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1、精品好資料學習推薦小學英語句子大全 小學英語語句 i 詢問姓名、年齡。1. -whats your name? -你叫什么名字? -my name is _. -我叫。2. -how old are you? -你幾歲了? -im 12. -我十二歲。ii 詢問顏色。1. -what colour is it? -它是什么顏色的?-its yellow and white. -黃白相間。2. -what colour are they? -它們是什么顏色的?-theyre green. -綠色的。iii 詢問數量或價錢。1. -how many kites can you see? -你可以看

2、見幾只風箏?-i can see 12. -我可以看見十二只風箏。2. -how many crayons do you have? -你有多少支彩筆?-i have 16. -我有十六支。3. -how many people are there in your family? -你家有幾口人?-three. -三口人。4. -how much is this dress? -這條連衣裙多少錢?-its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。5. -how much are these apples? -這些蘋果多少錢?-theyre thirty-five yuan. -三十五元

3、。 iv 詢問時間或日期。1. -what time is it now? -現(xiàn)在幾點鐘?-its nine oclock.its time for english class.九點。該上英語課了。-its eight oclock. its time to go to bed. 八點。該上床睡覺了。2. -what day is it today? -今天星期幾? -its monday. -星期一。-what do we have on mondays? -我們星期一上哪些課?-we have chinese, english, math -語文、英語、數學3. -when is your

4、 birthday? -你的生日是什么時候?-its october 1st, our national day.-十月一日,國慶節(jié)。4. -when do you do morning exercises? -你們什么時候做早鍛煉?-i usually do morning exercises at 8:30.-我們通常8:30做早鍛煉。v 詢問方位或地方。1. -where is my toy car? -我的玩具汽車在哪兒?-its here, under the chair. -在這兒,在椅子下面。2. -where is the canteen? -餐廳在哪兒? -its on th

5、e first floor -在一樓。3. -where are the keys? -鑰匙在哪兒? -theyre in the door. -在門上。4. -excuse me. where is the library, please? 對不起,請問圖書館在哪兒?-its near the post office. -在郵局附近。5. -where are you from? -你從哪兒來? -im from china. -我從中國來。vi 詢問想吃的東西。1. -what would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ?你早餐/中餐/晚餐

6、想吃點什么?-id like some bread and milk / rice and soup.我想吃面包和牛奶/米飯和湯。2. -whats for breakfast / lunch / dinner?-早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?-hamburgers and orange juice. -漢堡包和橙汁。vii 詢問天氣狀況。1. -whats the weather like in beijing? -北京的天氣如何?篇二:小學英語句子大全小學英語句子大全what問句whats your name?whats in the picture/ your schoolbag/ your

7、pencil-case/ the classroom?what do you like?whats your father?what would you like?whats this?whats his /her name?what about you?what are you going to do after school/ this weekend/ this evening /this afternoon?what are you going to buy?what does he like to do?whats your hobby?what does she/ he /your

8、 father/ your mother do?what are you going to be?what should we do then?what time is it?what does she do?what colour is it?what are they?what are you doing?whats the weather like in beijing?whats the matter?what size?what do you see in the picture?what are these?what do you do on the weekend?whats y

9、our favourite season?whats the weather like in spring?what would you like to do/eat?what is zips favourite season?whats the date today?what are they?whats she doing?what are they doing?what is it doing?what are the ducks doing?what do ants like to eat?what do you have?what are you reading?whats that

10、?what do you do when you have the flu?what did you buy?what did you do last weekend?what about grapes?what do you want to do?whats in that tiny seed?what can mike do in the four seasons in canada?whats he/she/it like?what day is it today?what do you have on thursday?what do you do on weekends?whats

11、your favourite day/food/fruit?what can you /he /she /it do?be動詞句。be動詞是_的合稱,必須和人稱正確搭配,否則就是錯誤,所以有以下句型。一定要背會以下口訣基本掌握所有句型。單數句子:i am . you are . he/she/it is (相當于he,she, it的詞如人名,單數稱呼組合詞)復數句子:we are you are they are (相當于they的詞如復數詞the cars,復數稱呼組合詞)下面仿照例句,自己寫一些句子,練習掌握句子結構。i am clever(形容詞). _i am a boy(名詞).

