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1、國際銷售代理協(xié)議書Intern ati onal Age ntial proposal Agreeme nt甲方:XXXX地址乙方:XXXX地址經(jīng)雙方平等、自愿協(xié)商,達成本銷售代理協(xié)議,共同遵守。Based on equality and mutual negotiations, both partners agree on this sales age ntial agreeme nt.第一條代理內(nèi)容1. The Contents of Age ncy同意將下列產(chǎn)品瑞典 CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH 公司(簡稱SSV)的產(chǎn)品及 CINIA TECH & TRADINGTE

2、CH 公司所代理的產(chǎn)品(簡稱產(chǎn)品)的代理權(quán)授予代 理方(簡稱代理人)。代理人優(yōu)先在下列指定地區(qū)(簡稱地區(qū))推銷產(chǎn)品中國大慶采 油六廠。代理方式可由以下三種方式一:CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECHB (Here with n amed as SSV)agrees to authorize an agential right of SSV s product or agential product sales to (.Theage nt) . The age nt has the in itiative right to sell with in the regi on of d

3、aqing sixth oil extraction factory. One agential method is to be selected from the follow ing three means:1-1代理人直接與客戶簽訂銷售合同;1-1 The age nt sig ns the sales con tract directly with the customer;1-2 CINIA TECH & TRADING、代理人共同與用戶簽訂銷售合同1-2 CINIA TECH & TRADING and the age nt sign sales con tract simulta

4、 neously.1-3 CINIA TECH & TRADING 直接于用戶簽訂銷售合同1-3 CINIA TECH & TRADING signs the sales contract directly with the customer.以上三種型式在具體工程項目中由 CINIA TECH & TRADING 、代理人雙方共同 協(xié)商決定。The selection of which means is decided by the negotiation of both partners according the concrete project.第二條 代理人的職責(zé)、 CINIA TE

5、CH & TRADINGTECH 公司的職責(zé)2. Responsibilities and duties of the agent and CINIA TECH & TRADING2-1 代理人職責(zé):2-1 The agent responsibilities and duties:2-1-1.非經(jīng)CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的同意,代理人不得經(jīng) 地區(qū)”之外的 地方征求定貨。如代理商在地區(qū)外銷售,應(yīng)事先通知 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司,得到許可方能進行銷售。2-1-1. Without the approval of CINIA TECH & TRADIN

6、G , the agent shall not place any order to any customer who is outside of the appointed region. CINIA TECH & TRADING must be informed of any sales outside of the appointed region in advance and approval must be granted by CINIA TECH & TRADING .2-1-2.代理人無權(quán)代表 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司簽訂任何具有約束的合約。2-1-2.

7、The agent has no right to represent CINIA TECH & TRADING signing any form of contract that has stipulation.2-1-3.代理人應(yīng)把 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司規(guī)定的銷售條款對用戶解釋。2-1-3. The agent should explain CINIA TECH & TRADINGs sales policy to the customer.2-1-4.代理人自行負責(zé)開拓市場與發(fā)展用戶時,在代理業(yè)務(wù)中保證向用戶提供良 好的服務(wù),不得以欺詐、脅迫等不正當(dāng)手段損害客戶

8、及制造商的利益及 CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH 公司的聲譽。2-1-4. The agent expands and develops the market on his own responsibility. During the marketing process, the agent shall provide satisfactory service to the customer. Any mean of cheating and/or coercing, which damages the benefit and/or reputation of the cus

9、tomer or of CINIA TECH & TRADING is strictly prohibited.2-1-5.代理人保證其所有經(jīng)營活動完全符合中國有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)、行政規(guī)章等的 規(guī)定。如因代理人違反上述規(guī)定的行為給 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司帶來任 何損害,代理人應(yīng)承擔(dān)所有法律責(zé)任并賠償給 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司造 成的損失。2-1-5. The agent guarantees its total operative activity to comply with the relevant law, regulation in Chin

10、a. Any loss or damage occurred to CINIA TECH & TRADINGdue to the agent s breach, the agent shall bear legal responsibility and give compensation to CINIA TECH & TRADING .2-1-6.代理人保證遵守中華人民共和國價格法的規(guī)定,不以低價傾銷制造商設(shè)備 產(chǎn)品;SSV TECH公司的推薦價格供代理人在代理時參考。2-1-6. The agent guarantees to comply with the price law of th

11、e Peoples Republic of China. The agent shall not dump the product with lower price; CINIA TECH & TRADING shall refer a recommended price to the agent during the agential period.2-1-7.代理人應(yīng)對 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司明確提示為保密資料的信息給 予保密。2-1-7. The agent shall keep the confidentiality of any defined informa

