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1、高考英語完形填空解題技巧1. 利用首句信息從歷年的試題可以看出,完形填空所采用的短文一般不給標題,且首句往往不設空,通常是個完整的句子。這個句子往往是全文的關鍵句,它是了解全文的窗口,常常包含對解題有用的信息,因此考生要注重細讀首句,并據此來判斷文章的體裁,題材,推測全文的主旨和大意,推斷故事發(fā)生的人 物、地點、時間、氣氛等多方面的特征,爭取開局順利。2利用前后暗示完形填空題除了注重考查考生對語境的理解外,還經常在完形填空的短文中設置 前后互相暗示的考題。這里需要注意的是:若是前面暗示后面,做題相對來說比較容易。但從對歷屆考題的研究情況來看,這種暗示多為后面暗示前面,也就是說前面的某些填空從當

2、時的情況來看,或是線索不清,或是語境不明,無法填出,但只要我們繼續(xù)往后看,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)此空在后面的某個地方有暗示。所以,考 生在做題時一定要充分利用這一特點,以提高做題的準確率。3. 利用邏輯推理做完形填空題的過程從本質上說是一個閱讀推理的過程。 為了能夠準確、快速地理解文章內容,考生必須把握作者的思路,使自己的思維模式與作者的思維模式相吻合,同時考生還必須不斷地從各個角度進行合乎邏輯的推理,并不斷地驗證推理的正確性,以達到理解全文、解決問題的目的。正確 分析推理是恰當解題的必要條件,而恰當解題又是對題目進行正確分析推理的必然結果。4. 利用語境因素文章是一個具有內在聯(lián)系的整體,而上下文則是營造語

3、境的基礎 , 也是邏輯推理的依據. 通讀全文,理順大意,根據上下文找出信息詞是做好完形填空題的關鍵 .近年來,高考試題中的完形填空題在命題 設計上的趨勢是朝著深層化及語境化的方面挖掘 ,逐漸擯棄單純的語言分析考查 ,而越來越側重邏輯 推理判斷.因此,只有借助上下文乃至全文語境的啟示或限定才能夠準確做出判斷.5. 利用語法分析盡管近幾年的高考完形填空題主要考察考生對語境的理解 , 很少考查純語法知識的運用 , 但是 借助語法分析來幫助理解句子 ,推測語境 ,判斷搭配等 ,卻是必不可少的 .因此考生做題時應充分利用平時 所學的語法及詞匯,名詞的可數與不可數,動詞的及物與不及物以及句子結構等知識.1

4、 / 76. 利用文化背景和生活常識高考完形填空往往以自身的內容提供相對完整的語篇信息 ,但其間交織滲透著各類相關的文化背景知識和常識 ,如文化 , 風俗,生活常識以及科學知識等 .考生在做題時可充分 利用社會文化知識和生活常識 , 并注意中西方文化方面存在的差異 將會大大簡化復雜的分析與判斷過程 ,節(jié)省寶貴的時間 ,順 理成章的選出正確的答案.7.利用語篇標志(重點)語篇指比句子長的語言單位,語篇標志指語篇之間有內在聯(lián)系的詞語.常見的語篇標志語有:1) 結構層次:“secondly、 thirdly 、 finally”等;2) 時間關系:“before、 after、 later”等;3)

5、 因果關系:“because、 for、 since 、as so 、therefore、 thus”等;4) 話題關系:“by the way”等;5) 轉折關系:“but 、however、 nevertheless 、 on the contrary”等6) 遞進關系:“in addition、 besides 、then 、whats more 、 further”等7) 并列關系:“and 、and also 、 or 、neithernor、eitheror、not onlybut also、as well、similarly、in the same way、that is to

6、say ”等8) 讓步關系:“although、though、even though、even if、no matter+ 疑問詞”等9) 條件關系:“if、only if、if only ”等.8.利用習慣用法和詞語辨析知識習慣用法是英語中固定的結構,是不能隨意改的.平時學習中應注意積累及掌握好習慣用法. 同時, 應多注意詞語辨析及詞語搭配 ,要培養(yǎng)在特定語境中靈活運用詞語的能力.【實例分析】(2008 年高考英語全國卷 i)a fter the birth of my second child , i got a job at a restaurant. having worked wit

7、h an experienced_1_for a few days , i was_2_to wait tables on my own. all went_3_that first week. when saturday night came, i was luckily_4_the tables not far from the kitchen, _5_, i still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盤).b efore i knew it, the_6_was full of people. i moved slowl

8、y,_7_every step. i remember2 / 7how_8_i was when i saw the tray stand near the tables , it looked different from the one i was_9_on. it had nice handles (手柄), which made it_10_to move around. i was pleased with everything and began to_11_i was a natural at this job.then, an old man came to me and sa

