《中考英語總復(fù)習(xí)》專題12 完形填空(原卷版)_第1頁
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《中考英語總復(fù)習(xí)》專題12 完形填空(原卷版)_第5頁
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1、備戰(zhàn)2020年中考英語專項(xiàng)提優(yōu)試題(四)完形填空(一)(2019江蘇淮安盱眙一中月考)most people have a favourite colour, but how people feel about colours 1 their culture. this can be very important to people in 2 that sell products all over the world. they might choose a colour 3 they think it is exciting or attractive, but in another cou

2、ntry that same colour could be used to give a sad 4 . look at these examples: if you ask someone in britain 5 the right colour is for a bride(新娘)to wear, the answer will be white. in china and 6 eastern countries, brides often wear red because the colour red is a sign of good luck, happiness and pro

3、sperity(繁榮). red is an 7 colour for a british bride to wear. in britain, red is used 8 a sign of danger. road signs and warning labels are often in red. in eastern cultures, the colour red does not mean you 9 be careful. in egypt, yellow is the colour linked to death. in britain and other western cu

4、ltures death and funerals(葬禮)are 10 linked to the colour black, but in many eastern countries white is the colour most people 11 death and funerals. in britain, green is used in traffic signals to 12 people that it is safe to go. green is often seen as a positive or lucky colour but 13 green at wedd

5、ings in unlucky. in some cultures green is linked to cheating or jealousy. many people like the colour orange because it is bright 14 exciting. some advertisers will not use orange in their advertisements because they believe it 15 that the products are cheap and perhaps not of good quality.in brita

6、in the most popular colour is blue. what do you think is the most popular colour in china?1.a.carries on b.gets on c.puts on d.depends on2.a.sciences b.business c.arts d.sports3.a.until b.while c.because d.when4.a.message b.challenge c.decision d.information5.a.whether b.why c.how d.what6.a.another

7、b.other c.the other d.others7.a.unusual b.unable c.unhealthy d.unreal8.a.for b.by c.with d.as9.a.prefer to b.used to c.have to d.happen to10.a.seldom b.never c.always d.usually11.a.do with b.connect with c.agree with d.catch up with12. a.tell b.talk c.say d.speak13. a.dressing b.putting on c.wearing

8、 d.accepting14. a.and b.but c.or d.so15. a.advises b.reminds c.explains d.suggests(二)(2019河北邯鄲三模)when i was in the seventh grade, i had problems behaving. my heart was in the right place, but i couldnt always 1 the rules. i played many tricks on my schoolmates. once, i even pulled a girls hair on th

9、e school bus to get her attention. as a result, i was often sent to the office of the principal for five times. 2 i hated going there, i did not hate the principal, mr. ratcliff.mr. ratcliff was a kind, elderly man. when he hit me 3 putting some ants into a class-mates pencil box, it didnt hurt at a

10、ll. but it did 4 my feeling. it seemed to prove i was hopelessly bad, because i like him and want to get praise from him.when i got called to mr. ratcliffs office for the 5 time, i had no idea what i had done. i felt disappointed as i walked down there. i went into his office, sat down, and looked a

11、t the floor. then he said the 6 thing i expected to hear: “kevin, ive heard youve been behaving really well lately. i want you to know how proud i am of you, and i just called you down to my office to give you a candy.”“really?” i was 7 .“yes. now you can take that candy and 8 to class.”i carried th

12、e candy with me as if it was a gold coin. when i got into my classroom, i showed it off to my classmates about my turnaround(轉(zhuǎn)變), excitedly. i wasnt so bad after all.mr. ratcliff was really kind. he made me realized that i was just a kid who had 9 with behavior. he bought some candies and took the t

13、ime to notice me when i got something right. mr. ratcliff gave me some 10 by giving me some love. i will just remember him for the rest of my life.1.a.follow b.break c.create d.leave2.a.if b.so c.although d.because3.a.for b.into c.on d.of4.a.help b.give c.put d.hurt5.a.once b.third c.fifth d.sixth6.

