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1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語三級模擬200公共英語三級模擬200Section Listening ComprehensionPart A (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. What does the man propose to do next year?A.Visit his aunt.B.Go to the Great lakes.C.Visit the Yellow Stone Park.D.See the Niagara Falls.答案:C解析W: Did you go to the Yellow

2、 Stone Park when you had your vacation last year?M: First I visited my aunt in New York, then I went to the Great Lakes and saw the Niagara Falls. I plan to visit the Yellow Stone next year.2. Why hasnt the woman finished typing the report?A.Because she has been lazy.B.Because she has bee, busy.C.Be

3、cause she doesnt like to type it.D.Because she has forgotten to type it.答案:B解析M: Have you finished typing that report for me?W: Not yet.M: But I gave it to you yesterday morning?W: I know, but Ive been engaged the whole day.3. How about the weather is when the conversation takes place?A.Cloudy and w

4、indy.B.Sunny and cold.C.Cloudy and freezing.D.Sunny and warm.答案:B解析M: The weather is so changeable these days. The forecasts seem never to be accurate.W: You are right. It must be the wind that makes it so cold. Im freezing.M: Me too. W: Its no fun standing out here, though the sun is shining. Lets

5、go inside. M: OK, lets go quickly.4. What is the Music Box?A.Its a place where musicians play music at night.B.Its a little jazz bar.C.Its the womans favorite place.D.Its a place where you can meet interesting people.答案:B解析M: I think one of my favorite places is a little jazz bar downtown called the

6、 Music Box.W: The Music Box?M: Yeah, its a really popular place for office workers and students, especially on weekends.5. What are the two speakers most probably talking about?A.Weights and measurements.B.Political systems.C.Employment.D.Money.答案:A解析W: Whereas European nations have traditionally em

7、ployed metric units such as meters and grams, the United States has employed English Units such as feet and pounds.M: Both systems are now in use in the U. S. ,though. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 6. What does the woman think of the price?A.Reasonable.B.Cheap.C.Expensive.D.Unacceptable.答案:C解析W: How much do

8、these cost?M: Theyre $ 17.W: Dont you think thats expensive for a pair of gloves?M: Not at all. Thats the best price in town.7. What will the speakers do?A.Have dinner.B.Go to the laboratory.C.Have classes.D.Go shopping.答案:B解析W: Could you accompany me to the laboratory? I have some experiments runni

9、ng and have to get the result before dinner.M: Sure, Im free now, and Im interested in your experiments.8. What does the man ask the woman to do?A.Send a note to Professor Johnson.B.Wait a minute to see Professor Johnson.C.Write a note to Professor Johnson.D.Listen to Professor Johnsons speech.答案:A解

10、析W: Professor Johnson will finish his speech soon. If you want to see him, please wait for a moment.M: No, thanks, Ill leave a note for him.W: Ill send it to him as soon as possible.9. Why cant the man ring the woman? A. He doesnt have a telephone.B. His telephone was stolen. C. His telephone doesnt

11、 work. D. He doesnt have time. 答案:C解析M: Ill tell you more when I see you next week.W: Cant you ring me?M: No, unfortunately. My phones still out of order.10. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?A.Salesman and customer.B.Post office clerk and customer.C.Teacher and student.D.Railwa

12、y station clerk and passenger.答案:B解析W: I want to post this package.M: It feels like some books in this package.W: It is.M: In that ease, it can go book rate. Thats much cheaper.W: Thank you very much.Part B (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. What was Frank doing when Jane approached him?A.Chatting with his fri

13、ends.B.Sleeping.C.Reading.D.Doing his assignment.答案:B解析W: Wake up, Frank, time to rise.M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.M: Well, the dorms too noisy to study in, and I find this place is quiet.

