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1、Unit 1 Living welll.單元教學(xué)目標(biāo)技能目標(biāo)Skill Goals Talk about disability and life of disabled people Express wishes & congratulations Learn expressions of formal introduction Revisu the Infinitive Write a letter of suggestionn.目標(biāo)語言1能向式IntroductionI t d like to introduce you to .I' d like you v( meet.

2、May I introduce .?Pleased to meet you.It' s nice to meet you.Wishes & congratulations Congratulations.All the best.I' m proud of you.I wish you success.Good luck.Well done.I' m vcr' impressed by your pcrf()rmancc.You have my bust wishes.I m ven- pleased for you.I hope it g()cs we

3、ll for you.That' s wondcrful/amazing.詞 匯1 .四會詞匯disability, disabled, eyesight, ambition, beneficial, clumsy, adapt, microscope, absence, fellow, annoy, aimoycd, industry, tank, encouragement, conduct, politics, literature, resign, companion, assistance, congratulate, graduation, basement, access

4、ible2 .認(rèn)讀詞匯syndrome, Rosalyn, Sally, Marty, fulfilling, Kilimanjaro, Qomolangma, wheelchair, Sanders, earphone, impair, community3 .詞蛆in other words, adapt to, cut out, out of breath, all in all, sit around, as well as , make fun of, never mind, all the bust, meet with4 .重點詞匯disability, disabled, ad

5、apt, annoy, conduct, congratulate, accessibleRevise: the InfinitiveThe infinitive call be used: 1. as the subject結(jié) 構(gòu)2. as the prudicativc3. as the object4. as the object complement5. as the adverbial6. as the attributet 點 句 子1. - but am vcr)r outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.P22.

6、Every time I rckiriicd after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.P23. All in all, I have a good life. P24. Just accept them for whom they arc and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. P3n.教材分析和教材重組1 .教材分析本單元以殘疾和殘疾人的生活為話題,介紹了一些殘疾人憑借頑強(qiáng)的毅力和社會的 關(guān)愛克服生活中的

7、種種困難,以枳極的態(tài)度面對人生挑戰(zhàn)的故事。通過本單元的學(xué)習(xí),可以 幫助殘疾學(xué)生樹立生活的信心,激勵殘疾人實現(xiàn)自身價值;同時又能教育健康學(xué)生理解、尊 重、關(guān)心、幫助殘疾人,便殘疾人與健全人一樣共享美好生活。通過本單元的語言技能訓(xùn)練, 要求學(xué)生學(xué)會使用正確得體的英語介紹他人以及向他人表示祝賀。1.1 Warming Up讓學(xué)生了解殘疾的種類,討論各種殘疾給人們的生活帶來的種種不便。 盡管如此,仍然有許多殘疾人在不同領(lǐng)域取得了非凡成就,為本單元Reding部分的精彩枚 事做好了鋪墊。L2Pru-ruading通過介紹網(wǎng)站“FamilyviHage”,激發(fā)學(xué)生的閱讀興趣。1.3 Rsding是一篇以第

8、一人稱描述Marty身殘志堅,以積極的態(tài)度快樂生活的故事。課 又以網(wǎng)頁的形式展示,能夠及引學(xué)生的注意力,引起學(xué)生的極大興趣。1.4 Comprehending共有3個練習(xí),這3個練習(xí)的設(shè)置由表及里,由淺入深,非常科學(xué)。 練習(xí)1是淺層次的事實核對題,耳在讓學(xué)生了解Marty生活中遇到的各種困難和他對待生活 的樂觀態(tài)度;練習(xí)2要求學(xué)生總結(jié)課文每段的段落大意;練習(xí)3是深層次的理解題,要求學(xué) 生在正確理解課文的基礎(chǔ)上,通過討論得出結(jié)論。1.5 Learning about Langua價分為兩部分,Discovering useful words and expressions 是本單元 的詞匯練習(xí)題

9、;Revising useful structurus是本單元的語法練習(xí)題,通過本單元的學(xué)習(xí),要求 學(xué)生初練掌握不定式的各種語法功能。1.6 Using Language 分為兩部分,Listening and speaking 是關(guān)于對殘疾人 Barn- Minto 的采 訪錄音,要求學(xué)生能夠通過錄音了解Barry Minto的身體殘疾和他取得的成就。同時通過聽 這個采訪,要求學(xué)生掌握表示祝賀的功能句型。Reading,speaking and writing部分要求學(xué)生 先討論腿腳殘疾的人在電影院有可能遇到的困難,然后引出殘疾人Alice Major寫給the new Bankstown電

