



1、Unit 3隨堂小測試1i. 根據(jù)句意及所給圖片提示,寫出句中所缺單詞。1. Nick bought somein the post office.2. Theis across from the police stati on.3. David goes to theon foot every Friday after noon.4. I got severalfrom my pen pals last week.5. The man is tak ing a shower in the.n.根據(jù)語境,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空,有的需要變換形式。mean, pard on, in form

2、ati on, no rmal, quick, rush1. ? I don t understand what you said.OK! I II speak more clearly.2. Don t, or you may have an adcint.3. After a( n)breakfast, Mr. Wang went to work by car.4. That expressi onthat he is an gry.5. You can get muchabout pan das on the Intern et.6. Ittakes 20 minu tes to get

3、 to my school.川.根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每空一詞。1. 床底下有一雙鞋。There isshoes un der the bed.2. 向左拐,你就會看到一個(gè)博物館。, and you will see a museum.3. 樹在房子和河之間。The tree isthe housethe river.4. 咱們到三樓買些水果吧。Let s go to theto buy soe fruit.5. 廣播電臺在我家旁邊。The radio stati onmy house.6. 你能看到醫(yī)院在你的左邊。You can see the hospital.IV .根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,從

4、方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全對話,其中有兩項(xiàng)多余。A: (1)B: Sure, go along Zhan gsha n Road, and take the sec ond tur ning on the right. (2)A: How far is it from here?B:A: Can I get there by bus?B: Of course.A:B: The No. 105 bus.A: Thanks a lot.B: You re welcome.A. It will take you about half an hour to walk there.B. Excuse me

5、, can I park my car here?C. Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dicti on ary?D. The bus stop is over there.E. How much is the dicti on ary?F. Can you tell me which bus I should take?G. The n you can see a bookstore around there.參考答案I . 1. stamps 2. restroom / washroom 3. bookstore4. postcards 5. bathroomn . 1. Pardon 2. rush 3. quick 4. means5. information 6. normally川.1. a pair of 2


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