已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、英語習語與英美文化:總論前言語盲是人類用來表達思想、傳遞感情的交際工具。語言以不同地區(qū)、不同民族、不同社會集團的社會成員的共同認可為前提,以 約定俗成的方式,形成孑種語音符號和書寫符號,加上各種組合規(guī)則和表現(xiàn)出形式,反映出使用這種語言的氏族的地域特征、經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、 風土人情和社會風俗。因此,可以說語言反映社會文化,又同時受到社會文化的制約。在人類社會生活中,語言兒乎無時不在、無處不在,與人的活動形影不離。今夭,人們用語言交流思想、表達感情、傳授知識、 促進貿易。人們還憑借古老的語言去研究先人的哲理,考證出土文物。雖然人類能夠讓自己的的足跡踏上月球,把宇宙探索測器送入太 空,但人類對語言這種自己賴

2、以生存的交際工具的性質和起源卻仍然爭論不休,莫衷一是。語言學的研究傳統(tǒng)歷史悠久。早在兩千多年前的古希臘時期,柏拉圖(plato)、亞里士多徳(aristotle)及其他哲學家就開始探 討語言的性質和語法問題,并幾在公元前世紀寫出了較系統(tǒng)的希臘語法著作,奧定了西方傳統(tǒng)語法的華石。佩17世紀近代文明興起, 不少哲學家和語言學家對語言的本質、起源和演變作了進一步的探討。19世紀歷史比較語古學的建立使i吾言學終于成為一門獨立的學科。 到了20世紀語言學的發(fā)展更為迅速30年代布龍菲爾徳(bloomfield)等人提出用結構主義的方法分析語盲;50年代喬姆斯基(chomsky) 創(chuàng)立轉換生成語法。此后,語

3、言學的研究進一步向多元化的方向發(fā)展。到了 80年代,不少語言學家開始從文化的角度去研究語言,探討 語言的民族特征,挖掘語言的.文化價值,把語言研尤工作推向一個新的高度。不同理論基礎、不同角度的切入,各種研丸途徑相互交錯, 相得益彰,使語言學得以進-步發(fā)展,能更完整、準確、科學地描繪和解釋人類的語言現(xiàn)象"語言的起源是豐富多彩的。每個詞都是曾經(jīng)是一首詩歌、一郵圖畫、一個比喻或象征。世界上的語言文字,不論是國家的方塊漢 字,還是西方的拼音文字,城初都起源于用圖畫対所指的人或物的具體描繪。后來隨著人們認識的事物的増名,抽彖概念的出現(xiàn),人們 發(fā)現(xiàn)象征性的指代比具體的描繪更能表達式越來越復雜的思

4、想感惜。語言進一步向抽象符號的方向發(fā)展,我現(xiàn)手法不斷豐富。現(xiàn)在,有 些詞匯仍能迅溯到它們的起源,再現(xiàn)為時的慮境;而有一些詞匯則彼時光的流逝淹沒了演變的過程,變得面目全非了。語言中的詞匯與民族文化息息相關,而詞匯中的習語則是詞匯中對民族文化的發(fā)展和變化最為敏感的部分。社會文化生活用品中 的每一個側面都會反映到習語屮來。當社會政治穩(wěn)定、變革緩慢的時候,習語的發(fā)展就相應慢一些:當社會生活發(fā)生急劇變化的時候, 習語的發(fā)展變化也相應加快。因此,一種語言詞匯中習語的發(fā)展和變化,反映了使用這種語言的民族文化的發(fā)展史?;仡櫤吞綎肆曊Z的 起源和涵義,尤如翻開一本厚厚的民族歷史文化的畫冊,欣賞一幅郵雖已褪色卻仍栩

