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1、Unit 1 0verview of quotaUnit 1 0verview of quotaUnit 2 Construction quotaUnit 2 Construction quotaUnit 3 Budget quotaUnit 3 Budget quotaUnit 4 Unit 4 Approximate estimation quotaChapter 2 project quotaUnit 1 overview of quota、what is quota?Quota is the standard number of manpower, machinery, materia

2、ls, and capital.That is under normal construction conditions, according to the technical rules and construction specifications, within a reasonable labor organization and the reasonable use of material and mechanical conditions, to construct a qualified product.Precast slab is installed by One tower

3、 crane: 1 crane driver+ 2 welders+ 5lifting workers =reasonable5 welders+1 lifting worker=unreasonableHow many bricks, cement, steel bars are needed in 100m2 concrete。、classificationBy factorsLabor quotaMachinery quotaMaterial quota、classificationBy usageConstruction quotabudget quotagross estimatio

4、n quotaEstimation quota估算指標Construction quotaBudget quotaApproximate estimation quotaEstimation quotaUnit is construction courseUnit is construction courseUnit is branch workUnit is branch workUnit is expansive branch workUnit is expansive branch workUnit is the whole buildingUnit is the whole build

5、ing quotaConstruction quotaBudget quotaapproximate estimation quotaEstimation quotacharacterEnterprisevaluationSocial valuationSocial valuationSocial valuationstandardaverage advanced levelsocial average standardsocial average standardsocial average standardExtend to detail The most detailMore detai

6、lgeneralroughreferencein-situ dataConstruction quotaBudget quotaThe previous dataUse Construction budgeConstruction drawing budgetDesign estimateInvestment estimation Average advanced level is average index of advanced. It is the quota(usually refer to the fixed time) in which less of staff can comp

7、lete the work. Construction units must have average advanced level, that means they have advanced technique or advanced machinery or better organization. They have fewer cost, so they have more profit. notice:the higher average advanced level, the lower the number in quota. Average advanced level 平均

8、先進水平Example: There are statistics numbers about time consuming:30,40,70,50,70,70,40,50,40,50,90。Please calculate the average advanced level?solution:First, remove the highest number that is unreasonable, calculate the average valueThen, calculate the average advanced level using the number below 51.

9、511050405040707050704030ueaverageval42.9735040330level advanced averageUnit 2Unit 2 construction quotaconstruction quota Basic Basic quotaquotaLabor quotaLabor quotaMaterial consumption quotaMaterial consumption quotaMachinery quotaMachinery quotaUnit 2 construction quota、labor quotalabor quotaLabor

10、 quota is the standard number of manpower.That is under normal construction conditions, according to the technical rules and construction specifications, within a reasonable labor organization to construct a qualified product.two expression formstwo expression forms: time quota production quotatime

11、quota production quota (1 1)time quotatime quota quotaproductionworkingday 1)(quota timeThe time for finished the qualified product.definitionWorking day per unit。Such as :working day/m3,working day/tunitformula For example:excavate soil step,quota is 45 working days/1000m2 ()() production quota Tha

12、t is under normal construction conditions, the number of a qualified product is constructed in unit time.quotat ime1quota productiontimeunit production qualified of number thequota production For example:excavate soil step,time quota is 45 working days/1000m2 So, what is the production quota?daywork

13、ingm /2.22451000quota production2Inverse of each otherExercise For an earthwork engineering, ii-class soil, the volume of digging base tank is 450 m3, there are 24 workers every day, time quota is 0.205 working days/man.m3, please calculate how many working days to complete the construction works? 4

14、500.20524=3.844 working daysExercise A plaster team has 13 workers to plaster a house inside and out, 25 days to complete the task, production quota of 10.2 m m2 2 / man-day is known .Try to calculate plastering area that plaster team will complete? 【solutionsolution】plastering areaplastering area10

15、.210.2131325253315m3315m2 2Table format of labor quotasingle、doubleprojectHardwood handrail production & installationInstallation the stairsHardwood bendgeneralcomplex Steel , aluminum , non-slip strip for stairsRug nip roll stripbendTail-bendFlat-pan bandCorner-cutting bend(m)(piece)Time quota0

16、.1880.2990.06250.08331.180.7990.5040.184Production quota5.323.3416120.8471.251.985.43No.12345678Quota of stair handrail()Example: For the quantities of production & installation about hardwood handrail are known:handrail,25.5m;stair handrail bend,8;tail bend,1. Calculate how many working days to

17、 finish the production & installation?No.Project unitquantitiesTime quotaworking days1product & install stair handrailm25.50.1884.802product & install bendpiece個8.01.189.443product & install tail bendpiece只1.00.7990.7994sum15.217Labor quota about production & installation of hard

18、wood handrail0.18825.5+1.188+0.799=15.217suspended ceiling about light steel keel() Labor quota table/m m2 2projectplywoodfiberboardTK board,FC boardgypsum board,asbestos boardaluminium alloy plateexpanded metalNo.synthesis 0.2763.62 0.3283.05 0.3083.25 0.3962.53 0.2673.751Hanging bar 0.1825.49 0.2084.81 0.2084.81 0.2084.8l 0.1825.492nailing faceplate0.09410.6 0.128.33 0.110 0.1885.32 0.08511.83No.12345Table format of labor quotasingle, double Example: For a suspended ceiling about light steel keel ,the f


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