14、a.late b.first c.early d.last7.a.sad b.surprised c.wise d.angry8.a.go back b.put off c.throw away d.think over9.a.secrets b.problems c.methods d.ways10. a.hope b.sadness c.sorrow d.hate(三)(2019江蘇蘇州景范中學(xué)周末練習(xí))william shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. he wrote thirty-seven plays 1 . they are

15、still popular today.he was born in 1564 in england. at school he liked watching 2 . he 3 to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. in 1582, he 4 a farmers daughter. in 1585, shakespeare left his hometown, stratford-upon-avon. no one knows why he left or what he did 5 1585 and 15

16、92.at twenty-eight he moved to london and 6 a theatre company which opened the globe theatre in 1599. he became an actor, and he also wrote plays. he usually 7 in his own plays. he made 8 no money from his writing. but he made a lot of money from acting. shakespeare retired(退休)at the age of forty-ni

17、ne and died at the age of fifty-two . you still see his plays in english and in many other 9 . he is one of the most famous 10 in the world.1.a.in all b.at all c.for all d.of all2.a.tv b.plays c.films d.views3.a.thought b.attended c.decided d.refused4.a.married to b.married with c.got married d.marr

18、ied5.a.between b.in c.from d.during6.a.went into b.joined c.took part in d.entered7.a.sang b.danced c.acted d.played8.a.nearly b.hardly c.certainly d.almost9.a.languages b.messages c.behaviors d.literature10.a.actors b.writers c.players d.thinkers(四)(2019廣東廣州番禺區(qū)期中)in order to reduce the stress on th

19、e students, nanjing no. 1 high school has 1 a “mark bank”. the bank lets students “borrow” marks 2 they can pass exams, and then repay them in later tests.heres 3 it works: the “mark bank” allows students to 4 marks if they fail the exam. but, just like real banks, it requires “clients (客戶)” to pay

20、back the loan (貸款) on time, with interest (利息). so students have to pay for the loan by getting extra marks in future exams. some teachers also allow the students to repay the bank 5 doing lab experiments or giving public speeches. students who dont pay back their loans are blacklisted (列入黑名單)

21、by the bank, just like in real life.“i was sick before the mid-term exams and missed several geography classes,” one student said, “i failed the exam, so i am glad the mark bank gave me a  6 to pass the exam.” 7 many people think the “mark bank” is a great idea, not 8 supports the idea. th

22、e education expert xiong bingqi, for example, believes 9 the “mark bank” is not proper, but thinks that it takes stress off the students. others think that such an idea just causes students to be 10 in their studies.1.a.built b.created c.developed d.stopped2.a.so that b.if c.when d.after3.a.why

23、 b.what c.how d.when4.a.borrow b.lend c.buy d.give5.a.in b.by c.on d.for6.a.place b.time c.chance d.excuse7.a.though b.but c.because d.however8.a.someone b.everyone c.anyone d.no one9.a.that b.which c.whether d.if10.a.busier b.smarter c.lazier d.better(五)(2019安徽淮北模擬)many people go to school for educ

24、ation. they 1 languages and other subjects. others go to 2 to learn a skill so that they can make a living. 3 no one can learn everything from school. a teacher, no matter 4 he knows, can not teach his students everything they 5 to know. so, much more is to be learned 6 school by the students themse

25、lves. it is always 7 to know how to study by oneself than to memorize some formulas(公式). formulas are easy to remember but difficult to use in 8 out maths problems. as we all know, great 9 , such as einstein, newton and galileo, didnt learn many things from school.but they were all so successful tha

26、t they 10 so many things for us.1.a.dislike b.speak c.learn d.make2.a.park b.school c.home d.cinema3.a.though b.but c.of d.or4.a.how often b.how many c.how soon d.how much5.a.want b.stop c.forget d.fail6.a.from b.outside c.in d.within7.a.more important b.important c.most important d.unimportant8.a.d

27、oing b.getting c.working d.taking9.a.workers b.scientists c.doctors d.students 10.a.remembered b.celebrated c.invented d.shared(六)(2019河北唐山古冶區(qū)二模)at my primary school, i was one of the smartest kids there. i never studied after class, but always got near perfect scores on all my 1 . i was a child gen

28、ius(天才), at least 2 my mind. i was also 3 music and sports. i was pretty sure that when i got to seventh grade, everyone 4 my teachers would be amazed by me.but 5 , they werent.when i arrived at my new class, it seemed that there was always someone else who could do 6 than i. my grades got worse and

29、 i needed to actually be studying for my tests. i believed i wasnt smart. i believed i wasnt talented. i believed i 7 .over the next two years, i had to work very hard for everything i did. grades were still very low but gradually 8 . i worked really hard but was still never the best at everything.

30、9 do i really have to be the best at everything? all the pressure i was feeling, all that embarrassment when i did wrong, that was me! i was being too hard on myself. in fact, when i did badly on a test, my classmates would never 10 me.no one is perfect. there will probably always be someone better

31、than me at something. i will never be the number one at everything, and its really okay.1.a. roles b. tests c. activities d. reasons2.a. in b. at c. with d. under3.a. late for b. tired of c. good at d. busy with4.a. inviting b. including c. greeting d. admiring5.a. probably b. gradually c. mainly d.

