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1、天津市瀛海學(xué)校2020-2021學(xué)年高二英語(yǔ)11月聯(lián)考試題本試卷分為第卷(選擇題)和第卷(非選擇題)兩部分,第卷第一頁(yè)至第八頁(yè),第卷第九頁(yè)至第十頁(yè)。試卷滿分120分??荚嚂r(shí)間100分鐘。第卷1、 聽力(共15小題,20分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)聽下面五段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對(duì)話后,你將有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。1. What happened to the man? A. He hurt his arm.B. He lost his books.C. He

2、 fell off his bike. 2. What will the weather be probably like tomorrow? A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.3. How much are the boys sunglasses? A. $15. B. $35. C. $50. 4. What is on the desk? A. A maths book.B. An English book. C. A dictionary. 5. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a bookstore.B

3、. In a library.C. In a classroom.第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)聽下面幾段材料。每段材料后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段材料前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段材料讀兩遍。聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答第6至第8小題。6. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Co-workers.B. Business partners.C. Schoolmates.7. Where does the m

4、an work? A. At a restaurant.B. In a school.C. At a travel agency. 8. What are the speakers going to do next? A. Go to a caf.B. Attend a meeting. C. Have dinner at a restaurant.聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答第9至第11小題。9. What kind of hotel would the man like? A. One near a market.B. One on a busy street. C. One with doubl

5、e beds.10. How much should the man pay for his stay in the hotel? A. $150.B. $300.C. $450.11. When will the man go to Paris? A. In early May.B. In mid-May.C. In late May.聽下面一段獨(dú)白,回答第12至第15小題。12. What book did the speaker buy on the show? A. One about making cookies. B. One about making cakes. C. One

6、about making bread. 13. What advice did the speaker get from the central market? A. How to choose fish. B. How to cook a lunch with meat. C. How to make cookies in two minutes. 14. What food did the speaker like most? A. Chilean food.B. Chinese food.C. Canadian food. 15. What is the opening hours of

7、 the Good Food Show on Saturday?A. From 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. B. From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. C. From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.2、 單項(xiàng)選擇(共15小題,每題1分)16.Alberts birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him._. Ill bring some wine.A. Sounds like fun B. It dependsC. Just a minute D.

8、 You are welcome17.Cycling, as well as jogging and swimming, _ as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.A. regard B. is regarded C. are regarded D. regards18.By the time I arrived at the stadium, the football game _.Fortunately, I didnt miss the most exciting part. A. began B.had began C.would

9、 begin D.has begun19.Mr Lee helps his wife with housework every day, _hes tired after one days work. A. as though B. so that C.even though D.as long as 20.The sun began to rise in the sky, _ the mountain in golden light. A.bathing B.bathed C.to have bathed D.have bathed21.The athletes years of hard

10、training _when she finally won the match. A.paid off B.went on C.got through D.ended up 22. My eldest son, _ work takes him all over the world, is in New York at the moment.A. that B. whose C. his D. who23Im moving in a few days and I wonder if you could help. _. Just let me know when, and Ill be th

11、ere. A. You bet B. It depends C. Forget itD. No kidding24.Tom, you look so tired! -Well,I _ the house all afternoon and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. painted B.have been painting C.have painted D.paint25._some basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. A.Known B.H

12、aving known C.Knowing D.Being known26.A clear majority of people were _ the new rules. A. in charge of B. in addition to C.in favour of D.in place of 27.We should not mind _others say so long as we are confident about what we have done. A.which B.how C.where D.what28.The camera is still under_, so t

13、he shop owner will change it for you. A.criticism B.guarantee C.delight D.cooperation29.I would _it if you could take my advice into consideration. A.worth B.defeat C.appreciate D.suspect30.Dont always_your own failure on others. A.blame B.assign C.promote D.sharpen三、完形填空(共20小題,每題1.5分) As a kid, I l

14、oved everything about school. I loved books, 31 , tests and homework. Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle (通道) to receive my 32 .That seemed more attractive even than getting married. But at 15, I had to 33 because my parents couldnt 34 my school education. My hope of getting a dipl

15、oma was dead.Pretty soon, I married. I had three children, and I thought: “There 35 my diploma.”Even so, I wanted my children to be educated. But Linda, our youngest child, had juvenile arthritis (幼年型關(guān)節(jié)炎) in her 36 and knees, which made it 37 for her to function (活動(dòng)) in a normal classroom.One day, I

