東南大學國際會議Welcome speechPPT課件_第1頁
東南大學國際會議Welcome speechPPT課件_第2頁
東南大學國際會議Welcome speechPPT課件_第3頁
東南大學國際會議Welcome speechPPT課件_第4頁
東南大學國際會議Welcome speechPPT課件_第5頁
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1、q Opening Session processThe host / Distinguished guests/Or other speakersDeliver the opening speechThe chairIntroduce officialsInvite speakers to deliver opening speechesGive the overview of the meetingThe Secretary /General ChairWelcome participantsIntroduce the session chairpersons第1頁/共23頁vThe ho

2、st/general chairvThe distinguished guestvOther speakers第2頁/共23頁Major parts in an opening speechWelcome1. Showing honors;2. Greetings to participants;Introduction of the host siteIntroduction of the host city/university;Introduction of the theme1. The history;2. Current achievements;3. Future develop

3、ment;Good wishGood wishes to the conference and participantsIntroduction of the programIntroduction of the arrangements of the conference;第3頁/共23頁 Samples: Part I have the honor and the pleasure. .to extend our cordial welcome to . .At this opening ceremony of. . Please allow me to extend our warmes

4、t congratulations to the conference and our most cordial welcome to . . It is a great honor for us . .I would also like to warmly wlecome all the conference participants, and all guests . .第4頁/共23頁Samples: Part IINanjing University is one of the key university in China, which is cosupported by the S

5、tate Education Ministry and the Jiangsu Provincial Government.Beijing is the capital of China.Southeast University pays great attention to the internal academic exchanges and cooperation.第5頁/共23頁Samples: Part IIIThe Congress will cover all aspects of XYZ, and A, B,C, D will be included.The developme

6、nt of annual XYZ Congresses started . . followed by . .As is known to all, the XYZ study is . .The holding of this International Conference on XYZ studies. .The XYZ study . .第6頁/共23頁Samples: Part IVThe scientific program includes the traditional plenary session, symposia and poster sessions.Besides

7、the scientific program, a social program for the participants will give you an opportunity to discover Lisbon with the abundance of its historical sites and beautiful scenery.第7頁/共23頁Samples: Part VNow I wish the conference a great succes. May everyone have a pleasant stay in . . Thank you all!I sin

8、cerely wish the Congress a complete success! Thank you!I would like all of you to feel at home here in. .Now I would like to conclude my speech by wishing the conference a complete success. Thank you .第8頁/共23頁Sample A : A Welcome Address at a Conference by the host Express honors and welcome partici

9、pants Introduce the history of the Congresses Introduce the congress programs Introduce the host city express hope and wish a success第9頁/共23頁Sample B : Opening Speech by a University President Show honors and welcome participants Introduce present development and future prospect of the study Introdu

10、ce the host city Express hope and wish a success第10頁/共23頁Sample C : Opening Speech by a Provincial Official Show honors and welcome participants Introduce development of the host city/province Introduce the present study Express hope and wish a success第11頁/共23頁Mr. President of the Peoples Republic o

11、f China, Mr. Liu Qi, Members of the Organizing Committee, dear Chinese friends, dear athletes: For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the worlds athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games. Tonight that dream comes true. Congratulations, Beijing. You have chosen as the th

12、eme of these Games “One World, One Dream”. That is what we are tonight.Rogers welcome address in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games第12頁/共23頁As one world, we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province. We were moved by the great courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. As one dr

13、eam, may these Olympic Games bring you joy, hope and pride.Athlete, Games belong to you. Let them be the athletes Games. Remember that you are role s, the Games were created for you by our founder, Pierre de Coubertin. These models for the youths of the world. Reject doping and cheating. Make us pro

14、ud of your achievements and your conduct. As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work. Our special thanks also go to the thousands of gracious volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible. Beijing, you are a host to t

15、he present and a gateway to the future. Thank you. I now have the honor of asking the President of the Peoples Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era. 第13頁/共23頁Classroom activities:1. Learn to the expressions in each part of the opening speech.2. Role play: - Imag

16、ine youre the host. Show your honors and welcome the participants. - Imagine youre the host. Introduce the host city/university; - Imagine youre the host. Introduce the theme of the conference and related information about the study; -Imagine youre the host. Introduce the conference programs; -Imagi

17、ne youre the host. Express your thanks and good wishes;第14頁/共23頁3. Group discussion: 1)What are the major points covered in a welcome address? 2) What will you pay attention to in preparing a welcome address? -cultural differences; use of formal language; etc. 3) How do you deliver a welcome address

18、? Any tips? 4) Do you use any visual aids when delivering a welcome address? 5) Whats about your manners and dress as a host? 第15頁/共23頁Purpose of Introducing Your Speech Capture the audiences attention and maintain their interest Reveal the topic and preview the body of the speech to the audience Pr

19、omote goodwill and establish credibility with the audience第16頁/共23頁How to Open Your Speech Ackowledging audience/referring the subject第17頁/共23頁How to Open Your Speech Ackowledging audience/referring the subjectRelating a story/ an example Creating a suspenseAsking rthetorial questionsCiting a quotat

20、ionReviewing history第18頁/共23頁 topic : Gambling On what form of entertainmene do Ameircans spend the greatest amount of money?Ill give some hints. Its not recorded music. Its not sports events. Its not TV, nor rock concerts, nor video arcades, nor theme parks. Its legalized gambling on which Americans each year spend $340 billion-more money than they spend on all other forms of entertainment combined.第19頁/共23頁 topic : Honesty Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool all the people some of the ti


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