12、_you are cute(形容詞). _you are a boy(名詞). _he 的形容詞句。he is tired. _danny is tired. _my father is tired. _he 的名詞句。he is a pupil. _danny is a _ _my father is a _she 的形容詞句。she is hungry. _mary is hungry. _ _his mother is hungry. _ _she 的名詞句。she is a pupil. _mary is a _ _his mother is a _it的形容詞句。it s big _

13、 _the dog is big _my pencil is blue. _ _my head is big. _ _it的名詞句。it is an elephant. _we are happy(形容詞句). _we are pupils. (名詞句,注意用名詞的復數). _ _you are hungry. (形容詞句). _you are classmates(名詞句,注意用名詞的復數). _they are thirsty . (形容詞句). _my hands are small. (形容詞句). _my books are new. (形容詞句). _they are friend

14、s. (名詞句,注意用名詞的復數). _ 實義動詞句句子中一定沒有be動詞,而是有表示動作的動詞或者動詞詞組,例如do 詞組。一般用do來代表所有動詞,所以句型就是:i do. you do. he/she/it does.(相當于he she it的詞,如人名,各種單數稱呼組合詞) we do. you do. they do. (相當于they的詞,如the boys)i do my homework every day. _i wash my face every day. _you get up at 6:30 every day. _注意:以下是一般現(xiàn)在時,第三人稱單數作主語,動詞加

15、s或者es.he does his homework every day. _he goes to school at 6:00. _he swims/runs fast. _she eats breakfast at 7:30. _she does her homework every day._she goes to the park with her sister. _it (動物,例如a cow) eats grass. _注意:以上是一般現(xiàn)在時,第三人稱單數作主語,動詞加s或者es.we go to school at 7:20. _you swim very well . _the

16、y go home at 5:30. _關于do 有三個含義:1所有動詞的代表。2助動詞,3又是用于do詞組中作為詞組的一部分。have/has 句 do/does 句要能夠正確的使用have has。選取have, has時和有的物品的單復數無關。i have .you have._he/she/it has (相當于he she it的詞,如人名,各種單數稱呼組合詞)he has _ (他有一支筆/兩支筆)tom _(有一輛自行車)she _(她有一輛自行車/兩輛自行車)mary _(有一輛自行車/兩輛自行車)it _(它有一個頭/四條腿)dog _(有一個頭/四條腿)we have .

17、you have they have .(注意相當于they的詞組)we _they _ _the boys_情態(tài)動詞句can可以,能夠 may可以 will將要 都是情態(tài)動詞,他們是特殊的詞,表示主語的意愿。 這些詞造句,動詞用原形。i can you can .he can she can _ it canwe _ .you _.they _iv指示代詞句:注意單復數句中的be動詞和代詞保持一致。單數句:this is a hen. _that is a duck. _復數句:these are ducks. _those are horses ._詢問姓名、年齡。1, -whats yo

18、ur name? -你叫什么名字?-my name is _. -我叫。2, -how old are you? -你幾歲了?-im 12. -我十二歲。詢問顏色。1, -what colour is it? -它是什么顏色的?-its yellow and white. -黃白相間。2, -what colour are they? -它們是什么顏色的?-theyre green. -綠色的。詢問數量或價錢。1, -how many kites can you see? -你可以看見幾只風箏?-i can see 12. -我可以看見十二只風箏。2, -how many crayons do

19、 you have? -你有多少支彩筆?-i have 16. -我有十六支。3, -how many people are there in your family? -你家有幾口人?-three. -三口人。4, -how much is this dress? -這條連衣裙多少錢?-its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。5, -how much are these apples? -這些蘋果多少錢?-theyre thirty-five yuan. -三十五元詢問時間或日期。1, -what time is it now? -現(xiàn)在幾點鐘?-its nine oclock

