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1、2022年江蘇省蘇州市藝術(shù)高級中學(xué)高二英語測試題含解析一、 選擇題1. was it in the grand closing ceremony _ people bathed themselves in a sea of abundant happiness?a. that                           

2、       b. what                       c. which                   &

3、#160; d. where參考答案:a2. it is our hope that more trees _ here next year.a. have been planted  b. will be plantedc. have planted  d. will plant參考答案:b3. _ each other for years, they talked almost the whole night and had a wonderful time. a. not having seen      b. hav

4、ing not seen     c. not seen       d. not to see 參考答案:a4. i am sure the exhibition you have you an idea of the happy lifestyle of the people in the faraway country.a. an interest in giving      b. interested in givesc. an int

5、erest in gives      d. been interested in giving參考答案:8. not only his parents but also his elder brother _ to the summer palace. they havent been back yet.a. have been          b. have gone        

6、0;     c.    has gone       d. has been 參考答案:c略6. they started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _.a. spare         b. catch           &

7、#160;    c. leave                d. make 參考答案:a 7. now all the employees except the manager _ to work online at home.a. encourages    b. encouragec. is encouraged    d. are encouraged參考

8、答案:d試題分析:句意:所有的雇工除了經(jīng)理之外都被鼓勵在家網(wǎng)上工作。這里由介詞連接的兩部分謂語動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)按介詞前的主語來確定,所以這里根據(jù)all the employees來確定,它是復(fù)數(shù)所以排除ac;這里all the employees與encourage之間是被動關(guān)系,故選d。點評:本題難度適中。主謂一致在高中是高中階段重要的語法項目,它的各項情況比較多,需要考生平時多記多練。即學(xué)即練:have all of you listened to the speech?yeah. every boy and girl in the class_ invited. a. were &

9、#160;        b. have been     c. has been    d. was解析:d。句意:由and連接的主語如果由every修飾時, 其謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。句中表述的內(nèi)容僅僅是過去的動作,所以用一般過去時態(tài)。8. -why was professor johnson unhappy those days?  -the only reason was that the theory he insisted on _ w

10、rong.  a. proving    b. being proved    c. proved     d. was proved參考答案:c9. we'd better take more money _.a. in the case  b. in some casesc. in case      d. in case of參考答案:c句意:我們最好多帶些錢,以備不時之需(以防萬一)。in the case“在情況下”,

11、后面要接同位語從句; in some cases“在某些情況中”; in case of后需接名詞、代詞,表示“以防;萬一有的情況”。10. it is not when to start the job but who to start _is of importance. a. which       b. it       c. that       d. this  參考答案:c略11. as he

12、 approached the door, mike looked into the room again to see if he _ anything behind.a. left           b. had left             c. would leave          

13、0;    d. would have left參考答案:b12. - i think im coming down with a bad cold.       - .a .oh, dont say that again.        b. then youd better see a doctor.c. well, i suggest you have a rest.   d. but you should g

14、o up a bit.參考答案:b略13. the bank is reported_ in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday.     a. to be robbed           bto have robbed     c. to have been robbed     dhaving been robbed參考答案:c14

15、. glasses are       _and must be handled with great care.a. abundant         b. diverse           c. extinct          d.fragile參考答案:d略1

16、5. we shouldnt ignore the fact that high-quality health services are not _ to people in the countryside.   a. acceptable               b.               

17、60;     c. accessible                d. relevant參考答案:c16. if you have mor exprience, you are more _ to get the job.a. probable              

18、 b. possible                c. likely                  d. perhaps參考答案:c略17. the clothes dont _ me at all. they are tight in the sleeve.a. satisfy 

19、;                          b. meet                        &#

20、160;                c. fit                                  

21、  d. suit參考答案:c18. i was glad to meet jenny again,         i didn't want to spend all day with her.a. but         b. and         c. so       

22、  d. or參考答案:a19. pro. smith will give us a report to _ the world present economic problems.a. arrange                b. analyze                 &

23、#160;   c. announce                   d. argue參考答案:b二、 書面表達20. 請以“positive and negative aspects of sports " 為題寫一篇英語短文,內(nèi)容包括:1  體育運動的好處;2  體育運動可能帶來的副作用;3  你參加運動的體會注意:1.詞數(shù):120詞左右;2.可以適當加入細節(jié),以使內(nèi)容充實,行

24、文連貫。positive and negative aspects of sports-_ 參考答案:sports do us good in many aspects. it goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. in team sports like basketball, volleyball or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation . sports can also help us re

25、lax after a period of exhausting work.however, we may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. what's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.my participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both

26、 physically and psychologically. it is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people .so long as we are careful enough, sports can do us nothing but good. 三、 閱讀理解21. welcome to the study zone(區(qū)域)!choose your english language level:upper beginner( level

27、200)lower intermediate(中級)( level330)intermediate( level 490)advanced(level 570)what do i do?first, choose your level. then, choose a topic. finally, choose a lesson. study zone is made up of levels, each level has language topics. each topic has lessons. lessons include exercises to help you improv

28、e your english.where am i now?the menu at the top of each page tells you where you are. you can click on each part of it to go back to different levels. click on home on the left to go to the beginning of study zone. the name of the page you are on is on the right side of the menu. levels in between

29、 home and the page you are on are links (鏈接) that you can click on.about the study zonethe study zone is for students of the english language centre( elc) at the university of victoria. elc teachers create the english language lessons and practice exercises. the site is designed for our adult englis

30、h language learners, but all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises.news and feedbackthe comments on the study zone blog have been great! if you have questions or problems with this material, or if you find mistakes or something difficult, let us know on the blog's feedback page. thanks!1. which english language level would you choose if you are a beginner?a. level 200.b. level 330.c. level 490.d. level 570.2. how can you know where you are?a. by deciding y


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