5、栩如生的圖畫,重溫昔日的輝煌,品味今天的意義, 使我們能從語言中學習文化,又從文化中習得語言。語言與文化歸納起來,現(xiàn)代語言學主要來源于兩大傳統(tǒng):語文學傳統(tǒng)(philological tradition)和人類學傳統(tǒng)(anthropological tradition)。 語文學傳統(tǒng)從比較語言學和歷史語言學開始,根據(jù)文學作品和書面文獻的研究對語言進行分析和比較。19世紀語文學家的工作為現(xiàn)代語 言學的獨立研究奠定了基礎,后來發(fā)展到布龍菲徳的結構主義和喬姆斯基的轉換生成語法。這一傳統(tǒng)的繼承者強調語言的口然屬性,把 語言看成足一個封閉、獨立的系統(tǒng),把語古學看成一門橫跨人文件科學和自然科學的獨立的邊緣學

6、科。人類學傳統(tǒng)指運用人類學的方法 去研處沒有書寫系統(tǒng)和文字傳統(tǒng)的社會集團的語盲。自20 m紀初矣國的鮑阿斯和薩皮爾以來.人類語盲學家都強調語言的社會屈性,認 為語言和它的社會環(huán)境是分不開的,因此必須把語言學看作是一門社會科學,把語言宙于社會文化的大環(huán)境中研究。人類語言學的研尤 傳統(tǒng)誘發(fā)了文化語言學(ethnolinguistics)的出現(xiàn)的興起。通過從文化的角度來考察語言的交際過程,語言學家們發(fā)現(xiàn)人們在語言交際 過程中不僅涉及語言系統(tǒng)工程,而h涉及同語言系統(tǒng)緊密相關并賴以生存的文化系統(tǒng)。語言與文化的關系 culture) o這兩種捉法都曾經(jīng)是高校語言專業(yè)課程的名稱,或是語言學學術討論會的論題。

7、不難看出,兩種捉法z間有明顯的差異和矛 盾:如果說按“語言與文化”一說,則語盲與文化并列.那么語官是否還屬于文化范疇?如果按“文化中的語盲”一說,則語言從屬于文化, 那么乂如何界定語言與其它文化現(xiàn)彖的關系?為了解決這個問題.有的語言學家提出將文化分為兩大范疇:大文化(big culture)和小 文化(small culture) (bright, 1976)。語言與大文化的關系是從屈關系,與小文化的關系則是并列關系。如圖:從小文化的角度來看,語音和文化是同步發(fā)生的,沒有語言就沒冇文化。語盲是文化形成和發(fā)展的前提,文化的發(fā)展也促進語言 的豐官和完善。有了語言,人類主有了文化。語言是人區(qū)別于動物

8、的更要標志。從生物學角度來看,原始人與動物有許多相似z處,但 是人產(chǎn)生了語言,動物卻沒有。原始人具有宗教、信仰' 道徳、習俗等屈于文化范疇的東西,動物則不可能有。人類用語言創(chuàng)造了文化, 文化又反過來影響了人類,促使人類走向更大的進步。自古以來人類社會積聚下來的文化遺產(chǎn)給語言留下了深刻的烙印。人類的語言是 人類社會文化中的語言,它與人類社會、人類的文化有著許多密切的關系。習語與語言英語中的習語(idiom)包括比喻性詞組(metaphorical phrases).俾語(slang).俗語(colloquialism).諺語(proverb) 等,是英語詞匯的重要組成部分,是英語的民族形

9、式和各種修辭手段的樂中衣現(xiàn),是英語中的某些部分經(jīng)過長期反復使用后自然沉積形 成的形式固定、簡潔明快、喻憊深刻的短語或短句。習語是語言長期使用的結果,世界上幾歷史比較悠久的語言都包含大量的習語。英語是世界上使用城廣泛的語言,也足表達手段 般豐富、文化傳統(tǒng)敲燦爛的語言之一。不同民族的人使用它,不同地方的人使用它,他們都為英語這座文化犬廈添磚加瓦、上色涂彩, 便z更加絢麗弱彩,鮮艷奪目。習語是從語言中提煉出來的短語或短句,是語盲的核心和精華。沒有習語,語言就會變得死氣沉沉,枯 燥乏味。習語如果使用恰當,純熟流利,就可以増強語言的表現(xiàn)能力,好比錦上添花。習語作為一種特殊的語吉形式,也是人民大眾口頭上習

