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1、 the context 背景 relevance of the iucn pa categories iucn保護地類別的合理性 regulations for pas in china 中國保護地條例 problems and prospects 問題和前景 recommendations 建議analysis of pa situation in china by patf 保護地課題組關(guān)于中國保護地現(xiàn)狀的分析major constraints related to lack of flexibility in legal & management options identif

2、ied 主要問題是缺乏法律的靈活性和管理方法的多樣選擇lack of understanding of management objective-based categorisation of pas 對為管理目的而建立的保護地類別體系缺乏了解need felt for review in relation to the iucn categories system & to assess feasibility of its application 根據(jù)iucn類別體系進行評審,并對應(yīng)用這一體系的可行性進行評估 detailed presentation already made b

3、y adrian phillips on basic concepts and relevance. adrian phillips已經(jīng)詳細陳述了基本概念和相關(guān)內(nèi)容 please also refer to the relevant sections in draft report. 請參考報告草案的相關(guān)部分principal one 1994 regulations on nature reserves (nrs) 最重要的是1994年頒布的自然保護區(qū)(nr)條例nature reserve land management measures, 1995 自然保護區(qū)土地管理措施,1995pri

4、nciples for classifying the grades & categories of nature reserves, 1993 自然保護區(qū)等級和類別劃分原則,1993regulations on scenic & historic interest areas, 1985 風(fēng)景和歷史名勝區(qū)條例,1985regulations of forestry parks, 1993 森林公園條例,1993temporary outline provisions on ecological function zones, 2002 生態(tài)功能區(qū)暫行條款,2002nation

5、al standards classify nrs into 3 categories and 9 types. 國家標(biāo)準將自然保護區(qū)劃分為3大類別和9個類型management zones of nrs to comprise “core”, “buffer”, “experimental” & “outer” zones. 自然保護區(qū)的管理區(qū)由核心區(qū)、緩沖區(qū)、實驗區(qū)和外圍帶組成some broad purposes defined for each zone, along with management prescriptions. 每個區(qū)制定了主要目標(biāo)以及相應(yīng)的管理規(guī)定other

6、 protected areas also have management prescriptions & proscriptions in regulations relevant to them. 其他保護地在相關(guān)條例中制定的管理規(guī)定和禁令please refer to tables 2 and 3 in draft report. 請參考報告草案表一和表二category of protected area保護地類保護地類別別sub-category or type亞類別或亞類別或類型類型management zone管理區(qū)管理區(qū)examples of existing prot

7、ected areas 現(xiàn)有保護地特例現(xiàn)有保護地特例potentially possible assignment to iucn categories可能歸屬的可能歸屬的iucn類別類別1.nature reserve自然保護區(qū)ecosystem type生態(tài)系統(tǒng)類生態(tài)系統(tǒng)類型型 xishuangbana; qilianshan; nansihu; lop nur desert nr西雙版納;祁連山;西雙版納;祁連山;南南泗湖泗湖;羅布泊羅布泊i, ii, v, or vi wildlife type野生生物類野生生物類型型 woolong; crested ibis reserve臥龍臥龍

8、 ;朱鹮;朱鹮保護區(qū)保護區(qū)iv natural relic type自然遺跡類自然遺跡類型型 mt. qinglongshan;wudalianchi volcanic field青龍青龍山;五山;五大連大連池池火山火山iii core area核心區(qū)核心區(qū) ia buffer zone緩沖區(qū)緩沖區(qū) ia or ib experimental zone實驗區(qū)實驗區(qū) ii or vi outer protection area外圍保護外圍保護帶帶 vcategory of protected area保護地類保護地類別別sub-category or type亞類別或亞類別或者類型者類型mana

9、gement zone管理地帶管理地帶examples of existing protected areas 現(xiàn)有保護地現(xiàn)有保護地特例特例potentially possible assignment to iucn categories可能歸屬的可能歸屬的iucniucn類別類別2.forest park森林公園森林公園 fujian fuzhou; fujian longyan福建福州;福福建福州;福建建 龍巖龍巖ii, vi3.scenic interest area風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū) huanglong; wulingyuan; jiuzhaigou黃龍;武陵源;黃龍;武陵源;九寨

