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1、選修七unit 3under the sea1 必備知識盤點夯基2 核心素養(yǎng)精講層練3 高效演練素能提升1 必備知識盤點夯基單詞立體巧記寫準記牢核心單詞1_ vt. 當場見到;目擊n. 目擊者;證人;證據(jù)2_ prep. 在對面adj. 相對的;相反的3_ vi. & n. 暫停;中止4_ vt. 拖;拉;扯5_ vt. 催促;極力主張;驅(qū)策 witnessoppositepause dragurge寫準記牢核心單詞6_ n. 關(guān)系;血緣關(guān)系;交往7_ adj. 意識到的;知道的8_ adj. 好的;整齊的;勻稱的9_ n. 協(xié)作;配合10_ vi. 逃避;逃跑vt. 逃離11_ adj. 狹

2、窄的;有限的;狹隘的12_ n. 目標;靶;受批評的對象 relationshipawareneat teamworkfleenarrowtarget語境運用1i would like to set a new _ (目標) for my studies after i enter my ideal college. 2we should keep our classroom and dormitory _ (整齊的) and tidy every day. 3years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which _ (協(xié)作)

3、 is the most important for me. targetneatteamwork語境運用4in many european countries, for example, the _ (關(guān)系) between teachers and students is quite formal. 5there stands an old school on the _ (在對面) side of the river. 6(2020新高考卷)however, her children have learned an important lesson _ (witness)their mo

4、ther earn her degree. relationshipoppositewitnessing寫準記牢拓展單詞1_ adj. 銳利的;鋒利的;敏捷的 _ vt. & vi. 削尖;磨快;尖銳;變鋒利 _ n. 卷筆刀2_ vt. 放棄;遺棄;拋棄 _ adj. 被遺棄的;放縱的3_ vi. 思考vt. 映射;反射;思考 _ n. 反射;反映 sharpsharpensharpenerabandonabandonedreflectreflection寫準記牢拓展單詞4_ vt. 恐嚇vi. 受驚嚇 _ adj. 恐懼的;害怕的 _ adj. 恐怖的,可怕的5_ n. 住所;住宿 _ v

5、t. 提供住宿6_ adj. 好吃的;可口的 _ n. 味道;味覺 v. 品嘗 _ adj. (反義詞)無味的;不可口的 scarescaredscaryaccommodationaccommodatetastytastetasteless寫準記牢拓展單詞7_ n. 深(度);深處 _ adj. & adv. 深的(地) _ adv. 深深地 _ v. 使加深;使強烈;變深;變低沉8_ adj. 生動的;鮮明的;鮮艷的 _ adv. 清晰地;生動地;強烈地 depthdeepdeeplydeepenvividvividly語境運用1it was a _ story and children w

6、ere _ after they heard it. (scare) 2the boys pencil isnt _,so he _ it with his _. (sharp) 3though the soup is _,ive lost my sense of _ and it _ just like _ water. (tasty) 4the lake is over 20 meters in _. so we were all moved _ by the man who dived _ into the lake to save the boy. (depth) scaryscare

7、dsharpsharpenssharpenertastytaste tastestastelessdepthdeeplydeep語境運用5some flowers are _ in the river and the _ is very beautiful. (reflect)6if you cant find any _ elsewhere, here is a room which can _ up to five people. (accommodation)7he described _ what he saw in london, giving us a _ picture abou

8、t peoples life there. (vivid) reflectedreflectionaccommodationsaccommodatevividlyvivid聯(lián)想積累:1以“-rrow” 結(jié)尾的詞一覽narrow adj. 狹窄的arrow n. 箭頭borrow v. 借sorrow n. 悲傷sparrow n. 麻雀2含后綴-th的名詞薈萃depth 深度width 寬度length 長度truth 真理growth 成長3“形容詞和副詞”同形的詞fast adj. 快的adv. 迅速地close adj. 親密的adv. 緊密地deep adj. 深的adv. 深深地di