12、tion or document that is provided by CINIA TECH & TRADING .2-1-8. 代理商宣傳 CINIA TECH & TRADING 產(chǎn)品的資料必須經(jīng) CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的審核后方可進行宣傳 ,否則由此引起的問題由代理方承擔(dān) .2-1-8. All marketing material shall be approved by CINIA TECH & TRADING before the agent commences the marketing and propaganda process. Otherwise

13、 any caused problem due to unapproved marketing material shall be undertaken by the agent.2-2 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的職責(zé):2-2 The duty and responsibility of CINIA TECH & TRADING:2-2-1 SSV公司應(yīng)向代理人提供業(yè)務(wù)范圍內(nèi)的技術(shù)支持,幫助代理人提高技術(shù)能 力,拓寬業(yè)務(wù)范圍。2-2-1. CINIA TECH & TRADING shall provide technique support to the agent w

14、ithin the business scope, and develop the technique capability to the agent in terms to expend the business scope.2-2-2按照 1-1 方式, CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司原則上不直接與代理人的客 戶聯(lián)系。在代理人的要求或邀請下除外。按照 1-2方式,由雙方人員共同面對客 戶。按 1-3 方式雙方就有關(guān)條款另行協(xié)議 .2-2-2. According to 1-1, in principle, CINIA TECH & TRADING AB does not c

15、ontact the agent s customer directly. Under a condition of the request and invitation from the agent, and according to 1-2, both partners contact the customer together. Other agreement shall be made after mutual discussion when it relates to 1-3.2-2-3. CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司向代理人提供必要的售后服務(wù),在直接由 代理人與用

16、戶簽定的銷售合同 (1-1)的情況下, CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司 的售后服務(wù)只對代理人, 原則上不直接面向代理人的客戶。 在由與代理人共同簽 訂的銷售合同( 1-2)情況下,售后服務(wù)主要以 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司 為主,代理人協(xié)助售后服務(wù)。2-2-3. CINIA TECH & TRADING AB provides the necessary after-sales service to the agent, under the circumstance of 1-1 that the agent signs the contract with

17、the customer directly; CINIA TECH & TRADING AB shall only provide the necessary after-sales service to the agent, in principle CINIA TECH & TRADING does not contact the customer directly. Under the circumstance of 1-2, the after-sales service is mainly provided by CINIA TECH & TRADING with assistanc

18、e of the agent.2-2-4.CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司應(yīng)對代理人的客戶資料及其他代理人明確 提示為保密資料的信息給予保密。2-2-5. CINIA TECH & TRADING ABshould keep all defined information of the agent and customer confidential.2-2-5.在由代理人與用戶直接簽訂銷售合同( 1-1)的情況下,對于代理人與其用 戶之間的糾紛、爭議、損失、侵權(quán)、違約責(zé)任等,均由代理人與客戶自行解決, CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司不介入代理人與用戶的糾紛、 爭議

19、等, 也不對用 戶的任何損失負責(zé)。在由 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司、代理人共同簽訂的 銷售合同( 1-2)的情況下,對于 CINIA TECH & TRADING 、代理人與其用戶之 間的糾紛、爭議、損失、侵權(quán)、違約責(zé)任等,按照 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公 司與代理人在簽訂具體合同之前的約定雙方職責(zé)執(zhí)行。2-2-5.Under the circumstance of 1-1 that the agent signs the contract directly with the customer, any disputes, argument, loss,

20、tort and breach of contract shall be solved between the agent and the customer without CINIA TECH & TRADING s involvement and responsibility toward to the dispute. Under the circumstance of 1-2 that CINIA TECH & TRADINGand the agent sign the contract with the customer simultaneously, any disputes, a

21、rgument, loss, tort and breach of contract shall be solved based on the stipulated mutual responsibilities before the concrete contract.2-2-6.在任何情況下,如 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司認為履行其責(zé)任會違反 中國法律或任何適用的 CINIA TECH & TRADIN 公司政策, CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司有權(quán)停止履行。2-2-6. Under any circumstances, when CINIA TECH

22、& TRADING regards that its implementation of responsibility and duty would breach Chinese law or SSV spolicy and regulation, CINIA TECH & TRADING has the right to terminate the implementation.第三條 代理業(yè)務(wù)的職責(zé)范圍3. The bus in ess scope of age ntial con tract.代理人是CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司中國市場的代理之一,應(yīng)收集信息,盡力促進產(chǎn)

23、品的銷售。代理人應(yīng)精通所推銷產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)性能。代理所得傭金應(yīng)包括為促進銷售所需費用。The Agent is one of SSV sage nts in the China market. The age nt shall collect marketi ng in formati on, and make effort to promote the sales of product. The age nt should grasp the tech nique function of the products. The age ntial commissi on in cludes the

