高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用 外文翻譯 過程裝備與控制工程_第1頁
高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用 外文翻譯 過程裝備與控制工程_第2頁
高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用 外文翻譯 過程裝備與控制工程_第3頁
高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用 外文翻譯 過程裝備與控制工程_第4頁
高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用 外文翻譯 過程裝備與控制工程_第5頁
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1、內蒙古科技大學本科生畢業(yè)設計英文翻譯學生姓名:xxx學 號:xxx專 業(yè):過程裝備與控制工程班 級:裝備xx-2班指導教師:xxefficient compound plate in carbonating tower abstract: efficient composite plate using a sieve and thin-layer composite structure of the structured packing, there are two types of composite fillings orifice and dj type plate composite

2、fillings. the composite structure make full use of the space between the plate and improve the gas-liquid distribution of the tower, inhibited entrainment in the cubicle, to improve the operating flexibility, and has an excellent hydrodynamic performance and mass transfer properties. wearing a flow-

3、type composite plate to substitution the linde blister and the general sieve or valve trays in the rectisol the methanol distillation column to improve the separation efficiency of more than 20 percent, an increase of processing capacity, reducing the reflux ratio. improve the corrosion problem. sav

4、e the energy consumption of the system. wear a flow-type composite plate also successfully applied to the methanol production plant distillation column system. in methanol three tower distillation column, the crude distillation tower and the rectifying section pressure distillation column flow throu

5、gh the composite plate, stripper segment flux elastic good dj type composite plate to achieve the best combination to meet the requirements of the tower operating conditions.keywords: plate; efficiency compound; methanol; distillation; application1. introduction plate column has developed hundreds o

6、f types, such as sieve, float valve, fixed valve vst. regardless of what kind of plate must have a certain amount of plate spacing, can be separated to ensure that the liquid smooth obscene, gas entrained entrainment. over the last decade, the reasonable use of the space between the plate and become

7、 an issue of concern. among them, the composite filler technology has developed rapidly in the tray. miller, chuang, in the rectangular down tube plate composite filler layer, particularly large opening rate of the sieve in a partial cross-flow that is 20% 70% of the leakage state work. chuang also

8、downcomer pipe on both sides of openings to allow liquid filler layer from the side of the shed. are part of the cross-flow plate. control tray weeping and overflow downcomers amount of fluid has some difficulties. operational district, operating flexibility. this article describes the performance o

9、f these two compound trays and their application in the methanol distillation.2 wear a flow-type composite plate2.1 wear the structural characteristics of the flow composite plate wear a flow-type composite plate orifice add a layer high as 50 to 150 coffee structured packing combination, shown in f

10、igure l.plate spacing of the composite plate than the average plate small, about 300 to 450 mm, no downcomers. wear flow plate sieve type, valve type. the mesh can be created can also be unevenly opened, or opening of different sizes different aperture. experimental studies have shown that the simpl

11、est uniform opened sieve plate, you can obtain a uniform liquid layer and the gas-liquid contact condition.fig.1 復合塔板2.2 wear the hydrodynamic performance of flow composite plate wear a flow-type composite plate with a complementary good hydrodynamic performance. embodied in the following aspects: a

12、) composite filler layer has become a gas distribution plate. wall-flow effect, wear the uneven distribution of gas flow plate, resulting in uneven panel liquid layer thickness and flow distribution. which is caused by cross-flow tray efficiency is not the main reason. composite fillings, the struct

13、ured packing of cross-cutting channels separated by the gas to be re-distribution, thereby eliminating the difference of the board of the liquid layer thickness. b) composite filler layer played a trap entrainment. entrainment is an important factor affecting tray efficiency the colburn associated w

14、ith expression of the entrainment affect the efficiency of the quantitative relationship:for example, in the distillation column, the reflux ratio r = 2, the liquid-gas ratio is 2/3, entrainment flooding point was 80%, ie 0.08 kg per kilogram of gas entrained liquid, when the dry plate efficiency of