20、. its time for english class. -九點。該上英語課了。 (-its eight oclock. its time to go to bed.) (-八點。該上床睡覺了。) 2, -what day is it today? -今天星期幾?-its monday. -星期一。(-what do we have on mondays? (-我們星期一上哪些課? -we have chinese, english, math ) -語文、英語、數學) 3, -when is your birthday? -你的生日是什么時候? -its october 1st, our

21、national day. -十月一日,國慶節(jié)。4, -when do you do morning exercises? -你們什么時候做早鍛煉? -i usually do morning exercises at 8:30. -我們通常8:30做早鍛煉。 詢問方位或地方1, -where is my toy car? -我的玩具汽車在哪兒?-its here, under the chair. -在這兒,在椅子下面。2, -where is the canteen? -餐廳在哪兒?-its on the first floor. -在一樓。3, -where are the keys?

22、-鑰匙在哪兒?-theyre in the door. -在門上。4, -excuse me. where is the library, please? -對不起,請問圖書館在哪兒? -its near the post office. -在郵局附近。5, -where are you from? -你從哪兒來?-im from china. -我從中國來。i 詢問姓名、年齡。1. -whats your name? -你叫什么名字?-my name is _. -我叫?。2. -how old are you? -你幾歲了?-im 12. -我十二歲。ii 詢問顏色。1. -what co

23、lour is it? -它是什么顏色的?-its yellow and white. -黃白相間。2. -what colour are they? -它們是什么顏色的? -theyre green. -綠色的。iii 詢問數量或價錢。1. -how many kites can you see? -你可以看見幾只風箏? -i can see 12. -我可以看見十二只風箏。2. -how many crayons do you have? -你有多少支彩筆? -i have 16. -我有十六支。3. -how many people are there in your family?-你

24、家有幾口人?-three. -三口人。4. -how much is this dress? -這條連衣裙多少錢? -its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。5. -how much are these apples? -這些蘋果多少錢? -theyre thirty-five yuan. -三十五元。iv 詢問時間或日期。1. -what time is it now? -現(xiàn)在幾點鐘?-its nine oclock.its time for english class.九點。該上英語課了。-its eight oclock. its time to go to bed. 八

25、點。該上床睡覺了。2. -what day is it today? -今天星期幾?-its monday. -星期一。-what do we have on mondays? -我們星期一上哪些課? -we have chinese, english, math ?-語文、英語、數學?3. -when is your birthday? -你的生日是什么時候?-its october 1st, our national day.-十月一日,國慶節(jié)。4. -when do you do morning exercises?-你們什么時候做早鍛煉?-i usually do morning ex

26、ercises at 8:30.-我們通常8:30做早鍛煉。v 詢問方位或地方。1. -where is my toy car? -我的玩具汽車在哪兒?-its here, under the chair. -在這兒,在椅子下面。2. -where is the canteen? -餐廳在哪兒?-its on the first floor -在一樓。3. -where are the keys? -鑰匙在哪兒?-theyre in the door. -在門上。4. -excuse me. where is the library, please? 對不起,請問圖書館在哪兒?-its nea

27、r the post office. -在郵局附近。5. -where are you from? -你從哪兒來?-im from china. -我從中國來。1. -what would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃點什么?-id like some bread and milk / rice and soup. 我想吃面包和牛奶/米飯和湯。2. -whats for breakfast / lunch / dinner?-早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?-hamburgers and orange juice. -漢堡包

28、和橙汁。 vii 詢問天氣狀況。1. -whats the weather like in beijing?-北京的天氣如何?-its rainy today. how about new york?今天是雨天。紐約呢?-its sunny and hot. -今天是晴天,天氣很熱。viii 詢問身體狀況或情緒。1. -how do you feel? -你感覺如何?-i feel sick. -我覺得不舒服。2. -whats the matter? -怎么了?-my throat is sore. / i have a sore throat.-我的喉嚨疼。3. -how are you,

