



1、現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)語法現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的基本句型:肯定式:主語 + 助動(dòng)詞have/has + 動(dòng)詞的過去分詞. 疑問式:助動(dòng)詞Have/Has + 主語 + 動(dòng)詞的過去分詞?否定式: 主語 + 助動(dòng)詞have/has + not + 動(dòng)詞的過去分詞. 例句: 1.I have cleaned my room. 我已打掃了房間。2. He hasnt finished his homework. 他還沒完成作業(yè)。 3.Have you read this novel ? 你看過這本小說嗎? Yes , I have. 是的,看過了。No, I havent. 不,沒看過。4. We have studied

2、 English for two years. 我們已經(jīng)學(xué)了兩年英語了。5. They havent seen each other since 1998. 自從1998年他們就沒再見過面?,F(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的主要用法1.表示過去發(fā)生的某一動(dòng)作對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果。 - Its so dark.-Someone has turned off the light.(有人剛把燈關(guān)了,對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果是:現(xiàn)在很黑)- Are you free?-I have finished my homework. I am free(我已經(jīng)完成了家庭作業(yè),對(duì)現(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果是很有空)2.表示過去已經(jīng)開始, 持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的

3、動(dòng)作或狀態(tài),可以和表示從過去某一時(shí)刻延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的一段時(shí)間的狀語連用.表示持續(xù)動(dòng)作或狀態(tài)的詞應(yīng)是延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞.常與since + 過去的時(shí)間點(diǎn),since+謂語是一般過去時(shí)的從句;for + 一段時(shí)間,so far 等時(shí)間狀語連用。如:I have learnt English for more than ten years.我已經(jīng)學(xué)了10多年的英語。(從10年前開始,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在還在學(xué))She has swum since half an hour ago.我已經(jīng)游泳了半個(gè)小時(shí)(半個(gè)小時(shí)前已經(jīng)開始游泳,到現(xiàn)在還在游)3.表示人曾有過或到目前為止從未有過的經(jīng)歷.I have ever been to

4、 the Summer Palace?(我曾去過頤和園)I have never had a car.(我從未有過汽車。)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的時(shí)間狀語常與already, never, ever, just(剛才), yet, before, up to now, so far(到目前為止), for the last few weeks, these days, since 2010/ two years ago, since he came here, for a long time (13) in the last/ pastyears等連用。a)already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑問句時(shí)表示

5、強(qiáng)調(diào)或加強(qiáng)語氣;yet 用于否定句和疑問句。eg: He has already left here. 他已經(jīng)離開這里了。 Has he already left here? 他(真的)已經(jīng)離開這里了嗎?(表示加強(qiáng)語氣) My teachers havent had breakfast yet. 我的老師們還沒有吃早飯。 Have you written to your parents yet? 你已經(jīng)給你父母寫過信了嗎?b) never 是否定詞,表示“從來沒有”,而ever 表示“曾經(jīng)” We have never been to the Great Wall. 我們從來沒有去過長城。 H

6、ave you ever been to Canada? 你們?cè)?jīng)去過加拿大嗎? c) just表示“剛剛”(用于完成時(shí)態(tài)時(shí),與already,never 等副詞的位置一樣,多用在助動(dòng)詞have/has和動(dòng)詞過去分詞之間),just now(用于過去時(shí)) He has just come back. 他剛剛回來。 They have just finished the work. 他們剛剛完成那項(xiàng)工作。d) before 用于完成時(shí),而ago 用于過去時(shí) He has started his work ten years before. 他十年前就已經(jīng)開始他的工作了。 He started h

7、is work ten years ago. 他是十年前開始他的工作的。常用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的時(shí)間副詞,介詞:already (已經(jīng)): 用于肯定句I have already posted the letter .yet(已經(jīng)): 用于否定句,疑問句 He hasnt done his homework yet.just(剛剛) They have just left. ever(曾經(jīng)) Have you ever been to Beijing ?never(從不) I have never seen him .before(以前) Have you seen the film before?

8、since(自從以來) Ive worked in the school since 1999.for(長達(dá)) Hes lived in Shenzhen for 6 years.in the past several days / weeks/ years(在過去的)recently(最近) I have not written to my parents recently.so far(到目前為止) So far she has learned 5 English songs.up to now(到目前為止)this morning/month/year(今天早上/這個(gè)月/今年)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)

9、與一般過去時(shí)的區(qū)別I lived there 2 years agoI have lived here for two yearsI have lived here since two years ago.I have lived here since I came here.1.都表示過去發(fā)生的事2.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)過去和現(xiàn)在的聯(lián)系,不能和具體的時(shí)間狀語連用;3.一般過去時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)過去發(fā)生的事或狀態(tài)與表示過去的具體時(shí)間連用(last, ago, yesterday, etc. )當(dāng)有一個(gè)表示過去某時(shí)的狀語時(shí),不能用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí),而多用一般過去時(shí)。 I saw Mary an hour ago. Sh

