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1、2021年襄陽市初中畢業(yè)生學業(yè)水平考試英語試題解析人:丁澤林二、選擇填空此題共 15 小題,每題 1 分,總分值 15 分從 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確答案。26. 2021 湖北襄陽一Mom, I m thirteen now. Can I ride a bike to school?Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic on the way.A. rulesB. planesC. safetyD. accident26. A 考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:一一媽媽,我現(xiàn)在十三歲了。我可以騎自行車去學校嗎?是的,你可

2、以。但是在路上,你必須遵守交通規(guī)那么。rule規(guī)那么;plane飛機;safety平安; accident 事故。路上應該遵守“交通規(guī)那么。應選 A。27. 2021 湖北襄陽一Is your brother at home? I want to tell him about our picnic.Oh, he is out at the mome nt. Can I a message for him?A. findB. giveC. takeD. tell27. C 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:一一你的弟弟在家嗎?我想告訴他有關我們野餐的事。一哦,他此刻出去了。我可以給他捎個口信嗎?find發(fā)

3、現(xiàn);give給;給予;take拿;取;tell 告訴;講。由前句不在可推測,此處考查固定短語 take a message 捎“個口信。應選C。28. 2021 湖北襄陽一China hasgreat progress in the fight against poverty貧困in thepast five years.That s true. The government has helped more than 68 million people get out of poverty.A. doneB. madeC. offeredD. caught28. B 考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:在

4、過去五年,中國在治理貧困方面取得了巨大進步。是的,我們政府已經幫助 68, 000,000 人們克服貧窮。由后句的成就可知,這是我們取得的進步,及固定短語:make progress。應選B。29. 2021 湖北襄陽一Do you like this new kind of mobile phone, madam?Yes. But it s too , and I cant afford it.A. popularB. lovelyC. cheap D. expensive29. D 考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:一一媽媽,你喜歡這種 嗎?一一是的,但是,它太貴了,我支付不起。popular受歡

5、迎的;lovely可愛的;cheap廉價的;expensive昂貴的。由后句can t afford付不起可提示,應該是太貴。應選D。30. 2021 湖北襄陽Great changes have taken place in Xiangyang. We are all theachievements.A. known asB. proud of C. similar to D. good with30. B 考查形容詞短語詞義辨析。 句意:在襄陽,發(fā)生了巨大的變化。我們都以這樣的成就而自豪。be known as 以而聞名; be proud of以而自豪 ;be similar to 與相

6、似;be good with對“友好此處發(fā)生了如此大的變化,人們應該自豪。應選 B。31. 2021 湖北襄陽一Mom, can I leave the chores till tomorrow?I m afraid not. You can ttoday s work till tomorrow.A. put offB. turn downC. give away D. look up31. A 考查動詞短語詞義辨析。 句意:一一媽媽,我可以把家務放到明天做嗎?一一我想恐怕不行。你不能把今天的工作推遲到明天。 put off 推遲; turn down 調低;拒絕; giveaway 贈送;

7、 look up 抬頭;查閱。今天的事明天做,應該是“推遲。應選A 。32. 2021 湖北襄陽Excuse me, sir. Are you sure the umbrella in your hand belongs to you? Oh, sorry. I took it . Mine is over there under the chair.A. at onceB. on timeC. by mistake D. in all32. C 考查副詞短語詞義辨析。 句意:打攪一下,先生!你能確定你手里的傘是你自己的吧?哦,對不起!我拿錯傘了。我的傘在椅子下面。at once立刻;馬上;o

8、n time按時; 準時; by mistake 錯誤地; in all 總共; 合計。 由空后一句可知, 自己是拿錯傘了。應選 C。33. 2021 湖北襄陽一Listen! It s rainingoutside. Wow, look! The yard is full of rainwater now!A. stronglyB. hardlyC. greatlyD. heavily33. D 考查副詞詞義辨析。 句意:聽!外面下大雨了。哇!看,院子里滿滿的雨水哦! strongly 強壯地,強烈地; hardly 幾乎不; greatly 極好地; heavily 猛烈地 形容雨大,一般