10、用的定型詞組或短句。它的意思可以用現(xiàn)代語育來解釋,也可以在日常主 活中應用,但是它的結構不一定和現(xiàn)代語言一致,詞匯也不一不定期和現(xiàn)代工業(yè)詞匯相同。它們是相沿已久、約定俗成、具有完整而獨 特意義的詞語.因此也就有與i股語言形式不同的特點。1. 習語的民族性心情沉重 with a heavy heart全心全意heart and soul心心相印heart to heart趁熱打鐵 strike while the iron is hot欲速則不達 more haste less speed角 h 混珠 to pass fish eyes for pearls眾得象頭牛 as stubborn a

11、s a mule笨蛋 dumb bell水中撈月 to fish in the air牛飲 to drink like a fish味同嚼蠟 as dry as sawdust山窮水盡 to be at the end of one?s rope狗與doglucky dog.a bolt from the blue 1晴天霹靂冷既叮比喻"不幸的”,也可比喻“高興的"憶外的事杯i had only recently seen john in a restaurant» the news of his death came as a bolt from the blu

12、e。she found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue2. 習語的尺間性惠特曼:英語的根壟寬廣而低下,靠近土壤。英語里交織著普通勞動人民的愛與恨,歡樂與痛苦,需求與滿足。英國是島國:over head and ears赧是水手們的話,折淹過頭部和耳朵over head and ears in debtover head and ears in loveover head and ears in work英國內地山區(qū)獵人:in the bag指獵人們打完獵后,把貓物放在袋子里背回家。山上動

13、物很多,只有放任袋子里的獵物才世已經(jīng)到 手的東西驚the suspect is in the bag completely.we've got the match in the bag “everyth!ng is in the bag! its all a frame-up!茶tea來自中國閩南話,法語寫作theanother cup of tea a 另一回事even if you read french easily, youll find its another cup of tea to make conversation in french.housewives:m泊ce占

14、 mincemeat make mincemeat ofshe made mincemeat of all his arguments, and said that she had never heard anything so puerile (幼稚?u*笑(內)before.來自各行各業(yè)的諺語:blacksmith: a good anvil does no fear the hammer.shoemakers: the cobbler's wife is the worst shodcarpenter: such carpenters, such chipstailors: cu

15、t the coat according to the cloth.farmers: as a man sows, so shall he reapfishermen: the best fish swim near the bottom.hunters: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.all is grist that comes to his mill.all is not gold that glitters.a boisterous horse must have a rough bridlehousewives: a stit

16、ch in time saves nine.3. 習語的比喻性美國黑幫把盜賊的女友叫做bgunmolf;把“處死罪犯的電椅”叫做hot chair;把“替警方當臥底的人"叫做stool pigeon (原指捕鳥 時用來誘捕同類鳥的鳥)redcapbellboy/bellhopcold snapsimile (明喻):as mad as a march hareas proud as a peacockas clear as crystalas tough as leatheras timid as a rabbitas silent as the graveas cool as a

17、cucumberas bold as brasslike water off a duck's back a the advice i had given was like water off a ducks back.like a red rag to a bullq any letter of complaint to the boss is like a red rag to a bullmetaphor (暗喻/隱喻):have a screw loose本總:是說有顆螺絲松了,比喻人的神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)出了點兒毛病.i should not call him an idiot, but

18、 clearly he has got a screw loose somewhere or other.irons in the fire源自詼匠打詼時,火爐上有好幾塊恢燒紅了,等著要打.比喻手頭要做的事很第.i've asked my uncle if he can help me to get a job, but i've got several other irons in the fire as well, so it won't really matter if my uncle refusesmetonymy (換喻):the pen is mighti

19、er than the swordred tape官樣文章,文牘主義;官僚作風although official censorship ended in some countries years ago, red tape can still shackle film-makers working theresynecdoche (捉喻):earn one's breada earn one's livinghomer sometimes nods. ahorace: sometimes even the good homer falls asleepgreat minds c

20、an make mistakeshomer sometimes no ds. there is nobody in existence who never make mistakes.in the arms of morpheus a sleepingset the thames on firewhen queen anne was alivea long long agomeet one's waterlooups and downsins and outsdiamond cut diamond.to have one's heart in one's mouthto