10、e lost her handbag yesterday .有些時(shí)間狀語,既能用于現(xiàn)在完成時(shí),又能用于一般過去時(shí),但意義上有差別。Ive written three letters this morning.(說話時(shí)仍是上午)I wrote three letters this morning.(說話時(shí)仍是上午或晚上)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作或事情發(fā)生在過去,一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,而且還有可能繼續(xù)延續(xù)下去;而一般過去時(shí)只表示發(fā)生在過去的動(dòng)作或事情。 I have taught this class for ten years.(還在教)I taught this class for two years.(

11、曾教過兩年,現(xiàn)在不教了)一般過去時(shí)態(tài)和現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)同義轉(zhuǎn)換1.我們買這本書三年了.We have had the book for three years.We bought the book three years ago. 2.他感冒三天了.He has had a cold for three days.He caught a cold three days ago.3.我借的這本書一周多了.I have kept the book for a week .I borrowed the book a week ago.4.我成為一個(gè)學(xué)生兩年多了.I have been a student

12、 for over two years.I became a student two years ago.5.Mr Black死了三年了。Mr Black has been dead for three years.Mr Black died three years ago.重點(diǎn)句型:It is/ has been+段時(shí)間+since從句 段時(shí)間+has passed+ since從句eg. 他去世了兩年了:He died two years ago.He has been dead for two years /since two years ago It is/ has been two

13、years since he died.Two years has passed since he died.注: 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)不能和表示過去的時(shí)間狀語如:yesterday, last year, in 1980,three days ago, just now, when I came in等連用Pay attention 注意不能是具體過去時(shí)間1.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)句中常見的時(shí)間狀語A.表示從過去一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,不能是具體過去時(shí)間B.just,already,yet,before/ ever,never有此類副詞時(shí),常強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作完成,不強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作的持續(xù).eg. Have you ever been t

14、o Japan? I have just finished my homework. I have finished my homework already. I havent finished my homework yet2.區(qū)分短暫性動(dòng)詞與持續(xù)性動(dòng)詞. 英語的行為動(dòng)詞大體可以分為兩大類型:一是延續(xù)性的動(dòng)詞,二是短暫性動(dòng)詞。延續(xù)行動(dòng)詞是指那些動(dòng)作意義不會(huì)一下完成,而是可以延續(xù)、發(fā)展的動(dòng)詞。如:work,read,write,study等,短暫性動(dòng)詞是指那些動(dòng)作一次完成,不能延續(xù)的動(dòng)詞。如:come, go, buy, die, borrow,begin等。表示短暫性(瞬間性)的動(dòng)詞在現(xiàn)在完

15、成時(shí)的句中不能和一段時(shí)間連用.即for,since短語或how long問句 I have bought this pen for two months. (錯(cuò))I have had this pen for two months. (正確)How long have you had this pen.? (正確)The play has begun for an hour. (錯(cuò))The play has been on for an hour. (正確)結(jié)束性動(dòng)詞不能和表示一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語連用,但是他可以轉(zhuǎn)換成相應(yīng)的延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞.1.直接用延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞 buy have catch(get)

16、 a cold have a cold borrowkeepcome/go /becomebe put on- wear2.轉(zhuǎn)換成be+名詞 join the army be a soldier join the Party be a Party membergo to school be a student 3轉(zhuǎn)換成be+形容詞或副詞 diebe dead finish be over beginbe on openbe open leavebe away (from) fall sleep be asleep close be closed4.轉(zhuǎn)換成 be+介詞短語 go to schoo

17、l be in school join the army be in the army但在否定句中,短暫性動(dòng)詞可以與時(shí)間段連用。如:I havent bought the bike for a year. 我買這輛自行車還不到一年。She hasnt come here for an hour. 她來這兒還沒有一個(gè)小時(shí)。have been 與have gone 的用法比較 have been to 意思是“到過,去過”,表示曾經(jīng)到過某處,但現(xiàn)在人不在那兒。have gone to 意思是“去了”,表示已經(jīng)去了某地,現(xiàn)在人可能在去的途中或已在那兒了。have been in/at 意思是“呆在某

18、處一段時(shí)間了”Has she ever been to Nanjing? 她曾去過南京嗎?You have never been there, have you? 你以前從未去過那兒,是嗎?I have been to Guiling ,I went there last year. 我去過桂林,我去年去的。She has gone to Nanjing. 她已經(jīng)去南京了。I have been in Gaohe for four years. 我呆在高河四年了。與一般過去時(shí)的用法比較一.現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)和一般過去時(shí)都是說過去的事情,但現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)注意的不是事情本身,而是強(qiáng)調(diào)事情與現(xiàn)在保持的某種密切聯(lián)系(如現(xiàn)在的結(jié)果,影響,一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在等);而一般過去時(shí),則只講述發(fā)生在過去的動(dòng)作和事情與現(xiàn)在沒有關(guān)系。 eg:He has bought an English-Chinese dictionary. 他已經(jīng)買了一本英漢字典。 He


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