10、溝九寨溝ii, v4.ecological function conservation area生態(tài)功能保生態(tài)功能保護區(qū)護區(qū) gansu; shaanxi qinling甘肅;陜西秦甘肅;陜西秦嶺嶺 v, or severalv,或者幾個或者幾個all chinese protected areas qualify under the iucn definition 所有中國保護地符合iucn的保護地定義no specific management prescriptions to distinguish each of the 3 categories of nrs 沒有具體的管理規(guī)定區(qū)分三

11、種自然保護區(qū)類別“buffer zone” is not a traditional bz and only marginally different from the “core zone” “緩沖區(qū)”不是傳統(tǒng)的“buffer zone”,和“核心區(qū)”區(qū)別很小“outer/peripheral zone” is only an optional zone “外圍帶”只是可選擇的區(qū)域efca a potential protected area? 生態(tài)功能區(qū)是潛在的保護地?regulations enable integration of nrs within overall plans of

12、 local governments 需要將自然保護區(qū)融入地方政府的整體規(guī)劃的條例conflicts between pa agencies and local communities 保護地機構(gòu)與當(dāng)?shù)厣鐓^(qū)的沖突no policy or regulations to govern resource use rights 沒有制定對資源使用權(quán)進行管理的政策或者條例lack of clarity in objectives for management zones 管理區(qū)的目標(biāo)模糊stakeholder participation in preparation of pa management p

13、lans missing 利益相關(guān)者沒有參與保護地管理規(guī)劃的籌備工作need for protected areas corresponding to categories v & vi 需要建立與類別v和類別vi相應(yīng)的保護地 frame rules under section 42 of the 1994 regulations on nature reserves to distinguish existing 3 categories 1994年條例第四十二章制定了區(qū)分現(xiàn)有保護地三大類別的規(guī)則 rationalise zoning system & clearly def

14、ine management objectives for each zone 分區(qū)制合理化,明確每個區(qū)的管理目標(biāo) allow for multi-category identity for pas 允許保護地劃歸多個類別 be mindful of the “three-fourth” rule 注意“四分之三”原則 adopt a unified framework law to cover all categories/types of protected areas 制定包含所有保護地類別/類型的統(tǒng)一的法律框架 assign overall coordination & ove

15、rsight function to one agency, including for framework law & subordinate legislation 賦予單個機構(gòu)整體協(xié)調(diào)和監(jiān)督的權(quán)利,制定框架法律和其附屬法律 broad consultative process involving all key stakeholders must determine categories most appropriate to china 向所有重要利益相關(guān)者集思廣益,確定最適合中國的類別 purpose & function that protected areas a

16、re expected to fulfill must determine categories 保護地預(yù)期實現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)和功能必須與類別相一致 avoid tendency to match names to iucn categories 避免配合iucn類別名稱的傾向 use principal management objective as the main basis 把主要管理目標(biāo)作為主要基礎(chǔ) re-assess existing protected areas & assign categories after new legislation & categories

17、 system is established 建立新的法規(guī)和類別體系之后,重新評估現(xiàn)有保護地,劃分類別 do not link re-assessment to management status only to objectives as originally established 重新評估不考慮管理現(xiàn)狀,只關(guān)注原定目標(biāo) national protected areas system plan should drive review of existing protected areas & creation of new ones 制定國家級保護地體系規(guī)劃,從而對現(xiàn)有保護地進行評

18、審,創(chuàng)建新的保護地 consider graded system of protection using most or all categories to achieve diverse objectives 利用多數(shù)或者所有類別完善分級保護體系,實現(xiàn)不同目標(biāo)category lvyesnois the area managed through legal or other effective means?not a protected areais the sustainable use of natural products to meet local community needs a

19、llowed in the area?yesnonot a protected areayesis habitat manipulation a primary management tool?yescategory lvnois managed visitor use a primary objective?nodoes the area contain predominantly unmodified natural systems?yesnocategory vlcategory vis the objective to protect a specific natural or natural/cultural features?is habita


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