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1、Unit 9 AdvertisingUnit 9 Advertising Advertising is an important way of promotion in commercial business. W h a t i s a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t ? Advertisements are used to send commercial information about some commodities or services to the public. Advertising is an important way of promotion

2、in commercial business. W h a t i s a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t ? Advertisements are used to send commercial information about some commodities or services to the public. 廣告是商品交易中一種重要的促銷手廣告是商品交易中一種重要的促銷手段。段。 Advertising is an important way of promotion in commercial business. W h a t i s a n a d v

3、 e r t i s e m e n t ? Advertisements are used to send commercial information about some commodities or services to the public. 什么是廣告?什么是廣告? Advertising is an important way of promotion in commercial business. W h a t i s a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t ? Advertisements are used to send commercial inf

4、ormation about some commodities or services to the public. 廣告被用來向公眾傳遞一些產(chǎn)品和服廣告被用來向公眾傳遞一些產(chǎn)品和服務的信息。務的信息。 If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put the sign on the back of an e

5、lephant and walk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it

6、into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 如果在周六要舉行一場時裝秀如果在周六要舉行一場時裝秀 If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and w

7、alk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 而你畫了一個寫有而你畫了一個寫有“周六將在展覽中周六將在展覽中心上演一場時裝秀心上演一場時裝秀”的牌子,的牌子, If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put the

8、sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 那就是一個廣告。那就是一個廣告。 If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put the sig

9、n on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 如果你把這個牌子放在一頭大象背上,如果你把這個牌子放在一頭大象背上, If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If

10、you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 牽著它進城,牽著它進城, If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday, and you paint a sign saying “Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”, that is an advertisement. If you put

11、 the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that means you are doing an advertising promotion. 那就意味著你在進行廣告促銷。那就意味著你在進行廣告促銷。 Advertising is bringing products or services to the attention of potential and current customers by means of sending brochures, flyers or mails, showing posters

12、 or newspaper ads, making radio, TV or the Internet commercials and so on. Advertising is bringing products or services to the attention of potential and current customers by means of sending brochures, flyers or mails, showing posters or newspaper ads, making radio, TV or the Internet commercials a

13、nd so on.通過發(fā)送宣傳冊、傳單或信函廣告,展示廣告通過發(fā)送宣傳冊、傳單或信函廣告,展示廣告牌、報紙廣告,做收音機、電視或互聯(lián)網(wǎng)商業(yè)牌、報紙廣告,做收音機、電視或互聯(lián)網(wǎng)商業(yè)廣告等途徑,使某些產(chǎn)品或服務引起潛在的以廣告等途徑,使某些產(chǎn)品或服務引起潛在的以及現(xiàn)有的客戶的注意。及現(xiàn)有的客戶的注意。 Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well. Mails can be sent directly to selected customers. Most adults read newspapers, so

14、putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising. Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well. Mails can be sent directly to selected customers. Most adults read newspapers, so putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising.如果設計得好的話,宣傳冊可包含大如果設計得好的話,宣傳冊可包含大量信息

15、。量信息。 Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well. Mails can be sent directly to selected customers. Most adults read newspapers, so putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising.郵寄廣告可以直接寄到經(jīng)過選擇的客郵寄廣告可以直接寄到經(jīng)過選擇的客人手里。人手里。 Brochures can contain a great deal of informat

16、ion if designed well. Mails can be sent directly to selected customers. Most adults read newspapers, so putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising.大多數(shù)成年人都讀報紙,大多數(shù)成年人都讀報紙, Brochures can contain a great deal of information if designed well. Mails can be sent directly to selected customers

17、. Most adults read newspapers, so putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising.所以報紙上刊登廣告是一種常見的廣所以報紙上刊登廣告是一種常見的廣告途徑。告途徑。 Posters can be very powerful in places where the customers notice them. Interesting colorful ones will appear new to passers-by. Posters can be very powerful in places

18、where the customers notice them. Interesting colorful ones will appear new to passers-by. 在顧客看到的地方,招貼廣告的作在顧客看到的地方,招貼廣告的作用是有力度的。用是有力度的。 Posters can be very powerful in places where the customers notice them. Interesting colorful ones will appear new to passers-by. 多彩有趣的招貼畫會使路人耳目一新。多彩有趣的招貼畫會使路人耳目一新。A

