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1、最好英語演講稿匯總35分鐘英語演講稿匯總(30篇)六、 周怡雪,19歲,上海i believe in our futurehonorable judges, fellow students:good afternoon!recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education atextraordinary places. but will we be abl

2、e to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. b

3、ut again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.as college students, we are

4、adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. i believe in all my fellow classmates. though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe t

5、hat we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. i believein our future.我對(duì)未來充滿信心尊敬的評(píng)委,各位同學(xué):下午好!最近,社會(huì)上有一場(chǎng)很激烈的爭(zhēng)論。大學(xué)生是一種稀有特權(quán)的享有


7、人生帶來重大的影響,甚至影響我們祖國的未來。我相信我們的同學(xué)們,雖然我們依然缺乏經(jīng)驗(yàn),甚至有些志氣,但是我相信我們有勇氣和自信來面對(duì)生活的挑戰(zhàn)并承擔(dān)我們的責(zé)任。我們正努力準(zhǔn)備接受新的任務(wù),用我們所學(xué)習(xí)的知識(shí)將世界變得更美好。我對(duì)我們的未來充滿信心。大學(xué)生英語演講稿17 change the ingredients of your life十七、 王晨,20歲,安徽change the ingredients of your lifeif kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is adde

8、d, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and

9、embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest. 改變生活的味道這是一杯白開水,平淡無味,對(duì)吧?可是加上點(diǎn)糖呢,他嘗起來會(huì)有甜味;如果加的是蘇打水,味道就會(huì)變苦。人生同樣如此個(gè)中滋味在于我們的選擇。善待他人,你會(huì)擁有朋友;但如果充滿惡意,則會(huì)多個(gè)敵人。將愛賦予一堆紅磚,你會(huì)擁有一個(gè)家;用仇恨來澆鑄這堆紅磚,就會(huì)鑄成一座集中營。因此親愛的朋友們,不要抱怨人生乏味,世間無望。不喜歡生活的味道,那就換一換生活的調(diào)料吧!三年前,我重達(dá)100多公

10、斤,這給我?guī)砹撕芏鄬擂魏痛煺郏后w育課老是不及格,總被女孩們嘲笑,更不敢當(dāng)眾發(fā)表意見。幸而由于祖母的鼓勵(lì),我不在消極人生,而是充滿自信。她曾經(jīng)說過:“孩子,如果體形無法改變,為什么不把它看做自己獨(dú)特的風(fēng)格呢?” 我開始這樣來審視人生,通過改變生活的視角,我信心大增地去改變我的人生,很快就發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)嶄新的世界。朋友們,將信念,希望,愛意和忍性溶入生命,你就會(huì)找到自信,克服缺點(diǎn),迎接人生新的挑戰(zhàn)。最后我的演講包括在內(nèi),希望你會(huì)看到一場(chǎng)精彩的演講比賽。大學(xué)生英語演講稿16十六、 楊穎,21歲,海南when two cultures meet, there may be things in one cu

11、lture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other. when this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture. then there are certain things some people may not like. to this, i will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it. to learn to tolerate w

12、hat you personally dont like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures mix and merge. before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures. at present, they may run in different courses. but eventually, they will converge into the vast sea of human culture.right now, i can see peo

13、ples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by side, singing the olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, together we will shape a beautiful tomorrow! thank you!讓我們共同感受東西方的融合吉卜林說過:東方是東方,西方是西方,二者永不相聚。但是一個(gè)世紀(jì)后的今天,東西方相匯了! 它們相聚在經(jīng)濟(jì)領(lǐng)域,它們相聚在教育領(lǐng)域,它們相聚在藝術(shù)的殿堂。有人爭(zhēng)論說:這種融合需要我們?cè)跂|方和西方之間做出選擇,

