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1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學子:學業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復習資料大全公共英語四級模擬211公共英語四級模擬211Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This Section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are

2、THREE parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET

3、1. If you have any questions, you may raise your band NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A For Questions 1-5, you will hear a passage about weather forecast. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you ha

4、ve heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only I word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1.答案:82解析 1-5 Its a pleasant 73 degrees here. For those of you travelling tomorrow, h

5、ere is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world. In Amsterdam, it should be clear tomorrow with a high of 82 and a low of 70. Athens is also expected to be clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70. We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of 64. It will also rain

6、 in Cairo but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73. Dublin will be cloudy, as it is often at this time of the year, with a high of 75 and a low of 55. Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with temperatures o

7、nly reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night, If you dont want hot weather, stay a- way from New Delhi, where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80. And thats it for weather around the world. 2.答案:643.答案:warme

8、r4.答案:cloudy5.答案:112Part B For Questions 6-10, you will hear a passage about the change in American marriages. While you listen, complete the sentences and answer the question. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read sentences and

9、 the questions below. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. The divorce rate in America has reached答案:fifty percent/50%/50 percent解析 6-10 Marriage is still a popular social practice in America, but divorce is becoming almost as popular. Most Americans get married, but at the same time, fifty percent of their marr

10、iages end up in divorce. However, four out of five divorced people do not stay single. They get married for the second time to new partners. Sociologists tell us that in the 21st century, most American people will marry three or four times in one lifetime. Alvin Toffler, an American sociologist, cul

11、ls this new social form social marriages. In his book Future Shock, Toffler gives many reasons for this change in American marriage. In modern society, peoples lives dont stay the same for very long. Americans frequently change their jobs, their homes, and their circle of friends. So the person who

12、was a good husband or wife ten years ago is sometimes not as good ten years later. After being married for some years, a husband or wife can feel that their lives have become very different, and they dont have the same interests any more. Because of this, Toffler says, people in the 21st century wil

13、l not plan to marry only one person for an entire lifetime. They will plan to stay married to one person for perhaps five or ten years, and then marry another. Most Americans will expect to have a marriage career that includes three or four marriages. 2. In the 21st century, most Americans will marr

14、y three or four times答案:in one lifetime3. Alvin Toffler published a book named答案:Future Shock4. The percentage of remarriage among divorced Americans is答案:eighty percent/80%/80 percent5. One of die reasons for the change in American marriages is答案:difference in interestsPart C You will hear three di

15、alogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening. answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONL

16、Y ONCE. Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage introducing Emily Dickinson, a well-known American poet. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11-13. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. How long did Emily Dickinson live in the house where she was born?A.Almost all her life.B.Less than half her li

17、fe.C.Until 1830.D.Before 1872.答案:A解析 11-13 Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest American poets. She was born in a typical New England village in Massachusetts on December 10,1830. She was the second child of he family. She had lived in the same house for Fifty-six years when she died. During her l

18、ife time she never left her native land. She left her home state only once and she left her village very few times. After 1872 she rarely left her louse and yard. In the later years of her life she retreated to a smeller and smaller circle of family and friends. In hose later years she dressed in wh

19、ite, avoided strangers, and communicated chiefly through notes and poems even with intimates. The doctor who attended her illness was allowed to examine her in another room, seeing her walk by an opened door. People in her home village thought of her as a strange figure. When she died on May 15,1886

20、, she was unknown to the rest of the world. Only seven of her poems had appeared in print. But to think of Emily Dickinson only as a strange figure is a serious mistake. She lived simply and deliberately. She faced the essential facts of life. According to Henry James, a famous American novelist, sh

21、e was one of those on whom nothing was lost. Only by thus living could Dickinson manage both to fulfill her obligations as a daughter, a sister, and a housekeeper and to write on the average one poem a day. She read only a few books but knew them deeply. Her poems are simple but remarkably rich. Not

22、 until the 1950s was she recognized as one of the greatest American poets. 2. Which of the following is TRUE of Emily Dickinson?A.She was not a productive poet.B.She saw many of her poems published.C.She was not a sociable person.D.She had contact only with a few poets.答案:C3. When was Emily Dickinso

23、n widely recognized?A.After Henry James referred highly to her.B.After seven of her poems were published.C.After her poems became known to others.D.After she was dead for many years.答案:D Questions 14-16 are based on the following dialogue. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14-16. (如需獲取本MP3聽力

24、錄音請搜索標題名) 1. What is the woman doing when the man interrupts her?A.Taping some music.B.Watching a film.C.Making a video recording.D.Writing a letter.答案:B解析 14-16M: Say, Rason, what are you watching?W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if Im going to spend all my next year there. Id better start familia

