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1、學校 班級 姓名 學號 -裝-訂-線-四 年 級 英 語 期 終 測 試 卷(總分:100分 考試時間:60分鐘)同學們,這個學期很快就要結(jié)束了,想知道你英語學的怎么樣嗎?那就認真完成這張試卷吧,記得要仔細審題哦,祝你考出好成績,加油! 聽 力 部 分(30分)一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(聽兩遍)(10分)( )1. a. thirteen b. thirty c. thirsty( )2. a. pretty b. purse c. puzzle( )3. a. word b. want c. what ( )4. a. books b. bookcase c. box( )5.

2、 a. write b. water c. white( )6. a. storybook b. copybookc. notebook( )7. a. 36298b. 36289c. 36288( )8. a. good night b. all right c. a light ( )9. a. look hereb. come herec. over there( )10. a. im late. b. its late.c. shes late.二、看圖,根據(jù)你所聽到的對話內(nèi)容給每幅圖編號。(聽兩遍)(5分) 三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇正確的應答。(聽兩遍)(5分)( ) 1、 a.

3、 yes, i do. b. yes, it is. c. yes, i can.( ) 2、 a. shes in the kitchen. b. its on your desk. c. its my purse.( ) 3、 a. thank you. b. not at all. c. sorry.( ) 4、 a. at six twenty. b. its six thirty. c. five.( ) 5、 a. its mikes. b. theyre nancys. c. shes nancy.四、 聽錄音,填入所缺的單詞。(10分) (聽三遍)1. a: _ that in

4、 ? b: its a _.2. a: come and some hamburgers, wang bing.b: im not . im .a: some milk, please.3. a: are they? b: my fathers.筆 試 部 分(70分)一、 英漢互譯。(10分)1、畫一只狗 2、你的毛衣 3、用英語 4、喜愛那只獅子 5、打開書 6、in which box? 7、try this pair on 8、go to school by bus 9、soft drink 10、boys and girls 二、按要求寫詞。(10分)1. im(完整形式)_ 2.

5、pear(同音詞)_3. sit(反義詞) 4. dont(完整形式)_5. write(同音詞) 6. long(反義詞)_7. scarves(單數(shù)) 8. like(近義詞)_9. i would(縮略詞) 10. his(對應詞)_三、選擇題:(10分)( ) 1. -go to bed now, gaoshan. -ok, mum. . a. good evening. b. good morning. c. good night.( ) 2. david _ so funny. a. look b. looks c. looking( ) 3. - im tired. - _.a.

6、 heres some water for you. b. sit down, please. c. have a pie, please( ) 4. - whats the time now? - _. a. at five fifty. b. its five fifty. c. five.( ) 5. 你在教室里吃零食,老師看見了,會對你說:a. you can eat in the classroom. bim sorry. cdont eat in the classroom.( ) 6. _ a pair of gloves for nancy.a. here are b. her

7、es c. that ( ) 7. _, im late.a. im sorry b. excuse me c. hey ( ) 8. do you like puppets? yes, _.a. it is b. i do c. i am( ) 9. wheres mikes mother? perhaps_ in the computer room.a. its b. her c. shes ( ) 10. i play football _ four _ the afternoon.a. at, in b. in, at c. at, on四、從b欄中找出a欄的答句,把序號寫在題前的括號

8、里:(13分) a b ( )1. do you like apples? a. its toms.( )2. whose pen is it? b. yes, come in, please.( )3. may i come in? c. its thirteen.( )4. whats five and eight? d. no, i dont.( )5. look at my gloves. e. yes, it is.( )6. whose gloves are they? f. how nice!( )7. wheres my watch? g. its on the table.(

9、 )8. is this your kite? h. i can see a balloon.( ) 9. may i have a fan? i. nice to meet you, too.( )10. nice to meet you. j. yes, here you are.( )11. what can you see in the box? k. hes tom.( )12. my rubber is too small. m. theyre jims.( )13. whos the boy?l. you can have this big one.五、根據(jù)中文意思完成句子,每空