14、但我卻堅(jiān)信最美好的未來在于東方和西方創(chuàng)造性的融合。我們可以將西方的思想,觀念和技術(shù)變?yōu)槲覀冏约核玫臇|西。 我喜愛京劇和河南豫劇,因?yàn)樗鼈兘?jīng)常使我想起自己是誰。但我也熱衷于流行音樂,特別是英文歌曲。于是我將東方的旋律和西方的語言結(jié)合到了一起,它叫做西方版的河南豫劇。當(dāng)兩種文化相結(jié)合的時(shí)候,也許一方的文化中的某些東西不適應(yīng)另一方的傳統(tǒng)文化。當(dāng)此種情況出現(xiàn)時(shí),我們需要試著理解并接受另一種文化中的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣。然而,也許有些東西你并不喜歡,對(duì)于此,我可以說,如果你不喜歡它,請(qǐng)?jiān)囍ト萑趟.?dāng)兩種文化融合的時(shí)候,試著去容忍你個(gè)人不喜歡的東西是一種美德。在我們面前有兩條河流,東方文化和西方文化?,F(xiàn)在,它們也

15、許正朝著不同的方向流去。但是最終它們將匯合到人類文化的海洋里。就在此時(shí)此刻,我看見東方和西方的人肩并肩的站在一起,高唱奧林匹克主題曲:我們手拉手,心靠著心,共同創(chuàng)造美好的明天!大學(xué)生英語演講稿英語風(fēng)采大賽半決賽選手自備演講賞析(大學(xué)成人組)十五、 黃揚(yáng),21,福建farewell, indifferencewho was the most well-known figure in china last month? its ma jiajuethe college student who murdered 4 of his roommates. many people attributed h

16、is crime to his poverty and deficient education. in my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his classmates indifference.indifference is a terrible disease in todays colleges and the whole society. its not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each o

17、ther. its not rare that a student who has been absent from class for several days is not noticed at all. its also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all.some people may say what the students with psychological problems like ma jiajue need is not care

18、but psychotherapy.” however, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them. every smile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.篇二:英語演講比賽演講稿5breathing with dreamsi have a question for you. ?do you know how to breathe? ok

19、ay, i know what you are thinking now, “girl, are you kidding me? everybody knows how to breathe.” actually, if i were you sitting down in there one year ago, i would think, “how did she make it to the final?”for me, singing is a life thing. when i am singing on the stage, i feel whole-heartedly invo

20、lved, and the self-fulfillment it renders is inexplicably thrilling. but with all the realistic problems i need to face in life, all those i want seem too far to be true so far that i am terrified that i will never ever be able to get there and that gradually i will be carried away by the currents a

21、nd torrents of life. i?ve been drowned into this ambivalence for so long. now, with a refined perspective towards self-realization, i am waiting, in a graceful posture, and knowing that i am going to get there. and on this, i should say, i owe yoga a thank-you.i still remember, about one year ago, i

22、 attended a yoga course for the very first time. and to tell you the truth, i went there for a nice figure. however, after practicing for some time, i discovered that there was an ineffable inner-strength burgeoning sneakily in me while i totally focused. in order not to let go this significant powe

23、r, i started to picture all i wanted in my mind while i was fully concentrating, for i believe the wings of imagination could make things possible. i learned to breathe with my dreams, shaping the eagerness into this elegant gesture of persisting.so even though feelings are tied up with life routine

24、s, i could still hold onto that free ego which i have always adored: the girl who is singing under the spotl(轉(zhuǎn)載于:英語演講比賽演講稿5分鐘)ight, with all her heart and soul; the girl who is persevering with all she believes in and always feels grateful for what has been bestowed on her.that girl is now standing

25、right here in front of you, hoping that you are all as lucky as she is, living with dreams and love. no matter how tough things get, i tell myself, i tell myself that, every single thing i am doing now is every stepcloser to that very moment of my trajectory, just like every yoga breath to every blo

