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1、課時(shí)訓(xùn)練九Un its 1八上限時(shí):30分鐘I. 單項(xiàng)選擇1. 2021 淮安Betty has a beautiful . She wants to be a sin ger in the future.A. voiceB.lookC. no iseD.so und2. 2021 河北Ken was late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.3. 2021 連云港While watching the film yesterday, I couldn t stop laughing at some m

2、oments.A. humorousB.challe ngingC.da ngerousD.surpris ing4. 2021 鎮(zhèn)江調(diào)研Andy, would you please the report for me and see if there is any mistake?Of course I will.A.look aroundB.look throughC.look upD.look after5. 2021 重慶 BThe Hong Kong-Zhuhai -Macao Bridge, the world scross-sea bridge, won anotherinter

3、national prize in December, 2021.A.longB.lon gerC.lon gestD.the Ion gest6. 2021 眉山I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can inour spare time.7. 2021 西What do you think of the ba nd s performa nee?It could beI think they re feeling very nervous.8. In the pa

4、st five years, China has played an importa nt role in the Belt and Road.It has many n ati ons a great cha nee to com muni cate.9. 2021 眉山Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please?Of course. We can buy one than this, but it.A.a better; better tha nB.a worse; as good asC.a cheaper; as good asD.a

5、 more importa nt; not as good as10. Ms Wang, m afraid I can t finish the work in two days.Don t worry. I ll give you days.A.two ano therB.two moreC.more twoD.two manyn .詞匯A. 根據(jù)句意和漢語(yǔ)提示寫出單詞,完成句子。11. 2021 常州在期間his stay in Beijing, he made some foreign friends.12. Father Christmas is 慷慨的and all the chil

6、dren like him very much.13. 2021 南京Since it will be rainy tomorrow, we have to 選擇a different time to go jogging.14. English is one of the most important 語(yǔ)言in the world.15. He will 討論this problem with his pare nts tomorrow.B. 根據(jù)句意用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。16. Emily s mother didn t allow her to watch her favorite

7、programme Keep Running and it made her happy.17. Ya ng Jia ng, a well -known writer, went to En gla nd for (far) study in 1935.18. The swimmi ng pool is at (little) 80 metres long.19. 2021 常州As a good teacher, she is never(patient) with her students.20. Dri nking a lot of water is very importa nt in

8、 our (day) life.川.2021寧夏閱讀理解One mornin g,Emma discovered that her classroom had cha nged.She found that the desks were no Ion ger in rows,but pushed together to make eight bigger desks.She was so excited about it for the first two days that she couldn t listen to the teachers carefully.But soon she

9、and her classmates got used to this new classroom arran geme nt(安排).“ Now our class is quieter, said Em naan ore,wehai n come up with our own ideas andlearn more through discussion.lt s a better way to study.David liked it,too.“ Group members first discuss, he said, “ and the n show to the whole cla

10、ss. It en cougreatly. This was part of a reform) at David s school.The school made this reform because they wan ted to offer students easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.“ Our school hopes tabmpeote studentsstudy by themselves and work in groups, said Lin da,a n En glish teacher.However

11、,the reform has dema nded(要求)more from teachers.Now they have only 15 minu tes to give a less on that would have been taught in 40 minutes is difficult to teach in such a short time.The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively(有效地).“ The reform dema nds more,but I m sure it is hel

12、pful, added Lin da.21. After the new classroom arran geme nt,Emma found .()A. their class was no isier all the timeB. they could lear n more through discussi onC. they couldn t come up with their own ideasD. it was a harder way to study22. The school made the reform in order to offer students to stu

13、dy. ()A.easier waysB.better classroomsC.more seatsD.l arger space23. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true?()A. The desks are no Ion ger in rows now.B. The reform has dema nded more from teachers.C. It s easy for teachers to give a less on in 15 minu tes now.D. Emma and her classmates like

14、 the new classroom arran geme nt.24. The best title of this passage may be.()A.Discussi on in ClassB.Teachers HopeC. Stude nts Frie ndshipD.New Look in ClassIV. 2021阜寧調(diào)研任務(wù)型閱讀閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一詞。A man called Ali was in need of money and he asked his boss to help him out.However, his boss didn

15、 t give him money at on ce.He said,if you fail, you will have to work for me for free.When Ali left his boss s office, he no ticed that an icy wind was blow in g.He felt afraid and decided to ask his best friend, Aydi, if he thought he was mad to accept the wager(賭注).After considering the matter for

16、 a moment, Aydi answered, “ Don t worry, I will help you.Tomorrow night, whe n you are sitt ing on the top of the mountain, look straight ahead .I ll be on the top of the mountain that is opposite yours.I ll keep a fire burning all night for you there.Look at the fire and think of our friendship, an

17、d that will keep you warm.You ll make it through the night, and then I ll ask you for something in return.Ali won the wager, got the mon ey, and went to his friend s house. “ Yoiaid you wan ted some payme nt in return, Ali said. “ Yes,bu tiitoieey.Promise that if ever a cold wind blows through my li

18、fe, you will light theAydi said.fire of frien dship for me,Title: The Fire of 25.What was Ali sproblem? Ali 26.money and asked his boss for help. His boss refused to offer him help 27.he won the wager.28.did Ali sfrie nd help him? Alispent the whole cold night sitting on the top of the mountain, loo

19、kingstraight ahead and 29.of their frien dship. Aydi kept a fire burning all night on the top of the mountain 30. Ali s.Ali felt warm with the help of Aydi through the ni ght and received the great reward.What did Ali pay in31.? What Ali should pay in retur n is not mon ey, but a 32. Ali should 33.t

20、he fire of frien dship whe never Aydi is in trouble. Remember that a friend in n eed is a friend 34.參考答案】I 2. D 聯(lián)系下一句“他剛進(jìn)教室鈴就響了 可知,肯差一點(diǎn)就遲到了 ,應(yīng)選 D。6. C spendin doing sth花費(fèi)做某事。應(yīng)選 C。7. B 由后半句 I think theyre feeling very nervous. 可知,如果不緊張可能會(huì)更好。應(yīng)選B。8. A9. C 由句中than可知第一個(gè)空應(yīng)用比擬級(jí)cheaper更廉價(jià)的第二個(gè)空應(yīng)用as good as表示 和一樣好。應(yīng)選 C。10. BII .主旨大意本文是一篇記敘文,主要介紹了艾瑪?shù)膶W(xué)校開展小組合作學(xué)習(xí)后,帶給老師和同學(xué)們?nèi)碌臎_擊和感受。21.


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