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1、12019年長沙市初中畢業(yè)學(xué)業(yè)水平考試試卷英 語第一部分 聽力技能(兩部分,共 20小題,計20分)第一節(jié):聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項回答問題。聽每段對話前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。(共5小題,計5分)1. Where did Jim go IaSt Weeke nd?A. The SCie nce park.B. The CoUn trysideC. The City Iibrary2. How ofte n does the boy play basketball?9A. EVery

2、 day.B.3. What 'the Weather like today?A. Rai ny.B.4. When will Mary have a picnic?A. On Friday.B.5. What color does the girl like best?A. Gree n.B.TWiCe a week.C.TWiCe a mon th.SUnn y.C.Sno wy.On SatUrday.C.OnSUn day.Blue.C.Yellow.第二節(jié) 聽下面6段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有2 3個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項回答問題。聽每段對話或

3、獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題, 每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。(共15小題,計15 分)聽第六段對話,回答第 6、7小題。6. What will the man do next?A. LeaVe right away.B. Stay for dinner.7. How Iong will it take the man to get to the Station?A. Half an hour.B. One hour.C.CatCh a trai n.C.One and a half hours.聽第七段對話,回答第 8、9小題。8.When will they go

4、 for a trip?A.InJUne.B. In July.C.In August.9.How Iong will they Stay there?A. For five days.B. For a week.C.For a month聽第八段對話,回答第10至11小題。10. What is the seco nd gift for Cathy?C.A COmPUter.C. Father and daughter.A. A skirt.B.A cat.11. What' the PrObabIe relationship between the speakers?A. HUSb

5、a nd and wife.B.Boss and SeCretary聽第九段對話,回答第12至14小題。12.What is Joh n doing at the mome nt?Writi ng an emailA. Clea ning the kitche n.B.WatChi ng TV.C.13.How old is Mark?A.SeVe n.B.Eight.C.Ni ne.14.What makes Joh n Un happy?A. HlS father' StriCt ness.B. HiS brother 'slaz in ess.C. HiS Uncle &

6、#39; arrival.聽第十段對話,回答第 15至17小題。15.Who helped Bob to make PrOgreSS in math?A. Jack.B. Lucy.C.Tony.16.WhiCh SUbjeCt has become LUCy ' favorite?A. Math.B. History.C.PhySiCs.17.What are the SPeakerS mainly talk ing about?A. HiStOry classes.B. Tale nt shows.C.SPeCiaI memories.聽下面的獨白,回答第18至20小題。18. I

7、n WhiCh CoUntry do ChiIdre n PiCk UP things on their first birthday?A. Ch ina.B. Mexico.C.AmeriCa.19. When do girls in MeXiCO have a SPeCiaI CeIebrati on?A. At age 15.B. At age 18.C.At age 21.20.What is ofte n PUt o n the top of a Cake for the 21 birthday?A. A Can dy.B. A coi n.C.A key.(共10小題,計10分)C

8、. How第二部分知識運用(兩部分,共 20小題,計20分) 第一節(jié) 語法填空 從A、B、C三個選項中選擇最佳答案填空。21. fun it is to have a field trip On the Orange Isla nd!A. WhatB. What a22. KeeP trying,you might SUrPriS in gly find hidde n abilities With in you.A. butB. andC. or23. YeSterday our headmaster made a SPeeCh enVirOnmental PrOteCtion, and W

9、elear ned SOmeth ing about recycli ng of waste.A. OnB. atC. to24. ICan 'fi nd Sarah. Where is she?Shefor tomorrow ' Xingcheng CUP SPeaking COmPetitiOn at home.A. PrePareSB. will PrePareC.is PrePari ng25. So sorry, I took your school T-Shirt by mistake. BUt Where is?Don 'worry. Let me hel

10、p you find it.A. yoursB. hisC.mi ne26. I abroad for SeVeraI years, but I have never regretted my final decisiOn to moveback to my motherla nd.A. am livi ngB. livedC. have lived27. PerfeCt photos! Good skills!Thank you. Theyby my HUaWei mobile Phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all.A. tookB. Were t

11、ake nC. will be taken28. Of the two PhySiCS problems, Martha just fini Shedone.A. the most difficultB. the least difficultC. the less difficult29. China is getting better at making hi-tech PrOdUCtSCan be bought in all PartS of theworld.A. whoB. WhiChC. What30. Life is like a story. What matters is n

12、ot how Iong it is but.A. how good it isB. how good is itC. What good it is第二節(jié) 詞語填空 通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。(共10小題,計10分)Than ksgivi ng WaS just around the corner. The menu (菜譜) had bee n set. The shopp ing IiSt WaS made. 31 Seemed perfect. I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes (火雞和土

