1、國家開放大學(xué)試題國家開放大學(xué)電大本科高級英語閱讀22029-2030期末試題及答案試卷號:1354Sccllon 1 New Word*(3 poinU|A MuUrh cnch Yocabulaiy worti on the left with lhe correct dcrinitionon lhe righLcitch)L eKnlnananA. unknown2. anonymousB. make »omronr fcrl better3. d taw buckC. writitig as un art ernationalD jihow in thr fo
2、rm of n picture知rettMureE< rtnimrth of the same type6. colliKniphyE. cquftl7. depict(; Hnrhnge8. speciesH nut ricxihlr0. trHNh1. among othef countries10. rigidJ. disadvantage unfavotiniblc nipcttH: Fill in lhe blunks »»lth words from the box bdm (3 points cuch)cognitivt:colkaKue» i
3、drnlity intuitioninvolvedmaturnlian memory nruroxtentiHt pyrholoKi rrnrarchersDenr RonemnryeA。you know. If vr been looking for my identical twin niMrr for yem. nnd I (molly hiund her JijjiI pjiychulogiNtji predict wr have rnnny hirniUritirft. Am you knowt If vc been )1 with work on the xcirncc of th
4、e brain. An a 12 11 vr utudird king term13 or how adulr* remember evenT» from childhood. WcIL my wiMcr is a14utudytntf the 。典me nren. htit with fhihlrrnr She wrdm to find our how nicniory rhnnK*> with15 or how thr r/irly mrniorir% of chtldrm And Irrhagrr* differ. Wr mrt by Mtchlrni nt n conf
5、r rrncr ofi 16 dtnee rheic were tn any 17 thrtc t and unr <4 tny 【X from the inMtitutr told mr nhc hn<l necn a woman who looked rxarcly like rnc. I went to the room where ihi« woman was givinK a prrAenrnripn. I didnft want io Iwnher her* »o I hid niy _ _ hy fitting in the backt Hrr p
6、rrsentntion wa» interrNcingt nnd ftftcrwnrdt I w<nt to the Iron! of the roam. Shv looked nt mr without Miyin只 h word ihrn wr |u»t Iniggcd wrh Eh, She Mid that her 20 laid hrr that wrfd find rach Other BOOik ltF* incredible but I feel likr r vr known hrr all my life. She cdminK la rny ho
7、use for dinner nowi wr both luvr io cook. Morr Inter)Yow Inrnd.ConnieSection | Rradinn C<»ni|irthctwlon國 Kc»d thr paMagCe then un%wcr the quntkma that follow. (5 point! t«eh)Cmw ChaniecA People who nrr rhinking about changing careers ire ofirn afraid ol wh»t will hiippen il th
8、ey quit their job. Will they find Another one? Will they like mother field n» well e the onr ihry «rr in now Will they be «hlc to grow untl odvnncr in new orHnniiatkon7H Ab ihcwecome to rnincl# ihcy should try lo hxurr ou! thr nnRwcrn onihry cnn reach a dccimon. Ahlmugh there i>
9、171; hitfh rate of unemployrnent Iti nonir :ountrrr%t (herr are usually johh for »killed wurkem who can uno coinpufern or oihrr iM|uipmenh 1ho»c who have specialized irmninK m 讓町 arm% run umrrally find m putHion without too much effortaC Vhr question <4 whether thcyMI hkr n not her fiel
10、d more thnn thtiir currcrn one I, «|wo n crucinl one. While it % mcr tn dream ahoui having Annthrr (ube <hr rrnlity may be that they arrn9t nutted lor il. Far cxAtnpIct il en nrchncct liken to cook hut hut no idm ahout how to run 11 buHtntHUe n mny hr risky lor him <0 open rrstaurnnt. Hr
11、enn cnt>k for hi(ricrnk an werkrndB and MAtinfy ht> drcAmn af Iwing 11 chef in ilut way.() Another Mood way lur per2。ta find out if »he will be nucctt>»ful in fi nrw field in 11)try 11 out h part-hmr)ob. BrinM cvrni plnnnrr ftoundtf RlntTHi5 but hclpinx Irwndv with pnrtirfi or wrd
12、dinKH nuxhl *how her fhnf u > «1m> vriy wircnnful. Howevrr. U hhv hnn the crrniivity anti orgAnuation nrccusnry for »uch u portion. f*hr enn continue to plan rVciiti f<ir (ricndu unul xhc buildn up n rrpuiatinn. Vhrn .hr can Irnvr hvr ctnrvni |<>b tn look (nr m job in rvent
13、plnnning knowing that ihr * II be succc»!tful in lhmK ()ncr person him found hl* ur her Rperiahy mid (lecide* on the ehAngr> it' nrerjinAry to Attrk with H until the bu»incsi» geu oil the groumL Thit utually ukcu five yearn. 1( tht< nuivr hm brt?n (rofn one cornp«ny to
14、nni)ihcr> ihr prrnon nhould My until H i clear hn Im doins n good |oh and can ndvAnce tn o highrr pnnitton. Following thia mivtec will m»kr the transition xnoother nd thf ewrerr chanKe MuccenjfutFor ach qocslion, choose the best answer based on the rnidinR pakMige. Write A, B, C i»r l&g
15、t; on your Answer Sheet.2L According 2 the rending, people who think nboul changing cjirrcr genrrAlly »A. quit thrir joinIL «rc nfroid of quitting their job.(Vid another one njhf nwny. gn)w And udvnncr in new orntuinuon22- lhcre 15 hiRh rule of uncruploymeht hi !»omc countnv». I&
16、#187;u< nkillctl workersA.Io their job,H.try to reach .decisionCum compu!cr«I),with traininRcun Millget*血23, If a prrHnn drremM about doiriR another jnbe .Ahr in «ui<rd ForilK.he cun run a buninciiB仁he Mill may notbe nblr to do it以hr will be心achef24. Having a prf lime job .A 1% n Roo
17、d way to fry nnother curcct H. »oun(k »lnmorou!iC iu veryI). builcis up a person cmreer25. You should my in . new career at kasit five years becauseA. 、your ApecinltyIL you rnnvrd from one compnny to anotherC. you rnn do n goinj joh «nd Advance in thnt ttrnrI). I hr EnMtiun will he mo