21、 cry one's eyes outas fit as a fiddleas cool as a cucumberneither flesh nor fishto be at liberty5習語的和諧性聲音的和諧euphony:頭韻alliteration和尾韻rhymeas busy as a beeas dead as a doornailas good as goldas still as a stonedilly-dallyat sixes and sevenshot and heavypart and parcelmight and mainmoney makes the

22、 mare go.rhyme:art and partas snug as a bug in a rugby hook or by crookfair and squarehigh and dryhurry-scurrywear and tearmight makes right.a trie nd in n eed is a friend indeed repetiti on:同詞重復:step by stepmeasure for measurecall a spade a spadeneck and neckto turn and turn about同義車復:cool and calm

23、safe and soundwail and whinemud and mireturns and twist兩個意義相對或相反的詞構成習語:brawn and brainfair and foulweal or woenow or neverthrough thick and thin對仗工整:like father, like sonleast said, sooner mendedout of sight, out of mind.penny wise, pound foolishwhere there's a will there's a way.k across1、表

24、方位。lets go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. 讓我們去街對面的餐館買些吃的。2、表動作,穿越。you must go across the bridge and then turn right.你必須先過橋,然后再往右拐。2、age1、年齡。最一般的表達。在此不贅述。2、衰老。the aging people = the old people現(xiàn)代社會出現(xiàn)越來越嚴重的aging problem(人口老齡化問題)等。3、all1、shake all over 渾身顫抖2、all of a sudde

25、n 突然地all of a sudden, i remembered her name.我突然想起了 她的名字。3、by all means 一定ell come by all means.我一定會來的。4 all night long 整晚my present neighbor plays piano all night long.我現(xiàn)在的鄰居整晚都彈鋼琴。4、apply這里我們詳細串聯(lián)一下在聽力考試屮涉及到的與求職相關的短語。apply for(申請),這是工作的第一步;既然要申請,必然需要遞交letter of application(求 職信),只要你足夠confident about

26、 yourself,就有可能獲得job interview(工作血試)的機會。 是否能夠give a good impression(留個好印象)給主管,那就得看你個人猗造化(。有些工作崗位會require much traveling,(要求經(jīng)常岀差)還有些工作,做不了多久就會希 望find a way out(找到出路)。正所謂城里城外,各有風光。沒工作的人想工作,有工作的人又煩工作。5、as1、作為,當作。i am working as his teaching assistant.我作為他的助教進行工作。2、as.as 就像一樣i've heard that he is as

27、well-known as johnson herself.我聽說他跟約翰生本人自己一樣著 名。i don't think it would be as boring as working in an office.我并不認為這會跟在辦公室工作一樣枯燥。it wasn't as easy as i had thought.這不像我想的那么簡單。ifs not as bad as it looks.這并不像看上去的那么糟糕。is that optional course as hard as everybody says?那個選修課真的就像每個人說的那樣難嗎n3、as far a

28、s i know 據(jù)我所知as far as i know, whether there,ll be such a trip is yet to be decided.據(jù)我所知,是否有這么一趟旅行尚未決定。as far as i know, he works until midnight every day.據(jù)我所知,他每天都工作到半夜。4 as well 也if the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis outside. 如果明天溫度還是這么髙,我們也可能放棄到戶外進

29、行比賽的主意。1 > as soon as 就,盡快i will do that for you as soon as i have fixed the machine.一修好機器我就會盡快為你完成那個工作。6、awfully非常地,相當?shù)?。在口語中用于表程度的比例十分高。awfully nervous 相當緊張;awfully cold 相當冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉 tom looks awfully nervous.湯姆看上去相當緊張。i am awfully sorry. i didn" mean to hurt you.十分抱歉。我不想傷害你的。7、be

30、 bound to肯定,注定the movie starts in 5 minutes and therebound to be a long line.電影還有5分鐘就開始了現(xiàn)在那里肯定排著長隊。8、be tired of厭煩。當一個人感到厭煩的時候,也是最容易lose onc tcmpcr(生氣)的時候。 i'm tired of movies about romantic stories.我已經(jīng)徹底厭煩了電影中的浪漫故事。9、be worn out1、筋疲力盡,這個表達不太正式,多用于口語。i'm usually worn out at the end of the da