9、用 heavily。應選D。34. 2021 湖北襄陽一Be quick,we ll fail to catch the school bus. Don t worry. It s only seven o clcok now. We still have enough time.A. andB. butC. orD. so34. C 考查連詞詞義辨析??禳c,否那么我們會錯過趕校車。不要著急。現(xiàn)在是七點鐘,我們仍然有足夠的時間。由后句提示,前者怕時間不夠,要不快點就會誤車,表示條件關系,要用or。應選Co35. 2021 湖北襄陽一China s star skater Wu Dajing w

10、on the gold in the men s 500 meters inPycongChang Winter Olympic Games, setting a world record time of 39,584 seconds.exciting news it is! Let s give him thpthui贊bsA. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an35. A 考查感慨句用法。 一一在平昌冬季運動會上,中國的滑冰明星武大靖贏得了男子500米冠軍,創(chuàng)造了 秒的世界記錄。一一多么令人興奮的消息!讓我們給他點贊。感嘆句的兩種句型是:What a/an +adj

11、.+n.+主語+謂語!或者 How +adj./adv+主語+謂語!該句強調的局部 newt 為 n 不可數(shù)名詞 ,應選 A。36. 2021 湖北襄陽High-speed railways have developed rapidly in our country. Today Chinahas high-speed rail network 鐵路網 among all the countries in the world.A. longB. longerC. the longerD. the longest36. D 考查形容詞用法。句意:在我們國家,高速公路已經迅速開展?,F(xiàn)在,中國已經擁

12、有世界上最長的鐵路網。 among 表示三者以上,所以要用最高級。應選D。37. 2021 湖北襄陽The traffic is terribly busy in the morning. You d better avoidinthe center of the city.A. driveB. drivingC. to driveD. driven37. B 考查動詞用法。在早上,交通相當擁堵。你最好防止在城中心開車。avoid doing “避免做應選Bo38. 2021 湖北襄陽The seco nd C919 large passe nger pla neits first fligh

13、t at Sha nghaiPudong International Airport on December 17 th, 2021.A. completesB. completedC. has completed D. was completing38. B考查動詞時態(tài)。2021年12月17日,在上海浦東國際機場,第二架C919大型客機完成了他的第一次飛行。 on December 17th, 2021表示過去具體的某一個時間點,要用過去時。應選 B。39. 2021 湖北襄陽The Forum論壇on China-Africa Cooperation Meeting will take p

14、lacein Beijing this year.Yes. I hear thousands of guests to the meeting then.A. will be invitedB. will inviteC. are invitedD. invite39. A 考場將來時的被動語態(tài)。關于中非合作關系論壇會議今年將在北京舉行。是的,我聽說成千上萬名客人將被邀請到會。由 will take place 可知,會議還未舉行,guest與invite之間存在被動關系。所以考查將來時的被動。應選A。40. 2021 湖北襄陽一Could you tell me? Sure. I ll co

15、m back in three days.A. when will you come backB. how long have you stay thereC. why you went thereD. how soon you will come back40. D 考查賓語從句。句意:你能告訴我你什么時候回來嗎?當然可以。我將三天以后回來。 賓語從句的語序要用陳述句語序, 故排除 A 與 B 兩項;又由答句 in three days可知與將來時有關。應選 D 。三、完形填空 本大題共 10 小題,每題 1 分,總分值 10分閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)短文內容從每題所給的A,B, C, D 四個

16、選項中,選出一個可以填入空白處的最正確選項,是短文意思完整,句子通順,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。At the beginning of this term, my PE teacher suggested to me that I should take part in themarathon馬拉松賽跑.I was very surprised because I was never a good runner. In order to41me, he said that if I took part in the race, I would get the highest mark for t

