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1、1. how are you ? fine, thank you.2. where is my ruler? it,s under the desk.3. how many stars can you see?i can see six stars.4. put the pencil in the pencil casetake out your book5. open the door, pleaseclose the door, please.6. come to the blackboard7. clean the blackboard8. wash your face9. let

2、9;s clean our classroom.10. how clean our classroom is!unit 101. this is my room.2. in my room, i have a bed.3. stand next to mestand behind me.sit next to me.sit behind me.4. what do you see in bilfs bedroom?i see a bed1. 你好嗎?很好,謝謝。2. 我的格尺在哪?它在課桌下。3 你能看見多少顆星星? 我能看見6顆星星。4. 把鉛筆放在鉛筆盒里。 把你的書拿出來。5. 請開門。

3、請關(guān)門o6. 到黑板這邊來。7.擦黑板。8. 洗臉。9. 讓我們打掃教室。10. 我們的教室多么干凈啊!unit 101. 這是我的房間。2. 在我的房間里,有一張床。3 請站在我旁邊。請站在我身后。請坐在我旁邊。請坐在我身后。4.你在比爾的臥室里看見什么了? 我看見一張床。5. what,s behind the door?a chair.6. what,s in your room?there is a picture in my room.7. there is a present for you.thank you.8. go and find it!9. what a mess!un

4、it 111. whafs this?it,s a boat.2. whats that?it,s a bird.3. what colour is it?it's red.4. what colour are they?they are green.5. whats your favourite toy?a car.my favourite toy is car.6.1 want this red ball7.1 like that ca匚8. let,s play togethe匚5門后有什么? 一把椅子。6. 你的房間里有什么? 我的房間里有一張畫。7. 這是給你的禮物。 謝謝。

5、&去找到它!9.多亂啊!unit 111. 這是什么? 它是一個船。2. 那是什么?它是一只鳥。3. 它是什么顏色?它是紅色的。4. 它們是什么顏色? 它們是綠色的。5 你最喜歡的玩具是什么? 一輛汽車。我最喜歡的玩具是汽車。6. 我想要這個紅色球。7. 我喜歡那個汽車。8. 讓我們一起玩吧。9. i have a boat for you.10. can i have that doll, please?sure. here you are11.19ve got lots of toysunit 131. this is yaoyao.2. nice to meet you.nice

6、 to meet you, too!3. colour the desks brown.4. what can we do?5. i can make a circle.6. what shape is it ?it,s a circle.7. what shape can you see?i can see a square.8. give me a piece of paper, please. here you are.unit 141 who is wearing a purple dress?the clown!2. i put on my shirt.3. i take off m

7、y socks.9. 我有一個小船給你。10. 請問我能擁有那個娃娃嗎? 當(dāng)然了。給你。11 我有很多玩具。unit 131. 這是瑤瑤。2. 很高興見到你。我也很高興見到你!3把這些課桌涂成棕色的。4. 我們能做什么?5. 我能做一個圓圈。'6. 它是什么形狀的? 它是一個圓。7. 你能看見什么形狀?我能看見一個正方形。&請給我一張紙。給你。unit 141. 誰穿著一條紫色的裙子?那個小丑!2. 我穿上我的襯衫。3. 我脫下我的襪子。4. put onand then put on5. take off.and then take off6. you look nice i

8、n the new dress!7. it has a duck8. it,s too big for me!9. don,t ask me.unit 151 i like ice cream.it's delicious.2. i don9t like it.ifs too sweet.3. happy birthday!4. have some noodles, please.5. can i help you?yes, i want some breadhere you aethank you!6. pm thirsty.7. i need some bread8. what do you have for your breakfast?9. fd like some ice cream4. 穿上然后穿上5. 脫下然后脫下6. 穿著這條新裙子你看起來很漂亮!7它有一個小鴨。&它對我來


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