19、m a j o r a d va n t a ge o f ra d i o announcements is that they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when they are in taxies or in their own cars.A m a j o r a d va n t a ge o f ra d i o announcements is that they are usually cheaper than

20、 television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when they are in taxies or in their own cars.收音機里的廣告的主要優(yōu)點是它們比收音機里的廣告的主要優(yōu)點是它們比電視廣告便宜,電視廣告便宜,A m a j o r a d va n t a ge o f ra d i o announcements is that they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still liste

21、n to the radio, for example, when they are in taxies or in their own cars.很多人仍然聽收音機廣播,很多人仍然聽收音機廣播,A m a j o r a d va n t a ge o f ra d i o announcements is that they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when they are in taxies or in their o

22、wn cars.比如當他們在出租車上或者在開車的比如當他們在出租車上或者在開車的時候時候 TV commercials are usually very expensive. But it is said that ads on TV have a very good effect because TV is becoming more and more popular. TV commercials are usually very expensive. But it is said that ads on TV have a very good effect because TV is b

23、ecoming more and more popular. 電視廣告通常很貴,電視廣告通常很貴, TV commercials are usually very expensive. But it is said that ads on TV have a very good effect because TV is becoming more and more popular. 但是據(jù)說電視廣告效果但是據(jù)說電視廣告效果很好,很好, TV commercials are usually very expensive. But it is said that ads on TV have a

24、very good effect because TV is becoming more and more popular. 因為電視變得越來越流行。因為電視變得越來越流行。Ads can more or less make consumers change their attitudes toward some products or services. Advertising plays an important role in the commercial business.Ads can more or less make consumers change their attitude

25、s toward some products or services. Advertising plays an important role in the commercial business.廣告或多或少能改變顧客對一些產(chǎn)品廣告或多或少能改變顧客對一些產(chǎn)品和服務的態(tài)度。和服務的態(tài)度。Ads can more or less make consumers change their attitudes toward some products or services. Advertising plays an important role in the commercial business

26、.廣告在商業(yè)中起著很重的作用。廣告在商業(yè)中起著很重的作用。 However, it is known that some ads give false information to mislead consumers. Some famous persons sometimes appear in ads to tell how wonderful a product is. However, it is known that some ads give false information to mislead consumers. Some famous persons sometimes

27、appear in ads to tell how wonderful a product is.然而,眾所周知,一些廣告也會傳遞然而,眾所周知,一些廣告也會傳遞虛假的信息來誤導消費者。虛假的信息來誤導消費者。 However, it is known that some ads give false information to mislead consumers. Some famous persons sometimes appear in ads to tell how wonderful a product is.一些名人會出現(xiàn)在廣告里,說某產(chǎn)品一些名人會出現(xiàn)在廣告里,說某產(chǎn)品是如何

28、地好,是如何地好,They help to make us believe that if we buy their products, we will be happier, healthier, more attractive, more popular, more successful, etc. They help to make us believe that if we buy their products, we will be happier, healthier, more attractive, more popular, more successful, etc. 他們幫

29、助(商家)使我們相信,如果他們幫助(商家)使我們相信,如果買了他們的產(chǎn)品,買了他們的產(chǎn)品,They help to make us believe that if we buy their products, we will be happier, healthier, more attractive, more popular, more successful, etc. 我們就會更快樂,更健康,更吸引人,我們就會更快樂,更健康,更吸引人,更出名,或者更成功等等。更出名,或者更成功等等。In fact, what they want is just to make us pay more m

30、oney. So, it is necessary that we make sure what is real and what is false in the ads.In fact, what they want is just to make us pay more money. So, it is necessary that we make sure what is real and what is false in the ads.事實上,他們只不過是想讓我們付事實上,他們只不過是想讓我們付更多的錢。更多的錢。In fact, what they want is just to make us pay more money. So, it is necessary that we make sure what is real and what is false in the ads.因此,確認廣告中什么是真的,什么因此,確認廣告中什么是真的,什


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