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1、4A Un it 1 I like dogs班級 姓名 學(xué)號.、詞組看look at 這些熊貓these pan das這只狗 this dog 喜歡狗 like dogs.11. these toy ani mals13. cute and fat15. have three pies17. my good little dog19. in the tree/ on the tree這些玩具動物 又胖又可愛有三個派我的好小狗在樹上21.o n the mat在毯子上23.Would you like .?25.1 have 我有你想要。嗎?一只桔色的老虎an or

2、ange tiger那些貓 those cats喜歡那只豬like that pig 十一猴子eleven mon keys孩子們 不喜歡獅子小猴在木頭上跟著我跑去拿我的大包OOO 想要。OO12. boys and girls14. don ' t like lions16. little mo nkey18. on the log20.r un with me22. go and get my big bag24.would like .二、句型1.1 like horses. TheyI like this pig. It2. Do you like pan das?你喜歡熊貓嗎

3、?3. What ' s this /that/it我喜歡馬。它們很可愛。我喜歡這只豬。它又胖又可愛。Yes, I do. / No, I don' t.是的,我喜歡。/不,我不喜歡。? It ' s a brown dog. 這/那/它是什么?它是一只棕色的狗。 They' re tigers.這些/那些/它們是什么?它們是老虎。're lovely.'s cute and fat.4. What are these/those/they?5. Would you like a pie?你想要一個派嗎?6.1 have a hot dog he

4、re.Yes, please. / No. tha nks.(No, tha nk you.)好的,請。/不,謝謝。我這兒有一只熱狗。7. My good little dog, go and get my big bag on the log.我的好小狗,去把在木頭上我的大包拿過來。8. Look , this is my cat. 看,這是我的貓。 Look at my cat . 看我的貓。三、語音: 字母 g /g/: bag , good, girl, great, dog, green /d3/orange四、語法知識點1. like+ 名詞復(fù)數(shù) : 喜歡某物like cats -

5、喜歡這些/那些like these/those catsLike+ 名詞單數(shù):喜歡這只/那只狗like this/that catLike+the/my +名詞復(fù)數(shù)或者單數(shù),看具體情況:like my cats/cat ,like the cat/cats2 拓展 I , You, We , They +like He/She/It/the boy/my mother+likes3. Would you like 不能直接加名詞,要加 this , that , these , those , the , a, two , some 等詞。Would you like this pie ? s

6、ome pies ?4. 句子改寫我喜歡狗。I like dogs。否定句 我不喜歡狗I don ' t like dogs.一般疑問句 Do you like dogs ?你喜歡狗嗎?肯定回答:Yes, I do.否定回答 No, I don' t.劃線dogs提問,What (animals ) do you like ?你喜歡什么(動物)?5. 我想要一個派?I would like a pie ?否定句 I would not like a pie?一般疑問句 Would you like a pie ? 你想要一個派嗎?肯定答:Yes, please.否定答:No,

7、thanks.(thank you)劃線 a pie What would you like?你想要什么?知識點練習(xí)一、選出劃線部分發(fā)音與其他三個不同的單詞。()I.A.big B.bag C.picture D.book()2.A.dog_B.orangeC.pigD.good_()3.A.name B.monkeyC.mumD. _mother_()4.A.lion B.library _ C.doll D.red _()5.A.hamburger B.horseC.thanksD.hot( )6.A.car _ .cat C.nige D.ca n_二、選出不同類的單詞。()1. A.

8、pie B. cat C. cake D. hot dog()2 .A. mon keys B. cats C. horse D.dogs()3. A. I B. you C. his D.we()4. A. do B. cute C. fat D.nice()5. A. they B. these C. those D.this()6. A.she B.your C.her D.my三、選擇合適的單詞填空1. Look at this (cat / cats). It's lovely.2. This is a .1 like .(cow / cows)3. you like dog

9、s? No, I .(do / don't)4. Look at (that / those) pictures.5.1 like . Do you like ? (pa nda / pan das)6. Look at those cats,big,look at that cat,little(it' s,they ' re)四、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.That is(he) rubber. I like toy(bus).2.What are(that )?Don't(stand) up,please.3.She is(me)En glish teac

10、her.4.I like(lion),but I don'tlikethat(lio n).5.These are(pa nda).Ilike(pa nda).6.Look atthiscat.It'slovely!I like(cat).7.They're(mon key).Ilike.(mon key).8.I don'tlikethat(pie).Doyoulike(pie)?五、根據(jù)所給情景選擇合適的答案()1.詢問這些是什么? A. What's this? B. What are these? C. What are those?()2.告訴