13、豆泥).PiCtUreS of differe nt pies, fruit and VegetabIeS Came into my min d. I could n '32!The day before Than ksgivi ng my dad called a family meet ing. He Said We n eeded to PraCtiCe being 33- We are going to 34 at a homeless SheIter (收容所) On Thanksgiving Day. ” couldn ' believe this WaS happ

14、ening. So We wouldn ' cook our OWn Thanksgiving dinner? The holiday wouldn 'be the same. I thought the day Would be ruined (糟蹋)The next morning, We got UP 35J followed my father to the SheIter With my SIeePy eyes. I had no great expectatiOnSand felt 36_all the way. AS soon as We arrived, We

15、got to work. There WaS so much to be done. BUt all I could think about WaS the dinner I could n 'enjoy.However, those thoughts Soon 37. OVer the next few hours, I WatChed hundreds of people come through the SheIter. For some, this WaS the Only hot meal they would eat that week. For Others, it Wa

16、S the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The SheIter WaS filled With 38ThrOUgh this experience, I Iearned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings (祝福)and look for WayS to bless others. When I gave UP What I had Wan ted, I discovered how much I have. It is much better to 39_than

17、 to receive. In the end, that Thanksgiving became an 40 _ experie nce.31. A. SOmethi ngB.EVerythi ngC. Nothi ng32. A. WaitB.CareC. Un dersta nd33. A. CreatiVeB.n ervousC. tha nkful34. A. rush outB.help outC. CheCk out35. A. earlyB.lateC. SUdde nly36. A. excitedB.goodC. dow n37. A. appearedB.disappea

18、redC. rose38. A. StreSSB.joyC. fear39. A. giveB.takeC. WaSte40. A. Un comfortableB.Un reas On ableC. Un forgettable第二部分 閱讀技能 (三部分,共25小題,計50分)第一節(jié) 圖表理解 閱讀下列圖表,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項回答問題或完成句子。(共5小題,計10分)AThe YUmI ReStaUra nt StarterS DrinkSAll StarterS are SerVed With bread and butter.Tomato soup$2.00

19、Hot tea$1.29ChiCke n salad$3.00Milk Shake$3.19Tomato salad$2.90Cream COffee$2.25Mai n COUrSe (主食)DeSSertS (甜點)LUn Chtime OnlyHot dogs$3.85Chocolate Cake$2.25HambUrgerS$6.90CheeSe and biscuits$2.50San dwiches$5.90FrUit salad and Cream$2.25FrenCh fries$3.70ICe Cream$2.95(choose from chocolate, coffee,

20、 or banana)LUnCh SerVed 12:30-230p.m./ Dinner SerVed 6:00-9:0041. The YUm ReStaUra nt StayS OPe n forin total.A. two hoursB. three hoursC. five hours42. From the menu above, We know that.A. Bread and butter goes With StarterSB. There are four kinds of differe nt ice CreamC. The desserts are availabl

21、e for both IUnCh and dinnerBLAUGH YOUR HEAD OFF43. If you are accepted as Part of theIf you are a huge fan Of Stand-up COmedy (脫口秀) ,audience by EZ COmedy Club, youyou 'll have an amaz ing after noon at EZ COmedyCanClub!A. PerfOrm thereThe greatest live show ever is Coming to tow n!B.watch a liv

22、e showDo you Want to be Part of the live audie nce (觀眾)?C. ReCOrd your OWn COmedieSReCOrd ing Time44. WhiCh of the following is NOTFriday, July 12th, 2019mentioned in the POSter (海報) ?ReCOrding LOCation (位置)A. The host of the show.361,3rd Ave, NeW HaVe n, CTB. The Way to join the audie nce.How to jo

23、in the audie nce?C. ReCOrding time and loCation.PIeaSe email US the following information at:45. We Caninfer (推斷) from the POSterCZCCaUdie nce2019that the show could be.Name, ID number, Phone number, One recent photo.A. VerV SeriOUSPS:PIeaSe CheCk your in box for our email.B. quite funnyPIeaSe show

24、this email to the ticket office.C. kind of bori ng第二節(jié) 短文理解 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的 A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項回答 問題或完成句子。(共10小題,計20分)AReCently, a junior high school Sent SeVeraI StUdents back home because they broke the school Uniform (校服) rules. Should StUdents Wear school Uniforms? The YoUng World magazine held a dis

25、cussiOnon this topic (話題)Kenn edy: The school Uniform is Very importa nt, because it always reminds me that I am SUPPOSed to go out of my Way to StUdy hard. It also helps PreVent school bullying (欺凌).If everyOne WearS the Same clothes, it is impossible to laugh at other people ' S clothing.Manso

