



1、2006年6月17日大學(xué)英語六級 A卷答案 (恩波版)聽力 2006年6月17日大學(xué)英語六級A卷答案(恩波版)聽力2006 年6月17日大學(xué)英語六級A卷答案(恩波版)聽力1 . c she is not sure she can pass on the message. 2. d hold the ladder for him 3. b hed like some coffee 4. c he might get fired 5. d tonys wife 6. a he was fined for running a red light 7. c he finds reward more e

2、ffective tha n puni shme nt 8 . b at the dentist s 9 .b he doesn t agree with the woman s remark 10 . a it was applaudable. 11. b. medical care 12 . c. her determ in ati on to fulfill her dream. 13 . b. to help disabled children there. 14 . d. in a small village in chile. 15 . a. by expanding their

3、minds and horizons. 16 . d. she made outstanding contributions to children s educati on. 17 . a she won the 1945 nobel prize in literature. 18 . c. how animals protect themselvesagainst predators. 19 . b. its plant-like appearanee. 20 . a. it helps improve their safety. 閱讀 21 d show ing viole nee is

4、 thought to be en terta ining 22 b most studies exaggerate the effect of media viole nee on the viewers. 23 c assert a direct line between violent media and aggressive behavior. 24 d their defi niti on of viole nee 25 a more studies should becon ductedbefore con clus inons are draw n. 26 a a quarter

5、 of america ns cant afford their prescripti on drubs. 27 d exercis ing price con trol on brand-n ame drugs. 28 b high prices are esse ntial to funding research on new drugs. 29 c to allow the vast majority to enjoy its ben efits. 30 c reducing supplies to uncooperativecanadian pharmacies. 31 a offer

6、ing senior citizens discountshas become routi ne commercial practice 32 c the elderly,beingfinanciallyunderprivileged,need huma n help from society. 33 b inten sify con flicts betwee n the young and the old 34 c it ben efits the old at the expe nse of the young. 35 d senior citize n disco unts may w

7、ell be a type of age 36 a crime aga inst huma nity 37 c deep-rooted socio-ec ono mic in equality 38 b the blacks are not compensated for their unpaid labor 39 d has bee n accumulated from gen erati ons of slavery 40 b in equality of many kindsremai nsvirtually un touched. 詞匯 41 . a originality 42 .

8、d aspiration 43 . c rigorous 44 . d indispensable 45 . b com mon place 46 . c thrilled 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 .a retrieved .d nominated .b overwhel ming .a startli ng .c cherished .a in teract ing .d tran see nding .c deprived .b prone .d don ated .b gorgeous .b trait .c tran siti on .a distort .d hierarchy .a abno rmal .d gen etic .b in dicative .a disturba nee .c durability .d stunned b drastic 69 . a descendants 70 . c extinct 改錯 si master master ing s2 that what s3 in an effect 去掉an s4


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