9、id, “excuse me, dear, my wife and i loved_12_you work. it seems your tray stand has been very_13_to you , but we are getting ready to_14_now, and my wife needs her_15_back. ”at first his_16_did not get across. “what was he talking about!” then i got it. i had set my trays on his wifes orthopedic wal

10、ker (助步器). i stood frozen as ice , but my face was_17_ i wanted to get into a hole and_18_.since then, i have learned from many mistakes such as the one i just_19_. i have learned to be more_20_and not to be too sure of myself.1. a. manager b. assistant c. cook d. waitress2. a. promised b. invited c

11、. allowed d. advised3. a.well b. quickly c. safely d. wrong4. a. left b. given c. brought d. shown5. a. therefore b. however c. otherwise d. finally6. a. kitchen b. street c. restaurant d. table7. a. minding b. changing c. taking d. saving8. a. angry b. calm c. sad d. happy9. a. fixed b. trained c.

12、loaded d. waited10. a. slower b. lighter c. quieter d. easier11. a. believe b. agree c. regret d. pretend12. a. letting b. making c. watching d. having13. a. useful b. familiar c. unusual d. interesting14. a. rest b. order c. eat d. leave15. a. bag b. walker c. tray d. coat16. a. idea b. praise c. m

13、essage d. need17. a. cold b. full of joy c. pale d. on fire18. a. lie b. hide c. defend d. stay19. a. repeated b. discovered c. corrected d. described20. a. careful b. patient c. honest d. practical實戰(zhàn)演練【第 1 篇】when sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and caus

14、e trouble. for this reason, the navy _1_ has its police in big ports. whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and _2_ them.one day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call _3_ a bar in the town. the barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and _4_ the furniture in the bar. t

15、he officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.3 / 7now, officers who _5_ and punish the sailors _6_ drunk usually chose _7_ policeman they could find to go with them. _8_ this particular officer did not do this. _9_, he chose the smallest and _10_ man he c

16、ould find to go to the bar with him and _11_ the sailor.another officer who _12_ there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard chose such a small man. _13_ he said to him, “why _14_ you take a big man with you? you have to fight the sailor who _15_.”“yes, you are _16_ right,” answered the

17、 officer of the guard. “that is exactly _17_ i am taking this small man. if you see two policemen coming _18_ you, and one is _19_ the other, which one _20_ you attack?”1. a. always b. seldom2. a. meet with b. deal with3. a. about b. from4. a. was breaking b. was orderingc. forever d. sometimesc. se

18、e d. judgec. in d. ofc. was moving d. was dusting5. a. would go b. might beat c. dared to fight d. had to go6. a. slightly b. not at all7. a. the biggest b. the youngestc. heavily d. much more c. the bravest d. the experienced8. a. in fact b. but c. so d. and9. a. instead b. thereforec. although d.

19、then10. a. good-looking b. weakest-looking c. ugly-looking d. strongest-looking11. a. seize b. kill12. a. will go b. had come 13. a. yet b. butc. get rid of d. catch up with c. would start off d. happened to be c. so d. then14. a. dont b. couldntc. cantd. do15. a. looks strong b. is drunk c. seems r

20、ude d. is dangerous16. a. allb. very c. too d. quite17. a. how b. what c. why d. that18. a. up b. atc. before d. towards19. a. not smaller than b. as big as c. as small as d. much smaller than20. a. could b. will c. do d. can實戰(zhàn)演練【第 2 篇】s everal years ago, while attending a communication course, i ex

21、perienced a most unusual process. the instructor asked us to list _1_ in our past that we felt _2_ of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our lists aloud.s his seemed like a very _3_ process, but there s always some _4_soul in the crowd who will volunteer. the instructor then _5_ that we find w

22、ays to _6_ people, or take some action to right any wrong doings. i was seriously wondering how this could ever _7_ my communication.then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: “making m y _8_, i remembered an incident from high school. i grew up in a small town. there was a

23、sheriff _9_ of us4 / 7kids liked. one night, my two buddies and i decided to play a _10_ on him.after drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: sheriff brown is a s.o.b. the next day, almost the whole town saw our glori

24、ous _11_. within two hours, sheriff brown had us in his office. my friends told the truth but i lied. no one _12_ found out.”“nearly 20 years later, sheriff browns name _13_ on my list. i didnt even know if he was still _14_. last weekend, i dialed the information in my hometown and found there was

25、a roger brown still listed. i tried his number. af ter a few _15_, i heard, “hello?” i said, “sheriff brown?” paused. “yes.” “well, this is jimmy calkins.”“and i want you to know that i did it ?”paused. “i knew it!” he yelled back. we had a good laugh and a _16_ discussion. his closing words were: “