24、marketi ng expe nses.第四條廣告和展覽會為促進產(chǎn)品在該地區(qū)的銷售,代理人應(yīng)刊登一切必要的廣告并支付廣告費用。凡參加展銷會需經(jīng)雙方事先商議后辦理。4. Advertiseme nt and Exhibiti onFor promot ing the product sale in the agreed regi on, the age nt should bear the whole expe nse of advertiseme nts. Both part ners shall n egotiate the cost matter of atte nding an exh

25、ibiti on.第五條代理人的財務(wù)責(zé)任5-1代理人應(yīng)采取適當(dāng)方式了解當(dāng)?shù)乜蛻舻闹Ц赌芰Α?在代理人與用戶直接簽訂 銷售合同情況(1-1 )下,由代理人收回應(yīng)付款。在由 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司、代理人與用戶共同簽訂的銷售合同情況(1-2)下,代理人協(xié)助CINIA TECH& TRADING公司收回應(yīng)付貨款.5. The finance duty of the age nt5-1 The age nt should adopt an appropriatway of un dersta nding the customer spayment ability. In the

26、 case of delayed payment, the following applies:Un der the circumsta nee of 1-1, the age nt has the duty to get the payme nt back. Un der the circumsta nce of 1-2, the age nt assists CINIA TECH & TRADING to get the payme nt back.5-2未經(jīng)同意,代理人無權(quán)也無義務(wù)以 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的名義與 用戶簽定銷售合同,接受付款。5-2. Witho

27、ut approval of CINIA TECH & TRADING, the agent has neither right nor duty to on behalf of CINIA TECH & TRADINGsign sales contract with the customer, or receive payment.第六條 用戶意見代理人有權(quán)接受用戶對產(chǎn)品的意見和申訴,及時通知 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司并關(guān)注 CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH 公司的切身利益。6. The customer opinionThe agent has the

28、 right to receive the customer s opinion and complaints, and notifies to CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECHin time accordingly in terms of protectingSSVs benefits.第七條 提供信息代理人應(yīng)盡力向 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司提供商品的市場和競爭等方面 的信息,每 _1_個月需向 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司寄送工作報告。7. Information provisionThe agent shall make an ef

29、fort toward CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH in terms of providing information of the market and competition.The agent shall submit a formal report every monthto CINIA TECH & TRADINGTECH AB.第八條 正當(dāng)競爭8-1代理人不應(yīng)與SSV公司或幫助他人與SSV公司競爭,也不應(yīng)從與SSV公司競 爭的任何企業(yè)中獲利。同時,代理人不應(yīng)代理或銷售與代理產(chǎn)品相同的產(chǎn)品。8. Perfect Competition8-1 The agents

30、 shouldnt compete with CINIA TECH & TRADINGor help others to compete with CINIA TECH & TRADING. The agents should not obtain any benefit from another company, which is competing with CINIA TECH & TRADING. At the same time, the agent shouldnt act for or sell the same kind of product, which is similar

31、 to SSV s product.8-2 此合約一經(jīng)生效, 代理人應(yīng)將與其他企業(yè)簽訂的有約束性的協(xié)議告知 CINIA TECH & TRADIN公司。不論是作為代理的或經(jīng)銷的,此后再簽定產(chǎn)品的任何協(xié) 議均應(yīng)告之CINIA TECH & TRADINGS司,代理人在進行其他活動時,決不能忽 視其對SSV公司承擔(dān)的義務(wù)而影響任務(wù)的完成。8-2 As soon as this agreement is valid, the agent shall notify all stipulated contracts of whatever agential or marketing products w

32、ith other companies to SSV. All other contracts to be signed henceforth shall also be notified to SSV. The agent shall not ignore the duty and responsibilities to CINIA TECH & TRADINGdue to implementation of other activities.第九條 保 密9. Confidentiality9-1 代理人在協(xié)議有效期內(nèi)或協(xié)議終止后,不得泄露 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司的

33、商業(yè)機密,也不得將該機密超越協(xié)議范圍使用。9-1 The agent should not reveal any confidential information of CINIA TECH & TRADINGduring the implementation and after the termination of this agreement. Also, the agent shall not overstep the confidentiality of this agreement.9-2 所有產(chǎn)品設(shè)計和說明均屬 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司所有, 代理人應(yīng)在 協(xié)議

34、終止時歸還給 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司。9-2 All product designs and introductions are belonging to CINIA TECH & TRADING. The agent should return them back to CINIA TECH & TRADING after the termination of this agreement.第十條 分包代理代理人事先經(jīng) CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司同意后可聘用分包代理人, 代理人 應(yīng)對該分包代理人的活動負全部責(zé)任。10. SubcontractThe

