué)法就是一種新穎且極又效果的教學(xué)方法。情景教學(xué)法強(qiáng)調(diào)語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí)的真實(shí)情景。通過(guò)創(chuàng)設(shè)語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí)的情景,以情景為中心,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力。由于其強(qiáng)調(diào)語(yǔ)言和環(huán)境的結(jié)合,可以增強(qiáng)學(xué)生對(duì)語(yǔ)言的感性認(rèn)識(shí)

2、。小學(xué)生理解能力不高但擅長(zhǎng)對(duì)感性認(rèn)識(shí)的記憶 ,因此情景教學(xué)法非常適合教授小學(xué)生尤其是低年級(jí)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)語(yǔ)言時(shí)使用。目前,我們不少老師在日常的英語(yǔ)教學(xué)中仍然自覺(jué)不自覺(jué)的使用傳統(tǒng)的填鴨式教學(xué),課堂氣氛沉悶,學(xué)生被動(dòng)接受。這種教學(xué)根本不適合小學(xué)生的心理和年齡特征,使學(xué)生產(chǎn)生厭煩心理,從一開始就不愿意和英語(yǔ)打交道,繼而學(xué)好英語(yǔ)成了一句空話。再者缺少語(yǔ)言習(xí)得和使用環(huán)境,是中國(guó)學(xué)生外語(yǔ)表達(dá)能力差的一個(gè)重要因素。因此在英語(yǔ)教學(xué)中,教師應(yīng)該給學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè)一種學(xué)“母語(yǔ)”的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)氛圍,進(jìn)行非常必要的“情境教學(xué)”。教師一定要想方設(shè)法,創(chuàng)造各種語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境,讓學(xué)生親身體驗(yàn),理解不同情境所表達(dá)的信息和語(yǔ)言材料,激發(fā)他們表達(dá)思

3、想的欲望,在情境學(xué)習(xí)中鍛煉運(yùn)用語(yǔ)言的能力。關(guān)鍵詞:小學(xué)英語(yǔ);情景教學(xué)法;學(xué)生特征;作用abstractwith english carrying out in primary schools and teaching reforms promoting, lots of scientific and efficient teaching methods appear in classroom teaching. situational teaching methodology is a novel and effective teaching method.situational teachi

4、ng methodology which emphasizes the real scene of language learning cultivate students listening and speaking abilities by means of creating the scene of language learning and regarding the scene as the center. as the result of its combination of language and environment, situational teaching method

5、ology can enhance students perceptual understanding of language. for students are not good at understanding but adept in keeping perceptual knowledge in mind, situational teaching methodology is quite suitable to pupils especially the lower grades to study language.at present, many teachers in our d

6、aily english teaching still use, consciously or unconsciously, the traditional “spoon-feeding teaching” method, which makes the class boring and students passively accepted knowledge. this teaching method does not fit the pupils characteristics of their mentality and age. it would cause students to

7、have the bored feeling from the beginning and not want to learn english. in addition it is a important factor of chinese students poor english for lacking of acquisition and use of the foreign language environment. therefore it is essential that teachers should create the “mother-tongue” environment

8、 for students in english teaching. teachers must try to establish various kinds of environment and let students experience them and understand different contexts and information expressed in language atmosphere. it will stimulate their desire to express thoughts and promote the ability of learning l

9、anguage in situational environment.key words: primary english; situational teaching methodology;students characteristics;functioncontents 摘要 .iabstract iii. introduction .1.the basic theory of situational teaching methodologythe principle of interaction between emotional and cognitive activities the

10、 intuitive principle of understandthe similar principle between thinking and sciencehumans awareness is the process of combining conscious and unconscious mental activitieshumans cognitive process is the process of uniting non-intellectual factors and mental factors (or rational activity and emotion

11、al activity).the importance of situational teaching methodology1. it helps to develop and enhance students interest in learning english2. it helps to cultivate students practical ability to use english3. it helps students to master knowledge and comprehending the difficulties 4. it suits primary sch

12、ool pupils physiological and psychological characteristics.the use of situational teaching methodology1. pay attention to teacher-student interaction2. stimulate students problematical awareness3. guide students to discuss properly4. assess timely.the principles of creating teaching scene1. purposiv

13、e principle2. illuminable principle3. multiform principle.the foundation and significance of the application of situational teaching methodology in primary school english teachingfoundation: 1. from the students psychological characteristics 2. from the structure of textbook 3. from the standard req

14、uirements of new curriculums in englishsignificance: to reduce the difficulty of teaching to facilitate problem-solving (2) to reduce the degree of fatigue to make students maintain good momentum in learning english (3) to stimulate, maintain and improve students interest in learning effectively so

15、that students will participate in teaching activities actively.how to carry on situational teaching methodology to foster students self-learning ability1. set up the language scene of listening and speaking2. create visual scenes3. create a successful scenario 4. establish the peripheral environment