9、rect adj. 直接的adv. 直接地easy adj. 容易的adv. 從容地短語語境助記寫準記牢1_ 優(yōu)于;在前面2_ 瞄準;針對;目的在于3_ 在此期間;與此同時4_ 幫助(某人)擺脫困境或危難5_ 對知道、明白;意識到 ahead ofaim atin the meantimehelp (.) outbe/become aware of寫準記牢6_ 上下翻轉(zhuǎn)7_ 嚇死了8_ 舉起,抬起;支撐;阻擋,使延誤9_ 即將做;將要做10_ 靠近 upside down(be) scared to deathhold upbe about to doget close to語境運用1the

10、train was _ by the snowstorm, causing the delay. 2_ improving his grades, his parents sent him to the evening school. 3looking for his lost magazine, the man turned the whole room _. 4as he is my best friend, when i am in trouble he will certainly _ me _. held upaimed atupside downhelpout語境運用5the co

11、nference will begin in an hour;_,lets have a chat. 6more and more people _ the danger of air pollution. 7seeing a toy snake suddenly sometimes, the little girl can _. 8she studies so hard that she is always well _ the rest of the class. in the meantimeare/become aware ofbe scared to deathahead of 句式

12、運用速記背會原句知曉考點我會仿用1it was a time when the killer whales helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration. 那個時期,殺手鯨幫助捕鯨人在每年須鯨遷徙時捕捉須鯨。 it wa s a t i m e when “曾經(jīng)一度 ( 那 時 ) ” ,when引導的是定語 從 句 , 修 飾time。1我曾一度迷戀網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲。_ computer games. it was a time when i was addicted to playing

13、背會原句知曉考點我會仿用2this was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt. 這是宣告捕鯨行動馬上就要開始的呼聲。be about to do sth. 意為“正要做某事”。2我正要做作業(yè)這時停電了。i _ when the power was cut off. was about to do my homework背會原句知曉考點我會仿用3the water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the s

14、andy ocean floor. 海水很淺,但是到了珊瑚礁的盡頭,就有一個陡坡,一直下降到滿是沙子的海底。where引導地點狀語從句。3作為年輕人,我們應該學會在我們跌倒的地方站起來。as young men, we should l e a r n t o s t a n d u p _. where we fall2 核心素養(yǎng)精講層練1witness vt. 當場見到;目擊n. 目擊者;證人;證據(jù)(1)a witness to sth. 某事的證人/證明give witness to sth. 為作證;證明(2)witness sth. /that 目擊witness for 為作證wi

15、tness to (doing) sth. 證實/證明(做)某事英語中常使用擬人修辭手法的句子,主語通常是表示時間、地點或心愛之物,如車、船等的名詞,謂語動詞常為witness, see, find等。夯基單句語法填空。history _ (witness) the endless productions of shakespearean plays in every major language of the world in the past few centuries. has witnessed(浙江卷書面表達)the box-office income of chinese movi

16、es _ (witness)a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015what the police did first was question all the _ (witness) involved in the accident last week. witnessedwitnesses提能句式升級。(2018北京卷書面表達)we all had a really enjoyable time in the tea house. the tea house _ for

17、 all of us.witnessed a really enjoyable timeurgent adj. 緊急的;迫切的urgency n. 緊急;催促2urge vt. 催促;極力主張;驅(qū)策n. 強烈的欲望;沖動(1)urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事urge sb. into doing sth. 催促某人做某事urge that (should)do sth. 極力主張;強調(diào)it is urged that (should)do sth. 堅決要求(2)feel an urge to do sth. 有強烈的欲望想做某事夯基單句語法填空。in order to

18、improve learning efficiency,i urge that all of us _ (form) the habit of thinking independently and going over lessons in time. i never felt an urge _ (learn) any sign language before. (2018浙江6月卷)there is no sense of _ (urge) to do my school work immediately. (should) formto learn urgency提能一句多譯。父母應該積

19、極地督促孩子利用加入體育隊的機會。parents should actively _the opportunity to join sports teams. parents should actively urge that _ the opportunity to join sports teams(復合句)urge their children to take advantage of their children should take advantage ofabandoned adj. 無約束的;被遺棄的3abandon vt. 遺棄;拋棄;放棄;中止;(與oneself連用)使放