35、 agent can subcontract to other agent after the approval of CINIA TECH & TRADING. The agent is responsible for all activities for the subcontracted agents.第十一條 工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)的保護代理人發(fā)現(xiàn)第三方侵犯 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公 司的工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)或有損于 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司利益的任何非法行為, 代 理人應(yīng)及時據(jù)實向 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司報告。代理人應(yīng)盡最大努力并 按 CINI

36、A TECH & TRADING 公司的指示, 幫助 CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司 使其不受這類行為的侵害 .11. The protection of copyright,When the agent discovers that a third partner infringes on CINIA TECH & TRADING s copyright or benefit, the agent shall report hereby to CINIA TECH & TRADINGaccordingly in time. The agent shall undertake

37、the utmost effort to avoid damage from those activities according to SSV s indication.第十二條 技術(shù)幫助CINIA TECH & TRADING司應(yīng)幫助代理人培訓(xùn)雇員.在商業(yè)項目具體實施的情 況下,CINIA TECH & TRADING應(yīng)培訓(xùn)代理人,使其獲得代理產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)知識。具 體費用由雙方就具體情況商討解決 .12. Technical supportCINIA TECH & TRADINGshall assist the agent in training the appropriate staff,

38、 under the circumstance of a concrete business project, SSVshall conduct training course to the agent in order to obtain the appropriate technical knowledge. The expense of the training program is to be discussed under the concrete project.第十三條 傭金數(shù)額傭金分兩種情況計算:13-1 按照 1-1 方式,代理人單獨與用戶簽訂銷售合同:代理人的利益直接由產(chǎn)品

39、價格差價獲得。13-2按照1-2方式,CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司、代理人與用戶共同簽訂銷 售合同:代理人的傭金以每次售出并簽字的協(xié)議產(chǎn)品銷售額百分比為準(zhǔn) .13. CommissionThere are two calculations of the commission:13-1 according to 1-1, the agent signs the sales contract with customer directly.The benefits of the agent are acquired by the differences of purchasing

40、and selling price.13-2 according to 1-2, the agent and CINIA TECH & TRADING sign the sales contract with the customer simultaneously:The commission of the agent is based on a percentage of the contract selling price. 第十四條 商業(yè)失敗、合約終止代理人所介紹的詢價或訂單,如CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司不予接受則無傭 金。代理人所介紹的訂單合約已中止,代理人無權(quán)索取

41、傭金 .14. The business failure, contract termination If CINIA TECH & TRADING does not accept or admit any queries or orders from the agent, then there is no commission to be paid to the agent. The agent has no right to demand any commission if the sales contract is delivered and terminated.第十五條 傭金計算方法

42、 傭金以發(fā)票金額計算,任何附加費用如包裝費、運輸費、保險費、海關(guān)稅或由進 口國家回收的關(guān)稅等應(yīng)另開支票。15 The method of commission calculationThe commission is calculated on the amount of the invoice. Any other cost, for example, packing, transport, insurance, custom clearance or import custom, etc shall be invoiced separately.第十六條 傭金的索取權(quán) 代理人有權(quán)根據(jù)每次用

43、戶購貨所支付的貨款按比例收取傭金。 如用戶沒支付全部 貨款,則根據(jù) CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司實收貨款按比例收取傭金。16. Commission obtaining rightThe agent has the right to obtain the agreed commission according to each order. If the customer pays installment, then the agent obtains the commission according to the received payment per time.第十七條

44、支付傭金的時間CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司每季度應(yīng)向代理人說明傭金數(shù)額和付傭金的有關(guān) 情況, CINIA TECH & TRADING 公司在收到貨款后,應(yīng)在 30 天內(nèi)支付傭金給 代理人。17. Commission paying timeCINIA TECH & TRADING shall state to the agent about the commission and the related payment.CINIA TECH & TRADINGshall pay the commission within 30 days to the agent after

45、receiving the payment.第十八條 支付傭金的貨幣傭金按成交的貨幣來計算和支付。18. Currency for the commissionThe commission is paid to the currency that is undersigned on the contract.第十九條 排除其他報酬 代理人在完成本協(xié)議之義務(wù)時所發(fā)生的全部費用, 除非另有允諾, 包括在第 13-2 條之規(guī)定的傭金。19. Exclusion of other guerdon.All cost expended on the implementation of this agree

46、ment is included in the commission which stated in 13-2.第二十條 協(xié)議期限本協(xié)議在雙方簽字后生效。協(xié)議執(zhí)行一年后,一方提前 3 個月通知可終止協(xié)議。 如協(xié)議不在該日終止,可提前 3個月通知,于下年的 12月 30日終止。20 The agreement termThis agreement is valid from the date of undersigning. After the agreement carries out one year, each partner may notify the termination 3 months in advance. If this agreement is not terminated at this da


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