16、 around campus to expand the second classroom.conclusionbibliography .acknowledgements . introductionforeign language teaching has a history of about 500 years in europe. during this period various teaching methods succeeded one after another owing to different social and historical backgrounds. eng

17、lish teaching in china also has a long history of more than 100 years. after the founding of the peoples republic of china, especially since the practice of the policy of reformation and opening, many western schools of teaching methodology have been introduced to china together with the introductio

18、n of advanced western science and technology. that has led to the prosperity of english teaching in china to a great extent. moreover, english teaching as an industry has made rapid progress during the past few years. all sorts of methodologies have been applied to the english teaching. that has con

19、tributed much to the overall improvement of national english level.however, it cannot be denied that the proper teaching approach in primary school english teaching process has been greatly neglected. the traditional chinese “cramming method of teaching” is still play a leading role in our country.

20、as is known to all, the status of english as an international language and a major medium in the information age is more and more prominent in the 21st century. so to start the english education from primary school students has become necessary. furthermore, it is a national step to make such a star

21、t because english education is a systematic project whose different stages are linked with one another just like the rings on a chain. on this chain, primary school is the special ring for it is the starting point and foundation for others. therefore, whether it is stable or not will certainly be re

22、lated to the effect of the whole chain. childhood is the ideal phase to acquire a native or foreign language. so it is vital to start english teaching in primary school. at the present time, the question “how to teach english course well in primary school” is the issue we follow closely. the quality

23、 of english teaching cannot be greatly improved if we still confine ourselves to traditional teaching method. therefore optimizing primary english teaching method will become one of the great steps leading to successful teaching. flexibility plays a crucial role in language teaching because it is cl

24、osely related to many factors, such as learner, textbook and environment or other things. therefore, in practical teaching it is impractical to say that a certain language teaching method is permanently effective. teaching methods should vary from person to person according to different teaching par

25、ameters. although there are many teaching approaches available, we still find it difficult to achieve satisfactory results in primary school english teaching. then it remains an important thing to improve the existing teaching methods. as researchers in the field of primary school english teaching,

26、we are duty-bound to exert ourselves to grope for the most appropriate english teaching method.the english situational teaching method of primary school, according to psychological characteristic of students, offers as many as possible chances to carry on the exercises in english for students throug

27、h opening various informative situations, such as conversation, the song, the game, tongue twister, etc. at the same time teacher can get support from some audio-visual aids to arouse students interest, make them study in the happy and unrestrained atmosphere using knowledge freely and being interes

28、ted in learning.bloomfield also thinks “the successful foreign language classroom instruction should establish a great many situations in the lesson, let students have opportunities to use the language materials that have already been learnt.” these have fully reflected that characteristics of child

29、ren naivety and activeness. stressing the practicality of the language and making students practice time and again help students to consolidate the memory of the language. the traditional english teaching methods, “duck-stuffing” and “translates from english to chinese”, not only make the atmosphere

30、 of the classroom depressive but also have the students accept the knowledge passively, and moreover they dont fit for the pupils psychology and age characteristics at all. so the students are unwilling to go on learning english. in order to change this phenomenon, we can adopt the corresponding int

31、eresting and intriguing means based on the different contents of courses to excite students interest to study english. in china, english is taught as the second language in most of the schools. many parents pay more attention to the english education of their children. they ask their babies to learn

32、 this kind of language when they are very young. at the same time, many teachers have their own teaching methods. but to be a fact, situational teaching method is a method which is common and practical in our daily teaching.this thesis is one of the many attempts aimed at the goal to enable to stude

33、nts learn english effective and be willing to learn english. hereon, i endeavor to propose the situational teaching methodology as an ideal english teaching approach and make a further step to inquire into its practice in primary school english teaching. ii. literature reviewthe situational teaching

34、 method was established and prevailed in england from 1930s to 1960s. in the 1970s, it was introduced to china and well-known in the foreign language field. the widely known “new concept english” was taught in this method.the basic requirement of situational teaching method is to fully motivate stud

35、ents sensory organs to apperceive the objects to be learned through seeing, hearing even touching them. the american applied linguist krashen put forth the theory of “input hypothesis” in his acquisition theory of second language learning. he considered that acquisition could be formed on the basis

36、of comprehensive language input and the reason why the input could be understood was the help of context. hence we can know that krashen emphasized on the external language environment. in terms of the relationship between the language and cognition, both the organs of language and the development d

37、egree of humans brain provided the physiological foundation for people learning language, while the rich cultural and social environment offered the favorable conditions for the acquired language learners (fang junming, 1992). in the process of learning english, the teachers leading role is to build

38、 up a bridge between the two, while this effective bridge is language environment. the good way to create the language environment is undoubtedly the situational teaching method. just as krashen proposed, the input of language must be in quantity and the goal was to influence the learners in the ric