26、ssom moment of my life.篇三:英語演講比賽 演講稿(中英版)topictourism and ecology: learning through travel第八屆“21世紀(jì)杯”全國英語演講比賽冠軍顧秋蓓a scene to remembergu qiubeishanghai international studies universityadvisor: gong longshenggood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. today i would like to begin with a story.下午好,各位先生女士們there

27、 was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a census about mountain gorillas. these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity

28、, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, t

29、he mother gorillas cuddled their babies.今天,我想首先用一個(gè)小故事。曾經(jīng)有一個(gè)物理治療師誰親赴從美國到非洲做一個(gè)關(guān)于山地大猩猩普查。這些大猩猩是對(duì)游客的吸引力,主要來自世界各地,這使他們嚴(yán)重不足的偷獵威脅,目前到動(dòng)物園付諸表決。她去了好奇,但她看見她的決心,增強(qiáng)她的一生奉獻(xiàn)為這些美麗的生物戰(zhàn)斗。她親眼目睹的場(chǎng)景,場(chǎng)景帶我們到一個(gè)地方,我們從來沒有影像,我們經(jīng)歷過的,其中在非洲熱帶雨林的深處,樹木,花卉,蝴蝶,大猩猩包圍的母親擁抱自己的嬰兒。yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies,

30、 called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.是的,在我最喜歡的電影之一難忘的場(chǎng)景,呼吁在薄霧大猩猩的基礎(chǔ)上,戴安娜弗西夫人,誰在此度過了一生中最盧旺達(dá)保護(hù),直到她生命的最后的生態(tài)環(huán)境有真實(shí)的故事。to me, the movie not only presents an unfor

31、gettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment. 對(duì)我來說,電影,不僅提供了一個(gè)難忘的場(chǎng)景,而且也是一個(gè)永恒提醒我們,我們不應(yīng)該在發(fā)展我們的生態(tài)成本,環(huán)境,旅游業(yè)行為。1. / 3deforestation to heat lodges is devastating nepal. oil spills from tourist boats are polluting antar

32、ctica. tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to u2 on walkman and wear nike and reeboks.今天,我們生活在一個(gè)繁榮的世界,但仍這么多的新問題的威脅。一方面,旅游業(yè)作為21世紀(jì)最有前途的產(chǎn)業(yè)之一,為我們提供了極好的機(jī)會(huì)都沒有看到人都會(huì)看到,并前往任何地方有去。這已成為一些人的生活方式,并已被證明是在國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值增長的推動(dòng)力。它的神奇,把一個(gè)繁榮仙境1落后的小城。但在另一方面,可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)很多問題-自然景觀不自然了??撤ド值臒嵝∥菔菤缧缘哪岵礌?。旅游船油

33、泄漏污染是南極。部落的人喪失了本土音樂和服飾,聽取他們對(duì)隨身聽u2和穿耐克和銳步。all these appalling(令人震驚的) facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding(侵蝕) our resources. encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in

34、 the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.所有這些令人震驚的事實(shí)使我們認(rèn)識(shí)到,我們不能再袖手旁觀,什么都不做,因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為非常侵蝕了我們的資源。令人鼓舞的是,全球旅游的爆炸性增長已經(jīng)把旅游業(yè)再次在聚光燈下,這就是為

35、什么聯(lián)合國2002年提出的生態(tài)旅游首次提請(qǐng)全世界注意旅游業(yè)的好處,但也其能力,破壞我們的生態(tài)環(huán)境。now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations-big notes, small notes or even coins-from housewives, plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids(殘疾人), some of them can not

36、afford to send the money but they do. these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. why?because they care. because they still want their mother nature back. because they know it still belongs to them.現(xiàn)在每年有很多地方環(huán)境保護(hù)組織接受捐贈(zèng)