17、he term s PEclass. Therefore, I decided to have a try because I had 42to lose.I prepared for the race very 43. I ran every day in the morning before school. Andafter school, I practiced running with many other runners on the sports ground. I even had thespecial diet飲食for athletes運發(fā)動.I heard that the

18、 special diet could 44me to getgood results.When the 45of the marathon arrived, I was very nervous. As usual, I got up in themorning, had my breakfast, and listened to some music. Then my father gave me a 46tothe sports ground. For the marathon race was going to take place there in an hour. All my f

19、amilywished me good luck because they knew how47 this race was for me and how mucheffort I had put into its preparation.My competitors looked like athletes. I was 48that I would be last. However, when Istarted to run. I thought only about the race. As I paid much attention to the race itself. I did

20、notremember when I 49the other runners. Suddenly I realized that I had come first. I was veryhappy when I won the race. From the experience, I learn that 50always comes out ofhard work.41. A. punishB. hurtC. introduceD. encourage42. A. somethingB. everythingC. nothingD. anything43. A. carefullyB. sh

21、ylyC. angrilyD. secretly44. A. teachB. helpC. expectD. order45. A. dayB. weekC. monthD. year46. A. hugB. shakeC. kissD. lift47. A. easyB. importantC. traditionalD. silly48. A. surprisedB. luckyC. afraidD. happy49. A. passed50. A. feeli ngB. followedB. competiti onC. touchedD. pushedD. i nterest體裁記敘文

22、話題個人興趣詞數(shù)280【主旨大意】本文是一篇記敘文。 在學期初,因為體育老師的鼓勵,我參加了馬拉松比賽,并為此而做好了充分的準備,并在比賽中調整好了心態(tài),結果取得了第一的好成績。本故事告訴我們,成功來自于充分的努力。41. D考查動詞辨析。punish懲罰;hurt傷害;introduce介紹;encourage鼓勵。由后句:hesaid that 中可知 如果我參加馬拉松, 我的本學期體育測試將會是班級最高分所以應該是鼓勵作者。應選 B。42. C考查不定代詞詞義辨析。參加馬拉松一事中,沒有對我不利的事。所以我是沒有什么損失。應選C。43. A考查副詞詞義辨析。carefully仔細地,認真

23、地;shyly害羞的;angrily生氣的;secretly秘密地。由后面幾可知:我每天跑步,注意飲食。由此可知是認真地準備比賽。應選A。44. B考查動詞詞義辨析。teach教;Help幫助;expect期盼;order命令;點菜。結合常識,運發(fā)動的特別飲食應該有助于提高運發(fā)動成績。應選B。45. A考查名詞詞義辨析。由空46后提到in an hour可知,還有一個小時就要比賽。由此可知,是參賽當天。應選 A。46. D考查動詞短語辨析。由后句還有一小時可推測,父親是送我去的。give sb a lift捎某人“一程。應選D。47. B考查形容詞詞義辨析。easy容易的;important重

24、要的;traditional傳統(tǒng)的;silly愚蠢地。由付出可知,這場比賽對我而言,應該是重要的。應選B。48. C考查形容詞詞義辨析。由前句可知,其他人看起來都像運發(fā)動,而我是非運發(fā)動。由此可知,我應該是 擔憂成為最后一名。應選 Co49. A考查動詞詞義辨析。pass超過;follow跟隨;touch觸摸;push推。由后句突然意識至打我是第一個可知,我應該是超過了其他人。應選 A。50. C考查名詞詞義辨析。由前文我為比賽而做出的精心準備,并最終勝利可知。經驗應該是成功來自努力。應選Co四、閱讀理解本大題共兩節(jié),總分值 35分第一節(jié) 洪15小題,每題2分,總分值30分閱讀下面三篇材料。根

25、據(jù)材料內容從每題所給的A、B、C D四個選項中,選出一個最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。(2021 湖北襄陽)AWelcome to Happy Childrens PalaceMonday: 17:00-18: 30En glish Liste ningMiss GreenImprove listening skills.It for middle school stude nts.(5 weeks)Tuesday: 17:00-18:30PhotographyMr. BlacksLearn to take good pictures. Bringyour own camera.(3 w