16、 saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses.“Thats the answer,” I said to myself. Linda always felt 38 in the evening, so I would just sign her up for night schoo1.Linda was busy 39 out enrollment (入學(xué)) forms when the secretary said, “Mrs. Schantz, why dont you come back to 40 ?”I 41 , “Theres no

17、 way! Im 55!” 42 he insisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts. “This is only an experiment,” I 43 him, but he just smiled. To my surprise, both Linda and I thrived (茁壯成長(zhǎng)) in evening school. I went back again the next semester, and my grades 44 impr

18、oved.It was 45 going to school again, but it was no game. Sitting in a class full of kids was embarrassing, 46 most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I still had loads of housework to do. But when I was down, Linda encouraged me. “Mom, you cant 47 now!” And when she was down,

19、I 48 her. Together we saw it through. At last, I got my diploma. 49 , my classmates all voted for me to be class speaker, and I got a $ 3, 000 college scholarship.Yes, Mom, I was late for school, but I got there 50 .31AparentsBteachersCtreesDflowers32AjobBpresentCprizeDdiploma33Adrop outBwatch outCk

20、eep outDfind out34AcostBaffordCspendDbuy35AexistsBcomesCgoesDlies36AhandsBheadCthroatDstomach37A1ikelyBconvenientCawfulDimpossible38AworseBexcitedCbetterDexhausted39AfillingBgivingCtakingDsending40AworkBschoolChomeDoffice41A1aughedBtoldCcriedDshouted42AAndBButCAlthoughDSo43AinformedBaskedCcomfortedD

21、warned44AregularlyBrarelyCgraduallyDnormally45AfrighteningBmovingCamusingDexciting46Aas ifBeven ifCin caseDif only47AcontinueBrestCabandonDhesitate48AdistractedBdiscouragedCcheeredDdefeated49ATo my surprise BTo my satisfaction CTo my regretDTo my horror50AcompletelyBfrequentlyCimmediatelyDFinally四、閱

22、讀理解(共15小題,每題2分)AHomestay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.What to ExpectThe host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. Yo

23、u will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.Accommodation ZonesHomestays are located in London mainly in Zones 2, 3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of cen

24、tral London is commercial and not residential(居住的). Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger accommodation in a less crowned area. It is very convenient to travel in London by underground.Meal Plans Available Continental Breakfast Breakfast and Dinner Breakfast, Packed Lunch and DinnerIts important to note

25、that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal(谷物類食品),bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinners us

26、ually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.FriendsIf you wish to invite a friend over to visit.you must first ask your hosts permission.You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.Self-Cateri

27、ng Accommodation in Private HomesAccommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room.This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student.However,it does not provide the same family atmos

28、phere as an ordinary homestay and may not benefit those who need to practise English at home quite as much.51.The passage is probably written for .A.host willing to receive foreign studentsB.foreigners hoping to build British cultureC.travellers planning to visit families in LondonD.English learners

29、 applying to like in English homes52.Which of the following will the host provide?A.Room cleaning.B.Medical care.C.Free transport.D.Physical trainning.53.What can be inferred from Paragraph3?A.Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2.B.The business centre of London is in Zone.C.Hosts dislike travelling to

30、 the city centre.D.It is not very convenient to travel in London by underground. 54.According to the passage, what does continental Breakfast include?A.Dessert and coffee B.Fruit and vegetables.C.bread and fruit juice D.Centre and cold meat.55.Why do some people choose self-catering accommodation?A.

31、To experience a warmer family atmosphere.B.To enrich their knowledge of EnglishC.To entertain friends as they like.D.To enjoy much more freedom.BIn the kitchen of my mothers houses there has always been a wooden stand(木架)with a small notepad(記事本)and a hole for a pencil.Im looking for paper on which

32、to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses later, the current paper and pencil look the same as they always did. Surely it cant be the same pencil? The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand

33、 is definitely the original one.“Im just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these year.” I say to her, walking bank into the living-room with a sheet of paper and the pencil. “You still use a pencil. Cant you afford a pen?”My mother replies a little sharply

34、. “It works perfectly well. Ive always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen in these days.”Immediately I can picture her, hair wild, blue housecoat covered in flour, a wooden spoon in one hand, the pencil in the other, he

35、r mouth moving silently. My mother smiles and says, “One day I was cooking and watching baby Pauline, and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. One of the children must have taken the paper. So I just picked up the breadboard and wrote it all down on the back. It turned out to be a rea