25、rizing myself with the culture.M: You mean you are accepted into the program?W: Yes.M: Thats wonderful. You must be excited.W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Mercheno. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practice tapes and a book which goes wi

26、th them. Just so I can work on my basic conversation skills.M: How much Japanese can you understand?W: Not a lot at present. But I signed up for intensive Japanese this semester.M: I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. Id like to study abroad.W: Than why dont you? The university

27、 has lots of over- seas programs that dont require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is receptive to new ways of looking at things and willing to adjust to a different kind of life style.M: I had assumed that all programs require

28、d you to know a foreign language. I might check into this.W: You wont regret it.2. Why is the woman so excited?A.She is going to study in another country.B.She received a letter from a Japanese friend.C.She just returned from a trip to Japan.D.She got a job at a travel agency.答案:A3. Why does the wom

29、an feel grateful to Professor Mercheno?A.He helped her get into the program.B.He recorded some tapes especially for her.C.He gave her a good grade in her Japanese class.D.He told her about an interesting movie to watch.答案:A Questions 17-20 are based on the following passage about the history of news

30、papers. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17-20. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. How long is it since the first newspaper was printed?A.700 years.B.Over 2 000 years.C.About 1 300 years.D.About 380 years.答案:C解析 17-20 The first newspapers were handwritten sheets which were posted in public places. The

31、 earliest recorded newspaper was started in Rome in 59 B. C. In the 700s, the worlds first printed newspaper was developed in China. The paper was printed from carved wooden blocks and distributed among the citizens. Europe didnt have a regularly published newspaper until 1609, when one was started

32、in Germany. The first regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published weekly. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant( current), which didnt appear until March 1702. In 1690,

33、 Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. The paper was called Publick (public) Occurrences, hath forreign (foreign) and domastick (domestic). The local government, however, didnt approve of the paper and stopped its publication after the first issue. In 1704, John Campbell st

34、arted the Boston Newsletter, the first newspaper to be published daily in the American colonies. By 1760, the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1 800 daily papers in America. Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation all over the wo

35、rld. The largest circulation for an individual newspaper, however, is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, which sells more than eleven million copies each day. 2. According to the. passage, which of the following newspapers have the largest circulation?A.English language newspapers.B.Chine

36、se language newspapers.C.Japanese language newspapers.D.German language newspapers.答案:A3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The earliest printed newspaper was developed in Europe.B.It took hundreds of years for newspapers to he developed into their present form.C.Boston i

37、s the place where American newspapers were first printed.D.The first American newspaper carried news from both home and abroad.答案:A4. Which of file following can NOT be inferred from the passage?A.China developed advanced technology in printing long before any other countries in the world.B.Move peo

38、ple read newspapers in English than in any other languages.C.Japan is the country where people read more newspapers.D.Newspapers have developed quickly in the U.S. since the beginning of the 18th century.答案:CSection Use of English Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered bl

39、ank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not 1 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not 2 . Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the develope

40、d countries 3 solutions. 4 ,problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized countries . Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very 5 . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly 6 workers are needed to 7 and repair the equipment.

41、 These workers must be trained 8 many countries do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 9 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to 10 vocational and professional training. 11 , just to begin training, the students must 12 learn English, French, German,

42、 or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and 13 do not return home. All countries agree that science and technology 14 be shared. The point is: countries 15 the industrial processes of the developed countries need to look carefully 16 the costs, because many of these costs are 17 . S

43、tudents from these countries should 18 the problems of the developed countries closely. 19 care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, 20 the benefits. 1.A.generateB.raiseC.produceD.manufacture答案:C解析 produce 和 manufacture都有“生產(chǎn)”的意思,但manufacture指用機器大量生產(chǎn)。2.A.answeredB.metC.cal

44、culatedD.remembered答案:B解析 meet the need意為“滿足需要”,屬于慣常用法。3.A.forB.withoutC.asD.about答案:A解析 look for意為“尋找”,固定搭配。本句意為:許多這樣的國家想從發(fā)達國家的工業(yè)流程中尋找解決方案。4.A.MoreoverB.ThereforeC.AnywayD.However答案:D解析 however意為“但是”,表轉(zhuǎn)折;moreover意為“此外,而且”,表并列;therefore意為“因此”,表因果;anyway意為“無論如何”,一般用來總結(jié)上文,得出結(jié)論。5.A.expensiveB.mechanica

45、lC.flourishing .D.complicated答案:B解析 由后文“provides fewer jobs”可知,工業(yè)機械化程序很高。mechanical意為“機械的”;flourishing意為“繁榮的”;complicated意為“復雜的”;expensive意為“昂貴的”。6.A.giftedB.skilledC.trainedD.versatile答案:B解析 highly skilled意為“技術嫻熟的”;gifted意為“有天分的”;versatile意為“多能的”;trained意為“訓練的”。從文中“maintain and repair the equipment

