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1、一一. .基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞二二. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法第1頁/共23頁基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞onetwelvetwotwentythreetwenty-onefourfortyfiveone hundredsixone hundred and fiveeightone hundred and twenty-nineninenineteen一一. .基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty-firstfortiethone hundre

2、dthone hundred and fifthone hundred and twenty-ninthnineteenth第2頁/共23頁基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞的口訣 一二三,要死記;四后都加th; 五用f換ve,其后都加th; 六七同四首規(guī)律; 八少t,九去e, 然后再加th; 十和十一首規(guī)律;十二f換ve,然后再加th; 十三起,十九止,其后都加 th; 整十?dāng)?shù)有規(guī)律,先將y變?yōu)閕e,然后再加th; 幾十幾,有規(guī)律,前半基數(shù)后半序,在用短橫線連起;第3頁/共23頁二二. .基數(shù)詞的讀法基數(shù)詞的讀法1 1、百位和十位間用 and 連接, , 十位和個(gè)位間用 - 連接three hundred an

3、d twenty-one3212 2、右往左數(shù), ,三位一組, ,逗號(hào)隔開. .依次是 thousand(千) million (百萬) billion (十億)第4頁/共23頁four thousand three hundred and twenty-oneseven million,six hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred and twenty-one7,654,3211,987,654,32143214,321one billion nine hundred and eighty-seven million,six hundre

4、d and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one第5頁/共23頁1. hundred thousand (表示表示具體具體數(shù)字?jǐn)?shù)字) million billion2. hundreds thousands (表示表示概數(shù)概數(shù)) millions billions三三. .基數(shù)詞的用法基數(shù)詞的用法數(shù)詞( (several)+)+ ofsome / many hundreds of第6頁/共23頁1. If a = 3, b=4, whats the answer to the problem, a+2ab+1=? the answer

5、 is_. A. twenty eight B. twenty-eighth C. twenty-eight2. In our school several _ students are able to search the Internet . A. hunderd of B. hunderds of C. hundred第7頁/共23頁3. Many _ sheep were killed in the accident. A. thousands of B. thousand C. thousands4. There are over nine _ workers in the fact

6、ory, but _ of young people hope to work in it. A. hundred; hundreds B. hundreds; hundreds C. hundreds; hundred第8頁/共23頁 月日年月日年 在在2008年年10月月1日日四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 年月日年月日on Octorber the first, two thousand and eight日日the + 序數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞月月(首字母大寫)(首字母大寫)月日與年之間月日與年之間用用 ,分開分開年年(兩位兩位讀)(兩位兩位讀)on August the ninthin Ma

7、y, two thousand and ten有日用有日用 onon 無日用無日用ininon Oct. 1st , 2008 月日 在8月月9日日 月年 在2010年年5月月第9頁/共23頁1. The accident happened on_. A. April 5, 2001 B. 2001, April 5 C. April 2001, 52. I was born _. A. in March 8, 1993 B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May, 1995第10頁/共23頁20世紀(jì)90年代in the 1990s/ in the 1990s在他50多歲時(shí)in

8、his fifties四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 年代世紀(jì)年代世紀(jì)in thein ones + 整十基數(shù)詞復(fù)數(shù)在某人幾十歲時(shí)nineteen nineties第11頁/共23頁1. There will be more chances in _ century than in _ century. A. twenty-one, twenty B. twenty-first, twentieth C. the twenty-first, the twentieth2. The city changed a lot _. A. in 1980s B. in the 1980s C. in

9、 the 1980第12頁/共23頁3. He graduated in _ of _ century. A. the sixtieth; twenty B. sixty; the twentieth C. the sixties; the twentieth4. He got the prize _. A. in his fifties B. in fifties C. in his fifty第13頁/共23頁時(shí)間類型時(shí)間類型表示法表示法例例讀法讀法整點(diǎn)整點(diǎn)基數(shù)詞(基數(shù)詞(+ oclock) 1:0030分鐘分鐘分鐘分鐘 + past +小時(shí)小時(shí) 2:10= 30 分鐘分鐘half + p

10、ast + 小時(shí)小時(shí)3:3030分鐘分鐘(60-分鐘)分鐘) + to +(小時(shí)(小時(shí) + 1)4:40分鐘逢分鐘逢15即即 一刻鐘一刻鐘a quarter5:156:45簡(jiǎn)化法簡(jiǎn)化法按順序讀基數(shù)詞按順序讀基數(shù)詞7:50one oclockten past twohalf past threetwenty to fivea quarter past fivea quarter to sevenseven fifty表示在幾點(diǎn)鐘用介詞表示在幾點(diǎn)鐘用介詞 atat四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 時(shí)間時(shí)間第14頁/共23頁1. Its already 7:40 now. When will th

11、e film start? _. We still have five minutes. A. A quarter to seven B. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter to eight第15頁/共23頁1 15 5分子分子 基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞分母分母 序數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞one fifthone fifth2 27 7分子分子 1 1分母分母 + s+ stwo seventhtwo sevenths s1 14 4分子分子 a a分母分母 quarterquartera quartera quarter3 34 4three quarterthree quarte

12、rs s1 12 2a halfa half四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 分?jǐn)?shù)分?jǐn)?shù)第16頁/共23頁1. _ of the students _ boys in Class A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is2. _ of her money _ spent on clothes. A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is C. Two third; is3. _ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and _ of the

13、m are women teachers. A. The number of; two third B. The number of ; two thirds C. A number of; two thirds第17頁/共23頁一個(gè)半小時(shí)一個(gè)半小時(shí)兩個(gè)半小時(shí)兩個(gè)半小時(shí) two two andand a half hour a half hours s= two hour= two hours s andand a half a half one one andand a half hour a half hours s= one hour = one hour andand a half a

14、 half四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 半的表示法半的表示法1. The boy always stays there for _. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and a half hours2. The old man drank_ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half第18頁/共23頁一般編碼用一般編碼用 名詞名詞 + + 基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞207207房房 三年級(jí)一班三年級(jí)一班第五部分第五

15、部分第一課第一課3 3 號(hào)汽車號(hào)汽車第一中學(xué)第一中學(xué)Room 207 Room 207 Class one Grade threeClass one Grade threepart five = the fifth partpart five = the fifth partlesson one = the first lesson lesson one = the first lesson Bus No.3 =Bus No.3 = the No.3 busthe No.3 busNo. 1 Middle SchoolNo. 1 Middle School四四. .數(shù)詞的表示法數(shù)詞的表示法 編號(hào)編號(hào)第19頁/共23頁 The winner is _. He is an _ boy . A. eight-year-old; eight years old B. eight years old; eight-year-old C. eight-years old; eight-year-old He came to China


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