10、影院的建筑設(shè)計師的一封信,在信中她給建筑詼計師提出了一些臻議,要求充 分考慮殘疾人的特殊需要。這封信后有說和寫的練習(xí)題,通過不同的言語技能訓(xùn)練,完成本 單元的教學(xué)目標(biāo)。通過讀這封建議信,還要求學(xué)生學(xué)會寫建議信。2 .教材重組2.1 將 Warming Up, Prc-rcadiiig, Reading 與 Comprehending 委合在一起上一節(jié)“閱讀 課”。2.2 把 Leming aboul Language 和 Workbook 的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 及USING STRUCTURES整合在一起上一節(jié)精品“語言學(xué)習(xí)課”。2.3 將UsingLan

11、guagc設(shè)計為一節(jié)包括聽說讀寫在內(nèi)的“綜合技能課(一)”。2.4 將 3"kb()ok 的 READING AND LISTENING 和 TALKING 結(jié)合在一起,上一節(jié) “聽說課”。2.5 將 Workbook 的 LISTENING TASK, READING AND WRITING TASK 和 SPEAKING TASK設(shè)計為一節(jié)“綜合技能課(二)3 .課型說計與課時分配1st Period Reading2nd PeriodLanguage study3rd PeriodIntegrating skills(I)4th PeriodListening and spea

12、king5th PeriodIntegrating skills(II)N.分課時教案The First Period ReadingTeaching g()als 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1. Target language 目標(biāo)語言a.重點詞匯和短語eyesight, ambition, disabled, beneficial, in other words, clumsy, adapt, microscope, out of breath, absence, stupid, fellow, anneyud, all in all, industry, tank, make fun of, encour

13、agementb.亶點句型, ,but 1 am vcr- outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.Every time 1 returned after ail absence, I felt stupid because 1 was behind the others.All in all, I have a good life.Just accept them for whom they arc and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as yo

14、u do.2. Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)Help students to learn about disability and life of the disabled. Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well.3. Learning ability g()als 學(xué)能目標(biāo)By talking about disability and life of the disabled, students wll learn some positive stories of the di

15、sabled. This will help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.Teaching important points 教學(xué)重點How positive stories of the people with disabilities inspire others.Teaching difficult points 教學(xué)難點How to help students undcrstriiid the difficulties the disabled have to overc

16、ome.Teaching methods 教學(xué)方法Discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.Teaching aids教具準(zhǔn)備Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures && ways 教學(xué)過程與方式Step I Lead-inDual with Warming Up. First ask students to talk about people with a mental or physical disability to sec how much they know about di

17、sabilities. Then play some videos or show some photos of people with disabilities. Students will be asked to discuss what the disabilities arc and what difficulties thev have to overcome in daily life.JJT: Good morning /afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. / Ms .T: I think most of you s

18、hould have learned about Helen Keller, a great woman in American history,Although she was deaf and blind, she became a role model f()r millions of people. Here 1 d like to share one of the quotes from her with you.Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.T: Th

19、e world is full of suffering, especially f()r those disabled people. Do you happen to know anyone: with a mental or physical disability? What arc their lives like?SI: My neighbor, a 6-ycar-old girl, can not speak. She is dumb. She cannot play with other children.T: Then how call she make herself und

20、erstood?SI: She has to use body language and sign language. 1 find it vcnr hard to understand her. But her family can understand her ven* well.JzT: OK, anyone else?S2: One of my friends dousn' t like school. We arc of the same age. He should be in high school. Unluckily he call only stay at home

21、. Because whenever he comes to school, he feels sick and cannot help trembling. He is afraid of school, whenever he hears the word ”sch)l” , he sweats and feels vcrr nervous. I think he has a mental disability.T: 1 feel sorry for your friend. Perhaps he has experienced something unpleasant in school

22、. I think he should see a doctor.S2: He has been visiting a doctor. I hope he will get well soon.T: I hope so. Now lct, s watch some short videos (or look at some photos) of some disabled people. Please discuss in groups what the disabilities arc and what difficulties they have to overcome in daily

23、life.Show the list of disabilities on the PowerPoint.After discussion, present the f()ur pictures on Page 1 to students.T: Quite right. Disabilities can be visible or invisible. People with invisible disabilities don t look disabled. Depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulty arc invisible

