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1、The Concept of Key Competence and Its Implementation in English Teaching【s】 This paper analyzes the concept of key competence defined by different international organizations and countries , points out the parallel between the Western key competence and the Chinese “all - round personality ”, and th

2、en explores how to reform English teaching in terms of curriculum design , course arrangement and classroom teaching so as to foster key competence in students, orin other words, nurture all-round personality of students.I. IntroductionNowadays, the new task education faces is how to improve the qua

3、lity of education to cultivate innovative talents. The best way to cultivate innovative talents is to devel op something known as “key competence ” in every discipline as well as nationwide. At the beginning of the 21st century , the EU introduced the lifelong learning strategy in the field of educa

4、tion and training, and putforward the concept of“key competence ” . It has sincebecome a reference framework underlying all education goals and policies , and has subsequently triggered curriculum reforms in all EU Member States.Although China s research into key competence is still in its infancy ,

5、 in recent years China s education policies have been emphasizing the building of a national character marked by fine qualities and the cultivation of students innovativeness. The National Long -term Education Reform and Development Plan( 2010-2020 )designates human-centeredness and nurturing of all

6、-round personality as two major goals of education reform so that students can get all-round development. It can be seen that Chinas education reform pursues exactly what EUc alls key competence (Dun Ji an, 2015 : 44-47 ).II. The Definition of Key CompetenceWhat is key competence ? Many countries ar

7、e now referring to the framework laid down by the OECD project as key competence , EUs lifelong learning objective.children should learnThe research into key competence sponsored by international organizations has been going on for quite some years. The OECD project and EU s formulation of “l(fā)ifelong

8、 learning key competence” are but a few examples (Chang Shanshan et al , 2015 :29-32 ). Besides , the UNESCO published a report entitled “To life -long learning ?C what. The OECD -financed projectproposes three primary components of key competence and nine secondary components. The EU lists eight el

9、ements of lifelong learning key competence. Following the humanist tradition , the UNESCO sets forth a model of sevenconstituents of key competences.When we comparefindings of the OECD-financed project, the EU s eightelements of key competence and UNESCOs sevenconstituents of key competence, it is n

10、ot difficult to findthat they actually have many shared features. They all embody the idea that knowledge shouldnt be the onlypursuit of education. It should be combined with skills,attitudes and morality, etc. to turn out graduates ofall-round personality. In addition to the aforesaid studies into

11、key competence, the United States , and some other countries have also developed the content and structure of key competence suitable for education in their native countries. The major qualities of the key competence defined by the United States ar e called “21st -centurycompetence”. After the frame

12、work of“21st -centurycompetence” was formulated , the United States kept updating and refining it until it includes the corecurriculum , necessary themes and three major skill areas.III.Proposals about Curriculum Design, CourseArrangement and Classroom Teaching to Foster Key CompetenceChinas current

13、 “Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standards (2011)” (“ Standards ”) points out that English courses in compulsory education have both instrument al and humanist functions. The“Standards ”emphasizes the learning process and integration of all language skills. This is consistent with the conce

14、pt of key competence. Namely , knowledge , skills , ability and emotional attitude should all be taken into consideration in the education process. Now that English courses are no longer a mere means to facilitate students secondlanguage acquisition , new course design guidelines are needed.3.1 Two

15、urgent tasks in curriculum designThe two urgent tasks in curriculum design are defining the disciplinary aspect of key competence and integrating different discipline-related key competence in students.Experiences gained through international curriculum design indicate that there are two basic relat

16、ions betweenthe curriculum and students key competence. That is tosay, first , each course has the responsibility of cultivating one aspect of students key competence.Second, different courses have different contributions to the nurture of students overall keycompetence.Therefore , when we design En

17、glish courses aiming at attainment of students key competence, the primary task is to pin down the key competence components inherent in the discipline. In other words, while designing thecurriculum , imparting knowledge is not the only concern. Simultaneously , ability , morality and attitude shoul

18、d also be put on the list for consideration. It is now widely accepted that when students are taught a foreign language , they shouldn t learn grammar alone. Their communicative competence depends on their command and integration of many different language skills. The famouslinguist Hedge proposed f

19、ive parts of the communicative competence: linguisticcompetence, pragmatic competence,discourse competence , strategic competence and fluency (Wang Qiang, 2006: 17).3.2 An important principle in course arrangement The important principle in course arrangement isinterdisciplinary teaching, which mean

20、s to combineresources from different disciplines in one course so that intra-disciplinary resources are interwoven to form a network of teaching resources to integrate different aspects of key competence in students.Take primary education for example, in Chinas middle schools , Chinese , math , fore

21、ign languages and so on are the dominant traditional curriculum items. Generally speaking , different disciplines will tap and train different faculties of students , and each course develops a corresponding aspect of students key competence.Various disciplines overlap with each other in imparting k

22、nowledge and training skills, and they will complementand supplement one another in cultivating students keycompetence. Therefore , complementary teaching across disciplines will be an effective way to develop students key competence, and with this in mind, a breakthrough will be madei n the innovat

23、ion of course design. Computer-aided teaching and MOOC online learning are just a few cases in point. This interweavement of disciplinary resources will not only stimulate students interest in learning , butwill , above all , integrate different aspects of keycompetence in students.3.3 Reform of cla

24、ssroom teaching methodsTeachers teaching efficiency and studentslearning effect are both dependent on the teaching approach and classroom teaching methods. Classroom teaching methods should also be subjected to reform. While planning teaching tasks , teachers should try to develop students self-lear

25、ning ability. To do so, a single teaching method is far from being enough. L2 teachers are advised to adopt the communicative teaching approach to the design of classroom activities. Thus teachers can effectively cultivate students independent thinking and explorative disposition.If we want to culti

26、vate students key competence, it is necessary for us to form a consistent, long-termteaching goal , and march toward that goal by reforming not only curriculum design and course arrangement but also classroom teaching methods. IV. ConclusionNowadays, the concept of key competence has becomet he DNA of global education reform and almost all countries adopt this concept as a guideline for their reform in curriculum design , teaching material compilation , course arrangement and classroom teaching.How to cultivate students key competence t hroughschool education is an issue o


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