14、W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?M: No. Professor White told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.W: Well, why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico. You seem to be interested in that part of the wor

15、ld.M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. Ill be writing forever, and White only wants five to seven pages.W: So then limit it to one region of Mexico, Say the Uka town. Youve been there and you said its got lots of interesting relics.M: Thats not a bad idea. I brought many books and thin

16、gs back with me last summer, that would be great resource material, now if I can only remember where I put them.2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a library.B.In a dormitory.C.In a classroom.D.In a cafeteria.答案:A3. What seems to be Franks problem?A.He cant find a quiet plac

17、e to study in.B.He cant narrow down the choice of his research topics.C.He cant find enough information for his research paper.D.He cant sleep at night.答案:B4. Why doesnt Frank want to write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico?A.It requires a trip to Mexico.B.He doesnt have relevant resource ma

18、terial.C.Its too broad a topic to write about.D.Hes not interested in that part of the world.答案:C (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 5. What is the man doing?A.He is playing computer games.B.He is searching for information about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s.C.He is searching for information about the Golden Age i

19、n America.D.He is preparing to print his article.答案:B解析W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while. Is there anything I can do to help you?M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont

20、know where to begin.W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something like., uh. the history of the studios during that time?M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I typed in movie studios.W: You could cut that down even further by l

21、isting the specific years you want. Try adding 1930s or 1940s or maybe Golden Age.M: Golden Age is a good idea, Let me type that in. Hey, look, just 6 books this time Thats a lot better.W: Oh, another thing you might consider. Have you tried looking for any magazines or newspaper articles?M: No, Ive

22、 only been searching for books.W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.M: Okay, I think Ill get started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines.W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk.M: Great, thanks a lot. 在第一個話輪中,女士先用

23、服務(wù)人員的常用表達(dá)提出幫助(Is there anything I can do to help you?),男士則詳細(xì)說明了自己的問題,也即是他要做什么。抓住其中的about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s和There are hundreds of books兩處進(jìn)行簡單的歸納和推斷即可得出正確答案。而在后面的第四個話輪中男士又明確指出了這一點(diǎn):Ive only been searching for books,因此本題答案就是B。事實(shí)上,A、D兩項完全可以根據(jù)對話雙方身份關(guān)系和常識加以排除,根本就不用聽完對話材料。 6. What does the librar

24、ian think of the topic the man is working on?A.She thinks it pretty big.B.She doesnt have any idea about that.C.She considers it to be all right.D.She advises the man to give up the topic.答案:A本題屬于細(xì)節(jié)捕捉題。在第二個話輪中,女士明確指出:Your topic sounds pretty big,因此本題選A。7. What does the man finally decide to modify h

25、is topic?A.Hollywood in the 30s and 40s.B.The history of movie studios.C.The history of movie studios in the 30s.D.The history of movie studios in Golden Age.答案:D本題需要考生在聽懂第二、三兩個話輪的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行歸納。在第二個話輪中,女士先提出narrow it down(將搜索主題縮小),并提出the history of the studios的建議,男士則說明光用movie studios這一主題搜索不行;在第三個話輪中,女士進(jìn)一步

26、提出加上時間的建議,男士則認(rèn)為可以加上Golden Age這一時間限定(“Golden Age” is a good idea),然后付諸行動并得到了滿意的結(jié)果。將這些信息點(diǎn)歸納起來,就是D項的意思。8. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?A.There arent any magazine articles about this topic.B.He has to go to another library.C.He can find them in the Readers Guide to Periodical Li

27、terature.D.He can find them on the Reference Desk.答案:C本題屬于細(xì)節(jié)信息捕捉題。在第五個話輪中,女士明確告訴男士:you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature,因此本題答案就是C。 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 9. Why doesnt the woman buy the book?A.Because its too expensive.B.Because she doesnt need it.C.Because s

28、he cant buy it everywhere.D.Because she already has got one.答案:A解析M: Whats that book you just picked up?W: The sociology text professor Smith uses in his course.M: You had better read it if you want to pass the course.W: But it is too expensive. I simply cant afford it.M: How much does it cost?W: It

29、 costs 40 dollars.M: Did you check the used book section here? Maybe they have one.W: No, they dont. I have asked.M: Why dont you get it from the library?W: Are you joking? Ive been trying for months and the book is always out. There are more than 45 students in the course and every single one wants

