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1、八年級(jí)英語(yǔ) (下)第 3 單元診斷性自測(cè)題 unit 3 could you please clean your room?i. 單項(xiàng)填空。( ) 1. after hearing the news, they looked at each other _ surprise.a. at b. on c. in d. with( )2. could i _ your english-chinese dictionary?sure, but you cant _ it to others.a. borrow; lend b. lend; borrowc. borrow; keep d. keep;

2、 borrow( ) 3. i saw two movies last week, but _ of them was good.a. both b. neither c. all d. none( ) 4. youre old enough now. you shouldnt _ your parents all the time.a. put on b. turn on c. feed on d. depend on ( )5. mr. brown got up early _ catch the early bus.a. in order that b. in order to c. s

3、o that d. such that ( )6. will your mother start to do the housework _ she gets home?a. because b. though c. before d. as soon as( )7. could you please clean the living room?_. im doing my homework.a. ok b. sorry, i cant c. no problemd. good idea( )8. -can you finish _ these books before 10 oclock?

4、-yes, i can. a. to read b. read c. reads d. reading( )9.could you please _ the rubbish,mandy?ok. ill do it right away.atake out bwork on clook after dturn off() 10. he doesnt like doing chores and _ do i.a. either b. no c. neither d. not( ) 11.do you like to_ your bed?no,i hate to_ choresado;do bdo;

5、make cmake;do dmake;make( ) 12. excuse me, peter. theres something wrong with my car. could i ?a. go for a drive b. get a ride c.give me a ride d. go for a walk( ) 13. my dad tells me not to _ too late in the evening. he says it is dangerous.a. stay out b. grow up c. come out d. get up( ) 14. tina,

6、_ your quilt after you get up in the morning.a. make b. fold c. show d. cut( ) 15. could i use your computer? sorry. i am _ it.a. taking out b. turning on c. working on d. depending onii. 詞形轉(zhuǎn)換。用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每空格限填一詞。1. i cut one of my _ (finger) when i was cooking.2. “you are old enough and you sho

7、uld learn to be _ (dependent).”my mother said to me. 3. some of the _ (neighbor) cant stand the loud music from the party.4. its _(fair) that girls arent allowed to take part in (允許參加) the sports meeting.5. yesterday morning my mother bought two _ (shirt) for my brother.6. youd better learn to take(

8、careful) of yourselves.7. doing chores can help children to understand the idea of (fair).8. cds are played on a machine called a cd _ (play).9. did you go to mikes party?no. he didnt _(invitation) me.10. john often helps his mother do (chore).iii. 動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用。用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,必要時(shí)可加助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。 1. could you pl

9、ease _ (lend) me your bike?2. linda is a careful girl. she hates _(make) mistakes.3. the cleaner _ (sweep) the leaves here just now.4. my father often asks me (sweep) the floor.5. thanks for _ (buy) us the drinks and snacks.6. jim spent five hours in finishing_ (draw) the picture.7. toms mother is v

10、ery busy, so he needs_ (help) out around the house. 8. i invited him _ (play) the game.9. it took me an hour _ (write) the letter.10. i spend two hours _ (do) my homework.iv. 根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)提示完成英語(yǔ)句子,每空一詞。1為了取得好的成績(jī),我在學(xué)習(xí)上花費(fèi)了大量的時(shí)間。i spend much time on schoolwork _ _ to get good glades. 2我不認(rèn)為干家務(wù)活是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。i dont thi

11、nk doing the housework is _ _ of time.3請(qǐng)你把這個(gè)箱子拿出去好嗎?could you _ _ the box?4請(qǐng)記得整理你的床鋪。please remember to _ your _.5現(xiàn)在的孩子太依賴(lài)他們的父母。the children these days _ _ their parents too much. 6. 我叫喊時(shí),她吃驚地抬起頭來(lái)看。she looked up _ _ when i shouted.7. 我父母讓我晚上不要在外面呆得太晚。my parents asked me not to _ _ late at night.8. 你

12、能捎我一程嗎?could you give me _ _?9.陳斌沒(méi)有去上學(xué),因?yàn)樗蛱焐×恕hen bin didnt come to school because he _ _ yesterday. 10. 晚飯后,我洗碗和掃地。after having dinner, i washed the dishes and _ the _.v. 閱讀理解。ahi! im lilly. my family and i live in a big house. im 11 and i have a younger brother, tom. he is 8. my mom is a nurse,

13、 and she works in a hospital. she works a lot, and usually at night. she doesnt have enough time to do the housework, so my dad often helps her and he likes it. in the morning, mom makes breakfast. tom and i make our beds. then dad takes us to school by car. on saturday, we clean the house. i clean

14、the furniture (家具) and dad sweeps the floor. tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants. dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing ( 熨). he never does it.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷句子正(a)、誤(b)。( ) 1. lilly is four years older than tom.( ) 2. lillys mom never works at night.( ) 3. lilly and her brother

15、go to school by car.( ) 4. lillys brother is so little that he cant do any housework.( ) 5. lillys father doesnt like ironing, but he likes cleaning the windows.bnow more and more chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. they dont know how to do housework, because their pare

16、nts do almost everything for them at home.mary is 14 years old. one day her parents went on a trip, so she was alone at home. at first she thought she would be happy because her parents were not in. she could do everything that she liked. but when it was six oclock in the afternoon, she felt hungry.