26、n: The Uniform has to be earned (獲得)through efforts. StUde nts should Start schoolWith no uni forms. AS they make PrOgreSS at school, they Start Weari ng it. I always think ChiIdre n n eed to be proud of their school. The Uniform is importa nt for that. So, make StUde nts earn it! If they don '

27、t PerfOrm well, they should not be allowed to get one.Moorhead: In my opinion, kids dont have to Wear Uni forms. There should be more ChOiCeSope n to kids in educati on. They ought to develop their OWn in depe ndence and just be themselves. Their PerS On alities would be expressed through their OWn

28、clothes at school. And differe nt dress could be One Way of show ing their Un dersta nding of beauty. Besides, they make the school livelyand colorful.Patrick: I Can See the advantages of Wearing school Uniforms. They PIay a Very important role in managing schools. However, a school should not depen

29、d heavily On Uniforms to improve StUde nts ' behaviors. TeaCh ing them how toqeress themselves With Con fide nce (自信)is more importa nt.46. What does the Writer mean to do in ParagraPh 1?A. PreSe nt an OPinion On a subject.B. In troduce a topic for discussi on.C. PrOVide a Way to solve problems.

30、47. What is Kenn edy in the SeC Ond paragraph?A. A StUde nt.B. A teacher.C.A Pare nt.48. InManSOn ' S opini .A. StUde nts have the right to get school Uni forms for freeB. StUde nts should be en COUraged to earn school Uni formsC. StUdents PerfOrming well needn' t Wear school Uniform49. ACCO

31、rd ing to Patrick, What is more importa nt?A. Man agi ng schools by Uni forms.B. ImPrOVi ng StUde nts' behaviorsC. Help ing StUde nts express themselves.50. We Can lear n from the text that.A. Kenn edy Cant Sta nd school Uni formsB. Moorhead is aga inst school Uniform rulesC. the Writer holds th

32、e Same OPinion as PatriCk' SIt's believed that HUCk Finn is based On (基于) a childhood friend of Mark TWain 's. In fact,On a real-life PerS on.TWa in WaS not alone in bas ing a fictional CharaCter (虛構(gòu)的角色)SeVerUS Sn ape/ Joh n NettIeShiPSeVerUS Snape is a skillful WiZard (巫師) teaching magi

33、c in Harry POtter. The writer, J.K. Rowling, OnCe Said that the CharaCter WaS based On a teacher of hers.The teacher turned out to be John NettIeship, who taught Rowling ChemiStry. At first, NettIeShiP felt surprised. “ know I am a StriCt teacher” he said. BUt I don't think I am as bad as Snape”

34、 On SeCOnd thoughts, however, he Said that he WaS so ill-tempered that most of his StUdents avoided making him mad. Also, he USed to Wear Iong hair and have an Untidy lab. That SoUndS familiar to Harry POtter fans.Alice/ Alice LiddellFamously, LeWiS Carroll's Alice in Alice's AdVenture in Wo

35、nderland is based On Alice Liddell.Carroll WaS close to the Liddell family. One day, ten-year-old Alice asked Carroll to tell her a new story. Carroll began to Create his famous take of Alice and What happened after She fell through the rabbit hole. The little girl liked the story So much that She a

36、sked him to Write it down. And the rest is history.Dill/ TrUma n CaPOteIn To Kill a Mock in gbird , HarPer Lee based Dill On her childhood friend, TrUma n Capote. CaPOte OnCe said, Lee WaS my best frie nd. HaVe you ever read To Kill a Mock in gbird ? I'm a CharaCter in that story! The story take

37、 place just in the town Where We lived! ”51. Snape and NettIeShiP have SOmething in com mon EXCEPT .A.their jobB.their looksC.their hobbies52. What does the Underline word “ ill-tempered ” mean in ParagraPh 3?A. 沉著冷靜的B.優(yōu)柔寡斷的C.脾氣暴躁的53. What made Carroll decide to Create Alice 'Adventure in Wonder

38、land?A. Alice Liddell 'requirements.B. HiS great i nterest in rabbits.C. HiS experie nce of travelli ng.54. Being a CharaCter of To Kill a Mock in gbird , TrUma n CaPOte felt.A. proudB. Un SatiSfiedC. SUrPriSed55. The text is mainly about.A. PUrPOSe of Writi ng fictional StOrieSB. Introductions

39、to famous Writer 'childhood friendsC. CharaCterS of fictional StOrieS from real-life PerS OnS第三節(jié) 語篇補全 閱讀下面的短文,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項補全 短文,選項中有一項為多余項。(共4小題,計8分)SUmmer is here. One of the best WayS to cool off on a hot SUmmer day is to jump into a SWimmi ng pool. SWimmi ng is great exercise, and a