37、-大筆記,筆記,甚至小硬幣-從家庭主婦,管道工,救護(hù)車司機(jī),售貨員,教師,兒童和殘疾人。其中一些人可沒有錢給的錢,但他們這樣做。這是誰駕駛的出租車,誰在醫(yī)院護(hù)士,誰從他們所在地區(qū)的生態(tài)破壞的痛苦。為什么?因?yàn)樗麄兊恼疹?。因?yàn)樗麄內(nèi)匀幌M麄兓氐酱笞匀?。因?yàn)樗麄冎浪匀粚儆谒麄?。the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into theinvisible, my mind was filled with songs. i found myself humming softly,

38、not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer.有一天晚上,我看見月亮徘徊在土地和前被送進(jìn)了無形的,心里卻充滿了歌曲。我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己輕輕哼唱,而不是音樂,而是別的東西,別的地方,一個(gè)地方記住,一個(gè)地方不動(dòng),一個(gè)草地,再?zèng)]有人似乎除了鹿被。2. / 3and all those unforgettable scenes stre

39、ngthened the feeling that its lime for us to do和那些難忘的情景更增強(qiáng)了的感覺,現(xiàn)在需要我們做一些事情,為我們自己和我們的未來一代。再次,我所認(rèn)為的夫人戴安娜弗西,因?yàn)樗c她的精神,熱情,勇氣和強(qiáng)烈的生態(tài)環(huán)境,我們的感覺是,我們正在進(jìn)入世界的下一個(gè)步驟。and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight

40、 for it.不管我們是誰,我們做什么,而且我們?nèi)?,在我們的腦海,總有一個(gè)場(chǎng)景要記住,一個(gè)值得努力保護(hù),并爭(zhēng)取的場(chǎng)景。thank you very much.非常感謝。3. / 3篇四:cctv英語演講比賽決賽演講稿編號(hào)15 姓名 孫陽self-confidence is the mother of successas is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the mother of success”. yes , its true. history informs us that stories of success a

41、re also stories of great failure. as a matter of fact. there are many factors that can contribute to a presons success in life. today i will give you a new ideaself-confidence is the mother of success. success is getting up one more time than you fall down. but when failures knocks you down. will yo

42、u have the confidence to get up?so self-confidence is essential to success .self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. it is believed to be the first secret of success. if you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your abilities. and ideeply aware tha

43、t nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence.self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement when you are disappointed. it is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any hard task. with self-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and t

44、his gives you the courage to try new things.some people find most of the things impossible, saying, “it is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “i am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses. when our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, we will always living in the moments of

45、fear and thoughtless.so ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? if you think you dont, boost up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor.if you have a goal to pass cet 4 and cet 6 college english exam easily with high marks, just believe in yourself. yes you canif you want to be a great man

46、in the future and never let your parent down. just believe in yourself. yes you canif you have a dream that conqur english to make china stronger. just believe in youself. yes you can.thank you so much for your listening.篇五:英語演講比賽演講稿一自我介紹:honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, fellow students, good

47、possibility for life.這是一篇關(guān)于發(fā)現(xiàn)了一顆有生命可能性的星球的報(bào)告。it shows that european astronomers have discovered a new planet, they name it gliese 581 c.說歐洲天文學(xué)家們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一顆新的星球,代號(hào)為gliese 581c。it is about 20.5 light years from our earth. they estimated the planets average temperature at between 0 and 40 degrees centigrade.

48、 it is orbiting the red dwarf star, gliese 581.它距地球約20.5光年。他們估計(jì)它的平均溫度約在040之間。它圍繞著紅矮星gliese 581運(yùn)行。most important of all, its an earth-like planet. there might be mountin, sea and liquid water.最重要的是,這顆星球和地球非常相似,它可能有山巒,有海洋,還有液態(tài)水。so the astronomers believe that it is potentially habitable.所以科學(xué)家們相信它能支持生命的存在。however, gliese 581 c might be tidally locked to its sun-the dwarf star the way our moon is to the earth.然而,就像月球一樣,它只會(huì)公轉(zhuǎn),不會(huì)自轉(zhuǎn)。it means that it must always show its same face to its sun, and that


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
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