20、縱;使聽任n. 放任;放縱(1)abandon ones hope/plan/idea放棄希望/計劃/主意abandon oneself to 沉湎于;縱情于abandon doing sth. 放棄做某事(2)with abandon 放縱地;放任地(3)be abandoned to 沉湎于the child was abandoned by his parents. eventually the abandoned boy was found wandering in the street, abandoning himself to despair. 那個孩子被他的父母遺棄了。后來有人

21、發(fā)現(xiàn)那個被拋棄的孩子在大街上游蕩,他已陷入了絕望。夯基單句語法填空。as far as i know, they have abandoned _ (carry) out the plan for lack of money. feeling frustrated, i found myself abandoning myself to _ (play) computer games. (2018全國卷)wang collected more than 7 million _ (abandon) bricks of different ages. he asked the workers to

22、 use traditional techniques to make the bricks into walls, roofs and corridors. carryingplayingabandoned提能單句寫作。_ my father came and encouraged me to keep going. 我正要放棄希望,就在這時,我的爸爸過來鼓勵我要繼續(xù)下去。i was about to abandon hope whenreflection n. 反射;反映;沉思;倒影;影像 (1)be reflected in 被反映在;被映照在中reflect on/upon sth.

23、仔細考慮/思考某事(2)be lost in reflection陷入沉思中a reflection of的反映4reflect vt. 映射;反射;思考vi. 思考夯基單句語法填空/猜測加黑詞的含義。usually a childs behaviour is a _ (reflect) of his family environment. (2019全國卷完形)but that changed when a system of high-tech mirrors was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰) int

24、o the valley below. _ reflection從反射陽光提能補全句子/句式升級。when she _ (回想起她的志愿者經(jīng)歷時),tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues. _,tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues. (分詞作狀語)reflected on her volunteer experiencereflecting on

25、her volunteer experience5help sb. out 幫助某人擺脫困境或危難(1)help sb. with sth. /(to)do sth. 幫助某人某事/做某事(2)cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事cant help but do sth. 只得做某事;不得不做某事(3)help yourself(to sth. )隨便自己動手(吃/用等)(4)with the help of sb. with ones help 在某人的幫助下夯基單句語法填空。i have been busy with my study and seldom help my

26、 parents _ the housework. we think this is the opportunity for us youth to contribute to helping the victims _. i told the story to the class. as sad as it was, i couldnt help _ (smile). withoutsmiling提能補全句子/句式升級。_ (在老師的幫助下), i have made great progress in my spoken english. _ i have made great progr

27、ess in my spoken english. (強調(diào)句型)with the help of my teacherit is with the help of my teacher that 6be/become aware of對知道、明白;意識到(1)be aware that 知道;體會到make sb. aware of /that 使某人注意到;提醒某人注意(2)awareness n. 意識;認識develop an awareness of 培養(yǎng)的意識raise awareness提高認識夯基單句語法填空/補全句子。in conclusion, people around t

28、he world should be aware _ the real situation of water shortage. not only will you help our young volunteers to develop personally, youll also learn new skills and increase your cultural _ (aware). i would like to speak for pandas so that i can learn more about how to protect them and _. (提高人們保護動物的意

29、識)ofawarenessraise peoples awareness of animal protection提能單句寫作。(2020全國卷書面表達)通過參加這次采摘活動,我認識到了勞動的意義。_ through participating in this picking activity,i have become aware of the significance of work. where ,there be 意為“在地方,有”,where引導地點狀語從句。注意where引導地點狀語從句和定語從句的區(qū)別。7the water was quite shallow but where

30、the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor. 海水很淺,但是到了珊瑚礁的盡頭,就有一個陡坡,一直下降到滿是沙子的海底。(1)where引導的地點狀語從句修飾主句的謂語;(2)where引導的定語從句修飾它前面的名詞;(3)where可以引導名詞性從句,在從句中作狀語或表語。夯基單句語法填空。as the saying goes, _ there is a smoke, there is a fire. the little girl who got lost decided to remain _ she was