26、jimmy, i always felt bad for you _17_ your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it _18_ all these years. i want to thank you for calling me.for your sake.”jimmy inspired me to _19_ all 101 items on my list within two years, and i always remember what i learned from the course: its n

27、ever too late to _20_the past wrongdoings.1. a. something b. anything c. somebody d. anybody2. a. ashamed b. afraid c. sure d. proud3. a. private b. secret c. interesting d. funny4. a. foolish b. polite c. simple d. brave5. a. expected b. suggested c. ordered d. demanded6. a. connect with b. depend

28、on c. make apologize to d. get along with7. a. improve b. continue c. realize d. keep8. a. notes b. list c. plan d. stories9. a. any b. most c. none d. all10. a. part b. game c. trick d. record11. a. view b. sign c. attention d. remark12. a. also b. even c. still d. ever13. a. appears b. considers c

29、. presents d. remembers14. a. angry b. happy c. doubtful d. alive15. a. words b. rings c. repeats d. calls16. a. cold b. plain c. nervous d. lively17. a. in case b. so long as c. unless d. because18. a. around b. out c. on d. away19. a. build up b. make up c. clear up d. give up20. a. regret b. forg

30、ive c. right d. punish作業(yè)【第 3 篇】5 / 7the greatest source of inspiration for me has always been my father. though hes been gone for 17 years, his 1 still resonate. he taught me how to run my own 2 in life. but the most inspiring thing he taught me was to 3 .one incident is 4 in my mind. it happened wh

31、en i was a teenager. my sister and i w erent very fond of a so-called friend of 5 . dad was a very generous man, and as hed done with so many people, hed given this fellow great help. but when he asked for a favor 6 , the guy didnt deliver.dads outlook on most things was live and let live. in this c

32、ase, however, his calmness 7 terre and me, and we let him know it.how can you be nice to that man? we said to him. youve been so kind to him, 8 hes not being kind back. why would you want to give him the time of day again? my father shrugged and said to us, i do not bend my back with 9 .”i didnt 10

33、it at first, but over the years i came to understand the 11 . holding a grudge doesnt 12 the person youre angry with, but it changes you. it makes you 13 and gives you more weight to drag around.after my father died in 1991, a (n) 14 came from a fellow id had a quarrel with years before to 15 his sy

34、mpathy. he wrote: i thought id tell you how sorry i am 16 the loss of your father. i know he 17 the world to you. i just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. much moved, i wrote back. i thanked him for his 18 . and then, because hed 19 our disagreement, i recalled dads 20 words. i am

35、my fathers daughter, i wrote. and like him, i do not bend my back with yesterday.”1. a. lectures b. suggestions c. lessons d. pictures2. a. engine b. race c. route d. car3. a. forgive b. persuade c. forget d. excuse4. a. vital b. obvious c. visual d. vivid5. a. sistersb. mine c. fathersd. mothers6.

36、a. in return b. in turn c. by return d. by turn7. a. relaxed b. moved c. interrupted d. bothered8. a. and b. nevertheless c. still d. so9. a. anger b. disappointment c. worry d. yesterday 10. a. make b. get c. work d. hear11. a. reason b. word c. philosophy d. sentence 12. a. change b. hurt c. upset

37、 d. disturb13. a. stronger b. weaker c. rougher d. heavier14. a. news b. letter c. message d. information 15. a. explain b. express c. produce d. present16. a. in b. with c. about d. at17. a. showed b. represented c. equaled d. meant18. a. kindness b. sympathy c. understanding d. consideration 19. a

38、. referred b. mentioned c. reminded d. retold20. a. well-known b. instructive c. inspiring d. forgiving作業(yè)【第四篇】6 / 7stacy had recently moved from new york city to stoneybrook, connecticut. it was _1_ for her to make new friends but she finally had three when she joined the babysitters club to _2_ lit

39、tle children whose parents were busy. claudia, kristy, and mary were in her class at school and also the other _3_ of the club. the girls met at five oclock on fridays and waited for the _4_ to ring. so far they had been busy, in spite of the _5_ that they couldnt stay out late and were under 13._6_

40、, the girls world was invaded by a second gro up _7_ themselves the babysitters agency. they were _8_ and the group also included a few boys. the babysitters club tried to think of ways to _9_ with the older group. they could clean and work for less money, however, they _10_ it would be difficult to compete. the shock was even greater than they had _11_ when most of their best customers started to call the new group. they _12_ to get only a few jobs.to try a new _13_ kristy recruited a few older kids who told the club they didnt want to _14_ their money with the other group. the club _


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