32、 actually6.a. worse b. less c. better d. more7.a. passed b. relaxed c. missed d.failed8.a. improving b. fighting c. reporting d. completing9.a. but b. or c. if d. so10.a. learn from b. worry about c. wait for d. laugh at(七)(2019廣西貴港港南區(qū)一模)last night, my 10-year-old car broke down on the road. it was

33、so late, and i was 50 kilometers from home. i couldnt find anyone to 1 me up, so i decided to take a bus. i went eat 2 my house was in the east.a bus stopped at the traffic light, but it went west. i asked the driver 3 the bus station was. “four more lights,” the driver said. “its so terrible!” i sa

34、id to 4 .about twenty minutes later, i 5 got to the bus station. after waiting for fifteen minutes, i began to 6 if i could take a bus.when i was lost in thought, a car stopped in front of the station. the door opened, and i was surprised to find that it was the 7 driver.“i just cant leave you here,

35、” she said. “ill take you 8 my car and give you a ride home.”“its a long way,” i said.“come on,” she said. “i have 9 else to do.”when i got home, i wanted to give her 10 . however, she refused and said, “just do something nice for others.”1.a.call b.pick c.cheer d.wake2.a.unless b.until c.though d.b

36、ecause3.a.how far b.how often c.how long d.how many4.a.itself b.myself c.herself d.himself5.a.nearly b.hardly c.finally d.quietly6.a.pay b.ask c.look d.worry7.a.worried b.same c.popular d.different8.a.on b.to c.in d.off9.a.nothing b.anything c.something d.everything10.a.advice b.courage c.attention

37、d.money(八)(2019江蘇蘇州立達(dá)中學(xué)期末)today im here to talk about noise pollution. not all noise is noise pollution. noise becomes noise pollution when its loud, when its not 1 and when it becomes to harm human and animal life.examples of noise pollution 2 the sounds of cars, buses, lorries, trains and planes.

38、when you stand near a bus road, sometimes the noise can hurt your 3 . and people living near airports often find it difficult to sleep. noise pollution 4 also be from machines. we often use very noisy machines around the house or at our jobs. factory noise is also a big problem. finally, sometimes l

39、oud 5 can be a form of noise pollution. for example, the music from a club or from your next-door neighbour.we might think that noise problem is just a small problem, 6 in fact it can be dangerous. some people have become deaf because of noise pollution. whats worse, when people lose sleep because o

40、f noise pollution, they become careless. this can 7 accidents, and people can get hurt or even killed. finally, noise pollution 8 people feel stress. this can lead to heart disease.what can we do about the problem of noise pollution? we need stronger laws against loud noises. the government also nee

41、ds to put up walls next to roads and airports to 9 people from the noise. finally, we can all help with the problem of noise pollution by 10 our music and tvs, and using a softer voice when we talk.1.a.exciting b.popular c.similar d.necessary2.a.reduce b.include c.cover d.display3.a.ears b.eyes c.ha

42、nds d.legs4.a.must b.should c.can d.would5.a.power b.music c.programs d.songs6.a.however b.so c.moreover d.but7.a.lead to b.look forward to c.pay attention to d.make a difference to8.a.allow b.produce c.make d.cause9.a.prevent b.provide c.practise d.protect10.a.turning off b.turning down c.turning o

43、n d.turning up(九)are you nervous when you stand in front of the public? are you afraid to make a speech?li jun, a middle school boy, felt shy when he was making a speech the other day. li had thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of 1 classmates.“i was wrong. it was very different and muc

44、h 2 than talking to my classmates during playtime,” li said. “i tried, but it was really difficult to speak. i felt like a mute (啞巴) and wanted to leave the classroom 3 .”li is not alone. many middle school students now have the same 4 : they can talk about their ideas freely 5 their best friends af

45、ter class, but cant speak in public. according to zhou hong, a teacher from a university, the main reason is that schools in china pay more attention to writing instead of 6 .zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 7 , such as speech competitions, english corners and class di

46、scussions. students can join in any one they want to. 8 he also gives some advice to students. “during your free time, you should 9 more. when youre speaking in public, take it easy. just imagine youre talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly,” zhou said. “that 10 a fine public speech and y

47、oull feel confident. ”1.a. her b. my c. your d. his2.a. harder b. easier c. better d. later3.a. slowly b. quickly c. sadly d. happily4.a. answer b. subject c. problem d. question5.a. except b. beside c. from d. with6.a. listening b. speaking c. reading d. singing7.a. mouths b. eyes c. minds d. hearts8.a. but b. so c. and d. or9.a. play b. practice c. write


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