26、eeks)Thursday: 17:00- 20:00Pain ti ngMr. BrownLear n fobegi nners only.(8 weeks)Friday: 17:30 - 19:00Basketball clubCoach: Miss SmithDo you want to be a basketball player?Saturday: 10:00 - 11:00Cambridge Young Learners EnglishMrs. WhiteThis course is for the children at primary schCome to the club.(

27、6 weeks)ool.(15 weeks)51. teaches En glish liste ning at Happy Childre ns Palace.A. Miss Smith B. Miss Green C. Mr. Brow n D. Mr. Black52. If you want to learn to take photos, you can go to Happy Childrens Palace onA. Mo nday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Saturday53. It will taketo have a pain ti ng class

28、 on Thursday.A. one hour B. one and a half hours C. two hours D. three hours54. Miss Smith gives aclass from 17:30 to 19:00 on Friday.A. basketball B. painting C. photography D. liste ning.55. Cambridge Young Lear ners En glish is provided for.A. middle school stude ntsB. painting begi nnersC. prima

29、ry school pupils D. camera owners體裁廣告話題P趣詞數(shù)99【主旨大意】本文是幸福少年宮的廣告,分別介紹了 5項活動:English Listening ; Photography;Pai nting ; Basketball club ; Cambridge You ng Learners En glish 以及相關的學習時間以及老師等情況。English Listening ; Miss Green 可知, Miss Green 在Tuesday: 17:00-18:30 ; Photography 可知,在星期二51. B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一那么廣告內容少年

30、宮教英語聽力,應選 B。52. B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二那么廣告內容可以學習攝影,應選 B。53. D細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三那么廣告內容Thursday: 17:00- 20:00 ; Painting可知,星期四將花費三個小時從 17:00到20:00 上油畫課。應選 D。54. A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四那么廣告內容Friday: 17:30 - 19:00 ; Basketball club ; Coach: MissSmith可知,史密斯老師在星期五教籃球課,應選A。55. C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五那么廣告內容This course is for the children at primary

31、 school可知,劍橋青年學生英語是為小學生提供的,應選Co(2021 湖北襄陽)BPeople ofte n ask me for suggesti ons about how to lear n En glish. As for it, every one isdiffere nt.門I share some of my experie nee. I once took a school year En glish course in Wuha nUni versity, but I mostly lear ned En glish on my own.One thing I can t

32、ell you is that, once you vetarted learning, you should try to think inEn glish as much as you can. If you see someth ing whe n you re ridi ng your bike or walk ing dow nthe street, just think about How would I say them in English? At first, it might be with simplewords or phrases, but later you sho

33、uld think about Ion ger phrases and senten ces. Now I ninAmerica, and for most of the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. Its amazinghow much this helps.For several years after I started learning. I was often afraid of talking with others in Englishbecause I did n wt nt to make mis

34、takes. Fin ally I got it over. And while traveli ng in America, I dtry to hang out with friends who couldn speak Chinese, so that I have no choice but to speakEn glish. And I also decided that if I said someth ing stupid and other people laughed at me, the n sobe it. After that, my En glish started

35、improvi ng much more quickly.Besides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you rewriti ng, and give you some suggesti ons for improveme nt.56. The writer lear ned En glish in Wuha n Uni versity for about.A. a weekB. a monthC. a termD. a year57. Accord ing to the writ

36、er,is a good way to improve your En glish.A. thinking in En glishB. lear ning En glish grammarC. watch ing En glish filmsD. readi ng En glish books58. The underlined phrase get it overn Paragraph 3 means “iAEnglish.A. stick to itB. depe nd on it C. overcome itD. un dersta nd it59. To the writer urpr