31、y.在一天快結束時我時常覺得很累。2、破舊不堪。my soles were worn out after a long time trip.經(jīng)過長吋間的旅行,我的鞋底已經(jīng)破1口不堪。10、better1、'd better 最好是ed better read one of the articles for the class.我最好還是為上課讀篇文章準備一下。i think you'd better find another partner.我想你最好還是另找一個搭檔吧。2、make it better 讓更好ed rewrite the last two paragraphs

32、 to make it better.我已經(jīng)重寫了最后兩段以使它更好。 be better 更好些i told you it would be better for you if you took fewer courses during the first semeste匚 我告訴過你如果你在第一個學期少選一些課程會比較好一些。11、bill1、賬單,買單。i will pay the bill this time because last time you did it.這次我來買單,因為上次是你。2、提案。wc all passed the bill on yesterday board

33、 meeting.在昨天的董事會上我們全票通過該提案。3、紙幣。here's a 10-dollar bill. give me two tickets for tonight's show please.這是一張10美元的紙幣,請給我兩張今晚演出的票,謝謝。12、book1、書。本意,簡單名詞。2、預定,訂購。be booked up被預定空了; booking office售票處all the morning flights have been booked up.所有明早的飛機票都預定光了。13、briefing1、簡介。會議之前,總要有一,個項目叫做give a bri

34、efing.mrs. lung's briefing seems to go on forever. lung 女士的簡報似乎沒完沒 了。2、news / press briefing 新聞發(fā)布會14、change1、改變,更改。這是該詞的基本意思,看兩個例子回顧一下。i'd love to see a different type of movie for a change.我想換換 口 味,看場不同類型的電 影。f11 have to get my ticket changed.我必須得更改我的票。2、零錢。這是在口語屮經(jīng)常使用的意思。two tickets and her

35、e's a dollar forty cents change.這是兩張票以及一美元四十美分的找 零。jane, do you have some change? i have to make a call on the pay phone.jane,你有零錢嗎?我想在公用電話亭打個電話。15、check1 >檢查?;疽馑?。check our baggage檢查行李could you check for me who borrowed it?你能幫我查查是誰借走了嗎?did you check the power plug and press the play button?你

36、是否檢查了電源插頭并按了播放鍵了呢?2> 登機臺。check-in counteris this the chcck-in counter for flight 914 to los angeles?這是飛往洛杉磯的914號航班的登機臺嗎?3、詢問。check on it問問看maybe i should call to check on it.也許我應該打個電話問問看。4、支票。sign the check.簽這張支票。16、copy1、一本,一份。a copy of 口語中經(jīng)常使用。i'd like to buy a copy of professor franklin

37、9;s book on american culture.我想買本富蘭克林教授寫的關于美國文化的書。would you like a copy of professor smith's article?你想要份史密斯教授的文章嗎?2、復印。簡單動詞。could you copy this article for me?你能為我拷貝一 i、這篇文章嗎?17、count1、數(shù)數(shù)。she is counting the days.她每天都在數(shù)著日子。2、指望。count on依賴we'll have to count on good weather.我們不得不指望一個好天氣。18、c

38、over1 封面。hard cover精裝書,與hard back book同意。另外,每個娛樂雜志的封面都免 不了會有一位漂亮吋尚的cover figure(封面人物)。the hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop.在書店,這些精裝本與平裝本價格相同。2、讀完,完成。i think we've covered everything.我認為我們完成所有事情了。i just covered a few chapters which interested me

39、most.我只讀完了 自己最感興趣的兒 章。19、crossword puzzle縱橫字謎,一種填字游戲。既可以entertain oncsclf(自我娛樂),也是一種不錯的智力訓練。this is not a game. it's only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary. 這不是游戲。這只是可以幫助我提高單詞量的一種縱橫字謎。20、drama戲劇。這是一種西方的藝術形式。四級聽力屮曾經(jīng)多次出現(xiàn)。其他的藝術形式還有tv play(電視?。?soap opera(肥皂?。?concert(音樂會)some peo

