



1、 vocabulary exercises for graduate studentssection adirections: there are 100 incomplete sentences in this section. for each sentence there are four choices marked a,b,c and d. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. in addition to some money in a savings bank account, my _include

2、property inherited from may father.a. assess b. assets c. assessments d. access2. when a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _and ask them questions.a. at length b. at random c. in essence d. in bulk3. great writers are those who not only have great thought

3、s but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and_.a. sensations b. passions c. emotions d. moods4. he has failed me so many times that i no longer place my _on what he promises.a. reliance b. belief c. credit d. faith5. the statue would be perfect but for a few sma

4、ll_ in its base.a. mistakes b. weakness c. flaws d. errors6. the machine needs a complete _since it has been in use for over ten years.a. amending b. fitting c. mending d. innovating7. though he is the preidents son, that does not _him to criticize my work.a. verify b. justify c. qualify d. dignify8

5、. his career was not noticeably _by the fact that he had never been to college.a. prevented b. restrain c. hindered d. refrained9. i tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but i met with a flat_. a. disapproval b. rejection c. refusal d. decline10.the book proved to be very unreliable and

6、 so was quite _to him in his research. a. invaluable b. useless c. negligible d. unusable11.if you want to know the train schedule, please _at the booking office. a. acquire b. inquire c. request d. require12.if no importance is attached to collecting information, we cannot survive in such a/n _comp

7、etitive society, because it is the basis on which we make our decisions. a. powerfully b. forcefully c. intensely d. intensively13.he used to say he liked traveling by train, but now after eight hours standing in the corridor, he changed his_. a. sound b. voice c. tone d. tune14.the period of adoles

8、cence may be long or short, depending on social and on societys definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. a. anticipation b. perspective c. proposition d. expectation15.the_at the highest point in the united states is 20,000 feet at mt mckinley in alaska. a. evolution b. elevation c.

9、 evaluation d. elaboration16.we are trying to make people more _to the difficulties faced by the laid-off workers. a. sensible b. sensational c. sensitive d. sentimental17.the suspect gave a signed _to the police. a. confession b. confusion c. concession d. controversy18.although there are occasiona

10、l outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been_. a. canceled b. destroyed c. suppressed d. restrained19.large amounts of food imports placed a great strain on the countrys gold_. a. storage b. deposit c. reservation d. reserve20.near the scene of the crime, the police

11、arrested two men whose behavior appeared_. a. ambitious b. ambiguous c. suspicious d. notorious21.to a first-year student, the doctoral degree is a distant_. a. aspect b. respect c. prospect d. spectacle22.competition, they believe, _the national character rather than corrupt it. a. enforces b. conf

12、irms c. intensifies d. strengthens23.i could see that my wife was _having that diamond, whether i approved of it or not.a. adequate for b. intent on c. short of d. deficient in24.after a concert tour in asia, canada and the u.s., he will _work on a five language opera. a. confine b. indulge c. resum

13、e d. undergo25.he failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to _the consequences. a. answer for b. run into c. abide by d. step into26.mr. black is not _now, but he will be famous someday. a. significant b. dominant c. magnificent d. prominent27.she had on the dress

14、that i used to admire more than anything else in her possession, a light blue one _prettily with lace. a. ornamented b. trimmed c. furnished d. decorated28.getting enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for _vitamins. a. exceptional b. exceeding c. excess d. e

15、xternal29.some people think that a _translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than a free translation. a. literal b. literary c. liberal d. linear30.our camp is so far from the highway that we feel _from the world while we are there. a. shut out b. shut up c. shut off d. shut down31.anyon

16、e who can study abroad is fortunate; but of course, it is not easy to make the _from one culture to another. a. transaction b. transition c. transmission d. transference32.we _that diet is related to most types of cancer but we dont have definite proof. a. assure b. suspend c. ascertain d. suspecte3

17、3.he _in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after it had been robbed. a. testified b. witnessed c. justified d. identified34.instead of answering the question, the manager _his shoulders as if it were not important. a. raised b. touched c. shrugged d. patted35.i am sorry for the

18、 _tone of your letter, but i feel sure that things are not so bad with you as you say. a. apologetic b. threatening c. pessimistic d. grateful36.a patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain, which can no longer be satisfactorily _. a. diminished b. abolished c. relaxe

19、d d. alleviated37.he misled management by giving it the idea that the older and more experienced men were not an _but a liability. a. asset b. award c. assistance d. advantage38.in 400 ad., chinese children played with a fan-like toy that span upwards and fell back to earth as _ceased. a. emission b

20、. motivation c. rotation d. suspension39.as a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who _it. a. integrate b. inherit c. innovate d. inhabit40.the fact that the earths surface heats _provides a convenient way to divide it into temperature regions. a.

