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1、學習必備歡迎下載新版四年級下學期單詞、短語、句型歸納(每天朗讀 )Class_ Name_ No._一、單詞1. 形容詞: kind, shy, round, friendly, tired, free, bored, interesting, fun,fast,clever,high , beautiful,pretty,handsome,tall,short,strong, thin, weak, heavy, fit2. 星期: (on) Sunday ,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday3. 月份:(in) January

2、, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December4. 季節(jié):(in)spring, summer, autumn, winter5. 節(jié)日: Christmas, Mother Day,s Teachers Day, Halloween, Spring Festival6. 運動: football, basketball, skate, kung fu, table tennis, tennis, chess, swimming, volleyball, badm

3、inton, the long jump, the high jump7. 動詞: look like, know, sleep, swim, run, jump, visit, listen, email, fish,dance, think, try, dress, fly8.名 詞 :glasses,uniform,routine,lunch,dinner,day,breakfast,exercise, week, today, parent, housework, park, film, cartoon, king, picnic, water, present, card, part

4、y, candle,二、短語Unit 1look like看起來像with glasses戴著眼鏡know him/her認識他 / 她in a white hat戴著白色帽子的學習必備歡迎下載* in后面跟顏色衣著eg: in a black uniform, in a blue jacket, in red jeanswith后面跟飾品或物品等eg: with a bag, with long hair, with grey hairUnit 2What is like? 像什么? a round face一張圓圓的臉long hair長頭發(fā) turn on thelight開燈one o

5、f復+數(shù)其中一個Unit 3get up起床go to school上學time for class該是上課的時候go back home回家do my homework 完成作業(yè)so tired太累了* time to 該是 的時候( time to跟動作eg: time to go to school)time for( time for跟名詞eg: time for school )* half past 半點eg: half past one一點半half past six六點半 past過幾分 eg: eight past ten八點十twenty past four四點二十a(chǎn) qu

6、arter past十五分eg: a quarter past three三點十五分a quarter to +小時 +1eg: a quarter to seven六點四十五分 o clock整點eg: twelve o clock十二點正Unit 4have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner吃早餐、午餐、晚餐have classes上課take exercise做運動go running去跑步go swimming 去游泳do one s homework做作業(yè)watch TV看電視on weekdays在平日play with my dog與我的小狗玩read story

7、 books讀故事書go to bed去睡覺wake up叫醒from to從到Unit 5favourite day最喜歡的一天play games玩游戲have fun玩得開心*love +動詞 inglove singing, love dancing, love skating學習必備歡迎下載love +名詞love sports, love EnglishUnit 6do housework做家務clean my room打掃我的房間go to the park去公園visit my friends拜訪我的朋友see a film看電影go shopping去購物Unit 7do s

8、ome reading讀點書aninterestingbook一本有趣的書 watchcartoons看卡通take photos拍照listen to music聽音樂draw a picture畫畫email my friends發(fā)電子郵件給朋友have a picnic去野餐water the flowers澆花 enjoy the weekend享受周末Unit 8fish in the park在公園釣魚swim in the pool在泳池游泳fly a kite放風箏eat in the kitchen在廚房吃東西play music玩音樂play cards 打牌sing ka

9、raoke唱 Ksurf the Internet上網(wǎng)go hiking遠足Unit 9play football踢足球play basketball打籃球play tennis打網(wǎng)球play table tennis打乒乓球do the long jump跳遠 do the high jump跳高do kung fu打武功play chess下棋Unit 10take a bath洗澡play volleyball打排球run fast跑得快chess player棋手jump high跳得高play well 彈得好Unit 11go on繼續(xù)a birthday party生日派對Hap

10、py birthday生日快樂all the presents全部的禮物go on繼續(xù)have a party舉行派對was born in+ 月份出生于 月put candles on the cake 放蠟燭在蛋糕上學習必備歡迎下載Unit 12come soon快到了like doing for喜歡做in my home在我家have a big dinner吃大餐lots of許多great food好的食物dress up打扮make cards做卡片for you給你三、句子1.Which ?The one in/ with .哪一個是 ?那個穿著 。.2.He/ She look

11、s like a .他/ 她看起來像一位 。3.What is he/ she like?他/ 她是怎樣的?He/ She is tall.He/ She is kind。4. What time is it?It 時s間+?,F(xiàn)在幾點了?5.It s time 動to+作It s time for +名詞該是 的時候了。6.What time do you/ they usually +動詞原形 ?你、你們是幾點鐘 .?At + 時間。7.When do you / they usually +動詞原形 ?你、你們是幾點鐘 .?At + 時間。8.What day is it today?It

12、 s星+期 .今天星期幾?9.Why do you like + 星期?Because I . 為什么你喜歡星期 ?10. What lessons do you/ they have today?今天你、你們、他們上什么課?I/ We/ They +動詞原形。11. I like/ love +動作 ing.我喜歡 。12. What do you / they do on +星期?你、你們、他們在星期幾做什么?學習必備歡迎下載I/ We/ They +動詞原形。13.What do you do when you have free time?你有空的時候會做什么?I + 動詞原形。我會

13、。14.What are you doing?I m / I am +動詞 ing.你正在做什么?* 1). 動詞后直接加 ingEg: eating, playing, drawing, listening2). 不發(fā)音 e 結尾去 e + ing.Eg: writing, dancing, taking, making3) 重讀閉音節(jié)雙寫末尾字母 +ing Eg: swimming, running, shopping, getting15.What is he/ she/ it單數(shù)人名 doing?He/ She/ It +動詞 ing.16.Are you + 動詞 ing?Yes,

14、I am.No, I m not.Is he/ she +動詞 ing?Yes, he/she is.No, he/ she isn t.Is it+ 動詞 ing?Yes, it is.No, it isn t.17.What are you/ they/復數(shù)人稱 doing?We are/ They are +動詞 ing.18.What s your favourite .?你最喜歡 .?My favourite is .19.What do you like doing? 你喜歡做什么?I like +動詞 ing.20.What do you like doing for +節(jié)日?你

15、喜歡 節(jié)日做什么?I like +動詞 ing.21.I was born in +月份。我出生于 月。22. My birthday is in +月份。我的生日在 月。學習必備歡迎下載四、課文重點句1. Which woman? The one with glasses. She has a bag beside her.2. I don t know him/ her.3. He looks like a cook.4. David is a boy with glasses in a blue shirt and brown trousers.5.What is she like?Sh

16、e has green eyes and a small mouth.6.She is very young and shy.7.What time is it?It s half past seven.8.It s time to go to school.It s time for school.9.It s a quarter to ten. It s time to sleep.10.What time do you usually have breakfast?At 7 o clock.11.When do you have class?I have classes from 8 t

17、o 12.12.I usually go running or swimming in the afternoon.13. What day is it today?14. My favourite day is Saturday.15. Why do you like Thursday?16. I love singing.17. What lessons do you have today?It s Wednesday.On Thursday we have two PE lessons.I/ We have music and English.18. What do you do on

18、Sunday?I always help my parents do housework.19. I often go shopping with my mum and dad.20. It s Sunday and I feel bored.21. What do you do when you have free time? I often do some reading.22. I m reading an interesting book.23. Let s watch the Monkey King.學習必備歡迎下載24.What are you doing? Iphotosm. taking25.May I have a look at your photos? OK.26. She is running in the garden.27. Grandma is reading in her bedroom.28. You are eating in the kitchen.29. What are the children doing in the playground? They are h


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