40、ple just can't seem to appreciate real-life drama. 有些人似乎不愿意欣賞真實生活的戲劇表演。21、drop1、拜訪。drop byi wonder if you can drop by tomorrow evening.我想知道你能杏在明晚過來。1 載人一程。i'm going home, but i can drop you at the supermarket.我要回家,但我町以載你到超市。2、忘掉,放棄。drop itwc can drop it this time. but don't do it again.這

41、次我們可以算了,但下次不要再犯。i have to drop it this time.我這次不得不放棄。22、drunk driving酒后駕駛。在四級聽力中出現(xiàn),一般都是作為traffic accident(交通事故)的主耍原因之一。i think it's high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now. 我認為這是我們必須重視酒后駕駛的危險性的時候了。23、expect愿意“期待,期望snobody expects you to be a superstar.沒有人指望你會成為超級明星。

42、引申意思為“等待,預期the lecture was much more difficult to follow than i had expected. 這個演講比我預期的要難懂多了。mr. smith is expecting you at 3 o'clock.史密斯先生等待著你三點釗至u來。24、extremely使用頻率非常高,不亞于very,這個東西extremely expensivethe speech the blind girl gave this evening was extremely moving. 今晚那個盲的女孩的演講非常感人。25、film1、電影。最常

43、見用語。2、膠卷。ran out of film 膠卷用完;a roll of film 一卷膠卷;develop the fil m 沖洗膠卷,說成 wash 就完蛋了。3、拍攝。film the river bank扌“攝河岸景致26、gains and losses得與失。think about the gains and losses before you make the decision. 在你做出決定之前,一定要好好想想得與失。27、give1 > give sb a ride請某人搭便車could you give me a ride to school tomorrow

44、?你明天能載我一程去學校嗎?2、give sb a hand 幫助某人can you give me a hand, mike?麥克,你能幫我一下嗎?3、give sb a ring打電話給某人i need to give mum a ring and tell her i will not be back for dinne匚我要給媽媽打電話告訴她不回去吃晚飯了。28、go1、go broke破產(chǎn);身無分文2 go for a ride乘車外出my sister wanted to go for a ride around town.我的姐姐想乘車去鎮(zhèn)上轉一轉。3、go dutch各付各的4

45、、go ahead向前進;繼續(xù)下去go ahead, please.請繼續(xù)向前進。5 go on forever永遠繼續(xù)下去mrs. lung's briefing seems to go on forever.郎女士的演說似乎沒完沒了。6 go against 不順心oh, yes, but not a thing to go against me.哦,是啊,沒有什么不順心的事情發(fā)生在我身上。7、go over復習,溫習i've have to go over my notes for tomorrow's midtenn.我不得不為明天的期中考試復習筆記。29、it

46、em1、物品。i want to move a few heavy items into the car.我想把一些很重要的東西搬進車 里。2 項,東西。如果填表(fill in a form),就必然有 many items to write3、指代工作。what about a cup of coffee before we move onto the next item?在進入下一個議程前要不要來杯咖啡。30、keep1、keep in touch(with)保持聯(lián)系but we'11 keep in touch.但是我們會保持聯(lián)系的。do you still keep in t

47、ouch with your parents regularly after you leave them?你離開父母以后還仍然與他們繼續(xù)保持經(jīng)常的聯(lián)系嗎?2、keep an eye on 看守。31、laundry該詞本意是指洗衣店。但是在聽力中,會用來借指洗衣服的工作。比如,there's a lot of laundry to do.有很多衣服要洗。32、look該詞本身作為一個基本動詞并無什么難度,但是它頻頻在聽力中出現(xiàn)的各種用法我們不 得不掌握一下。1、看上去。you look great.你看上去氣色很好。you look awfully nervous.你看上去很緊張。a

48、ll of my clothes look so old and i can" afford something new 我所有的衣服看上去都很舊,我買不起新的。it's not as bad as it looks.它并沒有看上去的糟。2、查閱o lookup查閱字典1 > 希望。look forward to2、尋找。look fordo you think we should try to call him or look for him?你認為我們是打電話給他呢,還是去找他?have you seen a young gentleman looking for

