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1、將來進行時的講解及練習 1. 一般將來時是指將來某個時間將要發(fā)生的動作和狀態(tài),基本結(jié)構(gòu)是:主語+will/be going to do 女口: I wil/am goning to Beiji ng n ext sun day. 我下個星期天將要去北京。 2. 將來進行時是指將來某個時間正在進行的動作?;窘Y(jié)構(gòu)是:主語+will be/be goi ng to be +doi ng 如:I will be sleeping at 12:00p.m. 十二點的時候我將在睡覺。 I will be studying in university at the age of 20.我 20 歲的時候我

2、將會在大學里學習。 一、將來進行時用來表示在將來的某一個時間正在進行的動作 下個星期的這時候,我們將在那個工廠勞動. This time n ext week we shall be work ing in that factory. 明天下午三點,我們將正在開會. Well be havi ng a meeti ng at three oclock tomorrow afternoon. 你將什么時候見懷特先生(語氣較委婉客氣,下屬對上司)When will you be seeing Mr. White 今天晚上七點,學生們將正在看電視. The stude nts will be wat

3、ch ing TV at seve n this evening. 二、將來進行時主要表示將來某一時刻正在進行的動作,或表示要在將來某一時刻開始,并繼續(xù)下去的動作。 常用來表示禮貌的詢問,請求等。例如: 1)This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema. 用法:強調(diào)在將來的某個具體時間正在發(fā)生的動作或事情 例:Dont worry,you wont miss her. She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time. 別擔心,你不會認不出她的.她到時會

4、穿一件紅色的T恤衫和一條白色的短裙. 例:This time tomorrow youthere doing some more exercises. A) will sit B) will be sitting C) sit D) shall sit 答案是B).因為this time tomorrow是個很具體的將來時間. 三、將來進行時用來表示不含意圖又未發(fā)生的動作 注意:將來進行時不用于表示意志,不能說 門I be having a talk with her. I will be helpi ng Mary tomorrow.明天我?guī)同旣惛苫? 這不表示說話人已安排好要幫助瑪麗或者想

5、幫助她.這個句子僅僅說明這一動作將要發(fā)生.將來進行時的這 種用法有些像表示將來的現(xiàn)在進行時,但有以下幾點不同之處. 四、表示委婉的請求 When shall we be meet ing aga in? 五、與現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)的區(qū)別 現(xiàn)在進行時表示一種經(jīng)過考慮的,將來要進行的動作,而將來進行時通常表示正常過程中會發(fā)生的動作,因此 將來進行時不如現(xiàn)在進行時那樣肯定,比后者偶然性要大一些: I am see ing Tom tomorrow. 明天我要和湯姆見面 . r II be see ing Tom tomorrow.明天我會見至 U湯姆 . 第一句意指湯姆或說話人已經(jīng)特意安排了這次會面,而第二

6、句則意指湯姆和說話人將在通常進程中見面(也 許他們在一起工作).不過這種差別并不是在任何情況下都很重要,而且常常兩者都可以使用.現(xiàn)在進行時用 于表示最近將來的動作時,必須有確定的時間,而將來進行時可以和確定的時間狀語連用,也可以不連用. 它既可以表示最近將來的動作,也可以表示較遠將來的動作.可以說: I am meeting him tomorrow. 我明天和他會面 . rII be meeting him tomorrow/next year/some time/.我明天 /明年 /某時將與他會面 . 六、與一般將來時態(tài)的區(qū)別 將來進行時通常表示的是對將來事實的簡單陳述 而will+V.(

7、 一般將來時)除表示時間概念外,還帶有感情色彩 e.g.湯姆明天將正在割草 .Tom will be cutt ing grass tomorrow. 湯姆明天愿意割草 .Tom will cut the grass tomorrow. 將來進行時專項練習 一、單項填空 1. The Blacks with us for the time being. A. will stayB. would stay C. have bee n stay ingD. will be stay ing 2. The plane at the present speed until it crosses the

8、 mountain at about ten tonight. A. would goB. wentC. will be goingD. goes 3. Mr. Smith will not be able to atte nd the meet ing toni ght becausethe n. A. he must have a classB. he will be teachi ng a class C. he teaches a classD. he will have bee n teach ing a class 4. I won t be able to watch the c

9、oncert on TViight because I homework at that time. A. shall have doneB. shall be doingC. shall doD. have bee n doing 5. Imy boss at three this after noon. A. shall be pick ing up B. shall be picked C. shall have bee n pick ing up D. shall have picked 6. You can t miss Frank. Hea dark green suit and

10、a yellow tie waiting for you. A. is weari ngB. will wearC. wearsD. will be weari ng 7. -Could you give these books to Mr. Black? -Absolutely,him at five o clock this after noon. A.I will have a talk B. I have a talk with C.l can have a talk with D.I will be havi ng a talk with 8. I m afraid I won t

11、be available the n. Ia friend off at three this after noon. A. seeB. am see ingC. will seeD. will be see ing 9. Next Friday I will go to another concert .Theysome thing by Mozart at that time. A. playB. will be play ingC. are going to play D. are to play. 10. -What are you doi ng, Jack? -Ma ke a mod

12、el plane. I it in the scie nee class at 10 o clock tomorrow morning A. will be show ing B. am going to show C.show D. have showed 11. Wea debate on some environmen tal issues all after noon tomorrow. A. will be havi ng B. am havi ng C. am going to have D. have 12. What do you think you at this time

13、n ext year? A .will do B. will be doing C. are about to do D .do 13. -What will you do tomorrow evening? -1my favorite program betwee n 8 and 11, the n I will go out to drink in my usual bar. A. will watchB. am about to watch C. will be watch ingD. am watch ing 14. -When will you come to see me, Dad

14、? -1 will go to see you whe n youthe training course. A. will have fini shedB. will be finishingC. are finishingD. finish 15. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, up in no time. A. to sta ndB. sta ndingC. stoodD. would sta nd 16. I very happy if I could be of some service to you. D. can be A.