37、ise, his En glish improved quickly.A. i n the uni versityB. in the middle school C. i n ChinaD. i n America60. The best title for this passage should be.A. The Importanee of EnglishB. My English Learning ExperieneeC. My Un iversity LifeD. My America n Frie nds體裁記敘文話題語言學習詞數(shù)259【主旨大意】本文作者介紹了學好英語的一些建議。首

38、先,一旦你開始學習,你應該盡可能多地用英語思考;其次,多用英語交談;此外,讓你的美國朋友看看你的寫作方式,并給你一些改進建議,這可能是個好主意。56. D 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段 的句子 I once took a school year English course in WuhanUniversity可知,我在武漢大學學習了一學年英語,應選 D。57. A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的最后一句Its amazing how much this helps 令人驚訝的是,這有多大的幫助可知,本段中提出的建議 you should try to think in English as much as

39、 you can你應該盡可能多地用英語思考是一個很好的方法,應選A。58. C詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第三段黑體字前的句子 I was often afraid of talking with othersin English because I didn wtnt to make mistakes.我不想出錯,就不敢和別人用英語交談 而最后一句 my English started improving much more quickly.我的英語進步的更快了 ,可推知,最后我克服了不敢和別人用英語交談這一點,故可猜出此處表達克服 overcome相當于get over,意為克服應選C。59. D 細

40、節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的句子 And while traveli ng in America, I d trip ha ng out withfriends who couldn speak Chinese.After that, my English started improving much more quickly.可知,作者在美國時,英語進步很快,應選 D。60. B 主旨大意題。根據(jù)第一段的句子.about how to learn English. As for it, everyone isdifferent.門I share some of my experienee.,可知,

41、本文的主旨是我的學習英語的經驗,應選B。2021 湖北襄陽CDrrinn ggg! Thats the sound that kids all over the country hate to hear the alarm bell.The new school year has just started and children across the UK have to wake up early in themorning to go to school.But stude nts at one school in n orth-east En gla nd are lucky. The

42、y can lie in bed for anextra 額外的 hour before they go to school. Monkseaton High School has been allowing itspupils to come into school an hour later tha n other schools.The headmaster, Dr. Paul Kelley, says that this new approach 手段 helps students pay moreatte nti on to their less ons in class. He f

43、eels that young people are more en ergetic and can performbetter for the rest of the day. And he adds that for their school students, a late start at school maybe better tha n an early one.Dr. Kelley tells the BBC that teenagers dont perform very well in the morning and theirneed to sleep is biologi

44、cal 生物的.It seems that this new approach to teaching shows positive積極樂觀的 results. The numberof stude nts who sleep in class drops quickly. Besides, the school has already see n a drop in thenu mber of pupils who play trua nt 逃學 by 27%. More importa ntly. Dr. Kelley also says thatexam results have imp

45、roved by 20%- 30% over the past year.Classes at Monkseaton High School begin at 10 a.m. and finish at 3:40 p.m. However, theschool ope ns from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The stude nts can come early and leave late if they want.61. This passage is.A. a n ews reportB. a speechC. a storyD. a no tice62. The stude

46、 nts in Mon kseat on High School cantha n the stude nts in other schools.A. go to school an hour laterB. go to school an hour earlierC. go to bed an hour laterD. get up an hour earlier63. Accord ing to the passage. Dr. Paul Kelley.the new approach.A. gives no opinions aboutB. has his doubts aboutC.

47、disagrees withD. agrees with64. Which is NOT the positive results about the new approach?A. The exam results have improved.B. Fewer and fewer stude nts sleep in class.C. Most stude nts get to school earlier.D. The nu mber of pupils who play trua nt drops.65. From the passage we know that classes usu

48、ally beg in atin schools in the UK.A.8:00 a.m.B. 9:00 a.m.C.10:00 a.m.D.11:00 a.m.體裁記敘文話題pa詞數(shù)274【主旨大意】本文是一篇新聞報道,主要報道了英格蘭東北部一所學校,Monkseaton高中允許學生比其他學校晚一小時入學。校長保羅?凱利博士說,這種新方法幫助學生更加注重在課堂上。這個新的教學方法顯示了積極樂觀的結果:在課堂上睡覺的學生人數(shù)迅速下降。此外,逃學的學生人數(shù)下降27%。更重要的是,凱利博士還說,在過去的一年里,考試成績提高了 20%-30%。61. A 總結歸納題。根據(jù)主旨大意可知,短文是一篇新