15、 85%only 77.1% of the total entrainment effects of wet-plate efficiency. that the loss of nearly 8% efficiency. visible, the impact of entrainment on distillation plate efficiency. general distillation tray design, in order to reduce entrainment, the limiting aperture and gas speed to ensure adequat

16、e plate spacing. composite filler layer, entrainment declined sharply. figure 2 shows the comparison of the experimentally determined with and without compound packing sieve mist entrainment amount. therefore, the small plate spacing than the general plate wear flow-type composite plate more than 30

17、%. fig.2 霧沫夾帶對比曲線c) orifice and a thin layer of filler layer of liquid distribution. the liquid distribution of the filler layer is very critical, and general requirements for liquid distribution can provide a distribution point in more than 100 per square meter. per square meter on the sieve at lea

18、st l 000 sieve, press half of the liquid channel per square meter of 500 points. seen wearing a flow-type compound tray filler layer have the best liquid distribution.2.3 wear the mass transfer performance of streaming composite platewearing a flow-type composite plate gas-liquid mass transfer can b

19、e divided into trays of bubble zone, gas-liquid contact area of structured packing and packing the space below the shower down the three districts. shown in figure 3. fig.3 復合塔板的操作狀態(tài)示意 l-穿流篩板;2-規(guī)整填料;3-鼓泡區(qū);4-淋降區(qū) 5-液膜區(qū)excellent hydrodynamic performance of flow through composite plate can be inferred.

20、the mass transfer area in the state of the gas-liquid contact and backmixing less good mass transfer. by distillation experimental study showed that: wearing a flow-type compound tray than tray efficiency of 30% to 50%. figure 4 shows the comparison of wear of the mass transfer efficiency of the flo

21、w-type composite plate with the general sieve. wearing a flow-type composite plate-plate efficiency is generally 90% to 100% at the peak of the efficiency curve up to 110%. among them, the tower board foam layer and the filler layer contribution to the mass transfer of more than 90% of, pouring down

22、 areas are generally played 10% of the mass transfer.3 dj type composite plate3.1 dj type structural characteristics of the composite plate dj tray is a multi-downcomer trays, depending on the size of the liquid load, you can set one or more root rectangular downcomer. downcomer arranged trays middl

23、e, downcomers of adjacent trays each other into a 90 arrangement. around the downcomer overflow periphery. overflow weir than the average plate 2-5 times as long. downcomer suspension in the gas space. by the liquid area openings bubbling. by the liquid zone outside of the dj tray is also equipped w

24、ith a spoiler, in order to improve the flow patterns of liquid, the liquid residence time distribution is more uniform. set in the dj tray of liquid anti-shock device leakage, reducing the short-circuit caused by the impact of leakage. figure 5 shows the basic structure of the dj tray. figure 6 is a

25、 pre-assembled photos of the dj tray.fig.4 穿流復合塔板效率曲線fig.5 dj型塔板的結構fig.6 dj型塔板照片air composite filler technology used in the dj tray, constitute a composite plate shown in figure 7 dj 1 (also known as dj-3 trays). complex homes to fill defense packed in specially designed packing basketpull xuan fixe

26、d in the tray below, fill baskets and trays to leave some space. liquid are all basically from the downcomer overflow composite fillings from the inhibition of the fog zhu entrainment and improve the role of gas distribution. fig.7 dj型復臺塔板3 .2 djs complex praise plate performance features dj type co

27、mpound tray load characteristic diagram of the expression of the hydrodynamic performance. shown in figure 8. fig.8 dj型塔板負荷性能since the hanging downcomer bottom of the downcomer can not all be open to the seal plate. by optimizing the area of the closure panel opening, it is necessary to ensure that

28、the liquid unimpeded. reduce the flow resistance. but also to ensure that the liquid seal does not brag gas. difficulties of this, more than one downcomer self-styled line in figure 7. normal operating area in the right of self-styled line. lower limit ignorant of the leakage line, there are a self-

29、styled line of operation. operation of lower resistance leakage line and self-styled line, whichever is operating cap-and-plate is no different, but also the downcomer flooding lines and excessive entrainment line. because composite fillings inhibit entrainment, figure 8, the excessive entrainment l

30、ine is much higher than the downcomer flooding line. the upper control limit of the tray downcomer flooding line. dj type composite plate with high-throughput characteristics of the general well-type tower ying and air composite fillings bring greater efficiency and greater operational flexibility.