30、 the book.M: Listen, you know my roommate, Henry, dont you? He took the same course last year and I believe he owns the book. Ill ask him if hell lend it to you.W: Oh, Tom, that would settle everything. That s very kind of you.M: My pleasure.10. Why did the man suggest the woman read the book?A.The

31、professor had written it.B.It is the major text for the course.C.It contains new sociological evidence.D.The students from last year liked it.答案:B11. Why cant the woman get the book from the library?A.It wasnt published recently.B.It is in great demand.C.It was sold out already.D.It isnt owned by th

32、e library.答案:B12. How did the woman react to Toms idea?A.She wonders if she can afford it.B.She doesnt want to bother Toms roommate.C.She thinks it wont work.D.She thinks its a good one.答案:D (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標(biāo)題名) 13. What starts the conversation?A.an advertisement.B.a sales clerks comment.C.a druggis

33、t s suggestion.D.an article.答案:D解析W: Ive just. read a curious fact. Did you know that people who spend less than ten minutes in the drugstore are five times more likely to make a purchase than those who spend half an hour there?M: I saw that article too. But I think if someone runs into a drugstore

34、for ten minutes, it s usually to make a specific purchase.W: And someone who spends more time there may be just looking?M: Exactly. Haven t you ever gone into a store thinking that you buy something and then talk yourself out of it?W: Yes, I have, especially when I thought I could get it for less el

35、sewhere or I really didn t need it after all.M: Exactly. But if you run into buying something specifically and have very little time, you pick it up, pay for it immediately and then leave.W: Thats true. Maybe we should learn a lesson from that. Take your time and youll spend less money.M: I doubt th

36、at it will be true in all sources, though. You know, in a department store, for instance, you may see a sweater or something you never intended to buy and buy it because you ve had time to look around.14. What is the main topic of the conversation?A.The increase in the size and stock of drugstores.B

37、.The buying of clothing from department stores.C.The relationship of purchases made to time spent shopping.D.The length of time required for drugstore shopping.答案:C15. What fact have the man and the woman learned about the drugstores?A.People are more likely to buy something in them if time is limit

38、ed.B.People spend too much time reading articles about quick cures sold in drugstores.C.People enjoy shopping in them.D.People spend little time in them.答案:A16. What did the man say about people who shop quickly?A.They talk themselves out of purchases.B.They shop at the cheapest stores.C.They know w

39、hat they want to buy.D.They have little money to spend.答案:CSection Use of English Text Hamilah, the Doctor s cook was in a whirl (混亂,繁忙)of great activity. She was continually sticking her head 1 of the cookhouse to make sure 2 Were eating her food. She Was 3 Doctor Livingstone did not fully apprecia

40、tev 4 ooking abilities. Now, however, she was 5 at the quantity of food we 6 eaten and was in a state 7 delighted excitement, We could hear her 8 the curious crowds that had gathered 9 the kitchen to hear all about, 10 visitor, and while we listened to her 11 the Doctor told. us about her faithful s

41、ervices 12 the uneasiness she felt when the 13 first announced my arrival in Vjiji 14 she had been flying about in 15 hurry of excitement, from the kitchen, 16 his presence and out into the 17 square asking hundreds of questions; how 18 was chagrined(懊惱)at the scanty supply 19 the carder(儲備食物) ;her

42、wish to make 20 for their poverty by a grand appearance: a grand feast to welcome this visitor from another world! 1.A.throughB.aroundC.outD.from答案:C解析 stick her head out of the cookhouse把頭伸出廚房外。2.A.weB.thatC.someD.of答案:A解析 此句需要特定主語,且據(jù)上下文語境,應(yīng)選we。3.A.regrettingB.sureC.sadD.firm答案:B解析 be sure(that)+從句

43、,確信。4.A.thoseB.anyC.goodD.her答案:D解析 her cooking abilities她的廚藝。5.A.surpriseB.frightenC.astonishedD.fall答案:C解析 be astonished at驚訝于,與前文情況相反,所以用astonished。6.A.hadB.wereC.shouldD.have答案:A解析 had done過去完成時表示在主句過去時態(tài)之前發(fā)生的事。7.A.inB.ofC.forD.through答案:B解析 in a state of處于某種狀態(tài)。8.A.explainingB.lecturingC.speaking