49、聞報道,應選A。62. A 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段 的句子 Monkseaton High School has been allowing itspupils to come into school an hour later than other schools.可知,Monkseaton 高中的學生比其他學校的學生晚一個小時上學,應選 A。63. D 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的句子The headmaster, Dr. Paul Kelley, says that this newapproach手段helps students pay more attention to their le

50、ssons in class 可知, Dr. Paul Kelley是贊同這種教學新方法的,應選D。64. C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五段的句子可知,這個新的教學方法顯示的積極樂觀的結果有:在課堂上睡覺的學生人數(shù)迅速下降;逃學的學生人數(shù)下降 27% ;考試成績提高了 20%-30%。故C項:大多數(shù)學生更早到學校,不是這種教學方法的積極結果。65. B細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)上文可知,Monkseaton高中比英國其他學校晚一小時到校;又根據(jù)最后一段的句子Classes at Monkseaton High School begin at 10 a.m. and finish at 3:40 p.m.可知,英

51、國其他學校在上午9點開始上課,應選B。2021 湖北襄陽第二節(jié)共5小題,每題1分,總分值5分根據(jù)短文內容,從短文的選項中選出能填入空白處的最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。選項中有一項為多余選項。Some of you might ofte n feel un happy or forget how great you are. But do you want to makeyou feel good about yourself? 66.Look at the mirror a nd say to yourself.I am a special person and there s no

52、one in the worldlike me. I can do anything! It may not sound good, but it really works!Smile. 67.Look for the good thi ngs in your friends and family.Do someth ing n ice for some one. Helpi ng others always makes you feel good.68. Have you ever wan ted to decorate裝飾your own room orlearn how to swim?

53、 Go for it! New challe nges are fun and give you a sense of achieveme nt whe nyou have fini shed.69. Turn off the TV , be friends with the books and let your dream fly!Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to open up yourthoughts.Stay with your family. We all n

54、eed our family time. 70.A. Lear n someth ing n ew.B. Read and start a diary.C. Ask your friends for help.D. Be frien dly to people you meet.E. Here are some suggesti ons for you.F. Talk with your mum or dad or maybe even your cous in.體裁說明文話題情感與情緒詞數(shù)200【主旨大意】 本文是一篇說明文。針對人們感到不快樂或忘記了自己很優(yōu)秀這個問題,文章提出了幾種可行的

55、建議:對著鏡子對自己鼓勵;微笑;學習新東西;閱讀與寫日記等。通過建議,讓我們發(fā)現(xiàn)更快樂和自信的自己。66. E 由 But do you want to make you feel good about yourself? 和以下幾條建議可知,作者想給讀者一些建議。應選E。67. D由上一句的smile微笑和后兩句 為別人做一些好事,幫助其他人可知,應該是友好對待你遇見的人們。應選D。68. A由下句New challenges are fun新的挑戰(zhàn)是有趣的并讓你有成就感可知,應該是要學習一些新的東西。應選A。69. B 由后一句 be friends with the booksWrite down your thoi和h書交朋友 寫下你的想法可知,本段應該是和閱讀和寫日記有關。應選B。70. F 由上一句 Stay with your family. We all need our family time. 可知,我們需要的是和家人相處,由此可知我們可以和爸爸、媽媽或者可以甚至是你的表兄妹聊天。應選F。非選擇題主觀題共352021 湖北襄陽五.完成句子本大題共 5小題,每題2分,總分值10分閱讀以下各小題,根據(jù)漢語句子提示,用句末括號內的英語單詞完成英語句子,并將答案寫在答題卡上相應的題


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