29、 sarah? you look so happy.-你好嗎,莎拉?你看起來這么傷心。-i failed the math test. -我的數學考試沒有通過。 ix 詢問職業(yè)、身份或人物。1. -whats your father / mother?-你的父親 / 母親是做什么的?-hes a doctor. / shes a teacher.-他是一名醫(yī)生。/ 她是一名教師。2. -what does your mother / father do? -你的母親 / 父親是做什么的?-shes a tv reporter. / hes a teacher. he teaches engli

30、sh. 她是一名電視臺記者。/他是一名教師。他教英語。3. -whos that man / woman? -那位男士 / 女士是誰? -hes my father. / shes my mother.他是我父親。 / 她是我母親。4. -whos this boy / girl? -那個男孩兒 / 女孩兒是誰? -hes my brother. / shes my sister.-他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。5. -whos your art teacher? -你們的美術老師是誰? -miss wang. -王老師。-whats she like? -她長什么樣兒?-shes young

31、 and thin. -她很年輕、苗條。學英語主要句型匯總i 詢問姓名、年齡:name,how old1. -whats your name? -你叫什么名字? -my name is _. -我叫?。2. -whats his name? -他的名字是什么?-his name is mike. -他的名字是麥克。3. -whats her name? -她的名字是什么?-her name is chen jie.-她的名字是陳婕。4. -how old are you? -你幾歲了?-im 12. -我十二歲。5. -how old is he/she? -他/她幾歲了?-he/she is

32、 23. -他/她23歲。ii 詢問顏色:colour1. -what colour is it? -它是什么顏色的? -its yellow and white. -黃白相間。2. -what colour are they? -它們是什么顏色的? -theyre green. -綠色的。篇四:小學英語單詞、短句、語法大全小學英語補習班第一,小學英語學習方法?第二,小學英語詞組歸納大全?第三,小學英語詞組整理?第四,小學英語精煉短語400句?第五,英語中的人稱代詞?第六,小學英語語法大全.第一,小學英語學習方法短課授課法一年紀的孩子身體正處于成長發(fā)育的程,特別是神經系統(tǒng)不過成熟,注意力集中時

33、間只有二十分鐘左右.根據兒童的這一心理特點,教材編著特點在于編排教材時注意到家教教師可以根據教學對象的不同進行長,短課(40分鐘到20分鐘)的選擇.學校針對三年級兒童好動的性格,可采用短課授課,英語天天見的形式,效果很好.孩子們上這種課往往是達到興奮的高潮就要和老師說bye-bye了,此時的心情的戀戀不舍,意猶未盡,以至于在接下來的一節(jié)別的學科中仍然可以聽見學生大聲地喊me! i can!等搶著舉手,發(fā)言的情景.正是這樣意猶未盡的感覺和為了明天更好地表現(xiàn),他們往往回家后會主動地聽英語錄音帶,為下一課的學習做了很好的準備,因而教師上課上得輕松,學生學得愉快!游戲競賽法游戲,競賽等活動不僅可以使學

34、生產生愉快的心情,而且有利于激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣.孩子們通過玩玩樂樂,涂涂畫畫等形式在學中玩,玩中學,自然,愉快地學習英語.例如,在上課時靈活采用simon says,擊鼓傳花, 猜猜看, bingogames,little teacher等很普通,常見但便于在常規(guī)中進行操作的游戲和競賽方式,對學生進行啟蒙英語口語教學訓練,使兒童在游戲競賽中保持著極大的學習興趣,并使他們在這些教師可以安排的活動中,通過眼,鼻,耳,舌等各個感覺器官全身心地體驗英語.因此,在兒童早期英語教學中,針對他們活潑好動的特點,讓他們動手動腳地學習英語,不失為一種行之有效的教學方法.唱歌表演法幾乎在每一堂課之后都應該安排