40、trip to a pool or beach is a good Way to have fun With frien ds. 56., so it 'importa nt to Stay Safe as you do it. Here are afew thins you Can do to SWim safely. SWim Only in areas Set for SWimmi ng.Don'swim Unless there is a IifegUard (救生員)On duty. If you 're On a beach near the ocean,

41、this is especially important. In some places, fast CUrrents (急流)Can SWeeP SWimmerS away WithOUt warning. So if a Sign SayS “ no SWimming ” , PIeaSe take care. Be CarefUI Whe n divi ng (跳水)into the Water headfirst.Most pools have deep ends Where dici ng is Safe .Inn atural water, don 'dive Unl es

42、s you know that the Water is deep eno ugh. 57., CaUS ing injury (傷害)Or death. Make SUre you have a Part ner With you.Nobody knows What will happe n while you are SWim min g. If SOmeth ing goes wrong, you Can get help from that PerS On as Soon as possible. In this SitUati on, 58. Pay close atte nti O

43、n to ChiIdre n 'safety.KidS who don 'know how to SWim should Wear life jackets. BUt by themselves they are not eno ugh. 59. If you have a pool at home, PUt a fence(圍欄)around it inCaSe ChiIdre n fall in. And if a child disappears, CheCk the pool first.A. skilled kids may forget green handsB.

44、so an adult should always be PreSentC. BUt SWimming Can also be dangerousD. a few SeCOndSCan make a big differenceE. Or you could hit your head On the bottom第四節(jié) 閱讀表達 閱讀下面的短文,然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題。I am Canadian. I Started learning FrenCh When I WaS 10 years old. BUt my whole experience With the Ianguage WaS i

45、n the CIaSSroom. All of that Changed, however, during my last SUmmer of high school. AS a 17-year-old girl, I flew across the CoUntry by myself for the first time! I headed for QUebeC to live in the province With a FrenCh-SPeaking host family, who didn ' SPeak any En glish. And I would lear n Fr

46、enCh at a local school.On the first day of school, all of US StUdents Were given a test to determine (測定) OUr Ian guage level. We Were required to SPeak Only FrenCh all summer.I made every effort to com muni Cate om a SeC Ond Ian guage by making new frien ds, See ing movies and even Orderi ng food f

47、rom restaura nt in Fren ch. ThOUgh I could n 'u ndersta nd most of it at the Very beg inning, the whole experie nce WaS excit ing and refresh ing.On Weeke nds, my CIaSSmateS and I took trips to differe nt PIaCeS around the provi nce. Onone trip, We Went whale WatChing on the St. LaWrence River.

48、EVen though it WaS raining, We could See huge WhaIeS SWimming around our boat. The most memorable Part of our trip WaS a ViSit to historic QUebeC City. I WaIked along the Stone streets, took PiCtUreS of the EUrOPean-style(歐式的)buildi ngs, and lear ned some StOrieS there.Fin ally my efforts Paid off!

49、At the end of the summer, I WaS able to com mun icate Pretty well.I couldn IWait to go back to school and talk With my FrenCh teacher. Being fully immersed (沉浸) in a FrenCh-SPeaking environment WaS a VaIUabIe learning experience. And it could be the main reas On for my improveme nt in Fren ch.60. Wh

50、en did the Writer fly alone for the first time?61. How did the local school determine the StUdent 'slanguage leverl?62. Did the Writer enjoy the experie nce of com muni Cati ng With Fren ch?63. What did the Writer think of the ViSit to historic QUebeS City?64. What could be the mai n reas on for

51、 the Writer 'improveme nt in Fren ch?第四部分 寫作技能(三部分,共11小題,計32分) 第一節(jié) 語篇翻譯 閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。(共5小題,計10分)Do you enjoy hitting the books? It doesn ' ntean you enjoy beating your books With your hand. That may be rea Sonable if you don ' t Understand SOmething inSide your books. Hitting the

52、 books just means that you are StUdying hard. You Can Iearn a lot When you hit the books. 65. ESPeCiaIly before exams, most StUdentS SPend a lot of time hitting the books to get good grades.ThiS is just One example of expressiOnS that Can' t be Understood by(a分Rg)them apartword by word. EXPreSSi

53、 OnS like this are called idioms (習(xí)語).They are an importa nt Part of aCUItUre ' S Ianguage. Languages and CUItUreS are closely Connected. OeXemPle Of an idiom in theChinese Ianguage is dui niu tan qin ” or “ to play the lut(撥弦樂器)to a cow," 66. 這意味著某 人在說話或?qū)懽鲿r不考慮其聽眾或讀者。Let ' get back to idioms that begin With the word “ hit 67. There are many Of them inEnglish, but it' S not that easy tfo UnderStand.One com mon idiom you may hear in En glish is “ h


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