15、 would beB. have bee nC. must be 17. The meeting was to at 9 o A. start; didn t turn up C. start; hadn t turned up 18. he come to see you? Of course, please. And I A . Will; inform B . Shall; told clock but the manageruntil twenty minutes later. B. have started; did n D. be started; had n t turn up

16、t turned up d rather hme the truth. C. Should; would say Can; spoke 19. If the buildi ng projectby the end of this month is delayed, the con struct ion compa ny A. will be completed; is to beB. to be completed; will be C. being completed; will beD. completed; was 20. I rang you at about ten, but no

17、one an swered the phone. -Oh, that was probably whe n Imy n eighbor. A. visitedB. was goi ng to visitC. was visit ing the next day, I went to bed early on Saturday evening. 21. Because I fined. D. had visited A. was leavi ngB. will leaveC. had leftD. was about to leave 22. -Henry, fancy meet ing you

18、 here. Oh, it s youk. Sorry, Iyouto me. A. didn t think; were speakingB. don t think; spoke C. didn t think; would speakD. thought; are speaking 23. By next summer John in this factory for thirteen years. A . has been workingB. will have been working C. will be workingD. has worked 24. He will have

19、lear ned En glish for eight years by the time hefrom the uni versity next year. A. will graduateB. will have graduatedC. graduates D. is to graduate 25. Ithe office whe n the teleph one rang. D. was to leave A. was about to leave B. would leaveC. left 26. Accord ing to their agreeme nt reached in 19

20、43, no countrypeace with Germa ny alone. A. is to makeB. was to makeC. would make D. was about to make 27. He promised me if wethe game, heus a round of drink. A. win; will buyB. would win; would buy C. won; boughtD. won; would buy 28. He said time and time again that he, but he actually stayed well

21、 after midnight. A. is leavi ngB. was leavi ngC. was to leave D. will leave 29. - Mom, I got the first prize in the spell ing con test. -Oh, how great! Daddy will be so proud of you. Heyouto win. A. n ever think; are goingB. n ever thought; were going C. didn t think; were goingD. hadn t thought; we

22、re going 30. Tomto Jerry and tell him about his new school at once. A. will writeB. writesC. wroteD. writes 、用所給動詞的適當形式填空 1. He (lie) on one of the sunny beaches in Hawaii all day when he spends his holiday there. 2. Don t call me between 2:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. I (have) an test then. 3. Nobod

23、y knew what (happen) to the Earth in a century s time. 4. Mr. Lee said he would give the CD to me as soon as he (return) from Canada. s day. 5. When we were young, father (take) us for a special treat on Mother 6. Did you invite Sarah to your birthday party? Sorry, I forget. I (call) her now. 7. You

24、 have to put in more effort if you were (pass) the test. 8. I (tell) you about my plan, but you stopped me before I could speak. 9. Will you (use) your computer this time tomorrow? 10. I (close) the kitchen door when a little mouse popped its head out. 三、中譯英 1. 我正打算往河里跳時看見水里出現(xiàn)一條蛇。 2. 下個月的今天我們將乘飛往去南美

25、洲。 3. 據(jù)報道,有一顆人造衛(wèi)星將在酒泉被發(fā)射。 4. 她本打算今年暑假去歐洲旅行,但金融危機使她丟了工作。 5. 我的朋友告訴我他下個月就開始他的研究計劃。 四、真題回顧 1. -Come on in, Peter. I want to show you something. -Oh, how nice of you! I you to bring me a gift. A. never think; are goingB. never thought; were going C. didn t think; were goingD. hadn t thought; were going

26、2. -We could have walked to the station; it was so near. -Yes. A taxi at all necessary. A. wasntB. hadnt beenC. wouldnt beD. wont be 3. .We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon. A. leavesB. would leaveC. leftD. had left 4. - Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? - I , but I

27、had an unexpected visitor. A. hadB. wouldC. was going toD. did 5. -Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. - Oh, nothing much. In fact, I of my friends back home. A. have just thoughtB. was just thinking C. would just thinkD. will just be thinking 6. - Tom, you didn t come to the party last nigh

28、t. - I , but I suddenly remember I had homework to do. A. had toB. didn tC. was going to D. wouldn t 7. In a room above the store where a party , some workers were busily setting the table. A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held 8. I along the street looking for a place

29、to park when the accident . A. went; was occurring B. went; occurred C. was going; occurredD. was going; had occurred 9. - Has your father returned from Africa yet? - Yes, but he here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia. A. was B. has beenC. will beD. would be 10. -Ring me a

30、t seven a.m.? - No, not that early! I . A. sleepB. will sleepC. am sleepingD. will be sleeping 11. You know, I looking for a job for three months, and this is my first interview. A. amB. wasC. will beD. have been 12. You d better not phone the manager between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening; he an important meeting then. A. will have B. would have C. will be havingD. will have had 13. - Do you have an


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