49、his wristwatch?你見過一個尋找腕表的年輕人嗎?33、make1、make an appointment 預約why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week?你為什么上周不給醫(yī)生打個預約電話。2> make a call on the payphone 打一個收費電話3、make room for sb騰出位子給某人could you make room for the old lady?你能為這位老太太讓個座嗎?4a make it達到,抵達,做到but fm afraid i can&#

50、39;t make it.但是我恐怕做不到。i'm afraid i can't make it before 7 o'clock.我恐怕在 7 點前沒法到達。34、mistake1、錯誤。make a mistake2、誤認。這對雙胞胎長得太像了,所以1 often mistake one for another,并且無法tell them apart。35、notice1、通知。please wait for further notice.請注意進一步通知。2、注意到。have you noticed anything wrong here?你注意到這里有什么問題嗎

51、?36、offer1、提供。公司提供工作職位給學生就是offer a jobo國外大學提供獎學金即:offer scholarshipo所以大家一般稱國外大學的全額獎學金為offer。i turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family. 我拒絕了這份工作因為它要求頻繁的出差。they're offering me a job after i graduate.他們給我提供了 一份畢業(yè)后的工作。2 幫助。offer to help others 樂;于助人37、

52、order1、命令。這是最基本用法,不贅述。2、訂購。i haven't received the furniture i ordered yet. 我還沒有收到訂購how about the food i ordered? 我訂的飯菜如何?餐廳服務用語:can i take / serve your order?3、秩序。out of order比較亂,其反意為in order o38、paint1、油漆。did henry paint the whole house himself? 整棟房都是亨利自己漆的嗎?he had it painted.他找人刷了油漆。2、繪畫。can y

53、ou tell me the title of this oil painting? 你能告訴我這貼畫油畫的名字嗎?39、paper1、論文。學期結束,學生難免會要被要求完成幾篇papersohow much time did you have for writing the paper? 你寫論文花了 多少時間?whafs the teacher's comment on the student's paper?老師怎么評價這個學生的論文? are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?

54、你確信論文中所有打印錯誤都更改了嗎?2試卷。期中考試有midterm paper,期末有term papers因此,如果提到the paper was not as easy as we hope.就是考試卷子沒有想象得那么容易之意了。書面。與paper test書面考試(筆試)相對的就是oral test(口試)。固定搭配on paper 也即表示“以書面形式”。4 平裝。a paper back book / paperback edition 平裝書,與 hard back book / hard cover 精 裝書相對。聽力中會出現(xiàn)的情形是,在促銷(on sale)期間,平裝書和精裝

55、書一樣的價格,這 個時候大家當然會更愿意選擇精裝書了。do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?這本字典有平裝版嗎?5、新聞報紙。來源于newspapero在日常用語屮,直接用paper指代新聞報紙。i'm calling about the thrcc-bcdroom house you advertised in yesterday's paper.the paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

56、ed like to place an advertisement for a used car in this sunday edition of your paper.6、一般的紙張。該詞最基本的意思。i am looking for quality paper to type my essay.我在找高質量的紙來打卬論文。40> polish修改,潤色。對論文,對求職簡歷。i spend so much time polishing my application letter.我花了很多時間潤色我的申請文 書。41、print1、打印。print this article out.

57、把這份文件打印出來。2、印刷。與 publish 相近,the printing industry 就是印刷業(yè),out of print 絕版。the book has been out of print for some time now.3、用印刷體寫。i have printed my family name, first name, date of birth, and address.我用印刷體寫上了我的姓,名,生tl和地址42、quality本意為名詞“質量",在聽力中也常用作形容詞,表示“高質量的"。如:quality life i am looking for quality paper to type my essay.我在找高質量的紙來打印論文。43、quote / quotation原意“引用",在聽力屮出現(xiàn)的意思是報價。買東西詢問報價?whafs your quotation? can you quote for the new flat?你的報價是多少?你能估計一下這套新公寓的價格嗎?4


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