36、,加深學生的印象,有力的促進學生對所學知識的掌握與鞏固,從而提高教學質量.直觀教具作為實現(xiàn)直觀教學的手段,包括實物,掛圖,卡片,玩具,頭飾,木偶,簡筆畫,投影等.根據內容的特點,經常使用。實物,玩具,頭飾和簡筆畫進行英語教學.小學生對頭飾是情有獨鐘,非常喜歡的.運用得當,就能發(fā)揮出較好的效果.2第二,小學英語詞組歸納大全a new student 一個新學生a new teacher一個新老師im new here. 我是新來的.excuse me 打擾一下the boy in the tree 樹上的那個男孩let me see 讓我看看climb trees 爬樹in the zoo 在動

37、物園里the man over there 那邊的那個男人good night 晚上好at a party在聚會上my brother 我的弟弟/哥哥the boy with big eyes大眼睛的那個男孩nice to meet you 見到你很高興the one in the white skirt 那個穿著白色短裙的 which one 哪一個the man with a big mouth那個大嘴巴的男人 the one in red那個穿紅衣服的the girl with a small nose 那個小鼻子的女孩 the woman with long hair那個長頭發(fā)的婦女

38、be late for school上學遲到the boy with big ears 大耳朵的那個男孩the one in the green shirt 那個穿著綠色襯衫的男人in the car 在小汽車里my good friend我的好朋友her small eye她的小眼睛a big nose一個大鼻子youre right. 你是對的an old woman 一個老太太buy fruit 買水果some grapes 一些葡萄how many kilos 多少公斤three kilos三公斤id like - 我想要-here you are. 給你.these apples這些

39、蘋果those oranges那些桔子these or those這些還是那些can i help you?我能為你效勞嗎? (營業(yè)員用語) 3by taxi坐出租車on foot 步行go by taxi 坐出租車去go to the theatre去劇院go there 去那兒go to the great wall去長城go to the supermarket去超市this train for shanghai去上海的火車 the plane for beijing 去北京的航班good idea 好主意play football 踢足球in the school 在學校be free

40、 有空 .go to school by bike 騎自行車去學校at a snack bar在一家小吃店(快餐店)里 how about-? -怎么樣?some noodles 一些面條something to drink一些喝的東西something to eat一些吃的東西orange/apple juice 桔汁/蘋果汁anything else? 還要別的東西嗎?a cup of coffee/ tea 一杯咖啡/茶 a glass of milk/ juice一杯牛奶/果汁some chocolate 一些巧克力some sweets一些糖果some water 一些水play b

41、asketball 打籃球some cakes 一些蛋糕get up 起床have some juice 喝點果汁what would you like? 你要什么?open day 接待日our classroom我們的教室watch tv看電視big and bright又大又明亮in your classroom 在你的教室里in class在課上near the window靠近窗some songbooks一些歌本on the piano在鋼琴上lots of books許多書in the library在圖書館里in the playground 在操場上on the chair在

42、椅子上4on the table在桌上open the blue box 打開藍色的盒子in the cupboard 在碗柜里on the table在桌上in the fridge在冰箱里on the sofa 在沙發(fā)上use chopsticks 用筷子id like to try. 我想試試.a pair of chopsticks 一雙筷子let me try again. 讓我再試試.in my classroom 在我的教室里 good idea!好主意!the first day of the new term 新學期的第一天all the students 所有的學生at s

43、chool 在學校see each other 互相見面a new building 一座新大樓a lot of 許多im not sure. 我不確定。go and see 去看看have a look 看一看how many 多少near your house 在你的房子附近on the plate 在盤子里her parents 她的父母near her school 在她的學校附近very much 很,非常some dolls 一些洋娃娃on the wall 在墻上a map of the world 一幅世界地圖a map of china 一幅中國地圖behind the door 在門后in the basketball 在籃子里under the bed 在床下on my chair 在我的椅子上in the cats mouth在貓的嘴里look happy 看起來快樂at a music lesson 在一節(jié)音樂課上two oclock in the afternoon 下午兩點鐘 in the music room 在音樂


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