24、disabilities. No matter what disability onu has, life is not easy. They have many difficulties to overcome, but please keep in mind they can also live well, evun achieve great success. Now look at the pictures, how do they look?Ss: They look happy and satisfied. They arc smiling.T: Yes, they arc. Bu

25、t all of them arc disabled. Can you guess what their disability might be?S3:1 think Rosalyn has learning difficulty. Generally speaking, those who have learning difficulty arc good at sports and elevur at hands.T: 0K, what about Richard?54: Evcnronc can sec he has difficulty with eyesight, because h

26、e is wearing glasses. He also looks very wc;ik. mavbc he has sevuru illness. J',S5:1 guess he may have lost an arm or lug, for we cannot sec his arms or legs in the picture.56: He cannot have lost an arm or leg, f)r next year he will train to be a teacher. How can a person without an arm or leg

27、be a teacher?T: That sounds reasonable. OK, what about Sally?57: Sally may have a severe illness, for she has a very busy life. In my opinion those who know they arc dying always keep themselves ven, busy.T: Sound like that. Let' s come to Gao Qiang.58: From the picture it is hard to guess what

28、disability Gao Qiaiig has. Maybe he has walking difficulty-.59: It is hard to say. If he has walking difficulty, I will admire him vury much, f()r he takes dancing lessons. T: OK, please remember there arc many disabled people in the world. They arc part of the world. They also have rights to enjoy

29、life. Would you like to learn more about them and try to do something for them? Here is a websitu “Family village” . From here we can learn some positive stories about the disabled.Step II Pre-readingAsk students to read the passage about * Family villagex in pre-reading carefully uid find out the p

30、urpose of the website. Then show the suggested <mswcrs on the PowerPoint.Suggested answers:1. To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to share their stories with others.2. To inspire other disabled people.3. To get n()n-disablcd people to understand more about how challenging l

31、ife can be for people with disabilities.Step HI ReadingDual with the reading passage.ScanningAsk students to scan the text and find problems Marty has in his life and what he does in spite of his disability.T: First I d like you to do scanning and then fill in the chart with the information you get

32、from the text. After you have finished, please compare your answer with your partnery s.Several minutes later, students compare their infc)rmati()n with each other in groups. Thun check the answer with the whole class.T: From this chart we can have a clear image of Mart)-. VThat kind of person is Ma

33、rty ? You may discuss in groups. You may refer to the adjectives on the PowerPoint.Show some adjectives on the PowerPointbrave, unlucky, weak, clumsy, strong-minded, optimistic, happy, independent, stupidT: OK. You arc right. Though Marty has a muscle disease which causes many difficulties to his li

34、fe, he still lives well. He is living a busy and satisfying life. He is vury optimistic.Then continue to discuss the next questions on Page 3. Deal with the next questions in the same wav.JSuggested answers:1. Marty seems to be a fiiirly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realis

35、tic about his disability, but docs not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psychologically strong, independent boy.2. Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding that he has a disability.3. Marty keeps busy

36、doing things that do not require physical strength, like computer programming. He has friends with whom he can gp to movius and football matches and he has lots of pets. He also studies hard.4. They can accept people with disabilities like Marty for who they arc rather than focus on their disability

37、. They can encourage them to live rich and full lives.5. Because thev found that Martv was able to live as rich and full a life as cvcrxonc else. JJJ6. Answers would vary.Careful readingAsk students to read the text carefully and then finish Ex3 on Page 4.T: Now let* s read the text again and try to

38、 sum up the main idea of each paragraph.Several minutes later check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:Paragraph 1: An introduction to 1arty and his muscle diseaseParagraph 2: How his disability developedParagraph 3: Marty met a lot of difficulties at schoolParagraph 4: How his life

39、has become easierParagraph 5: The advantages of his diseaseSummaryAsk students to work together to write a mini biography for Marty according to the text.T: Now we' vc finished Marty' s story. Now it' s time f)r you to work in groups and write a mini biography for him.Mv mini bioJName:St

40、atus:Health:Interests and Hobbies:Ambition:Motto:A few minutes later show the sample on the PowerPointMy mini bioName: Marty FieldingStatus: High school studentHealth: developed a muscle disease at the agt about 10, very weak, cannot do things like normal peopleInterests and Hobbies: Enjoying writin

41、g and computer programming, Going to the movius and f()(tball matches when 1 am well enough Spending a lot of time with my pets-tw。rabbits, five mice, a tank full of fish and a snakeAmbition: to work in the computer industryMotto: live one day at a timeJExplanationDuring this procedure, play the tap