21、infrequently b. irregularly c. unsteadily d. unevenly41.the television station is supported by _from foundations and other sources. a. pensions b. accounts c. donations d. advertisements42.professor wu traveled and lectured throughout the country to _education and professional skills so that women c

22、ould enter the public world. a. prosecute b. acquire c. advocate d. proclaim43.a major goal of the state travel agency is to _more people to visit its country at the turn of the century. a. reduce b. expect c. arouse d. induce44.the author of the book has shown his remarkable keen _into human nature

23、. a. intellect b. insight c. perception d. understanding45.though the doctors tried everything they couldnt save him from the deep _wound. a. shot b. punch c. pinch d. stab46.this apartment could _a family of nine in a small space by using sofas, and dual purpose furniture, all built-in. a. reside b

24、. possess c. embrace d. accommodate47.although the actors performance seemed very _, it was not dangerous as it looked. a. excited b. brawl c. perilous d. courageous48.housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full _. a. capacity b. strength c. length d. possibility49.i

25、t was the custom of many american indians to wear their hair in _. a. brains b. braids c. bribes d. brides50.though the model was _ she insisted on keeping it as a souvenir. a. authentic b. erratic c. absolute d. out of date51.although i like the appearance of the house, what really make me decide t

26、o buy it was the beautiful _ through the window. a. vision b. stage c. picture d. view52.the president made a _speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. a. vigorous b. tedious c. flat d. harsh53.he _a piece of meat from the plate with his fork. a.

27、stabbed b. sliced c. chopped d. cut54.although the two players are _in the tennis court, they are really good friends. a. partners b. enemies c. rivals d. companions55.these young people have much to be dissatisfied with, and they sometimes do _, but on the whole they study hard, knowing the problem

28、s the states is facing. a. grumble b. frustrate c. frown d. perplex56.after the elections, the losing candidate congratulated his _. a. controversy b. variation c. opponent d. grudge57.her eyes _with tears as she struggled to control her emotions. a. glistened b. cried c. swelled d. melted58.we were

29、 digging to find some _of the viking period. a. tracks b. marks c. trails d. traces59.children used to _ their parents; now they are inclined to regard from as equals. a. turn on b. look up to c. stand up to d. hang on to60.leading cadres launch rectification campaigns at regular _ to hear the masse

30、s views. a. interim b. interruptions c. intervals d. intersections61.the _motion of the earth as it turns on its axis creates the change of reasons. a. perilous b. perfidious c. constant d. plausible62.the problems requiring immediate solutions will be given _at the meeting. a. priority b. urgency c

31、. superiority d. emergency63.according to the law of that country, the parliament will have to be _before the general election. a. decomposed b. dispersed c. dissolved d. disintegrated64.i was _by their kindness and moved to tears.a. preoccupied b. embarrassed c. overwhelmed d. counseled65.now in ch

32、ina many large stores use discount coupons as _to attract customers. a. motives b. incentives c. awards d. rewards66.football, baseball and basketball are _sports that is, only a few people actually take part in them while many more only watch them. a. spectacle b. spectrum c. spectator d. spectacul

33、ar67.convinced of the importance of education, modern states “invest” in institutions of learning to get back “interest” in the form of a large group of _young men who are potential leaders. a. enlightened b. cultivated c. qualified d. nourished68.the students will be _regarding the entrance examina

34、tion. a. condoned b. deformed c. emulated d. notified69.we had suffered all kinds of _before we finished this task. a. affiliations b. affectations c. affections d. hardships70.if he insists upon being so _, we will have to settle this matter in court. a. stubborn b. indignant c. abject d. gauche71.