31、figure 9 shows a fog soo entrainment compared with and without composite fillings. figure 10 shows the measured for ethanol, a water system in the heat mold device 300 without compound filler tray efficiency comparison. see figure cho. composite fillings can greatly reduce the amount of entrainment

32、can improve the tray efficiency of 10% to 15%. can also see the figure, a particularly high efficiency in the operation the lower end, which indicates that when the when sieve random leakage, composite fillings provide a further gas-liquid mass transfer. fig.9加與不加復合填料的霧沫夾帶對比 fig.10加與不加復合填料的塔板效率4 con

33、clusion a) wear a flow-type composite plate thin layer of structured packing compound in the tray below. effective use of the gas space between the tray. cross-flow plate is equivalent to the liquid distribution of the filler layer. play a uniform distribution of liquid mass transfer improve the pac

34、king layer; the fill and play gas distribution role. improve the trays of bubbling, strengthen the of trays bubbling layer mass transfer; filler layer inhibits the entrainment plate q, reducing the back-mixing between the board, to improve the tray efficiency. compared with the general tray, tray ef

35、ficiency can be increased by 30% to 50%, plate spacing decreased by 30%, is currently the most efficient plate. b) the dj will be dj type plate with the thin layer of filler composite with filler layer inhibits the entrainment. improve the gas distribution. dj type composite dj tray and high-through

36、put features, have air composite filler efficiency and operating flexibility advantages, but also has high-throughput, high efficiency, high flexibility, a good plate. c) higher composite plate used in a large fertilizer rectisol device methanol distillation column and methanol production plant dist

37、illation column system was a big success.references1 miller, et al. apparatua for contacting a liquid with a gas p, united statent; us005244604, 19932 chuang, et al. multiple downncomerfractionation tray having packing between downcomer p, united states patent: us005366666, 19943 yao kejian, wish be

38、ll yu, total built-bing, etc. the development of the composite plate and its industrial applications j. petrochemical, 2000,29 (10) :772-7754 xiao-mei yu, tian jun, zhu jinzhong. air composite filler plate p, the chinese invention patent at: zl97103868, 6.19995 xiao-mei yu, zhu bell yu, yao kejian.

39、plate fillers absorb application stabilizer department. j. petrochemical, 2003,32 (4): 321 324高效復合型塔板及其在碳化塔中的應用摘要:高效復合型塔板采用篩板和薄層規(guī)整填料的復合結構,有穿流篩板復合填料和dj型塔板復合填料兩種型式。復合結構充分利用了塔板間的空間,改善了塔內的氣液分布,抑制了板間霧沫夾帶,提高了操作彈性,具有優(yōu)良的流體力學性能和傳質性能。穿流型復合塔板在低溫甲醇洗的甲醇精餾塔中成功地代換了林德泡罩和一般篩板或浮閥塔板,提高了分離效率20以上,增加了處理能力,降低了回流比。改善了腐蝕問題。