42、e for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, explain the text and deal with the language problems.T: Now we will deal with some difficult language points. I will play the recording of the text for you. Please make a mark where you have difficulties.Af

43、ter listening to the tape, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students arc asked to refer to the notes to the text on Pages 86-87.T: Do you have ail- difficulties with the text?51: Could you please explain the sentence to us:1 have learned to adapt t

44、o my disability.T: Bcf()rc he devdopud the disease, he could run or climb the stairs as quickly as other people. But after he had the disease, he becomes very weak, so he camiot run vcr)r fast. It takes time for him to get used to slow pace. Besides this the disease has brouit many other difficultie

45、s to him, he has to get used to living with the disease. So we can understand it like this: 3 have got used to living with the disease. Do you have any other questions?Ss: No.T: This is a vcr)r inspiring story. From Marty' s stor what have you learned?51: We should be patient with people xrkh di

46、sabilities. We shouldn' t get annoyed just because they arc slow.J52: We shouldn t feel sorry for them. That might hurt them.53: We should help them in a clrvur way.54: We should encourage them when they feel down. S8: Just having a disability dousn' t mean your life is not satisfy ing.T:】&#

47、39; m vt:ry md all of you have learned something from the story. P&su remember evuryonu can live well even if he has a disability. If you' d like to learn more about the life of disabled people, please surf the Internet.Step IV HomeworkRetell Marty' s story according to the mini bio.Surf

48、 the Internet to learn more about the life of disabled people.The Second Period Language studyTeaching g()als 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1. Target language 目標(biāo)語言a.重點詞匯和短語disability, disabled, eyesight, ambition, beneficial, adapt, absence, fellow, ;innoycd, encouragement conduct, resign, basement, accessible, latter, stupi

49、d, clumsy, all the best, all in allb.重點句型The infinitive:1. as the subject2. as the predicative3. as the object4. as the object complement5. as the adverbial6. as the attribute2. Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)Enable students to use the infinitive.3. Learning abilit)' goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)Help students learn how to use

50、the infinitive.Teaching important points 教學(xué)重點The use of some key words and expressions and the infinitive.Teaching difficult points 教學(xué)難點Different functions of the infinitive.Teaching methods 教學(xué)方法 Explaining and practicing.Teaching aids教具準(zhǔn)香 Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教學(xué)過程與方式S

51、tep I RevisionAsk several students to retell Vartv' s story. Show Martv' s mini bio on the PowerPoint. JJMv mini bio JName: Marty FieldingStatus: High school studentHealth: developed a muscle disease at the agr about 10, very weak, cannot do things like normal peopleInterests and Hobbies:, E

52、njoying writing and computer programming, Going to the movius and f()otball matches when I am well ciioui Spending a lot of time with my pets-E%>rabbits, five mice, a tank full of fish and a snakeAmbition: to work in the computer industryMotto: live one day at a timeJT: Yesterday vou were asked t

53、o retell Martv' s storv. You mav refer to his mini bio on thePowerPoint Now who would like to have a tn ? JStep II Discovering useful words and expressionsDual xv汨i Exl && Ex2 in Discovering useful words and expressions. After dealing with Exl, ask students to do Ex2 in groups. Then chec

54、k the ;uiswcrs with the whole class. Show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.Deal with Exl && Ex2 on Page 48. Students arc asked to do the exercises in groups. Then show the suggested juiswcrs on the PowerPoint.As f<)r Ex3, ask 10 students to translate the 10 sentences. And give them

55、 immediate help when ncccssarwJStep m Discovering useful structuresShow some sentences that contain the infinitive and ask students to idciitifk- its function.JIt is good to help others, (subject)It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people in our neighbourhood have access to all public b

56、uildings, (subjectMy ambition is to work in the computer industry when 1 grow up. (predicative)I don' t have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself (attribute)I am the only student ill my class to have a pct sn;ikc. (attribute)A big company has decided to buy it from me. (object)My fellow s

57、tudents have begun to accept me f()r who I am. (object)I have had to work hard to live a normal life, (adverbial)Some days 1 am too tired to get out of bed. (adverbial)We must call on local government to give financial assistance to disabled people, (object complement)Note: Theverbs arc normally fol

58、lowed by the infinitive.afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, claim, cemu, consent, dare, decide, demand, dusurvu, determine, elect, endeavour, expect, fail, get, guarantee, hate, help, hesitate, hope, hurry, intend, learn, long, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, say, seem, tend, threaten, want, wishFor e


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