11、朋友你喜歡藍色,可說: A. It's blue. B. Blue. C. I like blue.()3.告訴老師你喜歡狗,可說: A. I like dogs. B. They're dogs. C. This is a dog.()4.別人你喜歡熊貓,你會說:A.Yes,l do . B.I like pandas,too.()5.你想詢問對方是否喜歡牛奶,別人會回答: A.Yes, please. B.No,I don ' t.()6.你想告訴別人這些東西很可愛,你會說 A:It ' s cute. B.They ' re cute.六、選擇題(

12、)1.that dog . A.See B Look at C. Look()2. Look! It's a lion A toB.at C./()3. Theseare very lovely.A cat B.cats C. a cat()4. I likeapple.It ' s nice.A.this B.these C.those()5. Do you like dogs? Yes, I. A. do B. don' t C. am()6. Do you like those? A. lio ns B. mon keyC. tiger()7. Do you li

13、ke that? No, I don ' t. I like cats.A. dogs B. panda C. elepha nts()8.you like a pie? No, thanks. A. Don' t B. Do C. Would()9. Look at the toy pan das.cute and fat.A. It ' s B. He ' s C. They ' re()10.you like pies?you like some pies?A.Would,Do B.Do,Would C.Do,Do D.Would ,Would()

14、11.you see the cat ?Yes, I can.you have a cat ?No,I don' t.A.Do,Do B.Ca n,Ca n C.Ca n ,Do D.Do,Ca n()12.your cat cute ?your tigers fat ?A.Do,Is B.Are,Are C.Is,Is D.Is,Are七、按要求改寫句子。1.1 like tiger 否定句 Itigers.(一般疑問句)tigers?否定回答,.劃線提問?2.1 would like a pie.一般疑問句like a pie ?否定回答,.3.1 don ' t like

15、 cats. 肯定句 I.4. Do you like that pa nda ? 陳述句that pa nda .5. This is a box.復(fù)數(shù).6. Those are apples . 單數(shù).7. They are orange mon keys.單數(shù)orange.8. This is my toy pan da.(一般疑問句 )toy pan da?肯定回答,.9. These are lions . 否定句 These()lions.一般疑問句lion s?否定回答,.劃線提問.10. Are these pen cils?肯定回答,.11. Are you Wang Bin

16、g?(作肯定回答 ),12. That's a toy car.( 對畫線部分提問)八、根據(jù)中文提示填寫單詞,補全向子。1. Would you like( 一只)egg? 2.這些是玩具貓。Thesetoy3. A mon key is(在)the tree.A n apple is(在)the tree .4. 你喜歡熊貓嗎?是的,我喜歡。 you?,15. 你喜歡那只鳥嗎 ?不,我不喜歡。youthat? No,I 6. 看看這只獅子。Look atlion.7. 我有一些葡萄。你有一些葡萄嗎?I havegrapes. Do you havegrapes?8. 這是一只小鳥。.

17、9. 那些是公共汽車。九、連詞成旬。1. cute,are,fat,these,a nd, pan das (. )2ike, those, lio ns, I (. )3. you, like,cake,a, would (?)4. don't, this, like, I, elepha nt (.)5. at, that,mon key,look(.)6. what, is, over, that,there(. )7. like,do,a nimals, toy,you(?)8. at, boys,girls,look,the,toy,pa ndas,a nd(,.)十一、將下

18、列句子按先后順序排成對話。A. They ' re cute.B. I like pan das. They ' re cute and fat.C. Look at these toy cats! I like cats.D. No, I don ' t.E. Do you like cats?十二、閱讀對話,判斷正 (T)誤(F)。Lily: I have a toy cat. Do you like cats? Nancy: Yes,I do. And I like tigers too.Lily: Do you have a toy cat? Nan cy: N

19、o,but I have some toy tigers.Lily: How many toy tigers do you have? Nancy: I have three.()1. Lily has (有)a toy cat.( ) 2. Na ncy does n't like cats.()3. Nancy has two toy tigers.( ) 4. The toy cat is lovely. 十一、完型填空I likeani malsand I haveThis 3 acat. It's lovely.5_ elepha nt.some toyI likeL

20、ook at 2 ani mals.They're8They'refat(胖的).9I likemy animals. _10_ youlike()1.A. an imalB.catsC.a nimals()2.A. yourB.myC.his()3.A. areB.doC.is()4.A. theB.theyC.it()5.A. aB.anC./()6.A. bigB.smallC.little()7.A. theseB.thisC.that()8.A. Whats B.WhereC.Where'4AU nit1大默寫過關(guān)班級姓名That's6sIt's sovery much. and stro ng.my dog?my toyWhat are_7_?It's on the sofa.ani mals?學(xué)號成績、詞組1.玩具動物2.孩子們3.看這只狗4.喜歡貓5.又可愛又胖6.想要7.在樹上8.不喜歡這些大象9.跟著我跑 10.在毯子上11.小猴子12.喜歡那只馬 二、句子11.看這些獅子,孩子們。 12.你喜歡老虎嗎?13.是的,我喜歡。不,我不喜歡。1


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