36、l breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem I was working on.”This storywhich happened before I was bornreminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is, as a gifted mathematician. I feel embarrassed that I complain about not having enough child-free time to work. Later, when my mother is

37、in the bathroom, I go into her kitchen and turn over the breadboards. Sure enough, on the back of the smallest one, are some penciled marks I recognize as mathematics. Those symbols have traveled unaffected through fifty years, rooted in the soil of a cheap wooden breadboard, invisible(看不到的)exhibits

38、 at every meal.56Why has the authors mother always kept the notepad and pencil in the kitchen?ATo leave messages. BTo list her everyday tasks. CTo note down maths problems.DTo write down a flash of inspiration.57. What is the authors original opinion about the wooden stand?A. It has great value for

39、the family.B. It needs to be replaced by a better one.C. It brings her back to her lonely childhood.D .It should be passed on to the next generation.58. The author feels embarrassed for . A. blaming her mother wrongly.B. giving her mother a lot of trouble.C. not making good use of time as her mother

40、 did.D. not making any breakthrough in her field.59. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A .The mother is successful in her career.B. The family members like traveling.C. The author had little time to play when young.D. The marks on the breadboard have disappeared.60. In the authors mind ,

41、her mother is .A. strange in behavior.B. keen on her research.C. fond of collecting old things.D. careless about her appearance. C“Dad,” I say one day, “Lets take a trip. Why dont you fly and meet me?”My father had just retire after 27 years as a manager for IBM. His job filled his day, his thought,

42、 his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He

43、wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.“What is our first stop?” asks my father.“What time is it?”“Still dont have a watch?”Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares

44、up at the four Presidents carved in granite(花崗巖), his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of little boy.“Unbelievable,” he says, “How was this done?”A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.We stare

45、 up and I ask myself, would I ever devote my life to anything?No directions, no goals. I always used to hear those words in my fathers voice. Now I hear them in my own.The next day were at Yellowstone National Park, where we have a picnic.“Did you ever travel with your dad?” I ask.“Only once,” he sa

46、ys. “I never spoke much with my father. We loved each otherbut never said it. Whatever he could give me, he gave.”That last sentenceits probably the same thing Id say about my father. And what Id want my child to say about me.In Glacier National Park, my father says, “Ive never seen water so blue.”

47、I have, in several places of the world, I can keep traveling, I realizeand maybe a regular job wont be as dull as I feared.Weeks after our trip, I call my father.“The photos from the trip are wonderful,” he says. “We have got to take another trip like that sometime.”I tell him Ive learned to decide

48、to settle down, and Im wearing a watch.61.We can learn from Paragraph 2 and 3 that the father _.A. followed the fashionB. got bored with his jobC. was unhappy with the authors lifestyleD. liked the authors collection of stamps62.What does the author realize at Mount Rushmore?A. His father is interes

49、ted in sculpture.B. His father is as innocent as a little boy.C. He should learn sculpture in the future.D. He should pursue a specific aim in life.63.From the underlined paragraph, we can see that the author _.A. wants his children to learn from their grandfatherB. comes to understand what parental

50、 love meansC. learns how to communicate with his fatherD. hopes to give whatever he can to his father64.What could be inferred about the author and his father from the end of the story?A. The call solves their disagreements.B. The Swiss watch has drawn them closer.C. They decide to learn photography

51、 together.D. They begin to change their attitudes to life65.What could be the best title for the passage?A. Love Nature, Love LifeB. A Son Lost in AdventureC. A Journey with DadD. The Art of Travel第卷五、閱讀表達(dá):(共5小題,每題2分)閱讀下面短文,按照要求用英語(yǔ)回答問(wèn)題。My name is Brooke Parsons, and the story of my life is different

52、. One day, in April, 1993, I was home alone when I had a stroke. When my parents came home, they took me to the hospital to learn what lay ahead for all of us. The stroke has left me with permanent brain damage. The doctors suggested I quit school. However, I chose the opposite.After returning to hi

53、gh school, I learned very slowly. I had to decide whether or not to complete the twelfth grade in 2 years. Thinking I would fail if I chose to do it in one year, finally I made my decision. The staff at school were very supportive and helped me through the rough times. Finally, I graduated from high school. Graduating from high school was a huge achievement for me. That was an opportunity for me to be really proud of just how far I had come with all the odds I had to beat.I can now walk, talk, dress myself, feed myself and be the independent pe


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