44、D.saying.答案:B解析 explain,speak,say后+to sb;lecture sb向某人做報告。9.A.backB.frontC.beforeD.to答案:C解析 gathered before the kitchen集聚在廚房前。10.A.aB.theC.someD.important答案:B解析 the visitor特指這個;a/some visitor不特指哪個。11.A.gossipB.songC.prayerD.laughter答案:A解析 gossip閑談,流言;prayer祈禱者或禱告詞。12.A.moreB.tooC.andD.additional答案:C

45、解析 her faithful services與the uneasiness是并列關(guān)系。13.A.loudspeakerB.drumsC.announcerD.speaker答案:B解析 drum鼓;鼓狀物;鼓膜。14.A.becauseB.whatC.howD.when答案:C解析 how she had been flying about她怎樣情緒不穩(wěn)定。15.A.toB.certainC.aD.terrible答案:C解析 in a hurry匆忙,固定搭配。16.A.intoB.toC.beforeD.again答案:A解析 后文有提示:into his presence and o

46、ut into注意文章結(jié)構(gòu)整齊。17.A.actualB.openingC.middleD.village答案:D解析 village square村中的廣場。18.A.thisB.sheC.thatD.her答案:B解析 參照前后文,讀懂邏輯關(guān)系。19.A.toB.atC.inD.under答案:C解析 the scanty supply in在某方面缺乏供給。20.A.upB.overC.outD.into答案:A解析 make up for彌補(bǔ)。Section Reading ComprehensionPart AText 1 It was a quarter past nine as

47、Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work. Her bus had inched along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her very first job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day. Once inside the lobby, she had to stand at the elevators and w

48、ait several minutes before she could get on one going to the sixth floor. When she finally reached the office marked King Enterprises, she knocked at the door nervously and waited. There was no answer. She tapped on the door again, but still there was no reply. From inside the next office, she could

49、 hear the sound of voices, so she opened the door and went in. Although she was sure it was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she had had the interview with Mr.King, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an office at all. The employees were just standing a

50、round chatting and smoking. At the far end of the room, somebody must have just told a good joke, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter as she came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her. Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said someth

51、ing to the others. Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was hard at work. No one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office. Hardly looking u

52、p from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. King, who would arrive at any moment. Then Marie realised that the days work in the office began just before MrKing arrivedLater she found out that he lived in Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same train every morning,arriving in

53、 the office at 9:35,SO that his staff knew exactly when to start working 1. Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because_A.it was her first day in a new jobB.she was a little bit late for workC.she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong placeD.there was no answer from inside the office

54、答案:B解析 該題考查考生分析推斷的能力。第二段的第二句和第三句寫道:When she finally reached the office marked“King Enterprises,”she knocked at the door nervously and waitedThere was no answer意為:當(dāng)她最終來到標(biāo)著“King公司”的辦公室, 她緊張地敲了敲門,沒有得到應(yīng)答??梢钥闯觯核瞄T在前,屋里沒有回應(yīng)在 后,所以令她緊張的原因并不是辦公室里沒有回應(yīng),排除D,同時,從第二句 的前半句看,她能通過公司的招牌確認(rèn)自己沒有走錯地方,且第三段的第一句 話:Although

55、she was sure it was the same office she had been in也證實(shí)了C為錯 誤項。再看第一段第二句的后半句話:Her bus,making her a few minutes late for her very first iob可以知道,她緊張的原因是她在第一分工作的第一天上班時遲 到了。選項A的錯誤在于,Marie以前沒有工作過,這是她的第一份工作,而不 能稱為她的新工作,所以B為正確項。2. Marie could hardly recognise the office she went into as_A.she had been there only onceB.Mr King was not in the officeC.nobody was doing any workD.the office had a new appearance答案:C解析 該題考查考生獲取特定信息的能力。第三段的第二句:In fact,it hardly looked like an once at all意


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