39、h language environment (krashen, 1982).the czech educationist j.a. comenius regarded “all the things should be close to the sensory organs as much as possible within the probable scope”. he demonstrated the necessity of intuitional instruction on the basis of sensualism. at the same time, he advocat

40、ed to “utilize all the potential means to arouse childrens the desire of seeking knowledge” in order to enhance students proactivity and consciousness.the american linguist william dwight whitney(18271894) believed that “l(fā)anguage is the symbol which can be spoken out and heard. we regard language as

41、 a system; just the similar systems constitute the culture of a community”. whitney held on to the arbitrariness of symbols in order to emphasize that the language was indeed a system. “there is a fact which can prove that well. for an object, behavior or peculiarity, how many kinds of language ther

42、e are, how many names there would be. and that every name could fulfill its task”. (whitney, 1875) that the situational teaching method views language as a structure and a well-regulated system is deeply influenced by structuralism.the main theory of behavioral psychology is stimulus-reaction theory

43、. burrhus frederic skinner(19041990) was one of the initiators of new-behavioristic psychology. he classified them to two kinds: “one type is responsive behavior which is the reaction caused by the known stimulus; another type is operational behavior which has nothing to do with any known stimulus.

44、it is the reaction that the organism itself generates.”(skinner, 1953) correspondingly the conditional reflex was divided to respondent conditioning and operant conditioning. in teaching process, if the students answer correctly, teacher would praise or smile at him/her, which is like the white rat

45、in skinner box got food in the trial; if the students answer wrong, teacher may criticize or frown at him/her, which is like the white rat got electric shock. in this way the students will gradually form the right codes of language.the celebrated linguistician once said: “a foreign language teacher

46、should be an actor. he/she is requested to perform, gesticulate with hands and feet and express the views by gesture, movement, expression and intonation. the teacher who is gentle and cultivated, sit on the platform all the time and not walk round the classroom wont be successful.” the purpose of s

47、ituational teaching is to place the students in the situations as real as possible to learn english.“making use of the learning environmental factors such as situation, cooperation and conversation and so on to fully give play to students initiative, positivity and pioneering spirit, and finally to

48、achieve the goal of making students effectively know the significance of what they studied” (wang xibao,1996). it will get better results to let students in the specific situations and they would put the knowledge into practice through simulating the situations.to sum up, the situational teaching me

49、thod bases on the modern psychology, pays much attention to students feelings, and absorbs the advantages of traditional teaching methods. it stands for the developing trend of modern teaching approach. the theoretical basis of the situational teaching methodology1. the principle of the interaction

50、between emotional and cognitive activitiesthe research of emotional psychology shows that the individual emotions have at least three functions: motivating, strengthening and adjusting functions. motivating function refers to the emotions increase or decrease the efficiency of cognitive activities,

51、namely the healthy and positive emotions play a active role in cognitive activities and promote them while the negative and unhealthy emotions hinder or restrain cognitive activities. situational teaching methodologys aim is to arose students positive and healthy emotional experience in teaching pro

52、cess, enhance students enthusiasm in studying directly, and make sure that the students carry out the learning activity voluntarily and happily. the emotions increase the efficiency of cognitive activities, from which we gain new enlightenment on solving the problem that at present the primary stude

53、nts ubiquitously have insufficient motive power. emotional adjusting function refers that the emotions organize or disintegrate cognitive activities, namely the moderate and pleasant mood is propitious to the organizing and processing of intelligent operations. but too strong or too weak mood and ba

54、d mood may cause confusion in thinking and difficulty in memorizing. the situational teaching methodology requires creating the proper situation which makes students feel relaxed, pleasant, calm and refreshing and promotes to carry out students psychological activities and progress in depth. in the

55、practice of teaching people also feel that the cheerful and lively classroom atmosphere is the important factor of gaining a good effect in teaching. when students excite and exult is always the moment of the students internalizing and deepening knowledge. the studies of cerebral science show that p

56、eoples left and right cerebral hemisphere is in charge of logical, rational and analytic thinking, including verbal function. while the right one is responsible for intuition, creativity, and imagination, including emotional activities. in traditional teaching, whether teachers analysis and explanat

57、ion or students individual exercises even mechanical reciting, all of those mainly arouse the operation of logical and impassive left cerebral hemisphere. however, the situational teaching methodology always let students feel first and then express in language, or make students feel at the same time

58、 innervate the internal language. when feeling, the right cerebral hemisphere which is in charge of the visual ideation excites; when expressing, the left one which has the function of abstract thinking excites. in this way, the two hemispheres of the brain excite and restrain alternately or excite

59、and cooperate simultaneously, which can help to tap people cerebral potentialities greatly. and students could study in comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. so the situational teaching method can obviously get better teaching result than traditional teaching.2. the intuitive principle of cognitionaccording to the methodology, the situational teaching method carries out based on the principle of theory of reflection and the effect of objective reality influencing childrens subjective consciousness. and the images of world just enter the childrens consciousness through visualization. con


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