35、this step is of great significance when viewed in the _of the progress of the experiment. a. prospective b. respective c. perspective d. prescriptive72.when a hurricane is _, the national weather bureau issues a warning. a. immaculate b. impertinent c. immense d. imminent73.despite the rescuers stre

36、nuous efforts, hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to _. a. decrease b. fade c. loose d. faint74.through the method of echo sounding, oceanographers can _the depth of the ocean at a specific site in a matter of second. a. presume b. ascertain c. evaluate d. designate74.negotiatio

37、ns between the employers and the workers broke down because both sides were too _. a. ingenious b. indispensable c. incredible d. incompatible75.the group of spectators was _by the police who were at the scene of the accident. a. dispersed b. displaced c. disposed d. discharged76.before the gases ar

38、e discharged into the atmosphere they must be _harmless. a. rendered b. disposed c. handled d. converted77.he _after the car accident, although at first he wasnt expected to live. a. pilled up b. pulled off c. pulled over d. pulled through78.but very few fear the slow catastrophe that is _upon the w

39、orld through environmental pollution. a. creeping b. crawling c. mounting d. ascending79.in spite of the destruction caused by the earthquake, the people tried to _their own business as if nothing had happened. a. go over b. go about c. go with d. go through80.we are prepared to make some concession

40、s on minor details, but we can not _on fundamentals. a. concentrate b. complement c. compensate d. compromise81.as for love of children, this love _expressed through supplying material comforts, amusements, and educational opportunities. a. increasingly b. tolerably c. dynamically d. obediently82.ra

41、lph and his companions would explore the woods on the estate for days_. a. on show b. on time c. on end d. on hand83._ the difficulty of the task, i shall be lucky to complete it by may. a. regarding b. given c. presuming d. accepted84.so _are businessmen by the constantly changing numbers that they

42、 often cannot determine whether they are making a profit or not. a. overwhelmed b. outgrown c. overexcited d. outsold85.the border incident led to the two countries _diplomatic relations. a. pulling off b. breaking off c. passing off d. falling off86.when it was announced, settlers _raced into the t

43、erritory in wagons and on horseback to claim the best land they could find for themselves. a. literally b. incidentally c. dreadfully d. largely87.the food and drug administration also demands strict postmarketing _to make sure the new drug is safe and effective. a. reviews b. probes c. monitors d.

44、surveys88.without a wholehearted _to a keen forward-looking vision and a deep insight, you can not be a leader. a. obligation b. determination c. resolution d. commitment89.try as we would, they could not be brought to give their _. a. consent b. complaint c. content d. completion90.some professors

45、prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without _it. a. enforcing b. dominating c. enlightening d. disposing91.new mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming antarctic _. a. expedition b. execution c. excursion d. extraction92.only the _of the general mana

46、ger, who knew of johns personal difficulties, saved him from being dismissed. a. interrelation b. interruption c. intervention d. interference93.the teacher set up those _for no other purpose than to challenge the students to overcome them. a. principles b. obstacles c. standards d. goals94.soviet s

47、cientists reportedly agree with their american colleagues that warming trend in the arctic has _a slow cooling. a. swelled b. shifted c. shed d. swung95.an extra part was added to the house in 1850, which spoilt the _of its front. a. symmetry b. synthesis c. strategy d. similarity96.because the pile

48、 of brick is being exhibited, the observers feel _to debate its artistic merits. a. reduced b. obligated c. like d. inclined97.the individual can understand his own experience and _his own fate only by locating himself within his period. a. gauge b. decide c. change d. guard98.because most americans

49、 find this food, shopping system economical and efficient, the large grocery store chain remains a _of our society. a. basement b. fixation c. station d. fixture99.social structure organization is simply the way that people, groups, and institutions are organized with _to one another. a. aspect b. r

50、egard c. respect d. perspective100.a social _is a position in a social structure that determines where a person fits within the social order. a. stature b. status c. state d. statue101.a police officer is more likely to _in his law enforcement tactics when he is not in view of reporters. a. compose

51、b. invent c. improvise d. create102.a(n) _manager has a variety of role relations with people occupying related statuses. a. personal b. personnel c. individual d. employment103.he _himself as gentle and romantic toward a woman he was trying to impress. a. expressed b. conveyed c. demonstrated d. pr

52、esented104.culture is not merely something _us, but a sort of shared language, of things and ideas that we both develop and use.a. imposed on b. depending on c. influencing d. inflicting105.the interviewer _the applicants late arrival as a sign of disorganization, undependability or lack of interest in the job. a. translated b. interpreted c. explained d. understood106._ of people are assembling in the street. what happened? a. an attitude b. an aptitude c. an altitude d. a multitude107.my aunt _a bright


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