31、 and wait for her mother. (2019北京卷語法填空)what students do at college seems to matter much more than _ they go. wherewherewhere(浙江6月卷寫作)we are going to meet at the school gate at 7 a. m. and cycle to the nearby mountain, _ we can go hiking and enjoy a picnic. (2017江蘇)located _ the belt meets the road,

32、jiangsu will contribute more to the belt and road construction. wherewhere提能一句多譯。(2018全國卷書面表達)一個新的體育館在一年前還是草地的地方拔地而起。a new stadium has arisen _ a year ago. (狀語從句)a new stadium has arisen _ _ a year ago. (定語從句). where there was nothing but a grasslandin the place where there was nothing but a grassla

33、nd3 高效演練素能提升單句語法填空1hardly had sabrina finished her words when albert said _ (sharp), “dont be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her. 2after the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was provide _ (accommodate) for the homeless families. 3it will be a big help if you go to the

34、store and get what we need for dinner. _ the meanwhile, ill set the table. sharplyaccommodationin4butterflies feed _ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect. 5their sudden attack made us more aware _ the danger around us. 6the girl was a witness _ the accident and sa

35、id the driver appeared to be drunk. 7he yelled _ her to be careful while crossing the busy road. onoftoat8(2019江蘇卷改編)a city is the product of the human hand and mind, _ (reflect) mans intelligence and creativity. 9(上海卷)my panic has gone. but i could not help _ (think) about that silly poem. 10as the

36、 proverb goes, where the money is,_ is the power. reflecting thinkingthere單句改錯1the fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. _ 2police have appealed for witnesses for the accident. _ 3a truck came in an opposite direction of the car, so the car driver made a sharply turn. _ taste tasty第二個for to

37、sharply sharp4in the spring festival, chinese people like to hang the character “fu” upside to down. _ 5seeing a toy snake suddenly sometimes, the little girl can be scared to die. _ 6if you come to visit china, you will experience a culture of amazing deep and variety. _ 去掉第二個todie deathdeep depth單

38、句寫作1有幾個理由可以解釋圖片中反映的現(xiàn)象。(分詞作定語)_ 2船長剛要放棄那艘大船,這時大雨突然停了。(be about to do when ;abandon)_ there are several reasons that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture. the captain was about to abandon the large ship when the heavy rain suddenly stopped. 3在我看來,了解你自己的弱點是成功的關(guān)鍵。(aware)_ 4這份報告呼吁給所有的兒童教授游

39、泳。(urge)_ as far as im aware,being well aware of your own weaknesses is the key to success. the report urged that all the children (should) be taught to swim. 5這種漁網(wǎng)不僅會把魚給網(wǎng)住,還會將其他的海洋動物一并抓住,而且這些動物通常因為沒人買而被扔掉。(not only but also)_ this kind of fishing net not only catches the target fish but also many o

40、ther sea animals,which would be thrown away because they are not needed for marketing. 語篇填空the story is about how the killers helped whalers catch huge whales. and it was when the writer was working at the whaling station 1._ he witnessed it with his own eyesthatold tom, one of the killers often led

41、 george, the writer and other whalers to the spot, 2._ a pack of about six other killers 3._ (attack) a whale. while some were throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it 4._ (breathe), others were stopping it fleeing out to sea. and 5._ (final), when the whaler killed the whale wi

42、th harpoon, they dragged the dead whale down into the 6._ (deep) of the sea and ate up its lips and tongue. after 24 hours, they brought it to the surface, 7._ (wait) for the whalers to bring in the bodywhere were attackingbreathingfinally depthswaitingits 8._ (astonish) to know old tom and the othe

43、r killers never harmed or attacked people; instead, they helped and saved them when they were 9._trouble. for example, when james was once washed off the boat and struggled in the water, it was old tom that held him up in the water 10._ they got the boat back to james astonishinginuntil話題寫作用本單元詞匯、句式和語法知識寫滿分作文近十年來很多海洋生物滅絕了,引起全世界的廣泛關(guān)注。假設(shè)你是李華,請在環(huán)境保護日寫一篇關(guān)于保護海洋的英文


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