41、部分穿流即2070的漏液狀態(tài)下工作。chuang還在降液管兩側開孔,讓液體從側面流人填料層。由于都是部分穿流的塔板??刂扑宓穆┮毫亢鸵缌魅私狄汗艿囊毫坑幸欢y度??刹僮鲄^(qū)比較窄,操作彈性小。本文將介紹這兩種復合型塔板的性能以及它們在甲醇精餾中的應用。2 穿流型復合塔板21 穿流型復合塔板的結構特點穿流型復合塔板由穿流篩板下加一層高為50150咖的規(guī)整填料組合而成,如圖l所示。復合塔板的板間距比一般塔板小,約為300450 mm,不設降液管。穿流塔板可以是篩孔型的,也可以是閥型的。篩孔可以均勻開設,也可以不均勻開設,或開設大小不同的異孔徑。實驗研究表明,最簡單的均勻開設的篩孔型塔板,就可以獲得

42、很均勻的液層和良好的氣液接觸狀況。圖1 復合塔板22穿流型復合塔板的流體力學性能穿流型復合塔板具有互補的優(yōu)良的流體力學性能。具體體現(xiàn)在如下幾個方面:a)復合填料層成了塔板的氣體分布器。由于壁流效應的影響,穿流塔板的氣體分布不均勻,因而導致板上液層厚度和液流分布的不均勻。這也是造成穿流塔板效率不高的主要原因。復合填料后,規(guī)整填料相互交叉的分隔通道使氣體得到重新分布,從而消除了板上液層厚度的差異。b)復合填料層起到了捕集霧沫夾帶的作用。霧沫夾帶是影響塔板效率的重要因素,colburn關聯(lián)表達了霧沫夾帶影響效率的定量關系:例如在精餾塔中,回流比r=2,則液氣比為23,若霧沫夾帶泛點率為80,即每千克

43、氣體夾帶0.08 kg液體,當干板效率為85時,計人霧沫夾帶影響的濕板效率就只有77.1。也即損失了近8的效率??梢姡F沫夾帶對精餾板效的影響很大。一般精餾塔板設計時,為了降低霧沫夾帶,要限制孔徑和氣速,保證足夠的板間距。復合填料層后,霧沫夾帶急劇下降。圖2表示了實驗測定的加與不加復合填料的篩板霧沫夾帶量對比。因此,穿流型復合塔板的板間距可比一般塔板小30以上。 圖2 霧沫夾帶對比曲線c)穿流篩板成為薄層填料層的液體分布器。填料層的液體分布是十分關鍵的,一般要求液體分布器能提供每平方米100個以上的分布點。而篩板上每平方米至少有l(wèi) 000個以上的篩孔,按一半為液體通道計,每平方米也有500個點

44、。可見,穿流型復合塔板的填料層有最優(yōu)良的液體分布。2.3 穿流型復合塔板的傳質性能穿流型復合塔板的氣液傳質可分為塔板上的泡沫區(qū)、規(guī)整填料層內的氣液接觸區(qū)和填料下面空間的淋降區(qū)3個區(qū)如圖3所示。圖3復合塔板的操作狀態(tài)示意l-穿流篩板;2-規(guī)整填料;3-鼓泡區(qū);4-淋降區(qū) 5-液膜區(qū)根據(jù)穿流型復合塔板優(yōu)良的流體力學性能,可以推論每個傳質區(qū)都處于氣液均勻接觸和返混少的優(yōu)良傳質狀態(tài)。通過精餾實驗研究表明:穿流型復合塔板可比一般塔板的效率提高3050。圖4表示了穿流型復合塔板與一般篩板的傳質效率對比。穿流型復合塔板的總板效率一般為90100,效率曲線的高峰處可達110。其中,塔板上的泡沫層和填料層對傳質的貢獻達90以上,淋降區(qū)一般起到10的傳質作用。 圖4穿流復合塔板效率曲線3 dj型復合塔板3.1 dj型復合塔板的結構特點dj塔板是一種多降液管塔板,根據(jù)液體負荷的大小,可設置一根或多根矩形降液管。降液管布置在塔板中間,相鄰塔板的降液管互成90排列。由于降液管四周都是溢流周邊。溢流堰比一般塔板要長25倍。降液管懸掛在氣相空間受液區(qū)也開孔鼓泡。在dj塔板的受液區(qū)外側還裝有導流板,


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