17、“oh, its time to have supper. where can i get my food? ” she said to herself. later she found some meat and vegetables in the fridge (冰箱), but she didnt know how to cook them. at last she could only go to a restaurant to eat.many teenagers have the same problem as mary. so i think they should learn

18、some life skills (技能), like cooking, cleaning up their rooms or dressing themselves. they shouldnt depend too much on their parents.6. why do more teenagers find life difficult without parents?_7. where did marys parents go?_8. did mary eat supper at home at last?_9. why cant many chinese teenagers

19、live without their parents?_10. what life skills should the teenagers learn?_vi. 選詞填空。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選出適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語(yǔ), 把其前面的字母序號(hào)填入空白處 , 使語(yǔ)意 通順完整。每個(gè)選項(xiàng)只用一次。a. depend b. waste c. ill d. mess e. houseworkf. tries g. care h. neighbor i. provide j. sweepingi work in a cleaning company. usually people call us,and we _1_

20、 house cleaning service. one day ,i got a call from a man named david. “i want to help an old man. he just hadsurgery ( 手術(shù))and is still _2_. ”he called us because he was worried about his _3_ ,mr.smith. his house was in a _4_,but he couldnt do any_5_. even _6_ the floor was difficult for him. he did

21、nt tell his children because he didnt want them to _7_ their time taking _8_of him. luckily,mr. smith let us in and our workers did a good job. sometimes we dont expect to_9_on others. however ,there is always someone who cares for you and _10_ his best to help you.答案: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7

22、. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _vii. 書(shū)面表達(dá)。假設(shè)你班要舉行一次有關(guān)“該不該做家務(wù)”的討論會(huì),請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一篇短文,闡述自己的觀點(diǎn),并 向全班做一個(gè)匯報(bào)。要求:語(yǔ)句通順,意思連貫,字跡清晰。詞數(shù)約 80。提示:1.do you often do chores?2 what chores do you often do?3 what do you think about doing chores? _ _ _ _ _ 八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)(下)第 3 單元診斷性自測(cè)題參考答案unit 3 could you please clean your room?i. 單項(xiàng)填空。1. c【解析】in surp

23、rise 驚訝地2. a【解析】could 后面加動(dòng)詞原形。borrow 借入;lend 借出3. b【解析】neither of 兩者都不4. d【解析】depend on 依賴(lài)于5. b【解析】in order to do 為了做某事6. d【解析】as soon as 一.就.7. b【解析】根據(jù) im doing my homework.要進(jìn)行拒絕性的回答。8. d【解析】finish doing 完成做某事9. a【解析】take out the rubbish 倒垃圾10. c【解析】neither do i 我也不11. c【解析】make your bed 整理床鋪; do c

24、hores 做家務(wù)12. b【解析】get a ride 搭便車(chē)13. a【解析】stay out late 在外面逗留到很晚14. b【解析】fold your quilt 疊被子15. c【解析】work on it 從事于某事ii. 詞形轉(zhuǎn)換。1. fingers【解析】one of my fingers 我的一根手指2. independent【解析】be independent 獨(dú)立3. neighbors【解析】neighbors鄰居3. unfair【解析】fair的否定詞 unfair“不公平的”4. shirts【解析】two shirts兩件襯衫5. care【解析】tak

25、e care of照顧6. fairness【解析】fairness是 fair的名詞7. player【解析】cd player 唱片8. invite【解析】inviteinvitation9. chores【解析】do chores做家務(wù)iii.動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用。1. lend【解析】could you please.?加動(dòng)詞原形2. to make【解析】hate to do討厭做某事3. swept【解析】根據(jù) just now,要用 sweep 的過(guò)去式 swept4. to sweep【解析】ask to do 要求某人做某事5. buying【解析】thanks for+doing 感

26、謝做某事6. drawing【解析】finish doing完成做某事7. to help【解析】need to do需要做某事8. to play【解析】invite to do邀請(qǐng)某人做某事9. to write【解析】it took sb.+時(shí)間+to do 花費(fèi)某人時(shí)間做某事10. doing【解析】spend (時(shí)間、金錢(qián))doing 花費(fèi).做某事iv. 根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)提示完成英語(yǔ)句子,每空一詞。1. in order【解析】為了 in order to2. a waste【解析】浪費(fèi) a waste of3. take out【解析】拿出去 take out4. make bed【解

27、析】整理床鋪 make bed5. depend on【解析】依賴(lài)于 depend on6. in surprise【解析】驚訝地 in surprise7. stay out【解析】在外面呆 stay out8. a ride【解析】搭便車(chē) get a ride9. fell【ill解析】生病 fall ill(fall的過(guò)去式 fell)10. swept; floor【解析】打掃地板 sweep(swept) the floorv. 閱讀理解。a: 1. b【解析】im 11. he is應(yīng)8.該是相差三歲。2. b【解析】根據(jù) she works a lot, and usually

28、at可night.知描述不對(duì)。3. a【解析】根據(jù) then dad takes us to school by可知car.題目描述正確。4. b【解析】根據(jù) tom takes the rubbish out and waters the可知plants.tom也會(huì)做家務(wù)。5. a【解析】根據(jù) dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates熨ironing).可知題目(描述是正確的。b: 6. becausethey dontnowkhow to do housework.【解析】根據(jù)原句“they dont know how to do housework, because their parents do almost everything for them at home.”可得答案。7. her parents went on a trip.【解析】根據(jù)“one day her parents went on a trip, so she was alone” at home.8. no, she didnt.【解析】根據(jù)“at last she could only go to a restaurant to eat.”9. because the


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