10、一詞。(10分)1你幾點鐘看電視? _ _ do you _ _? 2david在哪里? 可能在電視機房里。_ is david? perhaps _ in the tv room.3他的牛仔褲太長了。試試這一條。 jeans too . try this 。4我們把窗戶關(guān)上吧。lets the window.5別在課桌上寫字。請寫在書上。_ write _ the _ . write _ the _ , please.6那是你的錢包嗎?不是。_ that _ purse? no, it _.六、連詞成句。(12分)1. is, that, mikes, toy, panda (?) ?2.

11、a, for, of, here, milk, you, is, glass(.) .3. a, car, nice, what(!) !4. in, the, write, new, notebook, your, words(.) .5. do, puzzle, the, we, now, shall(?) ?6. you, like, do, tigers, toy, the(?) ?七、閱讀對話,選出問題的正確答案,將序號填入括號內(nèi)。(5分)david: whats the time, mum?mum: its seven thirty.david: oh, i m late!mum:

12、 dont worry, david. today is sunday(星期天).david: i see. but i will(將要) go to the zoo with my friends.mum: what time do you go there?david: at eight oclock.mum: what time do you come home?david: about one fifteen. i must go now. goodbye, mum.mum: bye.( ) 1. whats the time now? a. 7:13 b. 7:30 c. 8:00(

13、 ) 2. is david late for school? a. yes, she is. b. no, he isnt. c. yes, he is.( ) 3. where will david go? a. park b. zoo c. cinema( ) 4. what time does david go home? a.1:15 b.5:15 c.1:50( ) 5. david and _ will go to the zoo. a. his mother b. his friends c. his brother同學們,是不是已經(jīng)做好了?。磕悄憧梢蚤_始檢查啦,要細心哦,祝你

14、成功! 出卷人:張莉 新街小學聽力文字稿一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或詞組。(聽兩遍)1. thirteen 2. puzzle 3. what 4. bookcase 5. write 6. notebook 7. 36289 8. a light 9. come here 10. im late.二、看圖,根據(jù)你所聽到的對話內(nèi)容給每幅圖編號。(聽兩遍)1. its time to go to bed .2. a: look, its my mothers scarf. b: oh, the scarf is too long.3. close the book,

15、 please.4. a: im hungry. b: have a hamburger, please.5. a: ive got a new bed. i like it. b: how lovely! 三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇正確的應答。(聽兩遍)1. is this your notebook?2. wheres su hai?3. dont drink the juice, please.4. what time do you watch tv?5. whose gloves are they?五、 聽錄音,填入所缺的單詞。(聽三遍)1. a: whats that in eng

16、lish? b: its a lion.2. a: come and have some hamburgers, wang bing.b: im not hungry. im thirsty.a: drink some milk, please.3. a: whose gloves are they? b: theyre my fathers.聽 力 答 案一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或詞組。答案:1.a 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.b 10.a二、看圖,根據(jù)你所聽到的對話內(nèi)容給每幅圖編號。答案:5 2 1 3 4三、聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇正確的應答。答案:

17、1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.a 四、聽錄音,填入所缺的單詞。答案:1. whats english lion 2. have hungry thirsty drink 3. whose gloves theyre 筆 試 答 案一、英漢互譯。1.draw a dog 2.your sweater 3.in english 4.love that lion 5.open the book 6.在哪個盒子里? 7.試穿這雙 8.乘公交車去學校 9.軟飲料 10.孩子們二、按要求寫詞。1. i am 2.pair 3.stand 4.do not 5.right 6. short 7.scarf 8.love 9. id 10. her 三、選擇題:1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.a四、從b欄中找出a欄的答句,把序號寫在題前的括號里:1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.f 6.m 7.g 8.e 9.j 10.i 11.h 12.l 13.k五、根據(jù)中文意思完成句子,每空一詞。1.what time watch tv2.where hes 3.his are long p


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