教案模板范文 《LookattheMonkeys》教案范文模板_第1頁
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1、教案模板范文 Look,at,the,Monkeys教案范文模板一個好的教學設(shè)計是一節(jié)課成敗的關(guān)鍵,要根據(jù)不同的課題進行靈活的教學設(shè)計。首先對每一個課題的教學內(nèi)容要有一個整體的把握。下面就是小編給大家?guī)淼腖ook at the Monkeys教案,希望能幫助到大家!Look at the Monkeys教案(一)教學目標1、能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.2、能夠聽、說、認讀句子:The elephant is dri

2、nking water with its trunk.教學重難點教學重點 本課時的教學重點是能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:What is it doing? It’s eating bananas. What is she doing? She’s jumping.教學難點 能夠聽、說、認讀句子:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.教學過程Step1: Pre-reading 1. Chant together.Look at the elephants.What are they doing? What

3、 are they doing?They are drinking water. They are drinking water.Look at the monkeys.What are they doing? What are they doing?They are swinging. They are swinging.【設(shè)計意圖:通過說唱的形式,吸引學生的注意力,活躍課堂氣氛?!?、Review(1)出示,教師提問,請學生來回答。T: What is it? Do you like it? What is it doing? Yes, it’s hungry.等。(2

4、)展示下一張幻燈片,教師接著詢問,T:What can you see? What are they? Oh, the baby kangroo is so cute. What is it doing? What is the motherkangroo doing?(3)之后的幾幅圖片請學生來問答?!驹O(shè)計意圖:起到了復(fù)習和鋪墊的作用?!?4)(最后一幅呈現(xiàn)大象喝水的圖片,學生問答之后,教師進行講解。)T:We drink water with our mouths.But the elephant is drinking water with its trunk.(教師邊說句子邊做動作。)

5、并解釋:Trunk means elephant’s nose.然后領(lǐng)讀句子,并進行機械操練?!驹O(shè)計意圖:運用圖片并加上教師肢體動作的方法來幫助學生理解難點句子,更加形象,生動,便于理解和記憶。】Step2: While-reading Task1.Read the dialogue silently and quickly. And find out the answers. Please circle the key words. Q:What animals are there in the dialogue?2. Read the dialogue silently

6、 again and circle the right pictures. (文后第1題)Read and answer.( ) (1). Kangaroos live in Australia.( ) (2). Kangaroos like to be quiet at night.( ) (3). Baby kangaroos remain in theirmother’s pouch for 5-6 years.3. Read the dialogue loudly and write the answers and the questions. (文后第2題)(1)

7、.What is the mother kangaroo doing ?She is jumping.(2).What is the baby kangaroo doing?It's sleeping.(3). What is the elephant doing ?It’s drinking water.Step3: Post-reading1.Listen to the tape.2. Follow the tape.3. Read the dialogue in pairs, then act.4. 補全對話。內(nèi)容如下: Sarah:Look at t

8、he minkey. Chen: _? Sarah:It is _ bananas. It’s hungry. Chen: That baby kangroo is so cute. It’s sleeping.Sarah:What about the mother kangroo? _? Chen: _ jumping. Sarah:Do you see any elephants? I love elephants. Chen: Yes. Look there! That elephant is drinking water with its tru

9、nk.【設(shè)計意圖:讓學生以寫的形式來鞏固本課重點句型?!?. Read and do the actions(1) 教師利用本課句型進行詢問,并請學生作答。示范兩三組后,進行生生問答。 (2)Write some sentences about the picture.6.Make a show report.【設(shè)計意圖:培養(yǎng)學生的語言表達能力和語言運用能力。 】Step4: Homework每人畫一幅動物園的圖畫并進行描述?!驹O(shè)計意圖:激發(fā)興趣,提高積極性,并使學生能學以致用?!苛鍟O(shè)計Unit 5 Look At The MonkeysA Read and writeWhat is i

10、t doing?It is ing. What is she doing? She is ing.Look at the Monkeys教案(二)教學目標1. 句型What are they doing? They are swimming。They are climbing trees. 2. 培養(yǎng)學生語言運用能力與創(chuàng)造力。能夠運用語言去完成一些任務(wù)型的活動。 3. 培養(yǎng)學生通過以舊帶新的方式自主閱讀,同時注重合作學習。 教學重難點重點 What are they doing? They are. Can the animals really do something?難點 Here com

11、e two tigers . Can tigers really swim? Yes , they can . They’re good climbers.教學過程1.Sing the song: (rhythm: Happy new year.)What are they doing (3) in the park? They are jumpingwalkingflying in the park? What are they doing (3) in the park? They are swimming unningfighting in the park? Wha

12、t are they doing (3) in the park? They are swingingdrinkingsleeping in the park?2.Let’s chant:Koalas are sleeping.Kangaroos are leaping(跳躍).Two bears are fighting.The small bear is biting(咬).A monkey is climbing.A bird is flying.A lion is snoring.The zoo is never boring(不無聊).3. Show them a

13、 park: Do you see any animals?Models: Oh, boys and girl. Just look at the beautiful park! It’s beautiful, isn’t it? So many animals are in it. How many animals can you see? Do you see any animals. Look ! Here come some birds! What are the birds doing? Can the birds really fly? .

14、Very well, boys and girls! You did a good job! I have some friends. They are in a big nature park. They are Sarah, Amy, and ChenJie. Let’s go and have a look with them! And we can watch what the animals are doing now. OK? NaturePark 適時鼓勵學生所作出的成績,為他們的自信加油打氣.為進一步的自主學習打下良好的基礎(chǔ).既然有了上一步的情景的引出,很輕

15、松地引出本課的三個主人翁:Sarah, Amy, and ChenJie. 并及時有效的引導學生去和他們一起觀察自然公園中的動物們在做什么4. General reading: Show them four questions, and then let them read the leaning material and find the answers quickly!: Can tigers really swim?( ) A:Yes,they can’t: No, they aren’t: The pandas are( ). A: climbi

16、ng trees B: drinking water (When the students find the answers, as a teacher, he should go into with them and help them to find the answers quickly.)【設(shè)計意圖】由猜測到尋求答案,教師先出示問題,指導學生帶著問題閱讀并通過快速默讀理解語篇大意。主要采用個人閱讀的方式。設(shè)置的問題是較簡單的判斷,以便給予學生閱讀的自信。5.Detailed reading: Show them two questions, and then let them read

17、 the leaning material carefully, circle the answers with pens.Answer the questionsWhat are the tigers doing?What are the pandas doing?(blackboard design)Read and write: Pay attention to the students’ writing and let them finish this task. e.g:What is she doing? (he) → what is he d

18、oing?:They are climbing trees. (drinking water):Can tigers swim? (rabbits fly)6.Listen to the tape: (twice) Watch the video and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and then encourage them to imitate.7.Read aloud:(read in groups) Now boys and girls, your time is coming! I will give you two minutes to practice it! And I hope you can believe it and do it! OK! GO!8.Role play(3 minutes)Several student showing their practical results and role play fluently. what a big nature park(rhythm: Persian cat) What a big nature park. Wha


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