46、”來看,需要的是技術嫻熟的工人來保養(yǎng)和修理設備。7.A.keepB.maintainC.retainD.protect答案:B解析 maintain意為,“保養(yǎng)”,一般常用來指機器設備等的保養(yǎng);retainkeep possession of意為“保管 (以防丟失)”;protect意為“保衛(wèi)”;keep意為“占有”。8.A.sinceB.soC.andD.yet答案:D解析 yet最常用的是副詞形式,相當于already,意為“已經(jīng)”,用于疑問句和否定句中,如:Has John arrived yet?約翰來了嗎?但是在這里卻是用做連詞,表示“但是,然而”。本句意為:這些工人必須培訓,然而,

47、很多國家卻沒有必需的培訓機構(gòu)。9.A.chargeB.priceC.costD.value答案:C解析 cost意為“費用”;charge意為“要價”;price意為“價格”;value意為“價值”。本句意為:進口工業(yè)的花費就更高了。10.A.acceptB.gainC.receiveD.absorb答案:C解析 receive training/education意為“接受培訓/教育”,屬于慣常用法。11.A.FrequentlyB.IncidentallyC.DeliberatelyD.Eventually答案:A解析 frequently意為“常?!薄1揪湟鉃椋簽榱碎_始培訓,學生們常常必

48、須先學英語、法語、德語或日語。12.A.soonB.quicklyC.immediatelyD.first答案:D解析 first意為“首先”。從句意和上下文結(jié)構(gòu)可推知。13.A.someB.othersC.severalD.few答案:A解析 some意為“一些”;few意為“很少幾個”; several意為“幾個”,常指多于兩個但并不是很多的數(shù)量。本句意為:學生們在國外呆上許多年,有一些就不再回來了。14.A.mightB.shouldC.wouldD.will答案:B解析 should意為“應該”;might意為“可能”; would和will表將來。本句意為:所有國家都認為科技應該共享

49、。15.A.adoptingB.conductingC.receivingD.adjusting答案:A解析 adopt意為“采用”;conduct意為“指導”; receive意為“收到”;adjust意為“調(diào)節(jié)”。本句意為:采用發(fā)達國家工業(yè)流程的國家應該仔細注意花費。從意思來看,只有adopt符合。16.A.toB.atC.onD.about答案:A解析 look to意為“注意,考慮”,固定搭配。17.A.opaqueB.secretC.sealedD.hidden答案:D解析 hidden意為“隱藏的”;sealed意為“秘密的”;sealed意為“封存的”;opaque意為“不透明的

50、”。本句意為:許多這樣的花費是隱蔽的。18.A.tackleB.learnC.studyD.manipulate答案:C解析 study意為“研究”;tacklesettle,意為“解決”;learn意為“學習”,沒有“研究”的意思;manipulate意為“操縱”。本句意為:從這些國家來的學生應該好好研究發(fā)達國家的問題。19.A.InB.ThroughC.WithD.Under答案:C解析 with care 意為“小心,謹慎”,固定搭配。20.A.exceptB.norC.orD.but答案:D解析 notbut意為“不是而是”,固定搭配。Section Reading Comprehen

51、sionPart A Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 The Internet raises major issues and challenges for education, not just in China but ail over the world. Yet it simply cannot be ignored in terms of th

52、e opportunities and resources that it can offer. We can divide the main issues facing education systems into three groups-access, quality and responsibility. Let us consider the Internet in relation to each of them. First, access. Through the Internet, practically the whole world can be brought into

53、 your classroom. Using e-mail makes it possible to have a class whose members are spread all over the world and who may never meet either the teacher or each other face to face. It can put students in different countries in easy contact. The information resources available are almost limitless. With

54、 the Internet, students and teachers can access the wisdom, experience, skills, and even guidance of others in a way that was only possible for a very privileged few. Next, quality. The Internet does pose serious problems of quality for education systems. Obviously, there is a lot of material on the

55、 Internet that no one would want children or students to have uncontrolled access to, but there are other problems which are very difficult to solve. The first is how to handle the sheer quantity of information available, and how to make it manageable. Because anyone can put information on the Inter

56、net, and there are no limits on quantity, it can be almost impossible to find exactly the information that one wants. Teachers and students cannot afford to waste time on unsuccessful searching. How can we identify the information which will be most useful without overloading ourselves and our students with unnecessary information? How do we select the best information from all that is available? This raises the issue of responsibility. There are few editors or quality controllers on


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