18、uther| 叫 Krud the pftswgc. Ilion Answer the questlun« thnt follow. (3 poinK rmh) relccommuHni:A A,c',lcw begme more expensive and crowded. worked o(im have to move f"hcr nwjiy from their officeji in order to htid Affordnblc houninK in drxirnlilr neighbor hoods. Sometcmm they Havc to tr
19、avel an hour or more to work and back and rndurr tt 心 "MR. ()tic popular ahernntive to thr fru»tniting morninn ctnnrniifr is telecommuting. IclccammutinK involve% working (roni home und rommurncntinK with anemployer hy phones fax# or curnputen I'hnnRing tcchnnlony niakrs telecommuting
20、incrrABingly easy and popular Some iclccomminern work ul home full time, while other* RO into the oHicc one ar two dnys nnd work nt home the mt ol the week. It ih estimntcd that betwern 18 and 23 milJion people telcconitnutr in the V ml cd Slulest and between 1.6 nnd 2 million people telecommute in
21、both the U. K* and Germany< And the numbeta tre growing. Why nrc rd many people tclrcomniutin«? Wh*i nrc the adviinUgcA* and do they outweigh the di»advnnfngew?B Telecommuting has mimy ftdvftniuRr»t In addiuon m »nving people (rom the xtfrssful morning conirnuir« it nlw a
22、llow* (or morr llcxihilify in thr workplwcr. Telccommutrni can p)Nn their own uchcdulejn lhey can cusionnjtc their work rnvtronmenfs: and they can work (rum anywhere Oftent people with children like to tclecornTnutr became it nirann buihling a work schedule around family demnnds nnd commitments Addi
23、ttonnlly homt! ailicrn enn provnle koihI (ax bcnrfitn for tclcetjmmutcr!i. Finally(5 thour who done t like thr oilier ntmoMpherr# cifficr poll Hi、, or fhowr long> never ending meeting* YclccommulinR can provide a rclca*ct OlccommulinK nut only provides advnntnxes to the workere it bcncHtt the env
24、ironment M wcIL It contribute* w cleaner air (!cs» pollution emitted from cam)t decreased traffic and job growth in rural nren thnt might not oihrrwhe offer cmploymrnt options.( Telecommuting has dinAflvnntngcs as well. For instance< »nm<? worker* niny telecommute not out of choice b
25、ut beaiuse the employer doenn f 1 wish to provide office space, n workor the brnrfiti ihnt onsite rniployce# rcccive< Another drawbrn-k mthut not everyanr cun trlecomfnutr< Certain |ob»f , "ch an media nnd publihlnngt conuliitiHt 煩kr. nnd telcrnarketing lend thcmselvcH better to trlr
26、coinmuting th«n othern< Somprnple hnd it wry difficull to work al home The TV the refrigerator the bed, c maiL «nd the telephonr can be I)ik difttrMctionn (or trlrronimuur»> On lhe uihrr hnnd. Mime trlrcammutrrR can11 scpnrAtr work from home and have tendency to overwork, ( hhrr
27、 d曲dvuniy of telecommuting include the difficulty of office relationship#. Sometime* il a worker hin nr her timr hrtwren homr and thr olficct co workers who Bon11 hve the Opportunity to work at home might feel rrscnlful. Mutugm might (crl powerlei* to control rtnplnyccs who nrrn on Finally, if worki
28、ng from hornr maken you (crl i*nlntrd ur lonely then telecommuting b probably not (or you>D Jeff and Nnncy found a way to use telecommuting to change rheir live* -Not only do wr have h better lifestyle we have a better life/9 says Nancy. Three years ago> the couple sold their Manhattan aparTme
29、nt and bought a mobile home. When they arc not traveling around the United Stares, they live in their adobe bungalow tn Santa Fe New Mexico. wWhen we saw Santa Fc. we fdl in love with the place immediatrly. But before selling bur New York apaHmcnt < wc spent the year making connections and resear
30、ching our options for work that we could do. " Nancy dtx?n work for a publisher and Jeff works an an independent conKuhant. Both invested in laptops and jmy that technology such as wireless Web access And cell phones help them when they're on the road. Recently Nancy wrote a cookbook for ca
31、mpers that aht? han surted selling through specialty cnt&log5 and Web sites. Through telecommuting wr nre able to mnkc enough money (o survive without dipping into our nest cggt and we haven*! Riwn up any of thr things we enjoy. Telecommuting is our livelihood.£ According tothe number of ir
32、lecommuters in thr United States roseby 3 million brtween 1999 and 2000. Will the numbers cxintinue to riite as quickly? Will trlrcommuting rominue to grow? H technology continues to improve perhaps everyone will be working m H virtual offices* and thr tradnionai office will dtitappear. No one knows for sure. but we can be certain lhai telecommuting is not a fad. Il is a practical alterriHtivc to the traditional office job. an altcrnHtivc which is here to MayeDride whether the rollowin statements arc true or false. Write f
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