



1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載英語中的主動語態(tài)與被動語態(tài)英語中有兩種語態(tài)即:主動語態(tài)和被動語態(tài)一概念主動語態(tài):表示主語是動作的執(zhí)行者,被動語態(tài)表示主語是動作的承受者例如: 1. Granny takes care of the girl. 奶奶照顧這個小女孩( Granny 是動作 take care of 的執(zhí)行者,屬主動語態(tài))2. The girl is taken care of by Granny.小女孩由奶奶照顧 ( the girl 是動作 takecare of 的承受者)二. 被動語態(tài)的構(gòu)成(1)一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài)be 動詞( am / is / are ) +過去分詞(2)一般過去時的被

2、動語態(tài)was / were + 過去分詞(3)一般將來時的被動語態(tài)will + 過去分詞(4)含有情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)Can / may / must / should + 過去分詞注:在英語中當(dāng)然不止這四種形式的被動語態(tài),它還有現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時、過去進(jìn)行時、現(xiàn)在完成時、過去完成時等多種形式的被動語態(tài),但在中考中只考老師呈現(xiàn)的這四種時態(tài)的被動語態(tài)三. 被動語態(tài)的用法在將被動語態(tài)變?yōu)橹鲃诱Z態(tài)時,首先劃分句子成分找出句子的主語、 謂語、賓語,然后將主動語態(tài)的賓語拿來做被動語態(tài)的主語;接下來看這個句子是什么時態(tài),這個句子是什么時態(tài)就用什么時態(tài)的被動語態(tài);最后用 by 將主語引出 ,有時 by 短語可省略例如

3、:將下列句子變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)1.Wecallhim Tom.主謂賓He is called Tom by us.2.Many peoplespeakEnglish.主謂賓English is spoken by many people.3. Iaskedher some questions.主謂賓She was asked some questions by me.4.Shemadeher roomclean and tidy.主謂賓Her room is made clean and tidy.5. Theytook care ofthe children.主謂賓The children wer

4、e taken of by them.6. Lucy and Lily willplantmany trees主謂賓next Sunday.Many trees will be planted nextSunday byLucy and Lily.7. Jimcan playthe piano.主謂賓The piano can be played by Jim.三 . 帶有雙賓語的句子被動語態(tài)的變法帶有雙賓語的句子變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,首先劃分句子成分找出句子的主語、謂語、直賓 (人是直賓)和間賓(物是間賓) ,然后主動語態(tài)中的直賓和間賓都可用來作被動語態(tài)的主語,接下來如果是將間賓用來作被動語態(tài)的主

5、語時,還須在直接賓語前加 to 或 for注意:介詞 to 或 for 的選擇與謂語動詞有關(guān):與 to 連用的動詞有: give / show /send / bring / read /pass / lend / leave / hand / tell / return / write / pay / throw /wish / teach / promise 等;與 for 連用的動詞有: make / buy / do / fetch / get / play/ save / order/ find 等 . (??嫉睦蠋煷蛴邢聞澗€)例如:1. Shesentmea dictionary

6、on主謂直賓間賓my birthday.I was sent a dictionary on my birthday.A dictionary was sent to me om my birthday.2. My fatherboughtmea radio主謂直賓間賓yesterday.I was bought a radio yesterday.A radio was bought for me by my fatheryesterday.四:省略了帶 to 的不定式的句子的被動語態(tài)的變法省略了帶 to 的不定式的句子在變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時, 在這個省略沒 to 的動詞前要將to 還原上 .(像

7、這樣的句型有:make sb do學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載sth / see sb do sth / hear sb do sth / let sb do sth / watch sb do sth / notice sb do sth等)例如:1. The storymadeus laugh.主謂賓We were made to laugh by the story.2. The boss makes the workers work 12主謂賓hours a day.The workers are made to work 12 hours aday by the boss.3.Isawthe b

8、oyplay soccer on the主謂賓playground almost every day.The boy was seen to play soccer on the playground almost everyday.練習(xí)題:將下列句子改為被動語態(tài)1. We plant trees every spring.2. Many foreigners visit the Great Wall every year.3. Lily and Lucy cleaned the classroom yesterday afternoon.4. Most students like Mr. W

9、ang.5. Many people will visit Beijing next year.6. They use wood to make paper.7. Ann looked after the children well.8. Lily invited me to her birthday party last Sunday.9. A writer translated the book into many languages several years ago.10. My brother can work out the math problem easily.11. We s

10、hould change clothes often to keep healthy.12. Scientists may clone humans some day.13. People mustn t throw rubbish into the river.14. Must we plant more trees to protect the environment?15. Did he plant many trees last year?16. Will she visit Beijing next Sunday?17. Jenny put her clothes in the su

11、itcase yesterday evening.18. Tom saw his sister walk into the room just now.19. We must plant many trees and flowers in our hometown every year.20. He can make paper ships.21. Jane will watch TV tomorrow.22. Though the earthquake destroyed many house, people didn tlose hope.23. Lily often heard her

12、sister sing in the next room.24. I noticed him read a novel in class.25. The teacher made us understand it.( ) 26. _ Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful._ Sure, many trees _ every year.A. plantB. is plant學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載C. are plantedD. planted() 27. In July, 2016, the 30thOlympicGames _ in Lon

13、don.A. will be heldB. be heldC. is heldD. was held() 28. The task _ in an hour. Then wecan go home and have a good rest.A. was finishedB. will be finishedC. has been finishedD. cantbe finished() 29. _ Where is Betty?_ She _ on the playground a fewminutes ago.A. was seenB. sawC. is seenD. is seeing()

14、 30. More than20 schools _ in thecountry next year.A. are builtB. were builtC. have builtD. will be built() 31. Many people learn English becauseit _ widely _ in the world.A. is, usedB. was, usedC. is, usingD. was, using() 32. _ Peoplesay the subway_building in Harbin in a few years.A. will finishB.

15、 is finishedC. will be finishD. finished() 33. Old people must _.A. be spoken to politelyB. speak to politeC. be spoken politelyD. speak polite() 34. _ What swrong with your leg?_ I _ by a bike when crossingthe road.A. hurtB. was hurtC. am hurtD. will hurt() 35._ I have some good news to tell you.Yo

16、u _ as a volunteerforthemeeting._ Really? I cantbelieve it.() 36. _ The shirt looks differentfromothers and it looks nice._ Thanks. It _ by my motherlast month.A. madeB. is madeC. was madeD. makes() 37. The young man was oftenseen_ by the lake.A. to drawB. to drawingC. drawD. drew() 38. _ There isa lotof wind inNorthChina._ Well, more trees _ every yearto stop the wind.A. must be plantedB. can plantedC. should plantedD. should plant() 38. A lot ofmeetingswere_because of the dangerous disease.A. turne


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